
  • Iyun Shiur: Learning Torah instead of watching the Superbowl, a 4 hour investment with a year worth of dividends (Halachos of bittul Torah)
    49 m
  • Why Nachum stayed in Mitzrayim (Beshalach)
    4 m
  • There's always light by a Yid
    3 m
  • Dealing with clients all day is also a Mitzvah (Elef Hamagen Parshas BO)
    5 m
  • Noach" You're speaking my language"
    5 m
  • But they're getting paid!? (Va'eira 5781)
    4 m
  • A little higher (Va'eira 5781)
    2 m
  • Who am I (va'eira 5781)
    2 m