
  • Episode 21: Great Parent Sets Expectations, Sets the Bar and Sets Your Child Up to Meet Them
    May 3 2023

    The mother’s efficacy of her belief that you have the belief to produce a desire or intended result. Our children have expectations and their internal belief comes from how we set out intentions and expectations for them. So those expectations are taught by us and done by them when they finally feel confident enough to do by themselves. 

    Do you want your child to “behave” and follow the rules ? 

    Do you want peaceful evenings at home and joyful mornings with your child? 

    In today's episode, I share how parental efficacy or your belief in an intended result will get you that, even if you're short on time and patience ! 

    If you're ready for a change in your family and home life with your children, make sure you listen to this episode!

    Access my free Masterclass all about how to eliminate problem behaviors and manage your calm: http://sheatracey.com/masterclass

    Bullet points of key topics + chapter markers

    Topic #1 Expectations are made of your children when you set the standard. Your belief is built into the support your give your child

    Topic #2 

    Topic #3 

    Topic #4 

    Topic #5 

    Topic #6 

    Helpful Resources:

    Link #1: Calm Communication Scripts Ebook 

    Link #2: Problem Proof Behavior Parenting Program

    Want to know the systems I use to eliminate problem behaviors and maintain your calm 

    Find out more here: http://sheatracey.com/masterclass

    Follow me on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/thesheatracey

    Find out more here: http://sheatracey.com/masterclass

    Follow me on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/thesheatracey/

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • Episode 20: Change Your Child’s Problem Behavior By Establishing Expectations This Way 
    Apr 25 2023


    Shea Tracey Podcast

    Episode 20: Change Your Child’s Problem Behavior By Establishing Expectations This Way 

    Brief summary of episode: 

    We want our children to engage in positive behaviors that don't complicate our lives and our home routines. We want them to have their needs met and get the things they want without feeling the need to engage in behaviors that we know are inappropriate.

    While you may have laid out expectations before there may have been a step or two missed because instead of meeting those expectations, your child is misbehaving in a real way. To get their behavior together and meet the expectations that you know you set, how about you try it this way. 

    Do you want your child to stop their problem behaviors like hitting, verbal aggression, running off and/or throwing tantrums without having to have things always go their way? 

    Do you want to have a peaceful home life with a child that behaves and listens the first time without throwing away all the rules?

    In today's episode, I share how to establish some firm expectations that create structure and routines that will help eliminate blowups, even if they take place! 

    If you're ready to improve your child’s behavior and create some peace in your home life, make sure you listen to this episode!

    Access my free Masterclass all about how to eliminate problem behaviors and manage your calm: http://sheatracey.com/masterclass

    Bullet points of key topics + chapter markers

    Topic #1 Set the Expectations and Make it Clear What It Looks Like

    Topic #2 Talk About it When You are BOTH Calm 

    Topic #3 Front Load Your Child Before You Expect Them to Engage

    Topic #4  Offer Specific Praise for What They Did

    Topic #5 Consistency is Key

    Topic #6  Tie the Reward to the Expectations in a Way That is Clear

    Topic #7 Fade Prompting and Reminders Until They Can Do it On Their Own

    Topic #8 Time that it May Take…. Depends 

    Helpful Resources:

    Link #1: Calm Communication Scripts Ebook 

    Link #2: Problem Proof Behavior Parenting Program

    Related Episodes:

    Season 1 Episode 13: 34 Lessons I Have Learned on Managing A Child’s Behavior as a Parent, Educator, & Parent Coach

    Spotify: Spotify Episode 13 Link  

    Itunes: Apple Episode 13 Link

    Want to know the systems I use to eliminate problem behaviors and maintain your calm 

    Find out more here: http://sheatracey.com/masterclass

    Follow me on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/thesheatracey

    Find out more here: http://sheatracey.com/masterclass

    Follow me on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/thesheatracey/

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • Episode 19: The 7 Skills Your Child Needs to Eliminate their Problem Behavior
    Apr 18 2023


