• 228 | NOW is the Time to Prepare for the New Year
    Nov 29 2023

    2024 will be here before we know, so let's talk about why RIGHT NOW is the time to prepare for the new year and 3 things you can do this week before the holidays come in full force!

    Mentioned in this episode –

    Plum Paper Planner

    10 | There Is No One Way to Set Goals! & Should Moms Even Set Goals? SMART Goals and Shoot for the Stars Goals Debunked

    Subscribe to the Podcast on YouTube!

    Ready to STAY CONSISTENT? Join the next free Tough Love Mom Consistency Challenge! One habit, one month.

    Take on the Free Consistency Challenge!

    Frustrated and falling off the wagon every time you try to lose weight? Ready to simplify your journey so you can finally stay consistent for good?

    Join Starting Point School!

    Get tough love texts from me each week to keep you motivated and encouraged!

    Text "tough love" to 205-809-7300!

    Are you ready to make this journey SIMPLE so you can stop feeling overwhelmed and START getting disciplined, consistent, and confident?

    Book your Starting Point Session and let’s get you back on track!

    COMMUNITY: Join The Tough Love Mom Squad on FB!

    Connect: support@thetoughlovemom.com

    Learn more: thetoughlovemom.com

    Instagram: @mrslizhenderson

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • 227 | Gratitude and Weight Loss
    Nov 22 2023

    Gratitude is something that needs to be focused on 365 days a year, specifically in our journeys. Now there is a clear connection between gratitude and weight loss...

    But this is a podcast for moms, so we're going to take a different approach and find the connection between gratitude and weight loss for moms on weight loss journeys. Let's do this!

    Subscribe to the Podcast on YouTube!

    Ready to STAY CONSISTENT? Join the next free Tough Love Mom Consistency Challenge! One habit, one month.

    Take on the Free Consistency Challenge!

    Frustrated and falling off the wagon every time you try to lose weight? Ready to simplify your journey so you can finally stay consistent for good?

    Join Starting Point School!

    Get tough love texts from me each week to keep you motivated and encouraged!

    Text "tough love" to 205-809-7300!

    Are you ready to make this journey SIMPLE so you can stop feeling overwhelmed and START getting disciplined, consistent, and confident?

    Book your Starting Point Session and let’s get you back on track!

    COMMUNITY: Join The Tough Love Mom Squad on FB!

    Connect: support@thetoughlovemom.com

    Learn more: thetoughlovemom.com

    Instagram: @mrslizhenderson

    Más Menos
    17 m
  • 226 | A Life Update and Honoring Your Capacity
    Nov 15 2023

    Life has changed a LOT lately and you deserve an update! And along the way, you'll learn about how to honor your capacity as a busy mom. Let's dive in!

    Mentioned in this episode –

    Take Back Your Time by Christy Wright

    Subscribe to the Podcast on YouTube!

    Ready to STAY CONSISTENT? Join the next free Tough Love Mom Consistency Challenge! One habit, one month.

    Take on the Free Consistency Challenge!

    Frustrated and falling off the wagon every time you try to lose weight? Ready to simplify your journey so you can finally stay consistent for good?

    Join Starting Point School!

    Get tough love texts from me each week to keep you motivated and encouraged!

    Text "tough love" to 205-809-7300!

    Are you ready to make this journey SIMPLE so you can stop feeling overwhelmed and START getting disciplined, consistent, and confident?

    Book your Starting Point Session and let’s get you back on track!

    COMMUNITY: Join The Tough Love Mom Squad on FB!

    Connect: support@thetoughlovemom.com

    Learn more: thetoughlovemom.com

    Instagram: @mrslizhenderson

    Más Menos
    18 m
  • 225 | Is It Even Worth It?
    Nov 8 2023

    When making one of the thousands decisions you make each day, there is ONE vital question I want you asking yourself... is it even worth it?

    Subscribe to the Podcast on YouTube!

    Ready to STAY CONSISTENT? Join the next free Tough Love Mom Consistency Challenge! One habit, one month.

    Take on the Free Consistency Challenge!

    Frustrated and falling off the wagon every time you try to lose weight? Ready to simplify your journey so you can finally stay consistent for good?

    Join Starting Point School!

    Get tough love texts from me each week to keep you motivated and encouraged!

    Text "tough love" to 205-809-7300!

    Are you ready to make this journey SIMPLE so you can stop feeling overwhelmed and START getting disciplined, consistent, and confident?

    Book your Starting Point Session and let’s get you back on track!

    COMMUNITY: Join The Tough Love Mom Squad on FB!

    Connect: support@thetoughlovemom.com

    Learn more: thetoughlovemom.com

    Instagram: @mrslizhenderson

    Más Menos
    10 m
  • 224 | [Starting Point Session] When Life Feels NONSTOP, This is How a Busy Working Mom Can Take Control of Her Nutrition Without Feeling Stressed
    Oct 30 2023

    We've all been there — hoping life will slow down enough to get on top of our nutrition and our fitness, but it never does. So you decide that Monday will be the day you go ALL IN and change it all at once... but then life happens — work responsibilities increase, your kid gets sick, you travel — and you "fall off." Repeat.

    This mama was there one too many times and decided it was time for HER Starting Point Session. And that is what you get to listen in on today!

