
  • 000 Why You Need The Voice Coach Podcast
    Jan 24 2021

    Welcome to The Voice Coach Podcast!

    This podcast is for anyone interested in improving their spoken voice.

    I’m Nic Redman, a voiceover artist, speaker, podcaster and coach. I’ll be sharing with you vocal health tips, vocal technique exercises, interviews with other voice geeks, and voice training advice.

    Why do we need a podcast about spoken voice?

    Most of us have a voice, and we use it every day without even thinking about it, until we wake up one day and find our voice sounding croaky or getting tired really quickly. Or sometimes people say they don’t understand what we are saying. Or we're suddenly asked to speak in a room full of people at a networking event, and find that nothing comes out of our mouth.

    As a working voice professional, I understand how important the voice is when you rely on it for your job. All voices are brilliant and valid, but all voices can be even better, and that’s why I’m here. I want this podcast to inspire you to explore what your voice is capable of.

    Whether you are a podcaster, a voiceover artist, an actor, public speaker, teacher, business professional or athlete, join me each episode as I guide you through raising your vocal awareness and understanding.

    Let's have fun with our voices and remember, stay hydrated!

    P.S. Big thanks to Jack Evans for creating the music for The Voice Coach Podcast.

    Let’s connect:

    • Join my Facebook group Voice & Accent Hub: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thevoiceandaccenthubb
    • Find me on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XA6sEJJZohM
    • My website: https://nicolaredman.com/

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Vocal Confidence for Podcasting Masterclass

    Head to bit.ly/confidentpodvoice to get your spot. Masterclass happening on 21st June 2024.

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • 001 How to Structure Your Voice Warm Up
    Jan 24 2021

    In this episode, I talk about a proper voice warm-up, and I cover the bases of how to do it, when to do it, and for how long. We also talk about the difference between a warm-up and a workout of the voice and the five stages to correctly perform a voice warm-up.

    What You Will Learn In This Episode:

    • The difference between a warm-up and a workout of the voice
    • The simplified science of how the voice is produced
    • Five stages of a mindful voice warm-up
    • Three spaces the voice travels through

    Warming up the voice is not just doing loads of random tongue twisters for no reason. It's also about finding out what your voice needs, and concentrating on it. Lastly, it is crucial to keep your warm-up routine nice and playful anytime you can.

    Thanks to Jack Evans for creating the music for The Voice Coach Podcast!


    • Voice Science Works: Resonance https://www.voicescienceworks.org/resonance.html
    • The Voice Foundation: How the Voice is Produced https://voicefoundation.org/health-science/voice-disorders/anatomy-physiology-of-voice-production/understanding-voice-production/
    • Barbara Houseman Masterclass: Developing Your Voice https://www.digitaltheatreplus.com/education/collections/tinhouse/barbara-houseman-masterclass-developing-your-voice
    • Dane Chalfin - Vocal Rehabilitation Coach https://www.vocalrehabilitation.com/
    • ShewellVoice https://www.shewellvoice.com/
    • Academic article on hydration https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2925668/
    • Where I did my Vocal Health First Aider Training https://vocalhealth.co.uk
    • Vocal Mist Nebuliser https://myvocalmist.com/products/vocalmist-portable-nebulizer
    • Nebuliser or Steamer article from The Naked Vocalist Podcast https://www.thenakedvocalist.com/upgrade-your-vocal-steamer/
    • Join my Facebook group Voice & Accent Hub: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thevoiceandaccenthubb
    • Find me on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XA6sEJJZohM

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Vocal Confidence for Podcasting Masterclass

    Head to bit.ly/confidentpodvoice to get your spot. Masterclass happening on 21st June 2024.

    Más Menos
    18 m
  • 002 How to Have Good Vocal Health - Part 1
    Jan 24 2021

    This is the first part of a series of two episodes about vocal health. What should we do to have an excellent vocal health? In Part 1, we talk about how our lifestyle affects our voice's shape. We analyse how our diet influences our voice's performance and stress the importance of keeping ourselves hydrated.

    What You Will Learn In This Episode:

    • How the state of our body impacts our voice
    • The benefits of exercising
    • What to include and what to avoid in our diet in order to have a healthy voice
    • Truths and myths about dairy products and voice health
    • What kind of medication affects our hydration

    The term vocal health is often associated with healing or repairing damage, rather than preventing wounds. But it doesn't have to be like that. We can incorporate simple habits and change our routines towards a balanced and voice health-friendly lifestyle.

    Thanks to Jack Evans for creating the music for The Voice Coach Podcast!


