
  • From Led by Content to Led by INQUIRY (Shift #2/3)
    Jul 17 2024

    What happens when we lead learning with big questions, rather than mandated curriculum content?

    Four year 7 teachers across 3 different subjects wanted to find out.

    Over a seven week unit, they devised activities, lessons, and hands-on learning that helped students dive deeper into big questions around developing future societies.

    As a result...agency, empowerment and engagement went through the roof!

    Learn more about the story of how they organized the learning and how you too can shift from content-led experiences, to inquiry-based experiences in the 2024-2025 school year. (Shift #2 for Student-Centered Environments)

    How to Write Essential Inquiry Questions: https://transformschool.com/2020/01/26/how-to-write-an-essential-question-that-invites-wonder-and-curiosity-from-your-learners/

    Take the 12 Shifts for Student-Centered Environments Scorecard: www.transformschool.com/12shiftsscorecard

    Pre-Order the 12 Shifts Book: www.transformschool.com/whereistheteacher

    Attend the 12 Shifts Launch Party to Connect to Global Practitioners: www.transformschool.com/booklaunch

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    12 m
  • From Teacher designed to CO-DESIGNED Learning (Shift #1)
    Jul 14 2024

    Fifth grade teacher Linda Amici's most 'dreaded standards' became her favorite after making one simple shift....

    She turned them over to her students.

    With this new agency, students worked harder than they ever had before.

    Learn about Linda's story of co-design, and simple strategies for co-designing learning experiences with your own learners in the 2024-2025 school year.

    Take the 12 Shifts Scorecard: https://transformschool.com/12shiftsscorecard/

    Pre-Order the 12 Shifts Book: https://transformschool.com/whereistheteacher/

    Attend the Launch Party to Connect to Global Practitioners: https://transformschool.com/booklaunch/

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    10 m
  • Co-Designing Learning with Kids and the Bio-Collective w/ Dr. Ben Freud
    Jun 5 2024

    How do you design learning in your classroom/school?

    Imagine inviting student input on everything from the way the timetable is organized, to the design of learning experiences, even to how they are assessed and evaluated.

    That's the kind of voice and choice The Green School Bali provides its learners. And their learners are empowered as a result.

    In this illuminating podcast episode, Head of the Upper School/Learning Dialogist/Writer/Podcaster Dr. Benjamin Freud and I unpack:

    • Practical methods for inviting student voice/choice into the design of learning
    • How to include more community voices, including parents, local community stakeholders and the bio-collective
    • How to organize curriculum around students' interests, sustainability, and other topics and projects they hope to explore
    • The kind of mindset required to welcome continual feedback, iteration, and collective co-design and ways to adopt it

    Connect with Dr. Benjamin Freud: LinkedIN, Twitter/X

    Learn more about Coconut Thinking (Ben's Podcast): https://coconut-thinking.com/benjamin-freud/

    Learn more about the Green School, Bali: https://www.greenschool.org/

    Take the Free 12 Shifts for Student-Centered Environments Scorecard: www.transformschool.com/12shiftsscorecard

    Pre-Order the 12 Shifts Book (coming in August): www.transformschool.com/whereistheteacher

    Dr. Benjamin Freud's Bio: Dr. Benjamin Freud is an educator, learning dialogist, writer, and podcaster. He is the co-founder of Coconut Thinking, an advisory that helps and supports educators nurture learning ecosystems grounded in relationships that contribute to the thriving of the bio-collective—any living thing that has an interest in the healthfulness of the planet. He designs learning experiences that de-center the human, moving us toward a more ecological civilization. He is also the Head of Upper School at The Green School Bali.

    Before Green School, Benjamin was the Whole School Director of Learning at Prem Tinsulanonda International School in Chiang Mai, Thailand. He focused on the “lived” curriculum. He considered ways to develop a culture of active learning, where disciplinary boundaries start to disappear, and learners engage in meaningful projects that have an impact on themselves, others, and the world…all of this preferably taking place outside. He was responsible for teacher professional development, introducing innovative pedagogical practices, and taught classes from G4 to G12.

