
  • Episode 179: Ken Fish - Heart Life Series: Wrestling With Your Calling - 8th September 2024
    Sep 20 2024

    Ken dives into God’s purposes and calling on our lives.

    He proposes that “a critical part of our own restoration is making peace with God, by making peace with who God made us to be”.

    Ken further clarifies a process of deducing our calling by suggesting that when we come to an understanding of who we are without Jesus, and who we are with Jesus, the contrast allows us to see more clearly what His purposes for us are.

    Ken speaks of God using everyday things in our lives to build the foundations, and assures us that God supplies the gifting needed.

    Yet floundering, rebellion, avoidance, and distractions are often habits keeping God's plans at arms length, while slowly drowning out His voice.

    Ken calls us to accept who and what we are, and the purposes given to us, and to begin to walk with confidence in God to lean into the Divine pattern for our life. He reminds us that our journey into our high calling is constituted by many heart thresholds and powerful heart processes.

    Más Menos
    40 m
  • Episode 178: Jehiel (Jo) Cherian Joseph - Heart Life Series: Restoration of The Walls - 1 September 2024
    Sep 9 2024

    In this particular message, Joe uses the Restoration of the walls of Jerusalem from the book of Nehemiah, a prophetic picture of what it looks like to build into the future as Father and sons.

    He uses what he thinks is the mundane details of Nehemiah’s building plans in the Old Testament to draw out processes and mile-markers to the restoration project of Christ on the inside of us. He uses it to cast a vision for healing and calls us to not just settle for peace for the short term, like king Hezekiah, but set a pattern for generations to follow.

    God desires to restore us completely, and there is nothing that He cannot do! He wishes for our inner and outer world to shine like polished gold, like clear glass. This long-term vision gives us purpose to follow Christ even though the journey costs us.

    God wants to send out fully healed sons to lead others into their own journey as sons and daughters, so that Jesus can get what he prayed for in John 17:11 ‘that they may be one, even as we are one”

    Más Menos
    1 h y 3 m
  • Episode 177: Maria Mason - Heart Life Series: Heart Management - 18 August 2024
    Aug 23 2024

    In this ‘fireside chat,’ Phil and Maria Mason open up a conversation around deep level heart healing, their journey into this theme, their personal experiences on the way and their vision for a community where everyone is on the journey. They lead us on a journey through some of the big concepts surrounding inner healing, such as letting God into your core, validating your trauma, repentance and dismantling sin structures, attachment issues, breaking agreements with lies, inner vows, bitter root judgments, and overcoming offense: all light and breezy topics. A huge part of our transformational journey is finding the right language and building an authentic heart culture within the church that values prayer ministry with one another as a lifestyle rather than a six-monthly tune-up. We hope this conversation blesses you and shines a light on the power of building a deep heart culture in every local church.

    Más Menos
    55 m
  • Episode 176: Andy Dozier - Inner Healing and Hearing God’s Voice - 27 July 2024
    Aug 17 2024

    Andy Dozier, a team member of Orbis Ministries (Ken Fish) spoke recently at the Northern Rivers school of the prophetic. He presented a phenomenal message that gave a wonderful introduction to the ministry of inner healing. He opened by talking about the fragility of the human soul, and how we were never designed to be exposed to so much trauma and rejection. He went on to explain how God brings healing to reverse all of the choices we have made in our negative responses to the trauma and the pain of life on planet earth. This is a tremendous message and we would encourage everyone to give it a listen Andy was a tremendous blessing at the school of the prophetic. We hope you enjoy this message and that you are also blessed. Andy’s biggest point was that a heart that is healing is a heart that is hearing everything God is saying.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 2 m
  • Episode 175: Maria Mason - Heart Life Series: God Is More Than Able - 04 August 2024
    Aug 9 2024

    Maria Mason begins our new series on Heart Life this week. This series explores all things related to inner healing and heart management. In this particular message, Maria delves into the book of Nehemiah, a prophetic picture of the profound restoration of the walls of Jerusalem.

    This unique story of Nehemiah in the Old Testament imparts invaluable lessons to us about our journey. It teaches us to fight for our healing, just as Nehemiah fought against the distractions that the enemy brought to thwart God’s purposes during the reconstruction.