    • NHS: How to Get to Sleep - Sleep and Tiredness https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/sleep-and-tiredness/how-to-get-to-sleep/
    • Is Caffeine Dehydrating to the Vocal Folds? https://choralnet.org/2018/11/is-caffeine-dehydrating-to-the-vocal-folds/
    • British Voice Association: Reflux and Your Voice https://www.britishvoiceassociation.org.uk/voicecare_reflux-and-voice.htm
    • Everyday Voice Care by Joanna Cazden https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1458443183/
    • Voice Work: Art and Science in Changing Voices by Christina Shewell https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/0470019921/
    • Join my Facebook group Voice & Accent Hub: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thevoiceandaccenthubb
    • Find me on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XA6sEJJZohM

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Vocal Confidence for Podcasting Masterclass

    Head to bit.ly/confidentpodvoice to get your spot. Masterclass happening on 21st June 2024.

    Más Menos
    18 m
  • 003 How to Have Good Vocal Health - Part 2
    Feb 3 2021

    This is Part 2 of how to have good vocal health, and we will talk about the other side of vocal health: the preparation for using our voice. We can control several factors that affect our voice's performance, like alignment, breathing, mid-season resets, exercises as yawning and articulation stretches, and more. We need to remember that using our voice is a holistic practice between the mind, the body and the voice.

    What You Will Learn In This Episode:

    • The best way to keep our vocal health in check
    • What vocal resets exercises are, and how to do them
    • Why body alignment is the perfect ally to prevent vocal fatigue
    • The importance of performing voice warm-ups
    • Recap for an ideal vocal health

    Having a healthy voice requires commitment and constant monitoring of our habits, reflecting on our vocal health routines and adopting consistent, reliable, and vocally healthy practices.

    Big thanks to Jack Evans for creating music especially for this podcast!


    • Nic's Quick Voice Tip Videos for Alignment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTRu3Yq7nnI
    • Nic's Quick Voice Tip Videos for Yawning https://youtu.be/b3pbTvEPwIs?t=42
    • Everyday Voice Care by Joanna Cazden https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1458443183/
    • Voice Work: Art and Science in Changing Voices by Christina Shewell https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/0470019921/
    • Join my Facebook group Voice & Accent Hub: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thevoiceandaccenthubb

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Vocal Confidence for Podcasting Masterclass

    Head to bit.ly/confidentpodvoice to get your spot. Masterclass happening on 21st June 2024.

    Más Menos
    17 m
  • 004 How to Warm Up Your Voice in 5 Minutes
    Feb 4 2021

    Today we discuss why you should find time to do a voice warm-up and why it's important for those who work with their voices. I will also walk you through a small, focused and applicable five-minutes warm-up routine. A short and precise voice warm-up will not only prepare your voice to work, but will also help you to set your nerves before speaking in front of the mic.

    What You Will Learn In This Episode:

    • How much time vocal warm-up routines require
    • The best way to add a new habit into our routines
    • How to increase your vocal stamina, the clarity of public speaking and confidence
    • Working with ease, fun and curiosity
    • Step by step voice warm-up routine

    Voice warm-ups should ideally last more than five minutes and less than fifteen. Those voice users that have their schedules flooded can try the warm-up example from this episode, pick and cut parts and replace them with different exercises. You can also use it as a preparation ritual before performing.

    Big thanks to Jack Evans for creating the music for this podcast!


    • Nic's Quick Voice Tips - 5 minute warm up support video https://youtu.be/SX6LSr8qJp8
    • Freeing the Natural Voice by Kristen Linklater https://amzn.to/3nDZwyp
    • Speaking with Skill by Dudley Knight https://amzn.to/3nA3w2T
    • Finding Your Voice by Barbara Houseman https://amzn.to/3buQt0a
    • The Vocal Arts Workbook by David & Rebecca Carey https://amzn.to/2MW3iqi
    • Fitzmaurice Voice Work Website https://fitzmauricevoiceworksummit.online
    • Join my Facebook group Voice & Accent Hub: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thevoiceandaccenthubb

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Vocal Confidence for Podcasting Masterclass

    Head to bit.ly/confidentpodvoice to get your spot. Masterclass happening on 21st June 2024.

    Más Menos
    18 m
  • 005 How to Keep Your Voice Hydrated Efficiently
    Feb 5 2021

    Today I want to talk about hydration - why it is so important, how to hydrate our voice, how we know we are dehydrated, and what should we do if we are? I'm offering you solid tips to ensure you are adequately hydrated and enjoy optimum vocal health.

