
  • Episode 94 - What Were We Talking About?
    Dec 25 2023

    We are back again and again and again. Its almost as if we've never recorded before with all the technical mishaps. Tim's quest for the perfect urinal photo and Lucas' ambitious Christmas Eve dinner plans for the United Nations set the stage for a conversation that inevitably shifts to the mundane topic of C's getting Medical Degrees.

    Discover the challenges of booking expensive Christmas flights to Vancouver and the joys of driving an electric car, as Tim declares himself Elon Musk's biggest fan. Meanwhile, Lucas contemplates the significance of spatulas as gifts and Tim reflects on his love for Christmas trees, tinged with memories of immigrant childhood skating struggles.

    We end with a contentious topic of discussion, do you eat dinner before 7pm or are you a psychopath?

    Más Menos
    1 h y 14 m
  • Episode 93 - She Hath Requested It
    Nov 22 2023

    It’s been nine months since we did this, so thanks to our four loyal listeners for sticking with us. We know that Canada has some problems that we aren’t going to talk about, but we hope you are all doing well.

    How has all of 2023 been for you? For us, it’s been a roller coaster of emotions, adventures, and mishaps. Tim’s driving has gotten worse, so he takes it out on others by honking, swearing, and driving into the back of them. He says that violence is the answer, but we disagree. Middle East peace is way too complicated for us to understand, let alone solve, but we do know that the Israeli military war complex is not helping anyone.

    Lucas is being smug as per usual, because he gets to travel all over the world and see amazing places, while we are stuck here in our boring jobs. Work sucks, we know, but we have to pay the bills somehow. The only thing that keeps us sane is watching Andor, the new Star Wars series that is awesome.

    And speaking of awesome, did you hear that Justin Timberlake is getting cancelled? Apparently, he did something really bad that we can’t mention on air, but you can google it if you want. We think he deserves it, because he’s been a jerk for a long time. Maybe he can find some redemption, but we doubt it.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 1 m
  • Episode 92 - Bachelors Degree in Banana Bread
    Jan 27 2023

    Our prime recommendation this week is not to eat food too quickly otherwise you'll end up burping straight into the microphone and alienating your listeners.

    Once you're able to get over that hurdle you can chat about Joey Glazer flying planes and how awesome Richard White's website is. From there, you can discover just how much of politics is absolute bullsh1t and why George Santos is actually your mother.

    Tim goes on a self discovery journey of how to make banana bread out of compost-able bags which allows him to earn his degree in story telling. As it turns out we can actually learn something from Terrorist organizations and what their policies are on gender pronouns.

    All of that as well as how cousins work, doom-scrolling, Malcolm Gladwell, reading books and if you stick around for 45 mins into this podcast you can actually learn something.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 3 m
  • Episode 91 - The Layer Cake of Stress
    Dec 15 2022

    Its been 5 months since our last episode so you know the drill, we'll see you again in May. Today's topics were all over the map as we built our layer cake of stress by having Tim Fly planes, travel to Italy - enjoy most of it and then come home. It wouldn't be complete unless Star Wars was mentioned and the housing market in Vancouver wasn't messed up. Over to Lucas, he has balled out and been all over the world while also complaining about having to pay £4.50 for a coffee that was average at best.

    The world cup is on and Saudi Arabia's fans are shooting their guns in the air like they just don't care while Twitter goes down the drain that Elon Musk walked in with.

    Ending with casual racism for Russians who invaded another country - those selfish bastards.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 2 m
  • Episode 90 - The House That Stretchy Pants Built
    Jul 11 2022

    Tim is a lazy piece of sh1t and so this episode comes to you very not live. The boys are onto the ever popular topic of stretchy pants making up reasons for why Lulu island is in Richmond and why Royal Ascot is where Tim needs to be because he loves the ponies.

    It was also Tim's birthday recently so hear about how he had to work like a regular adult and why BC Ferries and EasyJet have so much in common. Then get your plastic ready as we hear about the ever boring frisbee that Lucas plays while we advocate for abortions for everyone, only abortions...all the time.

    Finished off so elegantly by talking about your favourite, STAR WARS, what would an episode be without it?

    Más Menos
    1 h
  • Episode 89 - Ruin the Honeymoon
    May 30 2022

    Tim was an MC at a wedding and didn't have a chance to ruin that so we're ruining the honeymoon by releasing this weeks after we recorded it, Alec was there too. They were so good, people recommended they start a podcast of their own. It won't happen though.

    Movies are on the mind, Lucas saw Dr. Strange and the multiples of monopoly, it was okay. They are still making Harry Potter films apparently and Tim is being forced to watch them. Lucas went to Bruges again, still hasn't seen In Bruges; meanwhile Tim doles out some life advice to "Suck on tits, take shits and go to bed at a reasonable hour". xxFuckYourMom69xx has sent you a meme, its me, your brother while Tim is a catty daddy with all these purfect puns.

    Thanks for listening to our podcast, don't forget to like and subscribe and go fuck yourself.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 7 m
  • Episode 88 - Fully Loaded F150 Raptor
    Apr 14 2022

    Lululemon pants are featured heavily as Tim makes his first investment in to them and watches the office in them. The boys are up to their usual antics trying to lift as heavy as we can and move F150's with our inner dad strength.

    When we are inside though we are playing Halo Infinite and watching clips on the internet of the slap that ruined the world. Then sh*t gets real as we talk about microaggressions and mental health, transitioning nicely in to the start of our mental health podcast.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 2 m
  • Episode 87 - Love Month Lookback
    Mar 9 2022

    Wow, February was rough, where do we even start? Oh, we know exactly, its more butt bleeding stories for you. So strap in because even though February was short out episode about it isn't.

    A truck convoy causes an un-equal distribution of force. England cures COVID and so Lucas decides its okay to brag about all the trips he has planned but refuses to pay for sparkling water.

    Then Tim will rock your world with some incredible history about calendars and that time he puked after surfing too hard.

    It all falls apart after that but its always worth a listen to your favourite Wonder Boys

    Más Menos
    1 h y 10 m