
  • Refinance Tips 2024: Key Strategies for Texas Homeowners
    Jul 16 2024

    Join Mike Mills as he unravels the secrets to thriving in today's fluctuating real estate market. From declining mortgage rates to refinancing strategies, this episode is packed with invaluable insights for Texas realtors and investors. Don't miss out on the key strategies that could transform your real estate game in 2024.

    Join Mike Mills in this enlightening episode as he explores refinance tips for 2024 and their significance for Texas homeowners. This episode covers a comprehensive overview of current mortgage rate trends, including their impact on the real estate market. Key topics include the benefits of refinancing in today's economy, strategies for navigating declining interest rates, and understanding the role of inventory levels. Mike also discusses the surprising trend of single women outpacing men in homeownership and what this means for realtors. Stay tuned for expert advice on how to thrive in the ever-changing Texas real estate landscape.

    Key Takeaways:

    Declining Mortgage Rates:

    Mortgage rates are currently on a downward trend, offering significant opportunities for refinancing. Mike Mills explains how this can benefit Texas homeowners by reducing monthly payments and overall loan costs. Understanding these trends is crucial for making informed refinancing decisions in 2024.

    Refinance Strategies:

    Mike outlines various refinance options available, including rate and term refinances, cash-out refinances, and streamline refinances. He provides a step-by-step guide on how to assess whether refinancing is the right move, focusing on breaking even on costs within three years to ensure financial benefits.

    Impact of Economic Conditions:

    The episode delves into how broader economic factors, such as inflation and unemployment rates, influence mortgage rates and the real estate market. Mike discusses the potential for a Fed rate cut and what it could mean for homeowners and realtors in Texas.

    Rising Housing Inventory:

    Increased housing inventory in Texas is a key topic, as it affects both affordability and market dynamics. Mike highlights how this trend can be advantageous for buyers, providing more options and potentially leading to lower home prices in the long run.

    Single Women Leading Homeownership:

    An intriguing trend discussed is the growing number of single women purchasing homes compared to single men. Mike examines the implications of this demographic shift for real estate marketing and how realtors can better target and serve this expanding segment of homebuyers.

    Time Stamped Summary

    0:00 - 0:26 | Introduction: Costs of Loans

    • Discussion on the inevitability of costs in loans, regardless of internet advertisements.
    • Mention of title fees, credit reporting fees, appraisal fees, and recording charges.

    0:26 - 1:12 | Market Update and Host Introduction

    • Mike Mills introduces the episode as a Real Estate Market Update for January 16th.
    • Positive outlook on the declining market with rising inventory and declining interest rates.
    • Introduction of Mike Mills as the host and his role as a North Texas mortgage banker with Geneva Financial.

    1:12 - 2:08 | Home Buying Process and Expertise

    • Mike emphasizes his expertise in simplifying the home buying process for clients.
    • Discussion on how his team helps clients navigate high home prices, insurance costs, and interest rates.
    • Mention of the team's goal to make the home buying experience smooth and garner referrals.

    2:08 - 2:29 | Mortgage Rates Overview

    • Overview of the recent changes in mortgage rates, highlighting a drop to the 6% range.
    • Explanation of how these changes impact the real estate market...
    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Mastering Teen Money Management: Jobs, Budgeting, and Investing
    Jul 14 2024

    Wondering how to teach your teen the art of managing money? This episode reveals practical tips on teen money management, featuring personal experiences from my daughter, Catey Mills. Discover how to help your teen succeed financially and become a responsible adult!

    In this episode of the Texas Real Estate and Finance Podcast, we dive deep into "Mastering Teen Money Management." Join Mike Mills and his daughter Catey Mills as they explore essential topics such as budgeting for teens, job transitions, and investing basics. Catey shares her experiences juggling school, work, and sports while learning financial responsibility. Key questions addressed include how teens can start budgeting, the importance of financial literacy, and practical tips for managing money. Whether you're a parent guiding your teen or a teenager eager to learn, this episode is packed with valuable insights to help you navigate the world of teen finance.

    Key Takeaways

    The Importance of Teen Money Management

    Understanding and practicing money management is crucial for teens. Catey Mills shares her experiences with budgeting and saving, highlighting how these skills help her balance school, work, and personal expenses. Learning money management early prepares teens for financial independence in adulthood.

