
  • Elaborating More On Governor Candidates, And Kudos To Conservatives Who Battled The Odds
    May 27 2022

    Up until a few days before the Idaho primary, True Idaho News editor Daniel Bobinski had no intention writing anything that resembled an endorsement. But, as he stated in his a previous podcast, with all the lies that were flying around, Bobinski decided he had to say something. In this podcast, Bobinski elaborates with great transparency on the article he wrote, “An In-Depth Analysis of Governor Candidates.” Specific people discussed include Brad Little, Ed Humphreys, and even Lynn Bradescu.

    Both Bobinski and co-host Josh Gibbons kept fairly mum during the campaign, but in this podcast (post-primary), they both stated that they believed candidate Ed Humphreys had a difficult time because he no discernable track record — and didn’t seem eager to establish one. In fact, what little track record Humphreys did establish was dismantling several conservative powerbases. Gibbons provides some key insights on this.

    Statewide, conservatives lost in the executive branch races (save for the Attorney General’s office), mostly due to LIES. However, solid conservative victories did happen in the legislature.

    In Canyon County, Tina Lambert was identified by Gibbons as solid conservative and “the real deal.” Also, Jacyn Gallagher’s win in District 9 over incumbent House Rep Ryan Kirby was a great victory. She didn’t move to Idaho with the intention of running for office, but saw that nobody else was stepping up to challenge the Far-Left Republican Kirby.

    Also discussed: District 9 Rep. Judy Boyle, who fought off nasty set of lies from Scott Syme, and Rachel Hazlip, who as a 24-year-old newcomer, got 44% of the vote against Rep. Mike Moyle, who is the House Majority Leader and may be the next Speaker of the House. Hazlip proved herself to be wiser than her years and definitely has a future in Idaho politics.

    Bobinski and Gibbons also discussed concerns about the Republican winner in District 14-A, Ted Hill, who is rumored to believe that it was “his turn” to serve in the legislature. Concerns included his ability to listen to his constituents, and also his position on homeschooling freedoms. Both agreed that Hill’s voting should be observed closely to see if he really aligns with conservative values.

    Another hats-off goes to Jackie Davidson in District 16, who beat Richard Shurtleff for the GOP side of the ticket in the House. Shurtleff had made misogynistic statements about Davidson not being able to win against the current incumbent Democrat in that district.
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    58 m
  • Primary Election Review! Some Somber Losses, But Idaho’s Senate Will be Much More Conservative
    May 21 2022

    On this episode of the True Idaho News Podcast, Daniel Bobinski and co-host Josh Gibbons debrief the Idaho Primary.

    Many in Idaho are down about the losses on the statewide offices – Four of the five major statewide seats went into the hands of the establishment, but on the upside, the Attorney General’s seat went to Raul Labrador, and we hope that Labrador will not view himself as the Governor’s personal attorney (as did Lawrence Wasden).

    Also covered:  The overwhelming amount of LYING that was dished out about true conservatives was rampant. Scott Syme spent $200,000 smearing Judy Boyle (Dist. 9) and one of the most liberal House reps (Syme) tried to paint himself a conservative and claimed endorsements he didn’t have. In a word, Syme was extremely dishonest. So was Scott Bedke (Lt. Gov race) and Brad Little (Governor’s race), Chuck Winder (Dist. 20) and the three slimebuckets who lied about Rep’s Ron Nate, Kerrey Hanks, and Chad Christensen.

    As Gibbons said, the liars were desperate. They knew they couldn’t win on their stances, so they had to lie.

    Bobinski announced that he’s in talks with several conservative legislators to explore better ways to educate voters on where to get true conservative voter info.

    In addition to the Attorney General's office, the big wins were in the Senate, with at least a dozen strong conservatives getting elected and many of the big-government left-friendly stalwarts losing their seats. It’s very likely that Chuck Winder will not be the Senate President Pro Tempore in the upcoming session.  Bobinski and Gibbons review some of the important seat changes.

    Bobinski closed the podcast by talking about the Christian consensus that permeated the early States, and how the country’s founders knew that our form of government would not do well unless the people were thirsting after the righteous of God found in Scripture.

