
  • 22 Are You the Coming One?
    Jul 14 2024
    * The earthly ministry of Jesus was marked by many miraculous events. We have already seen Jesus cast out demons, heal general sicknesses and specific diseases including leprosy, healing a paralytic, and healing a man with withered hand. Last week, we saw Jesus heal the Centurion's servant from a distance and raise the widow of Nain's son from the dead! * One would think that this would be enough proof to validate His claim as Messiah. However, we know that from the response of many today, that is sadly not the case. * However, there are times when even we who believe can be confused and have shades of doubt regarding what we have read in God's Word. Today, we will see how Jesus addressed doubt in those who were around Him.
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  • 21 The Servant and The Son
    Jul 7 2024
    * Over the past three messages we have considered the instruction of Jesus to those who were following Him. Jesus challenged those following Him to change the way they thought - from being worldly-focused to kingdom-focused; and from being self-focused to being other-focused. * In today's passage, we see Jesus illustrate this mindset in His interaction with Roman Centurion of Capernaum and the Widow of Nain.
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  • 20 The Messianic Mindset (Pt 2)
    Jun 30 2024
    * Except for last week, when visiting missionary Bob Schneider delivered the teaching, we've spent the majority of June considering Luke's perspective regarding Jesus's call of His primary messengers and the communication of His primary message. A primary message that was designed to help people to change the way they approached life, by teaching them what having a Messianic mindset was all about. For to be a true follower of Jesus requires us to increasingly adjust and adapt our thinking to match His, so that we can more effectively serve as His ambassadors in this world. * Pastor Bob summarized this Messianic mindset as one that is kingdom-focused and others-focused, rather than worldly-focused and self-focused. * So, 2 weeks ago, in verses 21-35, Jesus gave four contrasts in the form of blessings and woes to illustrate the outcomes of those two mindsets, and then seven commands that challenge us to respond to those that mistreat us in ways that cannot help but get their attention. * And my personal key take-away was this… "People destined for hell do not know what they are doing, or where they are heading. But we do". And one of the best ways we can help them, is for us to embrace and exhibit a Messianic mindset, especially when we are treated poorly or unfairly. * So this morning, after a quick recap of the seven commands, we'll wrap up Jesus's Messianic mindset teaching by considering five reflections of it, and then three illustrations that teach us how to effectively make it more of a reality in each of our lives.
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  • 19 Luke 6:20-49 (The Messianic Mindset; Pt 1 - Do Unto Others ...)
    Jun 16 2024
    * Last week, we considered Jesus' call of His Primary Messengers and began to consider the communication of His Primary Message. We considered that the overall theme of Jesus' teaching was for people to change the way they thought - from being worldly-focused to kingdom-focused; and from being self-focused to being other-focused. As we will see, the Kingdom mindset is unlike the mindset of the world * Lord willing, the message today and then two weeks from now will cover some of the exhortations, applications and implications of this primary message. * Today, we will be considering Contrasts, Commands, and Conclusions that Jesus presents based upon the Theme of this Primary Message. That theme is revealed throughout these verses. - THE THEME OF JESUS' MESSAGE ... If you do to others just as you would have them do to you, then your reward will be great and you will be sons of the Most High. For with the same measure you use, it will be measured back to you!
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  • 18 Luke 6:12-23 (Choosing Messianic Ambassadors)
    Jun 9 2024
    * Up to this point in our study of Luke's Gospel, we have seen the proclamation of the coming of the Messiah and His forerunner. We have then seen the birth and ministry of the Messiah's forerunner - John the Immerser (the Baptist), the proclamation of Jesus inaugurating His Messianic ministry, the authority and power of Jesus displayed through a variety of healings and of demons being cast out. Last week, we saw Jesus begin to ramp up His Messianic ministry by providing corrective instruction regarding the observance of the Sabbath. During this time, Jesus began to call individuals to follow Him. Some did and some did not. We read of some of those who did. * Today, we see Jesus take the next step in His Messianic ministry - choosing His primary Ambassadors and giving them their primary Message. * If you were to choose twelve men to represent you, or your business, or your ministry ... how would you go about choosing them? Would they send in resumés? Would you have multiple interviews? What criteria would you use to assess the most qualified candidates? * What we begin to learn ... or begin to learn in a more intensive way ... is that the Kingdom mindset is unlike the mindset of the world.