    Shea Tracey Podcast

    Episode 19: The 7 Skills Your Child Needs to Eliminate their Problem Behavior

    Brief summary of episode: 

    Behavior isn’t a question of if they want to but rather are they able. Do they actually have the skills necessary to not engage in the problem behavior? Yes children control their behavior but they also require skills to help them maneuver in ways that are socially acceptable. If they do not have the skill set to maintain positive behavior then we have to work on it like a muscle and not like a piece of information they forgot. The skills discussed today include behavior skills that we can see but are created in the mind including: self regulation, communication, attention, and adaptability. Then the skills that are held in the mind which may impact behavior including cognitive flexibility, social thinking, and work habits. 

    Come take a listen to this episode to get to the real about changing behaviors and making improvements that you can see and feel.

    Do you want your child to show more positive behaviors and maintain positive relationships with those around them? 

    Do you want to eliminate problem behaviors by building up the skills they lack? 

    In today's episode, I share the 7 cognitive and behaviors skills your child must master to eliminate problem behaviors, even if they are elementary age! 

    If you're ready for a skill focused approach to improve your child’s behavior, make sure you listen to this episode!

    Access my free Masterclass all about how to eliminate problem behaviors and manage your calm: http://sheatracey.com/masterclass

    Key Topics & Chapter Markers

    Topic #1 Parenting Without Punishment

    Topic #2 If They Could They Would: 

    Topic #3 7 Skills Your Child Must Have 

    Topic #4  Self Regulation: What it is, How It works?

    Topic #5 Communication: All 3 Components

    Topic #6 Attention: To What and Whom for Positive Behavior

    Topic #7 Adaptability: What it is and How it looks?

    Topic #8 Cognitive Flexibility: What is it, How it works? Mental Gymnastics but Good

    Topic #9 Social Thinking: Their Ability to Read the Room is Impacting Behavior

    Helpful Resources:

    Link #1: Calm Communication Scripts Ebook 

    Link #2: Problem Proof Behavior Parenting Program

    Related Episodes:

    Season 1 Episode 13: 34 Lessons I Have Learned on Managing A Child’s Behavior as a Parent, Educator, & Parent Coach

    Spotify: Spotify Episode 13 Link  

    Itunes: Apple Episode 13 Link

    Want to know the systems I use to eliminate problem behaviors and maintain your calm 

    Find out more here: http://sheatracey.com/masterclass

    Follow me on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/thesheatracey

    Find out more here: http://sheatracey.com/masterclass

    Follow me on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/thesheatracey/

    Más Menos
    43 m
  • Episode 18: The Easiest Way to Reconnecting and Restoring Your Relationship With Your Child After the Tantrum, Blowout, or BlowUp
    Jan 17 2023


    Shea Tracey Podcast

    Episode 18: The Easiest Way to Reconnecting and Restoring Your Relationship With Your Child After the Tantrum, Blowout, or BlowUp

    Brief summary of episode:

    Restorative practices are seen everywhere. At schools, in prisons, the first place they need to be is home. This episode counts on the fact that our children will need connection and we will have to reconnect to get our relationship back to where it was after harm from either party has been caused.

    Going over the principles of restorative practices, this episode highlights how the parent is able to revive and revitalize their relationship with their child simply by making space for your child’s perspective and opinion. In doing this we paint a picture of understanding and empathy. Some scripts and highlights are added in to help you on your journey in the reactive strategies after problem behavior. Listen to this episode in order to add to your parenting toolbox.

    Do you want more ease in reconnecting with your child after their bad behavior episodes?

    Do you want to dissolve the tension in your home instead of ignoring it by addressing it head on without hostility?

    In today's episode, I share the Easiest Way to Reconnect with your child after a blow out,  tantrum, or blow up, even if you’re low on energy or short on patience!

    If you're ready for a faster way to reconnect with your child post blowout, make sure you listen to this episode!

