
  • Albert Mohler: Celebrating the Birth of a New Nation
    Jul 5 2024

    Once again, Americans are ready to celebrate the 4th of July. Very ready indeed. But let's remember that the holiday is actually known as Independence Day, marking the anniversary of the act of American Patriots in declaring independence from Great Britain.

    The Declaration of Independence is the nation’s birth certificate. More than that, Independence Day marks a momentous event in human history. For the first time a new nation was established upon the premise that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights. That among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

    For more than 200 years, the United States of America has been learning how to fulfill that promise. But on Independence Day, we celebrate the fact that this world-changing promise was made and a new nation was born. A nation founded upon liberty, dignity and self-government. Happy Independence Day.

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  • Seth Leibsohn: Approaching 250 Years in Our Great Experiment in Liberty
    Jul 4 2024

    In 1976, the occasion of our bicentennial, the great political scientist Harry Jaffa wrote that in 1776 we were nothing, promising to become everything; but having become everything, we were then promising to become nothing.

    In two years, we’ll be celebrating our 250th anniversary. But, the principles of natural law, liberty and equality are all under grave assault. In 2021, among the first acts of the Biden administration, was the dismantling of the 1776 Commission, established to teach an accurate and invigorating history of our country.

    Can you imagine our nation having a 250th celebration true to our Founding principles?—Under a continuation of this administration, in 2026?

    History, Ronald Reagan said, is a ribbon, continually unfurling. We have unfurled that ribbon far and wide. Today, it’s unraveling quickly. As we celebrate this 4th—we look forward to our 250th with a renewed commitment to this great experiment in liberty, trusting for a quarter-millennial celebration worthy of our nation’s Founders.

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  • Carol Platt Liebau: Loper Bright Marks the Beginning of a Much-Needed Reckoning
    Jul 3 2024

    In its Loper Bright ruling, the US Supreme Court made all of us a little freer by limiting the power of unaccountable federal bureaucrats. Overruling the 1984 Chevron case, the Court held that judges need not defer to federal agencies’ interpretations of federal laws.

    Agencies like the EPA, FDA, and SEC have been usurping an ever-larger role in American life. They were created to flesh out highly complex laws through expert regulation. But their power has metastasized. They’re not in the Constitution, but they’re an effective fourth branch of government. Each agency has the equivalent of legislators, who write regulations; executives, who enforce them; and judges, who interpret them.

    But unlike those in the other, constitutional branches of government, these bureaucrats aren’t subject to the democratic process. They’re unelected and unaccountable.

    Loper Bright marks the beginning of a much-needed reckoning with the administrative state.

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  • Carol Platt Liebau: A Supreme Court Decision That Will Serve Future
    Jul 2 2024

    Pundits describe the executive power Supreme Court case as a “win” for Donald Trump. In one sense, it is. Special prosecutor Jack Smith won’t get the case against him to trial before the election.

    But the opinion wasn’t written for current circumstances. It was written for the ages. The Court held that presidents have absolute immunity for acts within their core constitutional powers. They have presumptive immunity from prosecution for all official acts, and no immunity for unofficial acts.

    These are sensible distinctions. Future presidents will be free to fulfill their duties without fear of political prosecution, but without free rein to engage in lawless personal conduct.

    Jack Smith’s case will return to the trial court to determine which of Trump’s challenged acts are official. Meanwhile, our nation owes the Court a vote of thanks for an opinion that will serve future generations well.

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  • Ed Morrissey: America You’ve Been Lied To
    Jul 1 2024

    Thursday night’s presidential debate made one thing very clear. Democrats have lied for four years about Joe Biden’s capacity for office, and the mainstream media has abetted this fraud the entire time.

    As recently as last week, the media seized on White House spin over legitimate videos of Biden as “cheap fakes,” attempting to gaslight Americans into disbelieving their own eyes. Democrats in the administration as well as the House and Senate have insisted all along that Biden in private was sharp, engaged, physically active, and entirely competent not just now but for another four years.

    Every single one of them lied to your faces.

    After the debate showed the emperor without any clothes, CNN and MSNBC began to report on ‘rising panic’ among Democrats over the upcoming presidential election. But they’re panicking about all of their elections now, because their fraud on American voters just got exposed on national TV. The media will panic too and attempt to foist more gaslighting to cover their complicity in this fraud.

    Voters in America now know the stakes in this election. They need to make all of them pay in November.

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  • Carol Platt Liebau: The Coward’s Way Out
    Jun 27 2024

    In Murthy v. Missouri, the Supreme Court has taken the coward’s way out. In a 6-3 ruling, it declined to rule on whether the Biden administration could coerce social media companies to censor and shadowban people who disagree with it. It said the plaintiffs lacked standing—that those who sued hadn’t shown a sufficient injury to bring the case.

    This ought to be distressing for everyone who cares about free speech. The Biden administration clearly engaged in censorship by surrogate—using social media companies to silence those it could not legally silence on its own.

    But there is good news. First, future plaintiffs can challenge the Biden censorship regime. Second, bad legal news is great political news: Donald Trump could—and should—make free speech a centerpiece of his campaign. Republicans in Congress can draft laws to protect our First Amendment and draw a contrast with our left-wing government censors.

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  • Carol Platt Liebau: Working Overtime to Stifle Democracy
    Jun 27 2024

    For years, Democrats have been styling themselves as the “party of democracy.” They have characterized their political opponents, most notably former President Trump” as a “threat to democracy.” In his 2022 speech in Philadelphia, President Biden accused what he called “MAGA Republicans” of working to undermine democracy itself.

    So imagine how surprising it was to read a recent story in the New York Times. It details all the ways a coalition of leftists is working to thwart Trump’s policy objectives, should he regain The White House.

    How ironic. Those who claim to fight for democracy are working overtime to ensure their preferred policies remain in place — regardless of what the people actually vote for.

    It gives the game away: To the left, “democracy” has nothing to do with honoring the outcome of elections. For them, “democracy” means they get to rule.

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  • Hugh Hewitt: Hellscape at Sea
    Jun 24 2024

    “Hellscape.” That’s a dramatic word—but that is what awaits China’s People’s Liberation Army Navy if it is ordered to invade Taiwan by Xi Jinping.

    We know this because US Navy Admiral Samuel Paparo, who heads up PACOM, told us this through The Washington Post’s Josh Rogin:

    “I want to turn the Taiwan Strait into an unmanned hellscape using a number of classified capabilities,” Paparo told Rogin. “So that I can make [PLAN’s] lives utterly miserable for a month, which buys me the time for the rest of everything,” he continued.

    “Classified capabilities” means we can’t know the details or even the outline of the details. But Paparo did add “I can’t tell you what’s in” the plan to stop the Chinese invasion, “But,” he added, “it’s real and it’s deliverable.”

    The more that senior military figures like Paparo and figures in the intel and tech communities spell out the scenarios for the public through responsible outlets and the more Congress throws the spotlight on our most powerful enemies, the better off every American is.

    More from the senior brass, please. And soon.

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