
  • #60 - Handling Social Anxiety As An Accountant
    Jul 25 2024

    This episode is all about a topic that many of us deal with but often keep to ourselves—social anxiety. As accountants, the pressure to perform and maintain professionalism can heighten these feelings, making social interactions challenging.

    Consider the following:

    • Have you ever felt your heart race and your palms sweat at a company event or client meeting?
    • Do you find yourself worrying about how others perceive you during networking events or presentations?
    • Do you often replay social interactions in your mind, wondering if you said or did the right thing?

    If so, you’re not alone. Many accountants experience social anxiety in various professional and personal settings.

    The truth is that understanding and managing social anxiety involves recognizing these triggers and developing strategies to cope with them.

    In this episode, I discuss:

    ✅ Social Anxiety Triggers For Accountants
    ✅ The Causes of Social Anxiety
    ✅ Your Brain's Role in Social Anxiety
    ✅ Strategies to Manage Social Anxiety
    ✅ Becoming a Smarter Accountant: Handling Social Anxiety
    ✅ Key Takeaway And Action Item

    Tune in to The Smarter Accountant Podcast today and join the discussion about handling social anxiety as an accountant.

    You can read the full show notes HERE

    You can take the 5-minute Smarter Accountant Quiz HERE

    You can download The Smarter Accountant Podcast Guide HERE

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • #59 - How To Deal With A Toxic Work Environment
    Jul 18 2024

    This episode is all about dealing with the place where we spend one-third of our time and what to do when it’s a toxic work environment.

    I believe this is important because too many of us our dreading not only Monday mornings, but Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.

    These days, complaints about toxic workplaces are on the rise. In fact, recent studies highlight the significant issue of toxic work environments, especially among accountants.

    But have you ever wondered what to do in a toxic work environment situation? Let me help you out.

    In this episode, I discuss:

    ✅ Why You Might Be Dreading Your Job
    ✅ Understanding Your Relationship with Your Job
    ✅ Your Brain's Role In Dealing With a Toxic Work Environment
    ✅ What to Do When You Work in a Toxic Work Environment
    ✅ Becoming a Smarter Accountant: How I Dealt With a Toxic Work Environment
    ✅ Key Takeaway And Action Item

    Tune in to The Smarter Accountant Podcast today and join the discussion about how to deal with a toxic work environment.

    You can read the full show notes HERE

    You can take the 5-minute Smarter Accountant Quiz HERE

    You can download The Smarter Accountant Podcast Guide HERE

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • #58 - The Hidden Power Of Boredom
    Jul 11 2024

    In our fast-paced world of accounting, the idea of boredom might seem strange, even laughable.

    But what if I told you that boredom could be your secret weapon for even greater productivity?

    Or that it could be the answer to solving a problem you've been grappling with?

    Intrigued? You should be!

    In this episode, I discuss:

    ✅ Understanding Boredom
    ✅ Assessing Boredom: Problem or Opportunity?
    ✅ Strategies for Handling Boredom
    ✅ Becoming a Smarter Accountant: Effectively Handling Boredom
    ✅ Key Takeaway And Action Item

    Tune in to The Smarter Accountant Podcast today and join the discussion about the hidden power of boredom.

    You can read the full show notes HERE

    You can take the 5-minute Smarter Accountant Quiz HERE

    You can download The Smarter Accountant Podcast Guide HERE

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • #57 - The Reason Why You Aren't Taking Action
    Jul 4 2024

    Do you ever feel overwhelmed by a long to-do list but can't seem to find the motivation to tackle it?

    Or do you start your day with the best intentions, but as the hours tick by, you find yourself procrastinating, avoiding the tasks that matter most, and feeling frustrated with your lack of progress?

    It's like there's an invisible barrier between you and your goals, leaving you wondering why you can't just get started and make things happen.

    In this episode, I discuss:

    ✅ Understanding The Tool, The Model
    ✅ Thoughts Create Feelings, Feelings Drive Actions
    ✅ The Practice of Observing Your Own Thinking
    ✅ Identifying Common Reasons Accountants Aren’t Taking Action
    ✅ Becoming a Smarter Accountant: Examples Of Taking Action
    ✅ Key Takeaway And Action Item

    Tune in to The Smarter Accountant Podcast today and join the discussion about the reason why you aren't taking action.

    You can read the full show notes HERE

    You can take the 5-minute Smarter Accountant Quiz HERE

    You can download The Smarter Accountant Podcast Guide HERE

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • #56 - When You Just Want To Feel Better
    Jun 27 2024

    Have you ever just wanted to feel better? It's a universal desire, right?

