
  • FORMOSA FILES IN CHINESE! CH14-數字居然也有故事?—日常生活裡的數字故事
    Jul 16 2024

    細心一點的聽眾朋友可能會在日常當中發現,「4」這個數字在生活中很容易被「消失」,尤其在樓層數和車牌號碼裡,很多時候都看不見「4」;但在國外,不見的卻常常是「13」這個數字。除此之外,在我們的生活裡還有許多數字,當然就又有許許多多的疑問。例如說,大家有沒有想過,為什麼臺灣電話的區碼是從臺北的「02」開始,沒有「01」?在這集裡,就讓Formosa Files中文版的兩位主持人來跟大家簡單聊聊一些數字的小故事。

    ps. 因為天氣太熱,請原諒兩位主持人被曬昏的瘋言瘋語;若有得罪,敬請見諒!


    Eryk Michael Smith-ICRT南臺灣特派員,長期從事記者採編工作、聲音編輯,也會客串DJ。現居高雄,在臺灣已經居住了接近30年,認為臺灣是自己的家。

    Eric Hsu(徐葆權)-彰化北斗人,從大學南漂高雄以來,人生的大部分時間都在高雄渡過。關心臺灣文史與地方文化發展,尤其是自己的兩個家鄉:北斗與高雄。

    Más Menos
    10 m
  • S4 - Hear Ye, Hear Ye: Summer 2024 Musings and Announcements
    Jul 11 2024

    In this short segment, John and Eryk first make the stunning observation that summer in subtropical Taiwan is hot. They then reflect on the "Pacific Story," an NBC radio docu-drama from 1944, an episode that was a hit with listeners. Moving along, they talk about a new podcast for book lovers: Bookish Asia with Plum Rain Press, and give more details on Plum Rain Press, a name to remember as it may soon become a big part of many readers’ lives. Enjoy the summer and catch you next Thursday!

    Más Menos
    17 m
  • FORMOSA FILES IN CHINESE! CH13-引領風潮的速食餐廳—麥當勞與臺灣速食的故事
    Jul 9 2024

    今年(2024)年是麥當勞來臺40週年(1984-2024)。當初麥當勞準備要進來臺灣時,並不如預想般順遂,甚至對臺灣的農業造成衝擊。然而繼麥當勞之後,臺灣的速食餐廳開始蔚為風潮,各家連鎖品牌開始湧現,甚至還出現了臺灣本土品牌的速食。究竟麥當勞與速食,在臺灣有些什麼故事呢?就讓Formosa Files中文版的兩位主持人來跟大家聊聊。重要單字:ransom、obese、globalization


    Eryk Michael Smith-ICRT南臺灣特派員,長期從事記者採編工作、聲音編輯,也會客串DJ。現居高雄,在臺灣已經居住了接近30年,認為臺灣是自己的家。

    Eric Hsu(徐葆權)-彰化北斗人,從大學南漂高雄以來,人生的大部分時間都在高雄渡過。關心臺灣文史與地方文化發展,尤其是自己的兩個家鄉:北斗與高雄。

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • S4-E15 - The Community Services Center: Director Adam McMillan on the history of a place that's here to help
    Jul 4 2024

    A horrific murder of an American teenager by two other American teenagers in 1985 led to some serious soul-searching:

    How could the international community in Taiwan (some of whom don't speak Chinese well enough to get help from local sources) aid those going through mental health crises, are in need of counseling, or simply need better ways to gather and bond?

    The answer became the Community Services Center, a place where, for almost 40 years now, people help each other, organize public service activities, take language, weaving, or you-name-it classes, and much more. Adam McMillan (stepping down soon after 11 years as director) has some stories to tell.

    Pics, info, and more at formosafiles.com

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • FORMOSA FILES IN CHINESE! CH12-有借有還(?)的外來語—貿易、殖民與語言「借用」
    Jul 2 2024




    Eryk Michael Smith-ICRT南臺灣特派員,長期從事記者採編工作、聲音編輯,也會客串DJ。現居高雄,在臺灣已經居住了接近30年,認為臺灣是自己的家。

    Eric Hsu(徐葆權)-彰化北斗人,從大學南漂高雄以來,人生的大部分時間都在高雄渡過。關心臺灣文史與地方文化發展,尤其是自己的兩個家鄉:北斗與高雄。

    Más Menos
    12 m
  • S4 - [ENCORE] The Qing Dynasty Doesn't Really Want Taiwan (1683)
    Jun 27 2024

    The current Beijing authorities make bombastic claims as silly as “Taiwan has been part of China since the dawn of the universe!!” The reality, however, is quite different.

    Some Chinese dynasties may not have even known of Taiwan’s existence, while others definitely knew, and stayed away. Taiwan was an island filled with “savage” native people, and a great place to die from malaria.

    After the forces of Koxinga’s grandson, Zheng Keshuang 鄭克塽, were defeated by Admiral Shi Lang 施琅 in 1683, Qing dynasty China didn't jump at the chance to make the island “a part of China.”

    In fact, the great emperor Kangxi 康熙帝 initially thought it best to evacuate Chinese back to China, and leave Taiwan alone. Kangxi went as far as comparing Taiwan to a “skin rash,” saying it will require a lot of “scratching” once they got it.

    In the end, Shi Lang convinced the Emperor and Taiwan was absorbed into the Qing dynasty. But only parts of Taiwan.

    Links, info, book recommendations, and more at formosafiles.com

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • FORMOSA FILES IN CHINESE! CH11-經濟起飛下的動物悲歌—臺灣野生動物保育的不光彩過去
    Jun 25 2024



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    14 m
  • S4-E14 - PACIFIC STORY–Formosa: Prize of the China Sea (NBC Radio, 1944)
    Jun 20 2024

    It’s January 1944 and the tide of WWII has changed. Though it will be a long hard grind, victory is on the horizon. To “better inform the American public,” about the situation in the Pacific, NBC creates a series of radio documentary dramas in Hollywood, with expert writers and professional voice actors. Enjoy this 80-year-old gem that traces the island’s history from the Dutch to the “Chinese” on Japanese Formosa “yearning to rejoin the fatherland... China!” This old radio drama is a wonderful snapshot in time – 1944 – before the events of the following year (Hitler’s death, two atomic bombs dropped on Japan, the formal end of WWII, and Taiwan’s “return” to the Republic of China) shaped the world we live in today.

    More info at formosafiles.com

    Más Menos
    34 m