    Before Prem, Benjamin was at Misk Schools, the most prestigious and high profile school in Saudi Arabia. Along with being responsible for all day-to-day operations and leadership in the Boys’ School, Benjamin developed a unique curriculum to nurture and develop creativity, competencies, and entrepreneurial spirit in learners. He was responsible for designing authentic and Problem-Based Learning experiences across the school and for developing and implementing Personal Learning Pathways for each learner, to understand their academic and personal needs so that they can best thrive.

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    49 m
  • Accelerating Deeper Learning Classrooms: Transformation Story with Jenn Fisher
    May 22 2024

    What is deep learning?

    Is it students engrossed in semester long units or learning experiences? Inquiring, probing, investigating, and making meaning of their learning.


    But most of us don't have that kind of time, or freedom with our curriculum.

    What if deeper learning didn’t mean re-organizing everything we had, but simply making a few tweaks to what's already there..

    • Gathering students around a kitchen table we brought in for more balanced discussion
    • Extending time of activities by a few minutes to allow for reflection
    • Letting students rearrange the classroom to align to how they learn best

    These are all ways Elementary Principal Jenn Fisher is helping teachers grow Deeper Learning Classrooms at her school. The response from teachers and students…"We can never go back!"

    Learn more about her transformation story and how deeper learning practices in your own context can transform once passive students into active, empowered learners.

    Connect with Jenn: LinkedIn, Twitter (@stmartinschoole)

    Pre-Order the 12 Shifts for Student-Centered Environments Book: www.transformschool.com/whereistheteacher

    Target Areas of Growth for Student-Centered Enviromnents: www.transformschool.com/12shiftsscorecard

    Jenn's Bio:

    Jenn Fisher is a dedicated educator whose passion lies in fostering healthier and more engaged students through outdoor experiences, play, and amplifying student voice. With over 12 years of experience as a principal, Jenn has consistently championed innovative approaches to education that prioritize student empowerment and holistic learning. Throughout her career, Jenn has firmly believed in the power of experiential learning and has actively incorporated outdoor activities and play into the curriculum. She understands that when students are actively engaged in their learning environment, they not only absorb information more effectively but also develop crucial life skills such as collaboration, problem-solving, and resilience.

    As a Principal, Jenn has been instrumental in creating a school culture that values student input and encourages them to take ownership of their learning journey. Her leadership style emphasizes collaboration, empathy, and a deep understanding of the diverse needs of students.In her newest professional development venture in Deep Learning, Jenn is exploring how educational change can engage and empower students to take control of their education. She is passionate about creating learning environments that not only cater to students' academic needs but also nurture their passions and interests. By focusing on how, where, and what students learn, Jenn aims to create transformative educational experiences that prepare students for success in an ever-changing world.Jenn Fisher's commitment to student-centered education, coupled with her innovative approach to teaching and learning, makes her a highly respected leader in the field of education. Her work continues to inspire educators and students alike to strive for excellence and embrace change as a catalyst for growth and empowerment.

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    51 m
  • Green School Bali: Teaching regenerative education w/ Kenny Peavy
    Apr 17 2024

    Imagine a school where you take your shoes off every time you enter the classroom. You shared the space with local bugs, insects, bees, and biodiversity surrounding you. You rode a bus to school powered by used vegetable oil. The curriculum was built around the natural world surrounding you. You got to take up action projects to save the planet, whether protecting local reefs, or buidling roads out of hardened volcanic ash.

    These are daily experiences for students at the Green School Bali. And Science, Math and Regeneration Middle School Learning Experience Designer (Teacher) Kenny Peavy is one of its chief architects.

    His simple mantra: "Turn boxes into bubbles."

    Through our podcast conversation, learn how to:

    • Re-design curriculum around big sustainability themes
    • Scaffold learning to allow for deep exploration
    • Support students in taking up action projects
    • Be a climate warrior by taking up your OWN sustainable projects
    • Build strategic partnerships with the communit to help them fly
    • Transition from classroom teacher to indoor/outdoor learning facilitator

    Connect with Kenny: Instagram, LinkedIn,

    Join Kenny's Facebook Group for conversations and free resources: https://www.facebook.com/groups/boxpeopleunboxed

    Pre-order the 12 Shifts for student-centered environments book: www.transformschool.com/whereistheteacher

    Take the 12 shifts scorecard: www.transformschool.com/12shiftsscorecard

    Get the free PBL starter kit: www.transformschool.com/pblstarterkit

    Kenny's Bio: Kenny is originally from Georgia, USA. He’s been living and teaching overseas for 23+ years in Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, and Indonesia.