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    53 m
  • Special Guest Asia Williams talks ARPA funds, Brad Little, and RINO Lies
    May 14 2022

    Today’s show features host Daniel Bobinski, co-host Josh Gibbons, and special guest, Asia Williams, candidate for County Commissioner in Bonner County.
    The discussion opens talking about Pastor Steve Bradshaw, candidate for governor, has not been honest and has not kept his word. According to people who’ve recently left his church, Bradshaw has “gone off the rails.”
    Williams and Bobinski both spoke about how the country and the state need to return to Constitutional, Christian values.  The country was founded on those principles, and it can’t operate unless those principle are in place.  Williams pointed out that this concept is central to how our education system should operate.  That thinking make us who we are as a country.
    Unfortunately, allowing Black Lives Matter and the violence that accompanies that movement has become the new normal.
    Also discussed:
    • The LIES that Brad Little is feeding Idahoans.
    • The political hanky-panky going on in Bonner County.
    • The problems with accepting ARPA funds.  
    Williams pointed out that one condition attached to government entities receiving ARPA funds is that the entity accepting the money must grow by 7%!!   Restated: Any government agency that accepts ARPA funds must, as a condition of accepting the money, agree to GROW by 7%.
    This is an engaging podcast and we hope to hear more from Asia Williams in the future.

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    1 h
  • Review of the Baby Cyrus Event - Police Screwups & an Overreaching CPS
    Mar 23 2022

    If there was anything that went well with the Baby Cyrus situation, it's that people across the nation stood up and cried "UNFAIR!" Enough attention was put on the situation that CPS was directed to return the child to its parents. Not only do CPS rules need an overhaul, but the Meridian Police Department could use an overhaul of their ethics training.

    Host Daniel Bobinski reviews and comments on the events.

    To read Diego Rodriguez’s open letter to Meridian Police Chief Tracy Basterrechea and Ada County Sheriff Matt Clifford, click here.

    To read the Frontline Doctors’ letter to Idaho Health and Welfare Director Dave Jeppesen, click here.

    Also - CPS in other states have gone off the rails causing family breakups and even deaths pushing their "woke" ideology. Bobinski explains.

    If you want to keep track of what’s happening with bills at the Idaho statehouse, visit www.IdahoSession.com. This site makes it EASY to find bills and resolutions. Be sure to share this link!

    Support out Triple Diamond Sponsors!

    - Tom Lopac / Picture Perfect Window Cleaning: 208-401-6265

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    ALSO: Never miss a thing from True Idaho News! Sign up for a FREE subscription and get a weekly email with links to that week's stories and podcasts. Visit www.TrueIdahoNews.com

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    NOTE: Triple Diamond Sponsors get mentions on the podcast!!

    (c) 2022 Shadowtrail Media, LLC

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    41 m
  • Cheers to Dropping Drop-Boxes; Jeers to the Worst Tax Proposal in Idaho History
    Mar 10 2022

    In this show we have cheers and jeers. On the upside, House Bill 693 passed the House, and its purpose is to eliminate voter drop boxes. Specifically, a sentence of text was added to Idaho Code regarding voting: “The use of drop boxes or similar drop off locations to collect absentee ballots is prohibited.”

    An article elaborating on the bill can be found here at True Idaho News. Daniel took a moment read the names of the 20 Republicans who voted with all the Democrats to keep drop boxes.  The bill has been sent to the Senate, specifically Patti Anne Lodge’s State Affairs committee, where her committee will vote on it – if she even lets the bill be heard.

    In the Jeers column, House Bill 701 passed the House, authorizing $50 million for “workforce housing” (what does THAT mean? It’s undefined in the bill). The problem? The funds come from the America Rescue Plan Act (Covid-related), and we do not yet know the terms and conditions of this money. This is setting up Idaho for a bad deal, plus it makes Idaho more dependent on the national teat. Glenn Beck was in Idaho a few weeks ago warning against Public-Private Partnerships – which is what this is. Apparently, the majority of Idaho’s House ignored Beck’s advice.