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  • 17 Luke 6:1-11 (The Lord of the Sabbath)
    Jun 2 2024
    * As Chuck reminded us last week, Luke wrote this gospel account that we are studying in order "that you may know the certainty of those things in which you were instructed." * We have seen, that it was Jesus' custom to go to the Synagogue on the Sabbath. It was on the Sabbath that Jesus gave His Messianic proclamation in the Synagogue in Nazareth. It was also on the Sabbath that we saw His ministry begin in the town of Capernaum. There, in the Synagogue, the people were amazed at His teaching and He cast the unclean Spirit out of a man. Afterwards, Jesus went to Simon's house and healed Simon's mother-in-law. * Today, we are going to see Jesus - the Lord of the Sabbath - begin to deal with the misunderstandings that the people have regarding the Law of the Sabbath. These interactions are going to bring Him into direct confrontation with the Pharisees and teachers of the Law. * Similarly, this topic can be quite controversial amongst believers, and theologians, in the church today. Is the discussion of the Sabbath only for Israel in an Old Covenant setting? Do the principles of the Sabbath "laws" apply to believers, and if so, how? * Also, questions are then raised regarding the application of the teachings of Jesus for New Testament. Many dispensationalists, of which I am one, would declare that Jesus' teaching was "Kingdom" teaching and is not applicable to the saints if they are not reiterated elsewhere in the New Testament. However, Jesus specfically declared as part of the process of His Great Commission - to Make Disciples - that it included teaching the new believer (disciple) to observe all of the things which He commanded. * So, today's passage ... though, only 11 verses ... has so much for us to consider. Indeed, as Chuck mentioned last week, we will only scratch the surface! * First ... what is the Meaning of the "Second Sabbath." Again, there is great debate: is it the second Sabbath of Jesus in Capernaum (since Luke 4:31), or is this an allusion to it being the week of Passover and this is a reference to 1st Fruits, or one of the Holy Convocations? It is a detail that Luke chose to include by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Though it is not germaine to our discussion today, it would be a good study for you to perform!
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  • 16 Luke 5:27-39 (A New Work That Brings New Life)
    May 26 2024
    Though we have taken a few detours along the way, we have spent the bulk of the past 5 months examining Luke's gospel account, with our plan this morning being to finish up chapter 5. This means that at our current pace, we will be in Luke, not only for the remainder of 2024, but most likely a good portion of 2025 as well. * And while for some, this might be considered a "slow" pace, for me it is a reminder of the depth and beauty of God's Word, and also the fact that the Bible is so full of truth that it merits and deserves our careful attention to its every detail. But then, as many of you have no doubt experienced over the years, we will have but "scratched the surface" even after we eventually come to the end of Luke 24. * Now, as Pastor Bob has reminded us frequently over the past 5 months, Luke's desire was to present an orderly account of the ministry of Jesus the Christ, so that those that heard about it could be assured of its veracity, in order that they could have confidence to share its testimony with others. * Before we get into the final 13 verses of Luke 5, where Jesus reveals more about the nature of His new work, let's consider a few additional characteristics of Luke's gospel account. The intent being to further prepare us for all that we have to cover, and discover, in the months ahead.
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  • 15 Luke 5:12-29 (The Leper and The Paralytic)
    May 19 2024
    Last week, we saw Jesus' interaction with, and call of, Simon Peter. Even though Simon had seen Jesus perform many healings, it was the manifestation of a major catch of fish to get his attention. As a result, Simon confessed his sinfulness, willingly left his business, and followed Jesus. * From this point, Jesus begins to travel throughout the regions of Galilee and Judea, and uses Simon's house as his "house of operations" while back in Capernaum - His adopted city. * Today, we begin to follow Jesus on these journeys. Immediately, we are introduced to one of Luke's favorite words when it comes to describing Jesus' travels: egeneto - translated in the NKJV as "Now it happened ... " or "Now it came to pass ..." Egeneto is used 208 times in the New Testament; 129 of those times are by Luke! (Luke - 75; Acts - 54) The next closest of usages is Mark, John and Revelation with 18 each! Egeneto is the aorist indicative of ginomai, which means "cause to be" or "to become." When Jesus came to the earth, He had a plan and a purpose. There would be appointments that He would "happen" to keep and people that He would "happen" to meet. Over the next weeks and months, as we see many of these appointments, we need to recall that God is still is control of "Now it came to pass ..."! * Today, through Jesus' interaction with a Leper and a Paralytic, we will begin to see in detail Jesus compassion and power to heal. In His interaction with the paralytic, Jesus will deal with an individual who would be classified - according to current APA DSM criteria - with conversion disorder (or functional neurological symptom disorder).
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