
  • Four Key Macro Trends That Will Drive Markets Through 2025 | Jan Van Eck| Jan Van Eck
    Jul 23 2024
    I often emphasize that the most useful people to interview are asset managers. Because they don't have the luxury of merely having an opinion on the road ahead -- they have to commit capital to their convictions, and be judged upon the results. Today we have the great fortune of being joined by one of the most respected capital allocators in the business: Jan van Eck Jan is CEO of vanEck, an asset management firm with over $100 billion in assets under management invested across its wide family of ETFs and funds, spanning equity, bond, commodity, digital and regional asset classes. Jan and I will spend the next hour discussing his macro and market outlooks, as well as where he sees the biggest opportunities for investors right now. WORRIED ABOUT THE MARKET? SCHEDULE YOUR FREE PORTFOLIO REVIEW with Thoughtful Money's endorsed financial advisors at https://www.thoughtfulmoney.com --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thoughtful-money/support
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    1 h y 8 m
  • Sven Henrich: We're Living Through The Most Distorted Business Cycle In History
    Jul 21 2024
    When Sven Henrich of NorthmanTrader.com was last on this program, he admitted he was a reluctant bull. He just wasn't seeing any material barriers that stood in the way of the ongoing bully rally in stocks at that time. At the end of our conversation, I asked him to come back on this program when his technical analysis tells him conditions have changed. Well, Sven just reached out last night, letting me know that he has closed out all his longs this week and moved to cash. Why? What has him so spooked? Let's ask the man himself. WORRIED ABOUT THE MARKET? SCHEDULE YOUR FREE PORTFOLIO REVIEW with Thoughtful Money's endorsed financial advisors at https://www.thoughtfulmoney.com #marketcorrection #technicalanalysis #tradingstrategy --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thoughtful-money/support
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    1 h y 43 m
  • Rough Week For Stocks As Credit Spreads Issue Warning | Lance Roberts & Adam Taggart
    Jul 20 2024
    Well, portfolio manager Lance Roberts has been warning for a while now that stocks were materially overbought and due for a 5%+ correction. And it looks like that started this week, with the S&P selling off 3% over the past 3 trading days. Interestingly, it began with a massive flow of capital into small cap stocks, though that moderated a bit as the week progressed. Whether or not this is the beginning of a Great Rotation from Big Growth into Small Value remains to be seen. But more interesting to Lance is that credit spreads are starting to widen in lower-quality bonds. This is the first rumblings of concern we've seen in the part of the market that truly matters. Is a sleeping dragon awakening here? Lance and I discuss that as well as the likely economic implications of Trump's economic plan, whether the Fed will really cut rates in September, and Lance's firm's latest trades. For everything that mattered to markets, watch this Weekly Market Recap. WORRIED ABOUT THE MARKET? SCHEDULE YOUR FREE PORTFOLIO REVIEW with Thoughtful Money's endorsed financial advisors at https://www.thoughtfulmoney.com #creditspreads #trumpeconomy #interestrates --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thoughtful-money/support
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    2 h y 1 m
  • Michael Green: The Stock Market Is Now A Giant Ponzi Scheme
    Jul 18 2024
    There is a mechanical force that pushes asset prices higher as capital flows passively into the market every month. As more money flows in, it must be used to purchase assets, at whatever current price they're trading at. That valuation-insensitive purchasing results in higher and higher prices. Today's guest refers to this current system as the "giant mindless robot". And, in his view, has deformed our financial markets into a gargantuan ponzi scheme of unprecedented scale. One that someday must go bust, as all ponzis do. For all the details on this, we'll spend the next hour with Michael Green, portfolio manager & chief strategist at Simplify Asset Management. WORRIED ABOUT THE MARKET? SCHEDULE YOUR FREE PORTFOLIO REVIEW with Thoughtful Money's endorsed financial advisors at https://www.thoughtfulmoney.com #stockmarket #assetbubble #ponzi --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thoughtful-money/support
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    1 h y 8 m
