
  • Those who are with us are more
    Jul 16 2024
    In the movie Free Guy, Ryan Reynolds’ character discovers he’s in a video game. When he puts on some special sunglasses, he can see things that only certain players can see. He can see threats to his well-being and also opportunities which will help him. But as soon as he takes off the sunglasses, all … Continue reading Those who are with us are more
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  • It’s about Jesus
    Jul 15 2024
    I’m often curious about the day-to-day spiritual practices of famous, faithful people. Did they shine only when others were watching, or was their devotion to God sincere and consistent? Did Saint Francis ever have dry spells in his prayer life? Was Billy Graham gracious to others when he was off the stage? Did Augustine frequently … Continue reading It’s about Jesus
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  • Showing God his own handwriting
    Jul 12 2024
    In Psalm 25 David is in distress. He doesn’t get into the specifics, but he’s very aware of his own sin (verses 7, 11, 18), experiences guilt (verse 11), and is under the threat of enemies (verse 2). In the midst of this prayer he says: “Remember, LORD, your great mercy and love, for they … Continue reading Showing God his own handwriting
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  • Integrity blesses others
    Jul 11 2024
    We’ve been spending some time talking about integrity. This virtue is about living wholeheartedly for God no matter the situation. Not only does your integrity honour God, but it blesses the people around you. Proverbs 11:30 says: “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life…” When someone lives in a way that is … Continue reading Integrity blesses others
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  • Integrity is a trajectory
    Jul 10 2024
    If you are increasing in spiritual maturity you are going to have an increasingly honest understanding of yourself. Yes, you will grow in confidence that you are a child of God. But at the same time you will become increasingly aware of your own sin. This is one of the things that makes you more … Continue reading Integrity is a trajectory
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  • The protection integrity provides
    Jul 9 2024
    How do we protect ourselves? How do we stay safe, not only for ourselves but for those we care about? Some answer by describing door locks, safety bunkers, strong fences, surveillance cameras, or first-aid kits. All of these things are external; they exist outside of us. Depending on the situation they can be very helpful. … Continue reading The protection integrity provides
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  • Christ of the Abyss
    Jul 8 2024
    I recently came across a series of amazing pictures from around the world. Most of them depicted nature or works of art. One in particular grabbed my attention. It had both. It was a bronze statue called “Christ of the Abyss.” You can see it in the graphic that goes along with today’s devotional. It … Continue reading Christ of the Abyss
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  • The one in whom God delights
    Jul 5 2024
    Do you ever come across a verse in the Bible and wonder, 'How has that not jumped out at me before?!' That happened to me recently with Isaiah 66:2: "This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word." The prophet had spent time speaking about future judgement … Continue reading The one in whom God delights
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