    We all want to be happy, but sometimes it feels like happiness is a fleeting moment we stumble upon by chance.

    One day, we wake up feeling on top of the world, and the next, we're weighed down by stress, anxiety, or sadness.

    It's as if our emotions are a rollercoaster ride with no clear destination.

    What if we could find a more reliable source of happiness, one that isn't dependent on life's ups and downs?

    What if we could learn to create our own happiness, independent of external events?

    In this episode, I discuss:

    ✅ Challenging the External Perception of Happiness
    ✅ Understanding the Relationship Between Thoughts and Emotions
    ✅ Practicing Emotional Mastery
    ✅ Becoming a Smarter Accountant: Feeling Better Whenever You Want
    ✅ Key Takeaway And Action Item

    Tune in to The Smarter Accountant Podcast today and join the discussion about when you just want to feel better.

    You can read the full show notes HERE

    You can take the 5-minute Smarter Accountant Quiz HERE

    You can download The Smarter Accountant Podcast Guide HERE

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • #55 - 5 Mistakes To Avoid If You Want An Easier Accounting Career
    Jun 20 2024

    This is one of those episodes that every accountant needs to listen to.


    Because I focus on helping you make your accounting career easier and more sustainable.

    I say this all the time, but you've worked hard to become an accountant—now it’s time to make it easier to BE an accountant.

    In this episode, I discuss:

    ✅ Mistake #1: Assuming that Stress and Overwhelm are Par for the Course

    ✅ Mistake #2: Working Off A To-Do List and Not Having Effective Time Management

    ✅ Mistake # 3: Prioritizing The Wrong Things

    ✅ Mistake #4: Ignoring a Lack of Confidence or Imposter Syndrome

    ✅ Mistake #5: Not Setting and Sticking to Boundaries

    ✅ Becoming a Smarter Accountant: Avoiding The 5 Mistakes

    ✅ Key Takeaway And Action Item

    Tune in to The Smarter Accountant Podcast today and join the discussion about the 5 mistakes to avoid if you want an easier accounting career.

    You can read the full show notes HERE

    You can take The Smarter Accountant Podcast HERE

    You can download The Smarter Accountant Podcast Guide HERE

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • #54 - Owning Your Financial Value And Worth
    Jun 13 2024

    Do you ever doubt if you truly deserve the recognition and compensation you're seeking?

    Do you find it tough to ask for a raise or increase your client fees?

    As financial professionals, we're crucial in shaping the financial health of individuals and businesses. But here's the issue - even though we’re valuable to others, many of us struggle to recognize our own financial value.

    The truth is, it's not just about our credentials or where we work; it's about how our brains interpret these factors.

    In this episode, I discuss:

    ✅ The Brain's Influence On Financial Value

    ✅ The Consequences of Undervaluing Yourself Financially

    ✅ Strategies for Owning Your Financial Value

    ✅ Becoming a Smarter Accountant: Overcoming Brain-Related Challenges

    ✅ Key Takeaway And Action Item

    Tune in to The Smarter Accountant Podcast today and join the discussion about owning your financial value and worth.

    You can read the full show notes HERE

    You can take the 5-minute Smarter Accountant Quiz HERE

    You can download The Smarter Accountant Podcast Guide HERE

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • #53 - How To Handle Last Minute Requests
    Jun 6 2024

    Whether you’re in public or private, chances are you’ve experienced last minute requests more times than you can count.

    It’s a common dilemma for us, especially when deadlines are tight, expectations are high, and the pressure to produce can sometimes feel overwhelming.

    But here’s the thing: while last-minute requests may be an inevitable part of the job, they don’t have to throw you off course or send you into a tailspin of stress and anxiety.

    With the right strategies and mindset, you can learn to navigate these situations with confidence, professionalism, and yes, even a sense of calm.

    In this episode, I discuss:

    ✅ Understanding Your Brain's Role in Navigating Last-Minute Requests

    ✅ Dealing With The Emotional Turmoil

    ✅ A Four-Step Process To Help Handle Last Minute Requests

    ✅ Becoming a Smarter Accountant: Handling Last Minute Requests Successfully

    Tune in to The Smarter Accountant Podcast today and join the discussion about how to handle last minute requests.

    You can read the full show notes HERE

    You can take the 5-minute Smarter Accountant Podcast HERE

    You can download The Smarter Accountant Podcast Guide HERE

    Más Menos
    24 m