    He’s led thousands of students on Education Outside the Classroom Expeditions for cultural immersion, ecology, adventure and service learning throughout Southeast Asia.

    Kenny is currently an educator in the Middle School at Green School Bali. In his current role, he teaches Science, Math, and Regeneration in an experiential outdoor setting.

    He’s ridden a bamboo bicycle from Thailand to Bali to raise awareness for sustainability in Southeast Asia and circumnavigated Phuket Island in Thailand in a kayak to spotlight marine conservation issues in the region.

    He is author of The Box People- Out of the BOX! An illustrated children’s book focused on sustainable communities with the message to get out of your box and play outside to make deep connections with Nature!

    As a result of his dedication to the environment, environmental education and conservation he’s been awarded Volunteer of the Year by both the Georgia Adopt-A-Stream Organization in the USA and the Malaysian Nature Society in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

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    43 m
  • Empowering our SEN Learners w/ Ail Durban and Tamaryn Yatu
    Apr 3 2024

    How do we EMPOWER our SEN learners?

    What if by accomodating for their unique needs, we were able to create a more student-centered environment for ALL learners?

    Provided alternative methods of assessment. Allowed for hands-on projects. Built learning around common themes. Emphasized life skills as much as academic ones.

    That's exactly what founder Ali Durban and Head Teacher Tamaryn Yatu have assembled at Gesher School; a through way school for children from ages 4-16 with mild to moderate needs. In this episode, we learn as student-centered practitioners:

    • How to design and build more inclusive environments
    • How to design learning experiences that engage and ignite our diverse learners
    • The science behind neurodiverse learners and their needs
    • How to assess learning that moves beyond paper/pencil tests
    • How to create student-centered environments that create JOY and empowerment

    Connect with Ali on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ali-durban-6228233/

    Connect with Tamaryn on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tamaryn-yartu-b5074751/

    Learn more about Gesher: https://gesherschool.com/ Access their database of projects: https://gesherschool.com/school-life/projects/

    Pre-Order "Where is the Teacher: The 12 Shifts for Student-Centered Environments." www.transformschool.com/whereistheteacher

    Take the 12 shifts Scorecard: www.transformschool.com/12shiftsmastermind

    Ali's Bio: Ali Durban is a parent and co-founder of Gesher, an all-through school designed especially for children who are differently able and who learn differently. Gesher School has been awarded Ofsted outstanding twice since it opened in 2017.

    Ali is also the founder of the Gesher Assessment Centre, which offers a bespoke multi-disciplinary assessment, diagnosis and report service for children and young people who may have ADHD, Autism or a range of varying learning differences.

    Ali's journey from exhausted SEND parent to co-founder of a thriving school community has transformed her into a ringleader for system-wide transformation. Ali currently chairs a SEND council for the Foundation of Education Development which is creating a 10-year plan and vision for UK education. Ali also sits on the Education Council for the Autism Centre of Excellence. Gesher School welcomes you to register for The Bridge, Gesher's professional journal for the learning and continuous development of schools and staff.

    Tamaryn's Bio: Tamaryn is originally from Cape Town, South Africa, where she completed a Bachelor of Education Foundation Stage and worked within a specialist environment catering for children with a range of learning differences and a focus on early intervention. Tamaryn has always had a passion for teaching as inclusively and creatively as possible and therefore moved to London to explore different learning environments within this specialist field. As a SEND specialist, Tamaryn hs honed her skills over the years to support inclusive practice within several schools both locally and internationally. Through a transformative education approach, I have used Project Based Learning and dynamic learning designs to create innovative and purposeful curriculum programmes.

    Tamaryn has been a part of the Gesher journey since the very beginning, and became Headteacher at Gesher in April 2021. She planned and oversaw the school's move to a new site alongside the Governors, staff and various external organisations, including 'planning learning spaces' as we evolved into the secondary phase. A big part of this work included the development of our learning spaces to deliver our authentic hands-on curriculum for our students while meeting a range of needs. This year my focus will be to continue to develop the school's provision alongside my new co-head while we work to make a systemic change in the education system through sharing best practices and advocating for our students.