    Balancing School and Work

    Catey discusses the challenges of juggling school responsibilities and a part-time job. She emphasizes the importance of time management and prioritizing tasks to ensure academic success while earning money. This balance is essential for teens to gain work experience without compromising their education.

    Transitioning Between Jobs

    Changing jobs can be a significant learning experience for teens. Catey talks about her recent job transition and the lessons she learned from it, including how to communicate effectively with employers and the importance of adaptability. These experiences build resilience and professional skills.

    Basics of Investing for Teens

    Investing is a key component of financial literacy. Catey is introduced to the basics of investing, such as understanding stocks, index funds, and the concept of compounding interest. This knowledge empowers teens to start thinking about long-term financial growth and stability.

    Parental Guidance in Financial Education

    Parents play a vital role in their teens' financial education. Mike Mills discusses strategies for parents to support and guide their teens in managing money, making wise financial decisions, and developing good financial habits. Parental involvement is crucial for teens to successfully navigate their financial journey.

    Time Stamped Summary

    00:00 - 02:00 | Introduction

    • Mike Mills opens the episode by greeting the audience and introducing the topic: teen financial education with his special guest, his daughter Catey Mills.

    02:01 - 04:00 | Overview of the Episode

    • Mike outlines the focus on budgeting, job transitions, and investing for teens.
    • Introduction of Catey Mills and a brief recap of the previous parts in the series.

    04:01 - 06:00 | Job Experience and Challenges

    • Catey talks about her job as a swim instructor and the initial challenges of balancing work and school.
    • Discussion on the importance of maintaining focus and managing responsibilities.

    06:01 - 08:00 | Working During School and Summer

    • Catey explains the differences in her work schedule during the school year and summer.
    • She shares insights on how working during summer provides more flexibility and less stress.

    08:01 - 10:00 | Transitioning Jobs

    • Catey discusses her need to leave her job due to the upcoming
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    57 m
  • Understanding Assumable Mortgages: Benefits and Challenges in 2024
    Jul 9 2024

    What if there was a way to offer your clients mortgage rates below 4%? Join Mike Mills as he explores the ins and outs of assumable mortgages, along with the latest real estate trends in Texas. Enhance your expertise with these game-changing tips.

    In this episode, Mike Mills delves into the world of understanding assumable mortgages, focusing on the benefits and challenges these loans present. He offers a detailed update on mortgage rates, including the potential for rates to drop below 7%, and discusses the implications for the Texas real estate market. Key topics include FHA and VA assumable loans, current housing inventory trends, and the impact of insurance premiums. Stay informed with the latest insights and advice tailored for Texas realtors. This episode is packed with essential information to help you navigate the complexities of the current market.

    Key Takeaways

    The Benefits of Assumable Mortgages

    Assumable mortgages, particularly FHA and VA loans, offer potential buyers the chance to take over a loan with a lower interest rate. This can be a significant advantage in a high-rate environment, making homes more affordable for buyers and potentially easier to sell for homeowners.

    The Challenges of Assumable Mortgages

    While assumable mortgages can be beneficial, they come with challenges. Sellers must find buyers who can cover the difference between the loan balance and the home's sale price, often requiring a substantial cash payment. Additionally, the approval process can be cumbersome and time-consuming.

    Current Mortgage Rate Trends

    Mike Mills discusses the latest mortgage rates, noting that while there's hope for rates to dip below 7%, the market remains volatile. Understanding these trends is crucial for realtors advising clients on the best times to buy or refinance.

    Housing Inventory and Market Dynamics

    The episode highlights the ongoing changes in housing inventory, with improvements from historic lows but still not reaching levels that would significantly ease affordability issues. Realtors must stay informed about these dynamics to better serve their clients.

    Impact of Rising Insurance Premiums

    Mike touches on the rising costs of home insurance, particularly in Texas, where premiums have surged nearly 60% in recent years. This trend adds another layer of complexity for buyers and homeowners, impacting overall housing affordability.

    Time Stamped Summary

    0:08 - 0:44: Introduction and Market Update

    Mike Mills welcomes listeners and provides a quick market update for the week of July 9th, touching on the recent 4th of July celebrations and transitioning back into the business mindset.

