
  • The entrepreneurial journey is not a straight line.
    Apr 4 2022

    Running your own business is a journey of ups and downs. 

    Much like raising a family or working in the corporate sector, we face challenging situations and people that can throw us off track or out of our power.

    We dive head-on into this hot topic in this episode, sharing vulnerably the lessons we’ve learned and the shifts we’ve made as we navigate the entrepreneurial highway. 

    Join us for some insight and tips on how to successfully navigate these challenges without losing our integrity, our personal power or our sh*t!

    Such a great episode to know you are not alone as you take this journey. 

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Work, play and REST: Why resting makes you more productive!
    Mar 5 2022

    Have you ever considered that incorporating rest into your day could actually make you more productive? 

    We dive head first into this topic in today’s podcast. 

    We touch on passive, active rest, human design and what it means to put yourself at number 1 in your priority list. 

    Listen in to hear our revelations about intentional rest in a world obsessed with doing.

    If you would like to find out more about Human Design and your map you can contact Georgia at georgia@gbcoaching.life

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • Self Love - the key ingredient to building a solid foundation for success and happiness.
    Feb 12 2022

    One of the biggest lessons we have learned as female entrepreneurs and as women who have embarked on epic self-development journeys is that we need to build (and continuously maintain) a solid foundation. 

    That means working on our mindsets, our habits, our daily choices and most importantly love of ourselves.

    Self-love is the hot topic for this episode. 

    We know that the entrepreneurial journey can be lonely, and it is easy to get lost in your own head and get in your own way.

    Noticing how you think about yourself, how you speak to yourself, and how you treat yourself is the starting point to building that strong foundation. 

    This is an invitation for you to start exploring this topic and to start laying your own foundation for growth and success.

    We hope you enjoy.

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • From Resolutions to Solutions
    Jan 21 2022

    New years resolutions? Friend or Foe? Today we dive into why 92% of new year’s resolutions fail, why they can leave us feeling guilty, ashamed or a bit ‘now what?’.


    When we are trying something new, creating new habits or dropping old ones, we need to be working towards something. But what is it that is going to get you starting and carrying on with these changes?


    In today’s discussion we offer up a different way to create change in your life, a different way to set yourself on the path that you want.  


    Jump on to find out more


    Nerissa and Georgia

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • To Booze or Not to Booze this festive season?
    Dec 11 2021
    The holiday season is upon is, as is Covid (still) but wither way, the booze starts to flow a little quicker this time of year. 

    We wanted to delve a little deeper on drinking, why we do, why we feel terrible, how can drink smarter. But also what if we didn’t, what if we shook things up?

    How do you want your festive season to feel? Intrigued? 

    Dive into this conversation with us.

    Happy Christmas with love

    Nerissa and Georgia

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Healing - The Journey healing can take us on.
    Dec 4 2021

    Today we invite you to step into this conversation with us about healing. We dive into the healing process, the healing journey as well as our own personal stories of physical and emotional healing. It’s a big one!

    What we have both noticed in our own well-being journeys is that the inner work, the inner healing is critical to our physical well-being; and that our physical injuries often open up opportunities for inner healing.

     When you allow your body, your mind, your spirit the opportunity to heal, life gets to shift up a gear.

     Jump in to find out more

    Nerissa and Georgia

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • See you at the start line.
    Sep 11 2021

    In this episode our guest Jennifer LeMarte  shares with us a powerful metaphor that helps her to show up for whatever change she is embarking on. 

    Together we discuss what it takes to set your next challenge, how to set the course and what you really need to know, do and think to stay on track and reach your goals. 

    Jen shares with us a powerful tool for getting unstuck, regaining momentum and breaking through any obstacles that might be holding you back from reaching your goals.

     A truly inspiring and insightful episode at will have you showing up at the start line like never before.

    Más Menos
    51 m
  • Energy or Time - which is more important to manage?
    Aug 20 2021

    Have you ever considered that it could be possible drive your business forward and enjoy your life by managing your energy rather than your time?

    Stress, exhaustion’s and burnout are global issues faced by professionals and a entrepreneurs alike. 

    Being driven by the never ending to-do list, the organisational culture and the need to always look & feel busy. 

    What if there was a different way that lead you to feeling focused, present and connected to your creative genius?

    Tune into this episode to find out more.

    Coaches Nerissa Bailey and Georgia Boston lead their clients in professional and entrepreneurship success with their bespoke transformational coaching programmes.

    Más Menos
    41 m