
  • 07-25-2024 - On This Day in Insane History
    Jul 25 2024
    On July 25, 2024 in the small town of Jasper, Minnesota something most unusual occurred. Residents were going about their morning routines as usual when the skies suddenly darkened around 9:45 am. Many thought a heavy storm was rolling in, but upon looking out their windows they saw nothing but clear blue skies in all other directions. Hovering directly over Main Street was an enormous spiral of what appeared to be hundreds of purple squirrels swirling around each other at a rapid pace. As one elderly man put it - "I've lived here most my life and never seen anything so bizarre. Usually our wildlife keeps to itself, but this was just plain unnatural". Within minutes over a thousand villagers had gathered to gawk at the twisting twisting twirling tube of tiny turquoise tailed rodents. Some claim they could even hear a strange hum coming from the center. Just as abruptly as it appeared, around 10:05 am the squirrel spiral abruptly vanished without a trace. To this day no one has a logical explanation for the curious case of the coiling chronic critters that took over Jasper's airspace if only briefly on that summer morning. The incident was debated heavily on local message boards and in schoolyards for weeks after with many proposing it as evidence intelligent extraterrestrial life had paid them a visit, if only in squirrel form.
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  • 07-24-2024 - On This Day in Insane History
    Jul 24 2024
    On July 24th, 2024 in the small town of Jamestown, Wisconsin, an unexpected heavy rain caused the local pig racing event to be washed out. Upset at losing their afternoon's entertainment, several residents began saddling up their pigs anyway in a spontaneous pig rodeo. Old Mildred, a 550-pound sow owned by farmer Hank Johnson, shocked everyone by throwing her owner within minutes of being mounted. Mildred then proceeded to drag the stunned Hank through the muddy field as onlookers howled with laughter. Attempts to subdue the rowdy pig proved fruitless as Mildred remained intent on demonstrating who was boss. Only after wearing himself out did Hank managed to slide out from underneath his annoyed ride. While unorthodox, the crowd agreed this impromptu match provided far more amusement than any planned pig races could have. Mildred enjoyed widespread acclaim as the day's surprise champion, cementing her status as the reigning queen of Jamestown's pigs.
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  • 07-23-2024 - On This Day in Insane History
    Jul 23 2024
    On July 23rd, 2024, a rather peculiar thing occurred in the small town of Willow Creek, Wyoming. It was a Wednesday, and the morning started off quite normally. Farmer John was in his fields as usual, tending to his prize-winning cows. Into town came the 9:50 goods delivery on Old Betsy, the Steam Runner. But unbeknownst to all, something rather unusual was happening underground.

    Deep below the surface, a shift was taking place in the earth's crust. An obscure fault line, unseen for centuries, began to slip and crack. Slowly at first, then with increasing speed, the land started to move. Down in the coal mines on the edge of town, the miners felt the first tremors. "Blast it boys, she's a-shakin' again!" yelled old Jerry as he grabbed for support. But this was no ordinary quake.

    Within moments, the geological stirring grew forceful. The rolling terrain jumped and buckled. Farm animals scattered in a panic across Farmer John's land. Old Betsy came off the tracks with a heavy lurch, spilling her cargo into a tangled heap. Every structure in Willow Creek began to violently shake. Cracks snaked up walls and across the streets. Clay pots tumbled from shelves. The church steeple swayed dangerously overhead.

    Just when it seemed the movement could not get more intense, a colossal boom erupted from deep below. A massive fissure tore through the earth, cutting a zigzag path directly under the heart of town. With an almighty groan, the ground gave way along the rift. Buildings, roads, and trees sank out of sight as the land cleaved in two. When at last the quaking stopped, stunned citizens emerged from their homes to survey the DAMAGE. The entirety of Main Street had disappeared without a trace! In its place was a chasm over fifty feet wide and deeper than any had ever seen. Willow Creek was now divided down the center by this immense crevice, which geologists would later declare a unprecedented geological marvel - the likes of which would never be seen again in our lifetime. The town would never quite be the same after the bizarre day the earth opened up and swallowed half of its streets.
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  • 07-22-2024 - On This Day in Insane History
    Jul 22 2024
    On July 22, 1726, a most peculiar occurrence befell the small village of Cardigan in Wales. It was a calm summer morning with nary a cloud in the sky when the citizens began to hear a strange sound growing ever louder. Old Thomas Evans, tending his sheep atop the hill, saw a most amazing sight. Flying low across the valley were two score of pigs, wings flapping frantically as if their very lives depended on it.

    The pigs were headed straight for Cardigan at a remarkable speed. Townsfolk scrambled to get out of the way as the porcine projectiles careened down the main thoroughfare. One swine snatched a washing from the line as it flew by, trailing soap and smalls. Another struck Mr. Jenkins square, knocking his hat askew and sending both man and beast tumbling head over trotters.

    Exactly forty-three minutes after first taking flight, the last pig had been rounded up, none the worse for wear despite their aerial antics. When questioned, the pigs offered only oinks and grunts, shedding no light on their mysterious levitation. To this day, the Cardigan Flying Pigs remain an unsolved anomaly in the village history books, a curious incident that science cannot fully explain. The butcher's pie was especially delicious that Michaelmas.
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  • 07-21-2024 - On This Day in Insane History
    Jul 21 2024
    On July 21st, 2024, in a field just outside of Oslo, Norway, the strangest of occurrences did transpire. Farmers working their lands that summer morn witnessed a sphere of light descending from the sky, coming to rest gently in the midst of their oat crop. The brave souls rushed over to investigate this intrusion, fearing it some form of heavenly reckoning or portent. But upon approaching, they saw within the glowing orb not angels nor demons but rather small hairless beings with oversized craniums.