    0:45 - 2:23: Real Estate Market Overview

    Mike discusses the current state of the real estate market as summer buying season heats up, emphasizing the importance of staying informed and motivated.

    2:24 - 4:34: Mortgage Rates Update

    Mike details the current mortgage rates, including conventional, FHA, VA, 15-year, and jumbo loans. He explains the potential for rates to dip below 7% and the factors influencing these trends.

    4:35 - 6:03: Refinancing Trends and Homeowner Decisions

    Mike explores the increase in refinancing applications, noting that many homeowners are opting for cash-out loans to pay off debt or improve their homes rather than moving.

    6:04 - 8:02: National Housing Inventory Trends

    Mike provides an update on national housing inventory levels, highlighting improvements from historic lows but noting that inventory is still below market averages.

    8:03 - 10:24: Texas Real Estate Market Insights

    Focusing on North Texas, Mike discusses local trends,...

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Navigating Texas Real Estate: Mortgage Rates Forecast and Market Update
    Jul 2 2024

    Wondering how the latest mortgage rates forecast will impact your real estate business? We’ve got you covered with an in-depth analysis of current trends and future predictions. Learn how to leverage this information for your clients' success.

    In this episode of The Texas Real Estate and Finance Podcast, host Mike Mills delivers an insightful mortgage rates forecast, providing a detailed analysis of current figures and future predictions. He examines the housing inventory in North Texas, which has reached a 12-year high, and discusses its impact on home prices. Mike also highlights which agents are currently selling the most real estate and explores Netflix's innovative bid to help the commercial real estate sector. Additionally, he delves into fascinating scientific news about the Earth's core slowing down and explains a valuable tool for predicting future interest rates.

    Key Takeaways

    Mortgage Rates Forecast Analysis

    Mike Mills provides an in-depth analysis of the current mortgage rates, revealing that rates remain stubbornly high around the 7% mark. He explains the factors influencing these rates, including government spending and economic conditions, and shares predictions from Fannie Mae and Bank of America for the coming years.

    North Texas Housing Inventory Surge

    Housing inventory in North Texas has hit a 12-year high, significantly impacting home prices. Mike discusses how this increase in supply is affecting the market, with prices showing both declines and unexpected stability in different areas, and what it means for buyers and sellers.

    Top Real Estate Agents Revealed

    Discover which agents are leading the real estate market despite challenging conditions. Mike highlights a study showing that the top 1% of realtors make up a significant portion of home sales, particularly in Texas, and shares insights into the skills and strategies that set these top performers apart.

    Netflix’s Bid to Revitalize Commercial Real Estate

    Netflix is making a bold move to support the struggling commercial real estate sector by opening new entertainment venues. Mike details how these Netflix House locations aim to attract visitors with immersive experiences, potentially setting a trend for commercial property use.

    Scientific Insights: Earth’s Core and Day Length

    In a fascinating segment, Mike discusses recent scientific findings about the Earth’s core slowing down, which is causing days to get slightly longer. He explores the potential implications of this phenomenon and ties it into the broader theme of market unpredictability.

    Time Stamped Summary

    0:00 - 0:18 Introduction

    Mike Mills welcomes listeners to The Texas Real Estate and Finance Podcast and introduces himself as a North Texas mortgage banker with Geneva Financial.

    0:19 - 1:28 Personal Update

    Mike shares details about his recent travels, including a cruise to Alaska and a trip to the Manning Passing Academy in Louisiana with his son.

    1:29 - 2:00 Mortgage Services

    Mike briefly mentions the services he offers, emphasizing his team's expertise in various loan types.

    2:01 - 2:15 Call to Action

    Mike encourages listeners to share the podcast, like, comment, and review to help reach more people.

    2:16 - 2:48 Mortgage Rates Forecast Introduction

    Mike introduces the main topic, discussing the current state of mortgage rates and their stubbornly high levels around the 7% mark.

    2:49 - 4:12 Detailed Mortgage Rates Analysis

    Mike provides specific current mortgage rates for different loan types (conventional, FHA, VA, jumbo) and explains the economic factors keeping rates high.

    4:13 - 5:09 Government Spending Impact

    Mike discusses the impact of government spending on mortgage rates, emphasizing deficit...

