
  • Buddhism Reference - Three Vehicles
    Aug 31 2024

    Buddhism Reference – The Three Vehicles. Three vehicles refers to Shakyamunibuddha’s teachings evolving to the ability and capacity of his audience over his teaching life. There is in reality, only One Great Teaching. “Buddhism Reference” – Now Available Threefoldlotus.com/home/Ebooks.htm

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    31 m
  • Buddhism Reference Three Realms (Spheres) of Life (existence)
    Aug 28 2024

    Buddhism Reference – The Three Realms (Spheres) of Existence. A discussion illuminating the perceptions and identifications of the mind from energy into physicality and Samsara delusions of separateness. “Buddhism Reference” – Now Available Threefoldlotus.com/home/Ebooks.htm

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    43 m
  • Buddhism Reference - Three Periods of the Dharma
    Aug 21 2024

    Buddhism Reference – The Three Periods of the Dharma. A discussion illuminating the stages of enlightenment teachings leading to the Later Age and the doctrines of Nichiren. “Buddhism Reference” – Now Available Threefoldlotus.com/home/Ebooks.htm

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    29 m
  • Buddhism Reference - The Three Clarities
    Aug 19 2024

    Buddhism Reference – The Three Clarities. Early teachings for Arhats become the Mahayana of Three Illuminations of Bodhisattvas and Buddhas. “Buddhism Reference” – Now Available Threefoldlotus.com/home/Ebooks.htm

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    12 m
  • Buddhism Reference - Third Eye
    Aug 18 2024

    Buddhism Reference – Third Eye. The GoHonzon. The objective of our practice to open and experience our Buddha potential. “Buddhism Reference” – Now Available Threefoldlotus.com/home/Ebooks.htm

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    16 m
  • Buddhism Reference - Teacher
    Aug 17 2024

    Buddhism Reference – Teacher. Is the great power of our sentient mind to take our self awareness of the experience of the engine of life to clearly understand the manifestations and energies that instantiate in moment to moment flow of momentum. “Buddhism Reference” – Now Available Threefoldlotus.com/home/Ebooks.htm

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    9 m
  • Buddhism Reference - Tathagata
    Aug 17 2024

    Buddhism Reference – Tathagata. Simply put is the Potential inherent in the entire engine of the Cosmos. Tathagata is the inherent potential for the instantiation of Buddha consciousness. “Buddhism Reference” – Now Available Threefoldlotus.com/home/Ebooks.htm

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    19 m
  • Buddhism Reference - Sravaka
    Aug 12 2024

    Buddhism Reference – Sravaka. A student or monk and a “Hearer of the Buddha’s meaning”. “Buddhism Reference” – Now Available Threefoldlotus.com/home/Ebooks.htm

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    15 m