    God desires to restore us completely, and there is nothing that He can not do! Do you have some broken spaces in your life? Do you have any broken connections? Are you feeling wounded? That makes you a perfect target for walking with the Lord toward healing.

    The restoration of the heart ministry is a central message of Jesus’ ministry in the Kingdom of God. Let’s step up for fresh commissioning to heal the broken-hearted places in our lives, reassured and comforted by our faith in God’s healing power.

    If God can heal bodies, He sure can heal hearts! He is more than able!

    Más Menos
    47 m
  • Episode 174: Phil Mason - Intimacy with God Series: Fivefold Ministry and the Intimate Knowledge of the Son of God - 21st July 2024
    Jul 25 2024

    The call to intimacy with God is a call to draw near to his heart and listen to his heartbeat. What is on the heart of our Father in heaven? What moves him? What motivates him? What are his highest purposes for our lives? For those who long for a deeper intimacy with God, the concerns of heaven ought to become our concerns as we align our hearts with the heart of our Father.

    In this message, Phil Mason explores a dimension of our intimate relationship with God through the lens of the role of the fivefold ministry as outlined by the apostle Paul in Ephesians chapter 4. The fruit of fivefold ministry is an explosive “knowledge of the Son of God”in the local church. (Ephesians 4:13) This is the knowledge of the heart of the beloved Son in his relationship with his beloved Father. May this message challenge you to draw near to God and align yourself with the things that move his heart: his desire to see a mature Church with a mature expression of sonship.
    We hope you enjoy this message.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 10 m
  • Episode 173: Rosie Moulton - Intimacy with God Series: The Way of the Wilderness - 7th July 2024
    Jul 9 2024

    The battle for the secret place is ultimately the battle for the focus and the affection of the heart!

    We see in the book of Exodus that God chose to lead His people through a wilderness on their journey from Egypt to the promised land. This is not an isolated story. There are many accounts throughout the whole bible of followers of God who experienced wilderness seasons. Even Jesus himself was led into a wilderness after his baptism.

    In this message, Rosie looks at the purpose of these wilderness seasons in our lives, as times of testing and strengthening with the goal of transformation and drawing us into deeper trust and dependence on God.

    Rosie looks at Song of Solomon chapter 8:5 as a key verse which describes the Shulamite as one who is, “coming up from her wilderness leaning on her beloved.”

    The Lord is seeking a bride who will trust him, partner with him, depend on him and lean on him like John the beloved at the last supper. He is also longing to set us free, to heal us and to transform us. These are things that will happen for us in the wilderness, if we choose to go on this journey with God.

    He has been preparing our hearts for this journey and he is longing to lead us “through the archway of trust” to wage war with him in the lion’s den and the leopard’s lair. (SS 4:8) In order that we will be transformed and come out of this season leaning on our beloved.

    Más Menos
    49 m
  • Episode 172: Maria Mason - Intimacy with God Series: Taking Responsibility for Time Well Spent - 23 June 2024
    Jun 28 2024

    In Luke 10, we read about Martha and Mary, two sisters who offered hospitality to Jesus and the people traveling with Him. They had a brother, Lazarus. The three young people were friends of Jesus. When Jesus came to eat at their home, Mary sat at the Lord's feet and was consumed by His teachings, heart, and ministry.

    On the other hand, Martha was consumed with serving and preparing the dinner, but as we dive into this portion of scripture, Maria Mason opens an even deeper reality of what was happening. Martha represents our orphan heart, which often manifests a victim mindset and uses victim language to distract us from love.

    Mary represents the transformative power of the secret place, a place of intimate communion with the Lord. She chose the ‘better thing’ because she had already decided to be a person of the heart. Mary had predetermined to take responsibility for her inner life, which is the most important choice.

    Maria shares some wisdom about our needs when we come to God. We need time to process our pain, lament, or repent. She offers some advice on using our time well so that when we do come to sit at His feet, we are free to gaze and not be in an emo mess. Processing in the secret place is not always a good use of our time and cuts into valuable time just looking at His face.

    The Bible tells us to buy oil, wine, and bread. This is a metaphor for being in God's presence and withdrawing from His heart as we sit and rest in His love. Let us learn to pray like a Bride and not like a widow, full of revelation and light as we look on the Lord's face. It's from here that we are empowered, shifting from being a victim to a victor.

    Más Menos
    41 m