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • Understanding Texas Buyer Rep Agreements Post-NAR Lawsuit
    Jun 14 2024

    Discover the crucial updates in Texas Buyer Rep Agreements post-NAR lawsuit with expert Amy Cearnal. These changes could significantly impact your real estate business, and staying informed is essential. Tune in to learn how to navigate this new landscape and maintain your competitive edge.

    In this episode of The Texas Real Estate and Finance Podcast, we dive deep into the latest updates to Texas Buyer Rep Agreements post-NAR lawsuit. Host Mike Mills is joined by Amy Cearnal, a seasoned Texas real estate broker, to discuss the significant changes and their impact on Realtors. Key topics include the new compensation structures, the introduction of new forms, and strategies for effectively communicating these changes to buyers. Learn how these updates affect buyer agent responsibilities and the overall real estate landscape in Texas. Amy also shares insights on the legal implications and best practices for compliance. This episode is a must-listen for Texas Realtors looking to stay ahead in the evolving market.

    Key Takeaways

    Understanding New Compensation Structures

    The new Texas Buyer Rep Agreements introduce significant changes in how Realtors are compensated. Amy Cearnal explains the new models and how they impact buyer agent responsibilities. This knowledge is crucial for maintaining compliance and ensuring transparent transactions with clients.

    Navigating Legal Implications

    Amy delves into the legal ramifications of the updated agreements, emphasizing the importance of proper documentation and adherence to new regulations. Realtors must stay informed to avoid legal pitfalls and provide the best service to their clients.

    Effective Client Communication

    One of the key points discussed is how to communicate these changes effectively to buyers. Amy offers practical strategies to help Realtors explain the new agreements and compensation structures, ensuring clients are well-informed and comfortable with the process.

    Adapting to New Forms

    The episode covers the introduction of new forms required for buyer representation. Understanding and correctly utilizing these forms is essential for Realtors to stay compliant and streamline their workflows.

    Preparing for Market Impact

    The updates to Texas Buyer Rep Agreements will undoubtedly affect the real estate market. Amy shares insights on how these changes might influence market dynamics and offers advice on staying competitive and proactive in this evolving landscape.

    Time Stamped Summary

    [0:00 - 0:38] Introduction

    • Mike Mills welcomes listeners and introduces the topic: updates to Texas Buyer Rep Agreements post-NAR lawsuit.
    • Emphasizes the importance of staying informed about these changes.

    [0:39 - 1:18] Episode Introduction and Guest Introduction

    • Mike introduces Amy Cearnal, a seasoned real estate broker from North Texas.
    • Highlights Amy's expertise and experience in understanding the legal aspects of real estate changes.

    [1:19 - 2:58] Overview of Changes Effective June 24th

    • Mike discusses the significance of the June 24th changes in Texas real estate.
    • Introduction of the specific changes related to the Texas Buyer Rep Agreements.

    [2:59 - 5:02] Impact on Buyer Agents and Trek's Role

    • Amy explains how the new agreements will impact buyer agents and their responsibilities.
    • Discussion on Trek's involvement and its stance on the changes.

    [5:03 - 7:00] Texas Realtors' Involvement

    • Amy discusses the role of Texas Realtors in implementing these changes.
    • Importance of being a member of Texas Realtors to understand and comply with new regulations.


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    59 m
  • Rent Price Fixing Exposed: Texas Real Estate Market Update
    Jun 11 2024

    Are your clients feeling the pinch of rising rents? Find out how algorithmic price fixing is impacting the Texas housing market and what it means for you as a realtor. Listen now to stay ahead of the curve and offer the best advice to your buyers and sellers.

    In this episode of The Texas Real Estate and Finance Podcast, host Mike Mills dives into the pressing issue of rent price fixing and its impact on the Texas housing market. Discover the latest trends in mortgage rates and housing inventory as Mike provides a comprehensive market update. With a focus on algorithmic rent pricing, learn how major players like RealPage and Cortland Management are influencing rental costs. Mike also covers important economic news, including government spending, job market shifts, and the launch of the Texas Stock Exchange. Stay informed with this detailed analysis to help your clients navigate the complexities of the current real estate landscape.

    Key Takeaways

    Current Mortgage Rates

    Mortgage rates are a critical factor in the real estate market. Mike provides an update on the latest rates, explaining that while they have remained relatively stable, future movements will be influenced by upcoming economic data and Federal Reserve actions. Staying informed about these rates helps realtors advise their clients effectively.

