
  • Finding The Softness In The Hardness of Life
    Jan 16 2024
    When life gets hard there is a tendency to contract, to hold our breath and freeze. As a family we are experiencing a difficult time with one of my daughters husbands abandoning her and their two wee babies in the most callous and selfish way possible. This audio is about the importance of softening into the hardness of life with all of its twists and turns and bloody blind summits.
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    7 m
  • Wild Dreams
    Jan 5 2024
    I love dreaming and especially when there is a beautiful message from one of my deceased relatives helping me navigate life. Listen in to find out more and subscribe to enjoy more.
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    11 m
  • Navigating The Maze Of Life
    Oct 8 2023
    How Can I Learn More ? Come join me in my next exploration of the Principles beginning on October 30th 2023. In a world bustling with various belief systems and spiritual paths, the concept of non religious spirituality might seem like a paradoxical enigma. However, the fusion of The Three Principles with a non religious approach offers a transformative journey that can bring about authentic change and profound growth to everyone’s life. Exploring The Principles was designed to solve and clear up the most common Myths and Misunderstandings that people bump up against about The Principles and other spiritual teachings. Over 1,000 people from 50 countries and from all walks of life have taken this course which has deeply transformed their lives. Prepare to embark on a captivating exploration that intertwines humour, information, and compelling insights to unveil how the Three Principles and non religious spirituality can be your guiding light to an improved and enriched existence. Click here for more information-https://jacquieforde.com/guided-exploring-the-principles/
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    6 m
  • What The Thinker Thinks
    Sep 25 2023
    Not many people understand that the human mind has two main functions; a thinker and a prover. Whatever the thinker thinks, the prover proves that thought to be true. So, if a person thinks they are stupid, their prover proves that thought to be true. If a person thinks they are clever, the prover will prove that to be true also. Over time, the circumstances of your life come into line with whatever you have been thinking. Sound far fetched? Your life conditions are a result of what you have been thinking and feeling over time. One of my clients, Isabelle was a 1st year university student when I met her for the first time. She was delightful, gregarious and incredibly intelligent both emotionally and intellectually but there was a dark secret she had kept hidden about herself for over 8 years. Like many young women Isabelle fell prey to the idealistic standards of how she should look, what she should wear and how she should present herself to the world from a very early age. Her generation was the first to be fully exposed to smart media, social media and everything else the internet and streaming television can bring into your life. She was seduced by the beauty of models, clothes designers and her older peers and imagined them all having the most wonderful life because of how they looked and presented themselves to the world. In her adolescent thirteen year old mind Isabelle made a decision that this was the life she desired above everything else. She wanted to look, sound and be exactly the same as the images of the women surrounding her. Utterly doable for a thirteen old right? Of course not. Her adolescent body was transforming as the hormonal changes that rage through our systems in our teenage years establish the next phase of our physicality, preparing us for motherhood. Her breasts grew far bigger than the models she adored, her tummy became rounded and wobbly. Her thighs and hips laid down fat deposits. You see puberty is a sequence of events in which physical changes occur, resulting in adult physical characteristics and the capacity to reproduce. Isabelle did not like what was happening to her and despised the changes that were unfolding in her body. Her body did not look like the women she admired. She became obsessed with staying slim..... Please view the rest of the blog at www.jacquieforde.com
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    11 m
  • The Unashamedly Human Podcast With Debra Simmons
    Sep 20 2023
    A heartwarming podcast about a strange meeting on a bus in Edinburgh and the beauty of living an ordinary yet extraordinary life with an understanding of the Principles. You can find subscribe to my youtube channel here: https://youtube.com/@jacquieforde5269?si=1n0oWjqKOvH2gse3 Subscribe to my podcast here: https://on.soundcloud.com/uL6TaDgwPhMHez1T6 Join my email list here : www.jacquieforde.com Meet me on Instagram here: @jacquieforde_coach Meet my guest: I’m Debra Simmons, Head of happiness at Dare2bu! Dare2bu is all about knowing ALL of who you truly are, both as a human and a spiritual being. Finding the balance between the two and from there Consciously Creating your best unique life. A life that excites and lights you up. A life you amaze yourself with. That pretty much describes my life. I’ve been doing this work for over ten years now, I pride myself on walking my talk. I not only talk about this stuff I live it! My story involves escaping from an abusive relationship, turning my life around, and helping my children find their happy place, in-spite of all they’ve been through, and building a (now successful) business. All of this has given me a deep grounding in the best ways to help others who have dreams that simply never seem to quite work out, or after what seems like a spiritual awakening, they then find themselves back in the thick of what got them searching in the first place. I LOVE what I do, I love the life I’ve created, and I LOVE playing with deepening my knowing of who I truly am and playing with what’s possible! My latest ‘play project’ is The Field of Dreams. I’m buying a piece of land and building my dream home on that land. When I started this looked impossible, every day it moves a little closer to being a reality in form as well as in my heart. I would love you to join me, to bring your dream and together create something beautiful. Ways to connect… My YouTube Channel; https://www.youtube.com/c/DebraSimmonstff My Facebook Profile; https://www.facebook.com/debrasimmonsdare2bu My website; https://deb.dare2bu.co.uk/ The Field of Dreams; https://deb.dare2bu.co.uk/fod
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    55 m
  • Serenading The Chaos
    Aug 30 2023
    For an audio transcript head over to www.jacquieforde.com.
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    13 m
  • I'm Going Slightly Mad - Episode 125
    Jun 2 2023
    This week I had one of those experiences where you think you are going slightly mad but can can totally laugh off all of the thoughts that are flowing through your mind because you know they have nothing to do with you actually are at your core. This weeks podcast explores ego, our human stories and conditioning, the importance of family, becoming unashamedly human and the absolute joy of being a grandma. As always you can follow me at www.jacquieforde.com for my weekly blog, podcast and exclusive discounts o my courses and events.
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    19 m
  • Be Gentle With Yourself
    May 17 2023
    This weeks podcast discusses the benefits of emotional regulation across the generations to understand ourselves more fully and heal the past. I use examples within my family to highlight how easy it was for previous generations to misunderstand their lives and mental health because there was a distinct lack of information to educate and inform them that their experiences were normal and not something to be stigmatised. The principles are the foundation of our experience and understanding them more fully really helps us to live a more rounded, healthy and joyful life with less anxiety and disturbance. I am running my next guided class of Exploring The Principles starting May 22nd. Come join me for this wonderful transformative 14 week program. You can find out more here: https://jacquieforde.com/exploring-the-principles/ and sign up for my weekly newsletters at www.jacquieforde.com
    Más Menos
    27 m