    Access my free Masterclass all about how to eliminate problem behaviors and manage your calm: http://sheatracey.com/masterclass

    Key Topics: 

    Topic #1 Restorative Practices at Home (Motivation, Action, Victim Voice, Empathy, Alternative Behaviors)

    Topic #2 Ask for Their Experience or Opinion of What Happened

    Topic #3 Return of Limit Setting to Enact Discipline While Maintaining Encouragement and Nurturing

    Topic #4 Other Scripts to Use & Questions to Ask

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Link #1: Calm Communication Scripts Ebook 

    Link #2: Problem Proof Behavior Parenting Program

    Find out more here: http://sheatracey.com/masterclass

    Follow me on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/thesheatracey/

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Episode 17: Focus on What You Care To See When It Comes To Your Child’s Behavior
    Jan 11 2023

    Shea Tracey Podcast

    Episode 17: Focus on What You Care To See When It Comes To Your Child’s Behavior

    Brief summary of episode:

    We  say a lot when our child is engaging in the behaviors that we wish would stop but don’t have much to say when our children are engaging in the behaviors that we care to see. In this episode, I am challenging parents to change their language to promote positive behaviors.

    We pay attention, comment, and reward our children when they are doing the right thing…and we use a thing called planned ignoring when they don’t.

    This is albeit all behaviors when they aren’t hurting other people or themselves but to get the best idea of how to do this check out this podcast episode.

    Do you want your child to engage in positive behaviors without you having to constantly repeat yourself?

    Do you want to get to the other side of the tantrums and blowouts where your child can recognize where things went wrong for themselves?

    In today's episode, I share how to do this and more even if you’re short on time and patience! If you're ready to see your child’s behavior transform, make sure you listen to this episode!

    Access my free Masterclass all about how to eliminate problem behaviors and manage your calm: http://sheatracey.com/masterclass

    Bullet points of key topics + chapter markers

    Topic #1 Let go of these two expressions Don’t and NO

    Topic #2 Focus on stating expectations in the positive

    Topic #3 Release who has the measuring stick of good behavior

    Topic #4 Help Your Child Create their own stamp of success

    Topic #5 Hold on to your standards

    Topic #6 It’s not enough to say repeat it You Have to Re-Say it.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Link #1: Calm Communication Scripts Ebook 

    Link #2: Problem Proof Behavior Parenting Program

    Related Episodes:

    Season 1 Episode 13: 34 Lessons I Have Learned on Managing A Child’s Behavior as a Parent, Educator, & Parent Coach

    Spotify: Spotify Episode 13 Link  

    I-tunes: Apple Episode 13 Link

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Episode 16: Parenting Without Punishment: Why you should… and Where to Start in 2023
    Jan 3 2023

    Date: 1/3/2023

    Name of podcast: Shea Tracey Podcast

    Episode title and number: Season 1 Episode 16: Parenting Without Punishment: Why you should… and Where to Start

    Brief summary of episode:

    This episode highlights how to move from punishing your child for their poor behavior and doing something that will increase their positive behavior more naturally. Without having to enforce your mind, body, or will, you can get your child to stop problem behavior by allowing and making room for natural consequences.

    Get to the other side of your child’s problem behavior by letting natural consequences take precedence over punishment and making room for logical consequences when it permits.

    This episode is for all the moms who are in the business of breaking the generational curse of whoppings and becoming more conscious parents so that their children can thrive.

    Do you want to correct your child’s behavior but don’t see a way without punishment?

    Want to start using logical and natural consequences but sometimes the moment doesn’t seem to allow?

    Do you want to cultivate some character and values in your child that you feel are important but you seem to be missing the mark?

    In today's episode, I share how we’re opting out of punishing our children and moving into natural/logical consequences instead.!

    If you're ready for results in your child’s behavior without having to punish them then you need to check out today’s episode.