    The creatures attempted to communicate via peculiar chirping sounds and incomprehensible gestures. The farmers, good Christian men, feared this an apparition of the devil come to test their faith. But just as Johan raised his pitchfork to vanquish the demons, the orb did hum loudly and lift away, ascending at miraculous speed back to the heavens. None could explain this visitation, though the oat crop did grow to unprecedented heights that year, fueling speculation about the true nature of the event 'til this very day.
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  • 07-20-2024 - On This Day in Insane History
    Jul 20 2024
    On July 20th, 2024, the town of Bucksnort, Tennessee experienced something quite peculiar. It was a Tuesday morning like any other, folks waking up and putting on their boots to head to work, when all of a sudden reports started pouring in of a mass feather outbreak. Old Mrs. Johnson was hanging out her wash when she noticed her sheets were covered in downy flakes. Young Billy Bob was walking to the general store and swore he could barely see two feet in front of him through the flurry of fluff.

    Folks began rushing outside to investigate and sure enough, feathers were drifting down from the sky with no birds in sight. Within an hour, the whole town looked like it had been dusted with powdered sugar. Trees, sidewalks, cars - you name it, feathers stuck to every surface. Even Mayor Jed himself had to spend an embarrassing amount of time plucking pin feathers from his hair after attempting to give an interview on the situation.

    The local weatherman was stumped. No storm systems were moving through and his anemometer hadn't recorded so much as a breeze. Meanwhile, farmer Hank was distraught - claiming the freak raining feathers would ruin his tomato crop. It wasn't until old Henry from the general store did some investigative work that the truth finally flew out. As it turns out, the featherfall was all triggered by Farmer Bob's new rooster, Rufus. Seems this prize peacock had somehow worked itself into an absolute lather during the night, molting its entire coat in a single frenzied flurry. The light feather down had simply drifted over the town on the still morning air. While Bucksnort breathed a collective sigh of relief that the crisis was bird-related rather than otherworldly, they'll certainly never forget the day it mysteriously rained feathers on their quiet Tennessee hamlet.
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  • 07-19-2024 - On This Day in Insane History
    Jul 19 2024
    On July 19, 2024, in a quiet suburban neighborhood outside of Tulsa, Oklahoma, something most peculiar occurred. It was a hot summer morning, the sun rising up and bringing with it the promise of another scorcher of a day. The Smith family was just beginning to stir, starting their daily routines as most Saturday mornings unfold. But little did they know, this would be a morning unlike any other.

    As John Smith poured himself a cup of coffee in the kitchen, the first sign appeared. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed something moving outside the window. When he turned to look, he saw nothing at first. Then, quite suddenly, it emerged from the bushes. A squirrel, but unlike any squirrel you've ever seen. This one walked on its hind legs, wearing a tiny top hat and monocle, holding a minuscule cane. John blinked hard and rubbed his eyes, convinced the coffee had somehow gone bad. But there it was, the squirrel tipping its hat in greeting before going on its bizarre way.

    Word spread fast throughout the close-knit community via frantic phone calls. Neighbors cautiously ventured outside to investigate and spotted even more oddly dressed forest creatures going about their business. Chipmunks in waistcoats, raccoons twirling mini umbrellas, an opossum balancing a teacup on its tail. Scientists were baffled, the local news dispatched a team, stunned by what they found and at a loss to explain the phenomenon. Just as suddenly as it began, it ended, the animals retreating to whence they came, leaving the neighborhood and the watching world wondering if they'd all been victims of a shared hallucination on that most peculiar of summer days. The curious case of the classy critters of Tulsa went down as one for the history books.
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  • 07-18-2024 - On This Day in Insane History
    Jul 18 2024
    On July 18th, 2024 in the small town of Jasper, Minnesota, something most peculiar occurred. Farmer John was out in his fields at first light as always, when he spotted something hovering above his prized pumpkin patch. As it came closer he saw it was some sort of aircraft, but unlike anything he had ever seen before. It was perfectly round and silent as could be.

    Farmer John hesitated, not sure what to make of this mysterious machine. Before he could decide whether to run towards it or away, the top opened with a smooth hiss and out popped what appeared to be a small gray fellow with a bulbous head and oversized black eyes. It floated towards Farmer John who had to pinch himself to be sure he wasn't still dreaming.

    The being motioned with its long spindly fingers in a way the farmer understood as non-threatening. It produced a device that projected images of other worlds, some with three suns, others with crimson skies and seas of ammonia. Information was being shared between the curious visitors and bemused farmer. After an hour of gestures and illustrations, the creature tipped its head in a farewell nod and rose back into its spacecraft.

    The pilot flashed a series of lights that Farmer John would later learn was a "thank you" in their language before cruising silently back up into the clouds. Though none could explain the odd encounter, news of the friendly farmer's meeting with beings from beyond soon spread nationwide. It seems even the sleepy prairie town of Jasper was not immune to visits from the stars on that strange summer morn.
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