  • What If A Coming Recession & Bear Market Are The LEAST Of Our Worries? | John Rubino
    Jul 16 2024
    History is full of examples where nations resorted to taking on ever-increasing amounts of debt to maintain a positive economic growth rate. But it never works out well for those who do. Most often, they end up sacrificing the purchasing power of their currencies in the process. Many analysts are now raising such concerns about the fast growing national, corporate and consumer debt pile in the US and other G7 nations. Are we repeating the mistakes of history? Or is it truly different this time? To discuss, we're fortunate to welcome monetary and macro analyst John Rubino, author and co-author of numerous books including The Money Bubble with James Turk. WORRIED ABOUT THE MARKET? SCHEDULE YOUR FREE PORTFOLIO REVIEW with Thoughtful Money's endorsed financial advisors at https://www.thoughtfulmoney.com #debtcrisis #marketcorrection #recession --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thoughtful-money/support
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    1 h y 35 m
  • Michael Pento: Stocks "Running On Fumes", Risk Of A 30-80% Crash
    Jul 14 2024
    Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell testified in front of Congress this week to defend his current monetary policy. While we don't have the results of that testimony as of the time of this recording, Powell has recently stated that he is now seeing the kind of disinflationary path for the US economy that he's wanted to. This of course has Wall Street salivating again that rate cuts are near at hand. Are they? For perspective, we're fortunate today to talk with money manager Michael Pento, president of Pento Portfolio Strategies. Michael warns that we have the most overvalued stock market ever, and the liquidity that drove it to today's extremes is starting to run out. In his words "We're running on fumes". And stocks are at risk of correcting 30-80% from here. WORRIED ABOUT THE MARKET? SCHEDULE YOUR FREE PORTFOLIO REVIEW with Thoughtful Money's endorsed financial advisors at https://www.thoughtfulmoney.com #bearmarket #marketcrash #marketcorrection --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thoughtful-money/support
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    1 h y 41 m
  • Fed Fears Too-High Rates Are Starting To Crush The Economy | Lance Roberts & Adam Taggart
    Jul 13 2024
    Yes, Federal Reserve Jerome Powell is hoping he can cut rates soon. But it's less because he's proud he's won the inflation battle. It's more because he's afraid the Lag Effect from his "higher for longer" interest rates are starting to visibly damage the economy. Portfolio manager Michael Lebowitz stands in for Lance Roberts this week to talk about the Fed's unfolding scramble to get to rate cuts before the wheels come off. We're already seeing concerning signs: 1.5% (or less) GDP growth for 2024 so far, rising unemployment, runaway deficits and struggling consumers. Can the Fed ride to the rescue before the wheels come off? Michael and I discuss that, as well as everything that mattered to markets, in this week's Weekly Recap. WORRIED ABOUT THE MARKET? SCHEDULE YOUR FREE PORTFOLIO REVIEW with Thoughtful Money's endorsed financial advisors at https://www.thoughtfulmoney.com #inflation #bonds #interestrates --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thoughtful-money/support
    Más Menos
    1 h y 18 m
  • "It Will Feel Like A Recession" When Unemployment Hits 4.5% By Year-End | Bloomberg's Anna Wong
    Jul 11 2024
    The US economy appears to be slowing down. Final Q1 GDP growth came in at just 1.4% and, as of this recording, Q2 GDP is currently estimated to be little better, at 1.5%. Retail sales for May, the most recent data we have, only grew at 0.1%. And unemployment is starting to tick up, too, rising last week to 4.1%. Now, none of these stats are particularly worrisome on their own. But together, are they signalling rockier economic times could like ahead? To find out, we have the good fortunate to talk today with Dr Anna Wong, Chief U.S. Economist for Bloomberg Economics. Prior to her current role, Anna also worked at the Federal Reserve Board, the White House Council of Economics Advisers, and the U.S. Treasury. WORRIED ABOUT THE MARKET? SCHEDULE YOUR FREE PORTFOLIO REVIEW with Thoughtful Money's endorsed financial advisors at https://www.thoughtfulmoney.com #unemployment #jobs #recession --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thoughtful-money/support
    Más Menos
    1 h y 8 m