    Access my free Masterclass all about how to eliminate problem behaviors and manage your calm: http://sheatracey.com/masterclass

    Bullet points of key topics + chapter markers

    Topic #1 Punishment and What it actually does to your child

    Topic #2 Natural or Logical Consequences

    Topic #3 The Lesson is in The Lesson

    Topic #4 Instilling the Values that You Really Care About

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Link #1: Calm Communication Scripts Ebook 

    Link #2: Problem Proof Behavior Parenting Program

    Want to know the systems I use to eliminate problem behaviors and maintain your calm

    Find out more here: http://sheatracey.com/masterclass

    Follow me on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/thesheatracey

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • Episode 15: How Parents Can Give Themselves Grace At the End of 2022 and Beyond
    Dec 13 2022

    Date: 12/13/2022

    Shea Tracey Podcast

    Episode 15: How Parents Can Give Themselves Grace At the End of 2022 and Beyond

    Brief summary of episode:

    The end of the year is here and as we move into Christmas breaks and times of reflection we want to ensure we avoid burnout and overwhelm by giving ourselves and our families some grace. In this episode, I touch on some tried and tested lessons learned from this year on how moms can manage their expectations and their energy by getting clear on the outcome and being flexible with the process. Take a listen to today’s episode and learn more about implementing this over the holiday season.

    This episode also has video that can be accessed at the following link:


    Main Topics & Bullet Points:

    Topic #1: Taking Inventory Or Your Year: Do More or Less?

    Topic #2: How to Get Flexible to Be More Comfortable With Change

    Topic #3: Doing Your Best; When 50% is 100%

    Topic #4: Setting Boundaries Work/Life/Self Balance

    Topic #5: Moving without Expectation: Allowing You and Your Child To Just Be

    Topic #6: The Holidays are Here What You Should Expect

    Topic #7: Grace for 2023

    Other Helpful Links to Manage Problem Behaviors

    Link #1: Calm Communication Scripts Ebook 

    Link #2: Problem Proof Behavior Parenting Program

    Want to know the systems I use to eliminate problem behaviors and maintain your calm

    Find out more here: http://sheatracey.com/masterclass

    Follow me on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/thesheatracey

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • Episode 14: 5 Steps To Eliminating (& Changing) Your Child’s Problem Behavior
    Dec 6 2022

    Date: 11/29/2022

    Shea Tracey Podcast

    Episode 14: 5 Steps To Eliminating (& Changing) Your Child’s Problem Behavior

    Brief summary of episode:

    This is an amazing step by step guide on how to manage and eliminate your child’s problem behaviors by going through the cycle of behavior and getting some behavior basics established. Parents will learn how to identify trigger, gain some new scripts, and take a deeper look at rewards and reinforcements that will help stop problem behaviors and gain some insight on how to eliminate them.

    This episode also has video that can be accessed at the following link:


    Main Topics & Bullet Points:

    Topic #1: The ABCs of Problem Behavior

    Topic #2: Triggers; Identifying Them & Consequences Based on Why

    Topic #3: Coping with difficult behaviors for you and your child

    Topic #4: Communication & the scripts to use to help your child return to calm

    Topic #5: Rewards and  Reinforcement: How to Keep the Better Behaviors

    Other Helpful Links to Manage Problem Behaviors

    Link #1: Calm Communication Scripts Ebook 

    Link #2: Problem Proof Behavior Parenting Program

    Related Episodes:

    EPISODE 2: How to Give Your Child Your Calm

    iTunes: Episode 2 Apple How To Give Your Child Your Calm

    Spotify: Episode 2 Spotify: How To Give Your Child Your Calm

    Season 1 Episode 8: Positive Communication for Difficult Children

    iTunes: Season 1 Episode 8 Apple Podcast

    Spotify: Season 1 Episode 8 Spotify

    Episode 3: How Your Communication Can Improve Your Child’s Behaviors

    iTunes: Episode 3 Apple How Your Communication Can Improve Your Child's Behaviors

    Spotify: Episode 3 Spotify: How Your Communication Can Improve Your Child's Behaviors

    Want to know the systems I use to eliminate problem behaviors and maintain your calm

    Find out more here: http://sheatracey.com/masterclass

    Follow me on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/thesheatracey

    Más Menos
    47 m