    Housing Inventory Trends

    Understanding housing inventory trends is essential for realtors. Mike discusses how inventory levels are rising across Texas, offering more options for buyers. This increase in supply can lead to better deals and more negotiating power for homebuyers, but it also signals a shift in market dynamics that realtors need to monitor.

    Algorithmic Rent Pricing

    The practice of algorithmic rent pricing by companies like RealPage is reshaping the rental market. Mike highlights how this approach leads to coordinated rent increases and reduced housing availability. Realtors should be aware of these practices as they significantly impact rental affordability and market stability.

    Economic Indicators

    Mike emphasizes the importance of keeping an eye on economic indicators such as government spending and job market data. These factors influence real estate trends and can affect buyer confidence and market conditions. Realtors need to stay updated on these indicators to provide accurate market insights to their clients.

    Impact of the Texas Stock Exchange

    The upcoming launch of the Texas Stock Exchange represents a significant development in the state's financial landscape. Mike explains how this could attract more businesses to Texas, potentially leading to job growth and increased demand for housing. This is a positive trend for realtors looking to capitalize on a growing market.

    Time Stamped Summary

    [0:00 - 0:22] Introduction

    • Mike Mills introduces the episode, teasing the main topics: rent price fixing, mortgage rates, and housing inventory trends.

    [0:23 - 1:10] About Mike and His Team

    • Mike shares his background and how his team helps buyers finance unique properties, emphasizing their expertise in out-of-the-box situations.

    [1:11 - 2:03] Mortgage Rates Update

    • Mike discusses the current mortgage rates as of June 10th:
    • 30-year fixed conventional: 7.17%
    • 30-year FHA: 6.65%
    • 30-year VA: 6.66%
    • 15-year conventional: 6.62%
    • Jumbo rate: 7.38%
    • He explains the recent volatility in the bond market and the impact of job data on mortgage rates.

    [2:04 - 3:11] Impact of Inflation and Federal Reserve Actions

    • Mike talks about the upcoming CPI inflation data and the Federal Reserve's meeting, discussing potential outcomes for mortgage rates and the broader economy.

    [3:12 - 4:05]...

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • NAR Lawsuit Updates: Insights with HousingWire's James Kleimann
    Jun 7 2024

    Are you ready for the seismic shifts coming to the real estate market? Join us as HousingWire’s James Kleimann breaks down the latest NAR lawsuit updates and their far-reaching implications. This episode is a must-listen for any realtor wanting to stay ahead of the curve!

    In this episode, we dive into the latest NAR lawsuit updates with HousingWire’s James Kleimann, exploring the transformative impact these changes will have on real estate commissions. We discuss the Department of Justice's role in real estate regulations, future housing market trends, and the influence of AI in real estate. James Kleimann provides insights on how these developments will affect realtors and the broader market. Key questions addressed include why consumers feel agents are overpaid, the state of inventory and mortgage rates, and what to expect in the housing market for 2024 and beyond. Tune in to gain expert knowledge and prepare your business for these significant changes.

    Key Takeaways

    NAR Lawsuit Updates and Their Impact

    The recent NAR lawsuit updates are set to revolutionize the real estate industry by changing how commissions are structured. James Kleimann explains the implications of these changes for realtors and consumers, highlighting potential shifts in how agents are compensated. This development could lead to more transparency and competitiveness in the market.

    Role of the Department of Justice (DOJ)

    James Kleimann sheds light on the Department of Justice's increasing involvement in real estate regulations. The DOJ's actions could bring about significant changes in industry practices, especially regarding commission structures and anti-competitive behavior. Realtors need to stay informed about these regulatory shifts to adapt their strategies accordingly.

    Housing Market Trends for 2024 and Beyond

    The episode explores anticipated trends in the housing market for the remainder of 2024 and into 2025. James provides data-driven insights into factors influencing market dynamics, such as mortgage rates, inventory levels, and economic conditions. Realtors can use this information to better prepare for future market conditions and plan their business strategies.

    Consumer Perceptions of Real Estate Commissions

    A key discussion point is why a significant portion of consumers believe real estate agents are overpaid. James discusses survey results showing that 61% of Americans think home sellers paying buyer agent commissions is unfair. Understanding this perception is crucial for realtors to address consumer concerns and demonstrate their value.

