
  • Episode 26 - Interview of Janice Ponds - Dealing with Trauma
    Jun 27 2024

    William Owens sits down with Janice Ponds to discuss her 100-lb weight loss and how she confronted the issues that created the environment for change.

    Janice Ponds holds a B.S. in Education from N.C. A&T State University; an M.A. in Special Education/School Psychology from Ohio State University; and did post-graduate studies at the University of Virginia, completing undergraduate and graduate school with high honors.

    Janice’s experience as a teacher; school psychologist; psychiatric counselor; clinical director; substance abuse treatment program coordinator, director, and supervisor; certified brain injury specialist, clinical consultant, licensed therapist, member of a law enforcement mental health support services team, speaker; singer; author; recording artist; host of the #1-ranked podcast on the Creative Motion Television Network on ROKU, “From Destruction to Dignity/Clinical Perspectives; Spiritual Truths;” being on Conservative Television of America, and being President of Informed Decisions Educational Advancement Society (IDEAS) has provided her with insight into practical ways to understand and effectively help individuals from all walks of life.

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    1 h
  • Episode 25 - How will you describe your time on hearth when you get to heaven
    Jun 19 2024

    Eternity within God's Kingdom will be a time of endless fellowship. An explosive part of that fellowship will be exchanging stories of all we experienced and fulfilled for Jesus! How will you describe your time on the earth as you sit with the Saints of old and those within the Body of Christ?

    Your story is being written now in your service towards God's Kingdom that will last throughout eternity.

    Más Menos
    43 m
  • Quicken Me, Oh Lord
    Jun 13 2024

    The value of life comes down to only ONE measurement. Has God quickened you?

    Countless voices are beckoning you, their reasons often shrouded in mystery. Yet, it is only the divine touch of God that can genuinely quicken you! What's your story of being quickened by God to be saved and do His will?

    Psalm 119:154,156,159 KJV Plead my cause, and deliver me: quicken me according to thy word. [156] Great are thy tender mercies, O LORD: quicken me according to thy judgments. [159] Consider how I love thy precepts: quicken me, O LORD, according to thy lovingkindness.

    Más Menos
    39 m
  • Episode 22 - Forgetting
    Jun 8 2024

    The only way to experience the prize is to fulfill your high calling. The road to the high calling is to press towards the mark of it. The prerequisite to press is to forget.

    Once a person has sought to repent of offenses toward God and others, the next important action is to forget them and continue their faith journey.

    Remember, if you constantly dwell on the past, your actions and thoughts will be confined to where you were, preventing you from reaching the high price of your faith. This is a price not worth paying.

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • Episode 20 - We Overcame by The Blood and The Word of Your Testimony
    Jun 5 2024
    Have you ever marveled at the intricate layers of life, with their myriad of experiences-the failures, successes, accomplishments, punishments, smiles, frowns, death, joy, and sadness? It's a tapestry of existence that we, as humans, can never solely attribute to ourselves or any form of creation. It is futile for us to attempt to redeem ourselves through our efforts or goodness alone. Isaiah 64:6 KJV But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away. Let us seek solace in His blood and our testimony of what He has done, not in our own limited abilities.
    Más Menos
    55 m
  • Episode 19 - Repentance
    Jun 4 2024
    Repentance means to turn around. Oxfords definition the action of repenting; sincere regret or remorse. "each person who turns to God in genuine repentance and faith will be saved" Anyone who enters into the Kingdom of God, has repented from the heart. There has been a soul conversion that has transformed them into a son or daughter of God. They have been born again. These are not acts of repentance :
    • Joining a church
    • Acknowledging Jesus
    • Doing Good works
    • Being nice
    • Praying to a saint
    • Praying to your mother or Jesus Mother
    Countless souls will stand before Christ with everything to justify why they should come into His Kingdom - but have never repented - been sorry for their sins and placed their salvation alone on Christ work on calvary cross. Acts 2:37-38 KJV Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do? [38] Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
    Más Menos
    39 m
  • Episode 18 - A Fearless Approach to Doing God's Will
    Jun 1 2024

    The Will of God is not for the timid of heart. It is the highest call a human being can receive. The will of God is surrounded by warfare that is more real than the real we see. It is spiritual. For those who will experience living God’s Will and doing it day by day, you must be fearless, tenacious, and filled with faith-filled life of prayer and vigilance in obeying God with a repentive heart.

    You must believe that God is a rewarder as you diligently seek Him.

    Más Menos
    48 m
  • Episode 15 - Distribution for the Kingdom of God has to be spirit-led
    May 29 2024
    Distribution for the Kingdom of God has to be spirit-led. The Kingdom of God owns every sector of the universe. Therefore, we should never depend on the established order of the World's systems. We must think: HIS KINGDOM come, HIS WILL be done. While the systems of the World are under His ownership, God has a different plan. He intends to reveal much more than what the World offers, as the kingdoms of this World are still under the influence and control of Satan, the god of this World. For these reasons, The Why Jesus Book Series has established its distribution system through affiliates and Distributor Affiliates. Entrepreneurs who are Christians can apply for exclusive opportunities to represent the series of books to their communities both online and offline.
    Más Menos
    46 m