
  • ”The Missing Key: Trusting Yourself for a Fulfilling Life”
    Aug 1 2023
    This episode is an invitation to embrace self-trust and step into a world of self-empowerment and authenticity as you find the missing key that unlocks a fulfilling life: trusting yourself. Discover how embracing self-trust becomes the catalyst for building authentic connections with others and forging deeper bonds. But that's not all; trusting yourself also opens the door to a deeper spiritual connection. Are you ready to take this empowering leap? Join us now, and let the missing key reveal itself within you!

    Theme song produced by Wahid Gomes and licensed through Verde Music Group

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Secrets, Trust, and Money: Embracing Honesty for Financial Growth and Success
    Jul 25 2023

    In this powerful episode of The Winning Mind Podcast, Leticia unravels the complexities of financial infidelity and its impact on relationships and personal growth. Get inspired as Leticia shares real-life stories on rebuilding trust and fostering financial responsibility. Whether you're navigating a partnership or striving for personal financial growth, this episode offers transformative guidance to create a prosperous future filled with honesty and abundance. Don't miss this opportunity to unlock your true potential and take charge of your financial journey.

    Theme song Produced by Wahid Gomes and licensed through Verdemusicgroup.com.

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Separate to Elevate!
    Jul 18 2023

    Life is a constant journey of growth and if we're open to it, we can experience profound transformation. Some individuals follow a linear path, while others prioritize self-awareness and self-improvement, constantly seeking to evolve into their best selves. As we evolve, our habits, routines, interests, and beliefs may shift. We naturally distance ourselves from what no longer aligns with our growth, separating from old patterns and embracing new ones. While the process of separating from the familiar may not always be easy, it is essential for personal growth. By embracing change and growth, we create space for new experiences, relationships, and opportunities that elevate us.

    Join us in this thought-provoking episode!

    Theme song produced by Wahid Gomes and licensed through Verde Music Group

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Necessary Endings: The Power of Letting Go to Grow
    Jun 27 2023

    In this episode, you'll discover the wisdom of knowing when it's time to let go of relationships, habits, or circumstances that no longer serve your highest good. Leticia draws upon the resilience and adaptability of rosebushes, illustrating how pruning and removing the dead branches allows space for new growth, blossoms, and abundance. Through real-life examples and practical insights, she empowers you to make difficult decisions and embrace the necessary endings that lead to personal transformation. Uncover the discernment to distinguish between relationships that hinder your progress and those that nurture your well-being and success. Learn valuable strategies for setting healthy boundaries, navigating endings with grace and compassion, and embracing new beginnings with optimism and courage.

    Theme song Produced by Wahid Gomes and licensed through Verdemusicgroup.com.

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Are You Living Someone Else’s LIfe?
    Jun 20 2023
    Join Leticia in this episode as she fearlessly navigates the maze of societal expectations and inherited mindsets that often dictate our choices. Together, we peel away the layers of 'borrowed identity' and unveil the power of reclaiming our individuality. Whether it's overcoming the need for approval, undeserved loyalty, challenging the constraints of conformity, or confronting the fear of judgment, this episode empowers you to forge your own path. By recognizing the patterns of people-pleasing and self-sacrifice, we lay the groundwork for embracing authenticity without guilt or regret. Leticia invites you to embrace your unique journey, unencumbered by the expectations of others. Leticia shares practical tips for cultivating self-compassion, setting healthy boundaries, and nurturing your true passions so the life you're living is actually yours. Theme song Produced by Wahid Gomes and licensed through Verdemusicgroup.com.
    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Decide and Conquer: Embracing Bold Decisions, Visionary Imagination, and Unwavering Responsibility.
    Jun 6 2023

    In this episode filled with practical wisdom and insight, Leticia unravels the secrets to making bold decisions, embracing visionary imagination, and taking unwavering responsibility, all while breaking free from the chains of blame. She discusses the art of making courageous decisions, even in the face of uncertainty or self-doubt. Discover how to overcome fear and step outside your comfort zone, opening yourself up to exhilarating possibilities that lie beyond your current circumstances. Leticia guides you through the process of crafting a heart-connected vision that ignites your passion and taps into your authentic desires. Through practical strategies and inspiring anecdotes, she empowers you to harness the power of your imagination, creating a compelling roadmap for your future that aligns with your deepest aspirations. But the journey doesn't stop there—Leticia emphasizes the pivotal role of taking 100% responsibility in achieving your goals and dreams. Explore the profound connection between taking ownership of your choices, actions, and outcomes, and the tremendous personal growth and fulfillment that accompany it. Furthermore, Leticia sheds light on the importance of moving away from blame, freeing yourself from the burden of past circumstances or external factors. Discover how embracing a mindset of personal accountability empowers you to overcome obstacles, navigate challenges, and cultivate resilience on your path to success. Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey of decision-making, visionary imagination, unwavering responsibility, and liberation from blame? Tune in and send it to a friend!

    Theme song Produced by Wahid Gomes and licensed through Verdemusicgroup.com.

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Escaping the Comfort Trap: Embracing Your Journey of Growth
    May 30 2023

    Hey there, beautiful people! Have you ever heard the saying that if you remove a fish from its fish tank and put it in the ocean, it will only swim or explore the length of its tank? Well, in this episode of "The Winning Mind" podcast, we'll dive deep into this analogy to uncover profound insights about our own potential and the importance of being willing to explore and also being prepared for new environments. Imagine that fish happily swimming around in its cozy tank. It's comfortable, familiar, and its world seems just right. But what happens when you release that same fish into the vastness of the ocean? Surprisingly, despite having the entire ocean at its disposal, the fish often remains confined within the boundaries of its old tank. It sticks to what it knows, limiting its exploration and missing out on the abundant possibilities that lie beyond its comfort zone. Now, let's reflect on ourselves as humans. How often do we find ourselves staying within the confines of our own metaphorical tanks? We settle for what's familiar, even if it means missing out on incredible opportunities for growth, fulfillment, and success. But what if we dared to venture beyond the limits of our comfort zones? What if we embraced change, prepared ourselves for new environments, and unlocked the full extent of our capabilities? In this thought-provoking episode, Leticia takes us on a transformative journey of self-discovery. Drawing from the fish analogy, she shares practical strategies and powerful insights to help us break free from self-imposed limitations. By cultivating a mindset of preparedness and embracing the unknown, we can courageously swim beyond the boundaries of our metaphorical tanks and explore the vast ocean of possibilities that await us.

    Theme song produced by Wahid Gomes and licensed through Verde Music Group.

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Beyond the Price Tag: Unleashing the Power of Valuing Excellence
    May 23 2023
    Hey beautiful people! Join Leticia in this episode as she shares funny real life stories and practical analogies that challenge you to raise the bar and demand more from yourself as it relates to how you make money moves. In a world that often prioritizes the lowest price tag, we'll explore the immense power and untapped potential of choosing quality over mere affordability. Discover how embracing this mindset opens the door to a multitude of benefits and opportunities. But here's where it gets exciting. When we start valuing excellence over mere affordability, amazing things happen. We open the doors to innovation, creativity, and long-term success. By investing in quality, we save ourselves from the pitfalls of short-sightedness and quick fixes and we put incredible energy out in the world that is returned to us. Imagine the possibilities that unfold when we break free from the limitations of always seeking the lowest price. We create a ripple effect of positive change. Our decisions become more thoughtful and strategic. We cultivate relationships based on mutual respect and collaboration. We inspire others to raise their own standards and pursue greatness. Theme song Produced by Wahid Gomes and licensed through Verdemusicgroup.com.
    Más Menos
    30 m