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    1 h y 5 m
  • Cultivating Creativity in Classrooms
    Mar 20 2024

    How do we cultivate and unleash student creativity in our classrooms?

    Right now it's happening on the peripheries. In makerspaces, STEM projects, electives, and arts/music/drama classes.

    But how do we make creativity a core part of day to day learning? Building opportunities for students to tinker, build, create, and problem solve on a daily basis in ALL classrooms?

    In this short episode, Adam Hill, STEM consultant and creativity guru teaches us how to achieve this through a few simple shifts in mindset and learning design.

    We learn:

    • How to transform existing units to be more hands-on
    • How to bring the makerspace into our classrooms
    • How to build creative mindsets and confidence with creativity
    • How to get started

    Connect with Adam on LinkedIn; Instagram; Facebook (@adamhilledu); and on Twitter/X (@AdamHillEDU)

    Adam's Website: adamhillconsulting.com

    Take the 12 Shifts Scorecard to Target Areas for Growth: https://transformschool.com/12shiftsmastermind/

    Pre-order the 12 Shifts Book (coming in August!): Where is the Teacher: 12 Shifts for Student-Centered Environments

    Adam's Bio: Adam Hill is an experienced international teacher, school leader and STEM specialist. After nine years in Asia, he recently returned to the UK to develop his educational consulting business. He believes passionately in the importance of student creativity and enjoys partnering with schools to support their STEM journeys. Adam was recognised as a Google for Education Champion and “Edruptor” of 2022. This summer sees the launch of his book, STEM-Powered Leadership.

    Más Menos
    43 m
  • How to EMPOWER Adolescent Learners
    Feb 14 2024

    How do we EMPOWER adolescent learners? 

    Anyone who works with this age group, knows that they have a unique set of needs. Adolescent learners have unique needs for increased social connections, purpose, autonomy, ownership, and real-world purpose and pursuits beyond the walls of the classroom. 

    As student-centered adolescent educators, how do we design experiences and environments that allow for these?

    In this short podcast interview, expert adolescent educator and Montessori guide Julien Lamorte teaches us how to: 

    • Build adolescent learning experiences around 4 key 'bricks' or 'pillars' 
    • Include adolescent learners in learning design
    • Empower them to develop and implement self-directed projects 
    • Exhibit their learning  
    • Connect them to opportunities in the real-world  
    • Increase their agency, voice and choice in all aspects of learning 

    Connect with Julien: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julien-jayed/ . Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/julien_jayed/. Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/JulienJayed . Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/julien.jayed 

    Website: julienjayed.me 

    Dive Deeper in Designing Learning Experiences for Adolescents- - > Register for the FREE 'Building Student Agency' IB Workshops

    Enroll in the 4 session Project-Based Design Certificate Course - -> Here.

    Julien's Bio:

    Father of 4 Montessori children, Julien Jayed Lamorte has been involved in the Montessori education movement since 2004 as a parent and volunteer president at Lyon Montessori School (France). At that time he was still running a business unit in urban planning and international consultancy. After a few years, this commitment led him to work closely with the AMI accredited French training center, setting up the 1st diploma course ever outside of Paris in 2010 - there were no online courses at that time. From 2008, he also took an active part to the preparatory work that eventually led to the creation in 2014 of the Collège Maria Montessori des Aiglons, the 1st Montessori middle school in France offering a full Erdkinder project. In charge of the administration and community development, he also gave some workshops to adolescents during five years, related to preparation to professional life; a mix of law, economics, finances and personal development allowing adolescents to understand better their possible future roles as adults. Julien Jayed Lamorte has become an international Montessori trainer since 2020, running courses for Montessori school administrators. He also offers consultancies all around the world, coaching school owners and administrators, supporting the development of Montessori curricula, in Europe, Africa and more recently Asia. Living in Switzerland since 2022, still engaged in spreading out Montessori education to the greatest number, Julien Jayed Lamorte volunteers in the Swiss Montessori community and has built a platform (montessoriaction.fr & montessoriaction.com) where he shares with other Montessorians free online resources to parents and professionals.

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