    This full time working mom of 2 wanted to get a hold of her nutrition without adding more stress to her life. Eventually we uncovered it would start with simply planning and cooking dinner at HOME more often. A SIMPLE Starting Point so this change wouldn't be overwhelming or impossible, but SUSTAINABLE and creating lasting change.

    Time to go listen in!

    Subscribe to the Podcast on YouTube!

    Ready to STAY CONSISTENT? Join the next free Tough Love Mom Consistency Challenge! One habit, one month.

    Take on the Free Consistency Challenge!

    Frustrated and falling off the wagon every time you try to lose weight? Ready to simplify your journey so you can finally stay consistent for good?

    Join Starting Point School!

    Get tough love texts from me each week to keep you motivated and encouraged!

    Text "tough love" to 205-809-7300!

    Are you ready to make this journey SIMPLE so you can stop feeling overwhelmed and START getting disciplined, consistent, and confident?

    Book your Starting Point Session and let’s get you back on track!

    COMMUNITY: Join The Tough Love Mom Squad on FB!

    Connect: support@thetoughlovemom.com

    Learn more: thetoughlovemom.com

    Instagram: @mrslizhenderson

    Más Menos
    31 m
  • 223 | [Interview] 3 Weight Loss MYTHS Keeping You Stuck and Frustrated with Michele Scarlet
    Oct 23 2023

    Are you believing any of these common MYTHS around weight loss? Us mamas grew up in a time when what was deemed "healthy" was misleading and, to this day, it can still influence our beliefs and choices on our journey AND about ourselves. (With that being said, I do want to let you know some possibly triggering things around food and "skinniness" are discussed, so if that might cause unwanted distress, listen another time! xo)

    Michele Scarlet is a Holistic Health Practitioner and Fitness Expert on a mission to help women feel great inside and out. She resides in Toronto, Canada with her husband and helps women with their health through her virtual studio.

    So it's time to bust some myths and take control of our thoughts. In this episode, Michele addresses the most common myths women struggle with when it comes to weight loss, teaches how to simplify nutrition and shift your mindset when it comes to your journey, and encourages you with tangible advice on how to take control of your thoughts. Time to get equipped, mama!

    Connect with Michele!

    Instagram - @michelescarlet_



    Watch this Interview & Subscribe on YouTube!

    Ready to STAY CONSISTENT? Join the next free Tough Love Mom Consistency Challenge! One habit, one month.

    Take on the Free Consistency Challenge!

    Frustrated and falling off the wagon every time you try to lose weight? Ready to simplify your journey so you can finally stay consistent for good?

    Join Starting Point School!

    Get tough love texts from me each week to keep you motivated and encouraged!

    Text "tough love" to 205-809-7300!

    Are you ready to make this journey SIMPLE so you can stop feeling overwhelmed and START getting disciplined, consistent, and confident?

    Book your Starting Point Session and let’s get you back on track!

    COMMUNITY: Join The Tough Love Mom Squad on FB!

    Connect: support@thetoughlovemom.com

    Learn more: thetoughlovemom.com

    Instagram: @mrslizhenderson

    Más Menos
    50 m
  • 222 | Make the Uncommon Things COMMON
    Oct 19 2023

    We live in a time where convenience is ALL around us. While it has its place and has served us well, there are a lot of ways convenience is also making us unhealthy, more sick, and more complacent.

    We need to start going about our lives looking for ways to make habits that are uncommon to most people common for us.

    Subscribe to the Podcast on YouTube!

    Ready to STAY CONSISTENT? Join the next free Tough Love Mom Consistency Challenge! One habit, one month.

    Take on the Free Consistency Challenge!

    Frustrated and falling off the wagon every time you try to lose weight? Ready to simplify your journey so you can finally stay consistent for good?

    Join Starting Point School!

    Get tough love texts from me each week to keep you motivated and encouraged!

    Text "tough love" to 205-809-7300!

    Are you ready to make this journey SIMPLE so you can stop feeling overwhelmed and START getting disciplined, consistent, and confident?

    Book your Starting Point Session and let’s get you back on track!

    COMMUNITY: Join The Tough Love Mom Squad on FB!

    Connect: support@thetoughlovemom.com

    Learn more: thetoughlovemom.com

    Instagram: @mrslizhenderson

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • 221 | The 3 Types of Fun and How They Apply to Fitness
    Oct 16 2023

    For most, working out is something we don't always love in the moment, but we do appreciate it after the fact. There's a term for that — "Type II fun" — and we're talking about that, as well as Type I and Type III fun, in today's episode and HOW they all apply to fitness.

    Subscribe to the Podcast on YouTube!

    Ready to STAY CONSISTENT? Join the next free Tough Love Mom Consistency Challenge! One habit, one month.

    Take on the Free Consistency Challenge!

    Frustrated and falling off the wagon every time you try to lose weight? Ready to simplify your journey so you can finally stay consistent for good?

    Join Starting Point School!

    Get tough love texts from me each week to keep you motivated and encouraged!

    Text "tough love" to 205-809-7300!

    Are you ready to make this journey SIMPLE so you can stop feeling overwhelmed and START getting disciplined, consistent, and confident?

    Book your Starting Point Session and let’s get you back on track!

    COMMUNITY: Join The Tough Love Mom Squad on FB!

    Connect: support@thetoughlovemom.com

    Learn more: thetoughlovemom.com

    Instagram: @mrslizhenderson

    Más Menos
    15 m