    What You Will Learn In This Episode:

    • What systemic and superficial hydration are and how they work
    • Why hydration doesn't come just from fluids
    • How much and when we should drink fluids
    • Consistency as key to a stable hydration
    • Top tips for systemic and superficial hydration

    Keeping ourselves hydrated is a complex, but not a complicated process. With a proper diet, awareness of our vocal mechanism, knowing the fluids that count, and keeping in mind the relevance of superficial and systemic hydration, we can keep our voice healthy and optimally hydrated.

    Thanks goes to Jack Evans for creating the music for The Voice Coach Podcast!


    • VocalMist Nebulizer https://myvocalmist.com/products/vocalmist-portable-nebulizer
    • Join my Facebook group Voice & Accent Hub: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thevoiceandaccenthubb
    • Find me on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XA6sEJJZohM

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Vocal Confidence for Podcasting Masterclass

    Head to bit.ly/confidentpodvoice to get your spot. Masterclass happening on 21st June 2024.

    Más Menos
    18 m
  • 006 How to Improve Your Voice with a Vocal Cool Down
    Feb 8 2021

    In this episode, I want to talk about a different aspect of vocal health, neglected for some and appreciated for others: the vocal cool-down. Just as in any sport, some movements are necessary before and after every performance to reset the body. We will go through an easy to follow step-by-step routine to perform a perfect vocal cool-down.

    What You Will Learn In This Episode:

    • Why vocal cool-down is important
    • The impact of vocal cool-down on professional voice users
    • The step-by-step vocal cool-down routine
    • How to transition from a heightened physical state back to our senses

    Research on vocal cool-downs is still in its infancy, but so far it has not shown any negative outcomes. That means that a vocal cool-down might have different levels of impact on vocal users, but it's something we must try and experience for the sake of our vocal health.

    Thanks to Jack Evans for creating the music for The Voice Coach Podcast!


    • The Efficacy of Cool Down Exercises by Kari Ragen (originally published in the Journal of Voice) 2018 https://www.nats.org/_Library/JOS_On_Point/JOS-074-5-2018-521_-_Efficacy_of_Vocal_Cool-Down_-_Ragan.pdf
    • The Impact of Vocal Cool-down Exercises: A Subjective Study of Singers' and Listeners' Perceptions 2016 https://www.jvoice.org/article/S0892-1997(15)00227-1/abstract
    • The Value of Vocal Warm-up and Cool-down Exercises: Questions and Controversies by Rima A. De Fatta and Robert T. Sataloff, (Journal of Singing) 2012 http://www.vocapedia.info/_Library/JOS_files_Vocapedia/JOS-069-2-2012-173.pdf
    • 3 point neck stretch - Nic's Quick Voice Tips https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XA6sEJJZohM
    • The Vocal Cool Down, Your Secret Weapon by Dane Chalfin, vocal rehab expert https://www.vocalrehabilitation.com/post/the-vocal-cool-down-your-secret-weapon
    • Join my Facebook group Voice & Accent Hub: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thevoiceandaccenthubb

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Vocal Confidence for Podcasting Masterclass

    Head to bit.ly/confidentpodvoice to get your spot. Masterclass happening on 21st June 2024.

    Más Menos
    17 m
  • 007 Top 5 Microphone Technique Tips
    Feb 11 2021

    Today's episode is about microphone techniques. We will let aside the different mic setups and styles, and we will focus on the universally beneficial tips when it comes to speaking on a microphone. We will talk about body alignment, the better way of facing a microphone, the ideal distance from the mic and much more.

    What You Will Learn In This Episode:

    • The importance of body alignment when speaking on a mic
    • How to let the microphone take your voice
    • Plosives and how to play across the microphone
    • It's not about you or the mic - it's about the listener
    • How hydration can help our microphone technique

    These five tips apply to voice professionals, but they are also helpful for Zoom meetings or virtual presentations. Time and practice will help you perfect these techniques, and still, they'll have a visible impact in your voice performance from day one.

    Big thanks goes to Jack Evans for creating music for this podcast!


    • B Double E https://b-double-e.co.uk/services/
    • Nic's Quick Voice Tips - Alignment and Avoiding Vocal Fatigue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTRu3Yq7nnI&t=3s
    • Join my Facebook group Voice & Accent Hub: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thevoiceandaccenthubb

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Vocal Confidence for Podcasting Masterclass

    Head to bit.ly/confidentpodvoice to get your spot. Masterclass happening on 21st June 2024.

    Más Menos
    16 m