
  • The Voice of God Talks: God leads a meditation on a beach
    Mar 5 2023

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    The story is about a person who meditates on a sunny beach and hears the voice of God, who commands them to use their gift of meditation to spread the message of peace and love. The person dedicates themselves to this purpose and begins to lead guided meditations on the beach, attracting a growing group of people from all walks of life. As the group grows, the person realizes that their purpose is not just about spreading the message of peace and love, but about living a life that is true to themselves and connecting with the divine. In the end, the person feels a sense of joy and contentment, knowing that they are fulfilling their purpose and doing what they were meant to do.

    Más Menos
    6 m
  • The Voice of God Leads a Prayer in a Lush Forest
    Mar 2 2023

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    The Paperback Edition


    The story follows the voice of God leading a prayer in a lush forest. As the prayer unfolds, the people gathered in the forest feel a deep sense of peace and unity. The voice of God's words seem to bring the forest to life, with the leaves rustling and the birds chirping louder. As the prayer comes to an end, the voice of God imparts a message of love and guidance to those gathered before Him. The people feel grateful for the gift of His words and leave with a sense of peace and hope. The voice of God continues on His journey, spreading His love and compassion to all who are willing to listen, finding joy and gratitude in the beauty of the natural world around Him.

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    8 m
  • The Voice of God Talks About Cancer
    Mar 1 2023

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    The story is about the voice of God, a singer and speaker who survives cancer twice. The voice of God shares its journey with cancer and how it overcomes it through faith, resilience, and the support of loved ones. The voice continues to speak and sing, inspiring and uplifting people around the world, especially those who are fighting cancer. Even though the voice knows that cancer could return at any moment, it chooses to focus on the present and spread its message of hope and inspiration. The story ends with the voice of God becoming a symbol of hope and strength for all who need it, a testament to the resilience and power of the human spirit.

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    11 m
  • The Voice of God Talks: Living with Purpose and Making the Most of Your Time
    Feb 26 2023

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    The Paperback Edition


    The story is written from the voice of God, who inspires a person to stop wasting their time and live a life of purpose and intention. The person learns to appreciate the value of time and uses it to make a positive impact on the world. They grow in their relationship with God and inspire others to use their time more wisely. In the end, they feel a sense of peace knowing that they have fulfilled their purpose and made the most of the time they had been given. The story encourages readers to live a life of purpose and make the most of their time on earth.

    voice of God, not wasting time, living with purpose, appreciation of time, positive impact, relationship with God, inspiring others, life well-lived, next great adventure, personal growth, divine guidance, time management, mindfulness, contentment, fulfillment, legacy, self-discovery, wisdom, spiritual journey, spiritual awakening, transformation, meaningful life, purposeful living, inner peace, gratitude, reflection, inspiration, motivation, guidance, direction, self-improvement, self-awareness, enlightenment, personal development, faith, hope, trust, spirituality, introspection, guidance from above, life lessons, character building, spiritual insights, transcendence, eternal perspective, divine purpose, legacy building, sense of accomplishment, sense of purpose, sense of fulfillment.

    Más Menos
    5 m
  • The Voice of God talk: Finding Inner Calm: A Desert Meditation Walk
    Feb 25 2023

    The story is about a person who takes a calming meditation walk in the desert. As they walk, they become more and more present in the moment, focusing on their breath and the natural beauty around them. The desert teaches them to embrace the unknown and find inner peace. They encounter a family of rabbits and feel a deep sense of connection to all living things. They return to their campsite feeling more at peace than they have in years, and they realize they have discovered a powerful tool for finding inner calm and serenity.

    calming meditation, desert, presence, breath, natural beauty, unknown, inner peace, connection, living things, resilience, challenges, obstacles.

    Más Menos
    7 m
  • The Voice of God Talks about Anxiety and How to Overcome It.
    Feb 24 2023

    The voice of God explains that anxiety is a common human experience and is a natural response to stress or uncertainty. The voice of God emphasizes that anxiety does not define who you are as a person and encourages you to be compassionate towards yourself. The voice of God suggests various strategies to manage anxiety, such as mindfulness, deep breathing, physical exercise, and seeking professional help if necessary. Finally, the voice of God reminds us that we are never alone in our struggles with anxiety and that God is always present to offer comfort and guidance.

    Anxiety, stress, uncertainty, natural, human experience, compassion, self-care, mindfulness, deep breathing, physical exercise, professional help, therapy, medication, self-talk, coping mechanisms, relaxation techniques, support system, self-reflection, awareness, acceptance, control, surrender, trust, faith, hope, resilience, courage, strength, love, guidance.

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • The Voice of God talks about Why Your Life on Earth Matters
    Feb 24 2023

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    The Paperback Edition


    The voice of God explains that every life on earth matters because each person has the potential to make a positive impact on the world. No matter how small or insignificant a person may feel, their actions and choices can have a ripple effect that extends far beyond their immediate surroundings. Furthermore, the voice of God reminds us that every person is unique and has a special purpose in life, and it is up to each individual to discover and fulfill that purpose. Finally, the voice of God encourages us to live our lives with compassion, kindness, and love, as these qualities have the power to transform not only our own lives but also the lives of those around us.

    Purpose, Impact, Legacy, Individuality, Love, Compassion, Kindness, Community, Influence, Inspiration, Growth, Learning, Creativity, Empowerment, Connection, Empathy, Self-Discovery, Perseverance, Resilience, Courage, Hope, Faith, Belief, Passion, Dreams, Fulfillment, Significance, Joy, Happiness, Contribution, Service, Generosity, Responsibility, Accountability, Gratitude, Appreciation, Acceptance, Forgiveness, Healing, Transformation, Evolution.

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • The Voice of God talks to You WAKE UP AND START YOUR DAY WITH GOD Motivational
    Feb 22 2023

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    In the story, the voice of God speaks to a person in the morning, encouraging them to embark on a journey towards spiritual awakening. The person follows this guidance, and begins to explore different spiritual practices and teachings, ultimately experiencing deep transformation and growth.

    Along the way, the person encounters challenges and setbacks, but learns to embrace these experiences as opportunities for learning and growth. The voice of God continues to offer guidance and support, reminding the person that they are never alone on their journey.

    As the person nears the end of their journey, they reflect on all that they have learned and experienced, and celebrate their successes while remaining gentle with themselves about their challenges. The voice of God encourages the person to trust in themselves and the universe, and to continue moving forward with love, joy, and purpose.

    Más Menos
    11 m