    The Influence of AI in Real Estate

    Artificial Intelligence is poised to have a transformative impact on the real estate industry over the next 5 to 10 years. James Kleimann discusses how AI can enhance efficiency, improve client services, and create new opportunities for realtors. Embracing AI technologies could be essential for staying competitive in the evolving market.

    Time-Stamped Summary for the Entire Episode

    0:00 - 0:08 - Introduction by Mike Mills

    • Mike welcomes the audience and sets the stage for the episode.
    • Mention of key statistics: 61% of Americans agree with the NAR lawsuit regarding agent commissions.

    0:09 - 1:11 - Overview of the Episode

    • Mike introduces the topic: NAR lawsuit updates and their implications.
    • The importance of the Department of Justice’s opinion.
    • Brief mention of AI's impact on real estate.

    1:12 - 1:56 - Introduction of the Guest, James Kleimann

    • Mike introduces James Kleimann, Managing Editor of HousingWire.
    • Highlights James' expertise and the value he brings to the...
    Más Menos
    58 m
  • Housing Inventory Trends Explained: Real Estate Market Update
    Jun 4 2024

    Wondering where the housing market is headed this summer? Mike Mills offers an in-depth look at housing inventory trends and mortgage rates that could shape your next move. Don't miss out on these key insights for realtors!

    Episode Overview

    Mike Mills is back with a detailed analysis of "Housing Inventory Trends" and the latest mortgage rate updates in this episode. Realtors will learn about the current state of the housing market, with insights into national and local inventory trends. Mike also dives into the implications of the recent NAR commission lawsuits, offering guidance on how these changes might affect real estate transactions. Key questions answered include: Where are mortgage rates now, and where are they headed? What do the housing inventory numbers mean for the market? And how will the NAR settlements influence real estate practices? This episode is a must-listen for realtors seeking to stay ahead in the market.

    Key Takeaways

    Mortgage Rates Update

    Mike Mills provides an update on current mortgage rates, noting that the average 30-year fixed conventional mortgage is around 7.125%, while FHA loans are about 6.625%. He explains how these rates have shifted due to recent bond market rallies and speculates on potential future trends based on upcoming economic data and Fed meetings.

    National and Local Housing Inventory Trends

    The episode highlights how housing inventory has increased across the U.S. and in Texas, with more homes on the market now than at any time since August 2020. Mike discusses how this trend could affect affordability and sales, especially if mortgage rates begin to decline.

    Impact of NAR Commission Lawsuits

    Mike delves into the recent NAR commission lawsuits and their outcomes, discussing how changes to MLS rules and commission structures might influence real estate practices. He explains the differing responses from MLS organizations across the country and what these changes mean for realtors and their clients.

    Economic Indicators and Real Estate Market

    Economic indicators such as GDP growth, unemployment rates, and job data are examined for their impact on the real estate market. Mike points out that a slowing economy might lead to lower mortgage rates, which could boost housing demand despite current high inventory levels.

    Future Real Estate Market Predictions

    Mike offers predictions for the future of the real estate market, suggesting that if mortgage rates drop to around 6.5%, we might see a significant increase in home sales. He emphasizes the importance of staying informed about these trends to make strategic decisions in the real estate business.

    Time Stamped Summary

    0:08 - 0:36 - Introduction

    • Host Mike Mills welcomes listeners to the Texas Real Estate and Finance Podcast market update for June 4th.
    • Thanks listeners for tuning in and supporting the show.

    0:37 - 1:12 - Personal Message and Call to Action

    • Mike thanks loyal listeners and introduces the term "treffers" for fans of the podcast.
    • Encourages listeners to share the episode and reach out with tough loan scenarios.

    1:13 - 1:40 - Introduction to Today's Topics

    • Mike outlines the topics for today: quick news hits, mortgage interest rate updates, May housing inventory data, and updates on the NAR commission lawsuits.

    1:41 - 2:58 - Quick News Hits

    • Updates on Dallas Mavericks advancing to the NBA finals and Dallas Stars' season end.
    • Discussion of GameStop stock surge and a glitch in the New York Stock Exchange affecting Berkshire Hathaway stock.
    • Bank of America's...
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    20 m