
  • We all fear judgement
    Apr 15 2024

    Always going to be somebody who's going to judge you. You're either going to stand in the truth of who you are and do it anyway, or you're going to let those judgments take you away from your greatness. You're going to let those people who judge you take you away from who you were meant to be, who you were put on this planet to be. People are going to judge you. You left a relationship, people are going to judge you, leave a job, people are going to judge you, start a business, people going to judge you, dye your hair purple, people are going to judge you, wear baseball caps backwards, people are going to judge you. So if you're out there, you have a choice. You can fear judgment, or you can fear getting to the end of your life and not having done what you wanted to do. My name's Robin. I'm a Psychic Medium, and you've been listening to the no B.S Psychic Podcast.

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • Our brains are not wired the same way and that's okay!
    Apr 9 2024

    I don't want somebody to go find some artificial intelligence tool that will give me a, b, and c. I don't want that. I want somebody who will look me in the eyes and go, I want to understand how you wired. I want to understand how you think. I want to understand how you interact with the world. That's the person that I want to sit in front of me. That's the person I want to read me. That's the person I want to coach me. And honestly, that's the person I want to be my friend. That person who understands that I'm wired a bit differently, that I don't think like everybody else, that things the way I do things isn't like everybody else. And that's okay. But being a psychic, I do know that I've done enough readings over the last 30 years to know that every time I sit in front of somebody and I look into their eyes, I know that we are all wired differently. So today, I want you to cut through the B.S that's out there in society and know that if you're wired differently, if you think differently, if you interact with the world differently, it's okay. That's what makes you special. I'm Robin. I'm a Psychic Medium and Life Guide. This is a no B.S Psychic Podcast. I hope you tune in and listen to some more episodes.

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • You were always enough
    Apr 1 2024

    We all think the message is "You are not enough". We go through our lives believing we not enough simply because this was the message we thought we were getting. Would it blow your mind to know this was not the message at all? Tune in as Robin Psychic Medium embarks on a transformative exploration of the B.S embedded within the message of "You Are Enough," This episode is one you don't want to miss it promises to ignite a spark of self-discovery and empower listeners to embrace their inherent worthiness with courage and authenticity.

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    • The No B.S Psychic Tik Tok
    Más Menos
    10 m
  • Every tool works for every person thats BS!
    Mar 26 2024

    Welcome to the No BS Life Advice Podcast, where I cut through the noise and get straight to the heart of what really matters. Join me as I navigate the twists and turns of life with raw honesty, practical wisdom, and a healthy dose of humor. It's time to ditch the fluff and embrace the real talk. This is your go-to source for unfiltered guidance to help you thrive in every aspect of life. Get ready to kickstart your journey to a no-nonsense, BS-free life!

    Someone said to me "all tools should work for all people." Well I call BS on this and I will explain why in this latest episode of my Poadcast.

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    10 m
  • Be careful of the story you are telling yourself
    Aug 17 2022

    It’s important to be mindful of the story you tell yourself. If you continually tell yourself you can’t - you won’t. If you continually tell yourself things can’t change - they won’t. If you continually say the world is a horrible place - it will be. Everything is energy be mindful of the energy you are creating by your thoughts and words. Yes it is hard to switch from these are all the things wrong in my life to this is what I am going to do to change my mindset about everything which is wrong in my life. But it’s necessary to focus on solutions not just problems and to look for the good rather than always focus on the bad. Sometimes we get stuck in our story it defines us and keeps us from the life we could have. Think about the story you are telling yourself is it helpful? Is it healthy? Is it creating more of what you want or less of what you want? Write the story you tell others down and really feel the energy of the words. Is there another way to tell it? This is not to discount your reality or the things you are going through but just to express them in a different way.

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    5 m
  • Stop regurgitating your problems!
    Aug 4 2022

    The world is a crazy ass place right now and its easy to feel overwhelmed and helpless. But at some stage we have to shift from 'this is what it is' to 'this is how I am going to solve it'. I see people on a daily basis who don't believe in themselves and their ability to create change in their lives. I see people who go back and forth when making a decision because they fear failure or judgement if it goes wrong. But you cannot spend all of your energy on the worrying and none of it on the doing! I am Robin Roberts Psychic Medium Life-Coach thank you for being part of the journey. If you want to know more check out psychicsoulwhispers.com

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    5 m
  • I deserve and I give myself permission to have
    Jul 15 2022

    Often we do not believe we deserve things such as love, happiness or abundance. We do not believe we are worthy of having those things so we do not give ourselves permission to have them.

    Más Menos
    10 m
  • Don't be a nice girl!
    Jul 12 2022

    As a Psychic I see 'Nice Girls' all the time. Those are girls without healthy boundaries, low self-esteem and who are wandering around being people pleasers. Nice girls are the ones who don't have a voice and don't speak up for themselves its how they were conditioned to be! I Psychic/Medium Robin and thank you for listening!

    Más Menos
    6 m