
  • If I Try & Fail... Don't Judge Me!
    Oct 20 2021

    In this episode: “If I Try & Fail... Don’t Judge Me!”, we heavily discuss the fear of being judged and how paralyzing that fear can be on the things we achieve in our lives.

    Below are some of the main notes of the show. I pray it blesses you as much as it did me! :)

    This Episode's Show Notes:

    A lot of times, we are so afraid to be judged… that it makes us afraid to live…

    afraid to try and fail at anything…

    afraid be human…

    afraid to show any form of vulnerability because we are so concerned about what people will think, or feel or say… 

    But I have news for you…

    People will (only) see you how you see yourself. 

    So if you see yourself as unworthy or unimportant, that’s how you’ll show up in the world, therefore that’s how people will perceive you because that’s what you’re putting out there.

    They’ll only know you by who you show them you are. 

    Example… you may have just started listening to my podcast. You may not have ever met or spoken to me until now… so you’ll only know me by who I show you over time that I am. Then overtime, that new perception of me will replace the initial one that you had when you first met or heard me.

    That’s how it works. That’s how connections are formed and relationships are developed. Over time. 

    Now don’t get me wrong… We all, as human beings, instinctively judge others at first sight to gauge if we are safe or if our fight or flight senses need to kick in…

    But understanding that we are all humans navigating our individual journeys… all just trying to do the best we can… we can’t let the “possibility” of what people may think deter us from what we know and feel is best for us.

    We can’t be afraid to live our lives because someone is else is afraid to live theirs. 

    … And because no human being has the power or potential to be able to say with confidence that they know (for a fact) what another person is thinking, saying, or feeling about them on the inside (unless it’s directly spoken outwardly)…

    And what if they are, what’s the worst that will happen??? Really.

    You’ll overcome it and move on with your life like you have everything else that you’ve dealt with in your life up until this point. You’ll survive like you always have.  

    So… again… The reality is that no one is judging you but yourself.

    The way you choose to see yourself is your only limitation.

    You’re only limited by your own perceived limitations… meaning what you think you can or can’t do, can or can’t have, can or can’t become.

    The moment you step outside of that “limiting” box, and step out on faith… you’ll be surprised by what you are really capable of.

    You are more capable than you imagine.

    We all have it in us to do things that we haven’t done before. 

    But… You’ll only (continue to) reflect back from others the mirror that you perceive yourself to be. 

    You’ll only perceive through the eyes of others what you really, genuinely feel about yourself.

    So it’s up to you to accept the challenge or not to do the hard work on yourself that will allow you to live your best possible life. The life that you really want for yourself and for your family… the life that God really wants for you. 

    So with that being said, if you’ve enjoyed this episode and it spoke to you in any way, please feel free to share it.

    You can also meet me in the Truth Room to discuss this weeks’ topic.

    *Remember: INVITE friends by sharing the link to the group.

    Please Do NOT automatically add people to this group. We will not approve them.

    We only want people to join if they are personally interested and genuinely want to participate and be a part of it for themselves. ❤️ 

    Here's the direct link to the group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/truthroompodcast

    I can’t wait to connect with you there. 

    Until next time! 

    Xo 😘 

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Being a Person of Integrity Through Self-Discipline
    Oct 4 2021

    In this episode, I'll be talking about personal integrity through a process of continual self-discipline.

    I also talk about the revelation of how self-discipline can be a form of expressing gratitude.

    This was a really powerful truth for me and I hope it is for you as well.


    Más Menos
    5 m
  • Why It's SO Important to Just Start Where You Are
    Sep 27 2021

    Hey Truth Fam... In this episode I'm gonna be talking about why it's SO important to just start where you are.

    I'll share a little bit about what kept me continually procrastinating on what I knew I should be doing and when I realized how important it was to just start, and take inspired action... even if that means it's not perfect.

    See you in the episode! ;)

    Más Menos
    5 m
  • Appreciate the People Who Contributed to Your Life
    Sep 17 2021

    This episode is all about the power of communicating and expressing appreciation to those who are currently in your life that have contributed to who you are today, as well as those who were a part of your life for a season but may no longer be as close to you anymore.

    The whole premise of this episode is to communicate (verbalize) what those people have meant and currently mean to you in your life while they are still here on this Earth and not allow pride or how you think they will respond to interfere with what you feel led to share with them.

    It's about surrender... and the amazing benefits that you allow yourself and others to experience when you share those ugly parts of yourself so that those that hear can be freed by it.

    It's about obedience. Taking that leap of faith... that imperfect action... and moving in the exact moment that you feel the unction to do so.

    It's also about having clear intentions so that you can remain detached from the outcome and not get entangled with other people's ideas and perceptions of you.

    There is so much to unpack in this short under 10 minute episode... but I do believe that it will bless anyone who takes the time to hear it.

    ... Oh and if this episode has in any way been helpful to you, feel free to comment (if you're seeing this on social) or send me a message.

    I'd love to connect with you and hear more about your journey as I continue to share my own. :)

    All the best!

    Más Menos
    10 m