
  • Shelach - It's All About Perspective
    Jun 26 2024

    What is Lashon Hara?

    Who were the people that were sent as spies to the land of Israel?

    What was their mission?

    Did G-d want the Jews to send spies? If not, why did he let them?

    What was special about Yehoshua’s name?

    Learn the answers to all of this, and more, on this week's episode of Toras Chaim.

    Toras Chaim: Meaningful Life Lessons from the Weekly Parsha, by Rabbi Elchonon Cohen.

    Comments, questions and requests are welcome!

    Instagram: @OvertimeCook or @Elchonon or via email: overtimecook@gmail.com

    Más Menos
    51 m
  • Behalosecha - Something Bigger Than Yourself
    Jun 18 2024

    Why was Ahron upset?

    What was unique about the Menorah in the Mishkan services?

    What was the job of the Levi'im in the Mishkan?

    Why do the Levi'im shave, while the nazir grows his hair out?

    Learn the answers to all of this, and more, on this week's episode of Toras Chaim.

    Toras Chaim: Meaningful Life Lessons from the Weekly Parsha, by Rabbi Elchonon Cohen.

    Comments, questions and requests are welcome!

    Instagram: @OvertimeCook or @Elchonon or via email: overtimecook@gmail.com

    Más Menos
    46 m
  • Bamidbar - The Part and the Whole
    Jun 6 2024

    Why is Bamidbar called the book of numbers?

    What is the relationship between this week’s parsha and the counting of the Omer?

    How do we prepare for Shavuos?

    Is tribalism good or bad?

    What was the 13th gate in Yechezkel’s prophecy for?

    Learn the answers to all of this, and more, on this week's episode of Toras Chaim.

    Toras Chaim: Meaningful Life Lessons from the Weekly Parsha, by Rabbi Elchonon Cohen.

    Comments, questions and requests are welcome!

    Instagram: @OvertimeCook or @Elchonon or via email: overtimecook@gmail.com

    Más Menos
    39 m
  • Bechukosai - Working for Torah
    May 28 2024

    Why doesn't the torah openly discuss "Olam Habah"?

    When is the "right" time for rain?

    What does it mean to toil in torah?

    Are the blessings and curses in this week's parshah natural or supernatural?

    Learn the answers to all of this, and more, on this week's episode of Toras Chaim.

    Toras Chaim: Meaningful Life Lessons from the Weekly Parsha, by Rabbi Elchonon Cohen.

    Comments, questions and requests are welcome!

    Instagram: @OvertimeCook or @Elchonon or via email: overtimecook@gmail.com

    Más Menos
    45 m
  • Behar - a Fresh Start
    May 24 2024

    What does shmittah have to do with har sinai?

    Why does Pirkei Avos begin with "Moshe received the Torah on Har Sinai"?

    What was unique about Har Sinai?

    What is the Torah's message of shmittah?

    What is true humility?

    Learn the answers to all of this, and more, on this week's episode of Toras Chaim.

    Toras Chaim: Meaningful Life Lessons from the Weekly Parsha, by Rabbi Elchonon Cohen.

    Comments, questions and requests are welcome!

    Instagram: @OvertimeCook or @Elchonon or via email: overtimecook@gmail.com

    Más Menos
    41 m
  • Emor - Filling the Void
    May 17 2024

    Our first podcast from our new home!

    Why are minor (underaged) kohanim mentioned specifically in the prohibition with the dead?

    What can disqualify a kohen from service?

    What can we learn from kohanim's prohibitions?

    Learn the answers to all of this, and more, on this week's episode of Toras Chaim.

    Toras Chaim: Meaningful Life Lessons from the Weekly Parsha, by Rabbi Elchonon Cohen.

    Comments, questions and requests are welcome!

    Instagram: @OvertimeCook or @Elchonon or via email: overtimecook@gmail.com

    Más Menos
    31 m
  • Kedoshim - The Good and The Godly
    May 8 2024

    Why are the Ten Commandments repeated in this week's parsha?

    Why is Moshe told to gather ALL of the jewish people?

    What is special about the land of Israel?

    Is honoring your parents an interpersonal mitzvah or between us and God?

    What is "Kedushah"?

    Learn the answers to all of this, and more, on this week's episode of Toras Chaim.

    Toras Chaim: Meaningful Life Lessons from the Weekly Parsha, by Rabbi Elchonon Cohen.

    Comments, questions and requests are welcome!

    Instagram: @OvertimeCook or @Elchonon or via email: overtimecook@gmail.com

    Más Menos
    43 m
  • Acharei Mos - Logic Vs. Emotion
    May 2 2024

    What was the reason for the death of Nadav and Avihu?

    What do driving and paskening Halacha have in common?

    Are human beings rational or emotional creatures?

    Is davening an emotional or rational experience?

    What can we learn from mindfulness meditation?

    Learn the answers to all of this, and more, on this week's episode of Toras Chaim.

    Toras Chaim: Meaningful Life Lessons from the Weekly Parsha, by Rabbi Elchonon Cohen.

    Comments, questions and requests are welcome!

    Instagram: @OvertimeCook or @Elchonon or via email: overtimecook@gmail.com

    Más Menos
    42 m