
  • The Flesh Yields to The Spirit Part 3
    Oct 4 2024

    Do you believe in the mighty power of the Holy Spirit in your life? In today’s message, Pastor Ken teaches listeners about all that the Spirit of God has accomplished throughout history and all that He can accomplish in your life if you surrender to Him. As a follower of Christ, you are filled with the same power of the Apostles in Acts! Have you tapped into this life-changing resource? Ask the Lord to fill you with His Spirit and watch Him work wonders in and through your life today!

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    26 m
  • The Flesh Yields to The Spirit Part 2
    Oct 3 2024

    How do the events in Israel, in the past, present, and future, align with what was spoken of to Isaiah? In today’s teaching, Pastor Ken will compare the events in Jerusalem at that time, to the prophesied end times that are yet to come for this famous city. It is so cool to see how the Lord speaks to all of His people through His Word written so many years ago. As you see the Truths of Scripture come to pass in the lives of the Israelites, how can you grow your Trust in the One who holds everything together?

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    26 m
  • The Flesh Yields to The Spirit Part 1
    Oct 2 2024

    The lack of zeal and passion for Christianity today saddens the Lord but is not surprising to Him. It was prophesied in Scripture that in the last days, people will pursue their own selfish lusts over the things of God. Today, Pastor Ken takes a look at the current scope of our world, and how it falls in line with what was spoken of in the Bible. The Lord still expects us to make efforts to bring others into the Kingdom. In a world full of selfish people, how can you help sweeten the taste of Jesus to them?

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    26 m
  • When Jesus Rules the World Part 3
    Oct 1 2024

    Have you been trying to earn your way to Salvation through your good works? In today’s message, Pastor Ken will show listeners that it is a foolish attempt to choose any path other than complete surrender to Jesus. You may feel satisfied to look at completed tasks in your life and feel fulfilled by your ability to accomplish them. Eternal life has a different standard, however. It is ONLY by grace through faith in Jesus that you can be saved. How can you “let go” and rely on the Lord more in your life?

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    26 m
  • When Jesus Rules the World Part 2
    Sep 30 2024

    Do you ever get tired of the daily battle with the enemy to follow God’s Word, despite his numerous attempts to get you off track? In today’s teaching, Pastor Ken will encourage listeners of the wonderful truths that are to come in the Kingdom age. The ability to walk in the Spirit without the constant pull from the enemy to go against God’s will is so freeing! Are you living with a Kingdom mindset today, knowing that this world is only temporary? There is so much more to look forward to than this life on earth!

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    26 m
  • When Jesus Rules the World Part 1
    Sep 27 2024

    The entire world, all of humanity, is just waiting for the return of Jesus and His perfect reign on earth. Today, Pastor Ken will teach listeners of Israel’s longing for the Messiah, and how Jesus is the only One who is truly worthy of following. Many still put their hopes in the abilities of worldly leaders and politicians, but the failures of these individuals continue to point to the need for Jesus. Who are you following in your life? Are you preparing your home and community for Christ’s return? Boldly take the hope of Jesus to all whom you interact with today!

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    26 m
  • The Top Ten Prophecies Being Fulfilled Today Part 2
    Sep 26 2024

    How is it going to be possible for the entire world to know about Christ’s return at the same time? In today’s message, Pastor Ken will reveal some key points in Scripture that speak to this topic. We know that the Lord can make absolutely anything work, but the method may be more practical than what you think. The world obviously has instant communication in place right now, and the end times events will be significant enough to notify everyone immediately. Are you in touch with current events today?

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • The Top Ten Prophecies Being Fulfilled Today Part 1
    Sep 25 2024

    Is it any coincidence that Israel has been at the center of so many world events throughout history? In today’s teaching, Pastor Ken will show listeners how God’s plan for Israel has been orchestrated for years and even includes some more recent happenings. There is not a single moment in the history of our world that is surprising to God. Much of what has happened, and is still to come, has been foretold in the Old Testament. Are you keeping a watchful eye on the news with Israel?

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    26 m