    Also Jeers – the Rice / Moyle tax bill (House Bill 741) is, in the words of Daniel Bobinski, “the worst piece of legislation since I moved to Idaho 24 years ago.” The bill would eliminate property tax (except for bonds and school levies) for RESIDENT homes (but not for 2nd homes or rental properties). However, at the same time it would raise the state’s sales tax to 7.85% --- practically a 20% increase. This bill would be devastating to renters, who would get absolutely no break from property tax relief but would get a 20% increase in their sales tax. The $60 increase in grocery tax credit that accompanies this bill is a JOKE. This is a bad bill that must be deep-sixed quickly.

    Jeers also to Governor Brad Little, who acts much like a marionette for the National Governors Association and the World Economic Forum. Daniel read some quotes from WEF about how they fully intend to “hack” humanity and control the evolution of mankind.  Read Daniel’s Op-Ed, Is Brad Little a Marionette for the World Economic Forum?

    Even bigger jeers to Brad Little for claiming he left Idaho open during the pandemic. Idahoans should NEVER forget that that Little locked down the state and unilaterally declared some workers essential and some non-essential. Anyone who knows of a business that permanently closed because of Brad Little’s edict, please contact True Idaho News at TrueIdahoNews@protonmail.com. We want to collect and publish these stories.

    NOTE: Any conservative Republican who disaffiliated from the Republican party after the 2020 election because of how the Party treated Donald Trump are requested to re-register with the Republican party so to be able to vote for conservatives in the May primary. BUT – that action must take place before March 11!!

    Also – Want to keep track of what’s happening with bills at the statehouse? Visit www.IdahoSession.com. This site makes it EASY to find bills and resolutions. Be sure to share this link!

    Support out Triple Diamond Sponsors!
    Tom Lopac / Picture Perfect Window Cleaning: 208-401-6265
    Bryan Hey / BH Computer Consulting & Repair: 208-329-8020
    Michael Hon / Home River Real Estate: 208-939-9033

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    36 m
  • Episode 15
    Mar 6 2022
    40 m
  • Representative Ron Nate
    Mar 6 2022

    Some legislators say they will vote for grocery tax repeal, but don't. In this podcast is an audio recording of Sage Dixon saying he "absolutely" will vote for grocery tax repeal. Much to the disappointment of his constituents, three days later Dixon voted against it. It is obvious Dixon is not exactly a legislator that keeps his promises, nor looks out for the people he represents.

    Rep. Dixon chairs two different committees, and when the opportunity to vote on the grocery tax repeal came up on a procedural vote, Rep Nate says House leadership was reminding all chairs and co-chairs that this was a procedural vote, and they needed to vote with leadership. It would appear Dixon likes his chairmanship better than he likes keeping promises.

    Later in the podcast, Rep. Nate reported that he'd heard House Speaker Bedke said leadership can't allow conservatives to have a victory on grocery tax repeal because they will use that victory to unseat incumbents in the primaries. Again, these are not the words of a legislator who represents the people -- it sounds like a man who doesn't mind letting Idahoans suffer just so he can keep his friends in power.

    Rep. Nate also pointed out that the governor's budget increase spreads millions of dollars to various agencies, and it's a great way for the governor to win loyalty of government employees.

    Currently, those that want grocery tax repeal are in a standoff with Rep. Steven Harris, chair of the House Revenue and Tax Committee, who says he will not hear a grocery tax bill. Nate says this is not how the House should work. He believes even bills with which he disagrees should be given a hearing so debate can happen and a vote can occur.

    He also says he would not vote for anyone who does not support a grocery tax repeal. Elections matter, Nate emphasizes, and right now the Idaho legislature resembles a swamp. Change is needed.

    How much you pay in grocery tax

    After the Nate interview, host Daniel Bobinski reviewed the size of the surplus (nearly $2 billion), and noted the state has approximately 1.9 million residents. Approximately 58% are taxpayers, so that means approximately 1.1 million Idahoans are taxpayers. Doing the math, this means if you're a taxpayer, the Idaho government is sitting on approximately $1,720 of your money. People should note that this is extra money that they've collected -- it's not needed to operate the state.

    According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average family of four spends $11,712 in groceries each year. That means the average Idahoan is paying approximately $700 annually in grocery taxes.

    Said another way, if a home has two taxpayers, the state has approximately $3,440 extra of their money. And Scott Bedke and the rest of House leadership don't think you should be able to keep $700 of that.

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    17 m
  • Local education
    Mar 6 2022

    On this show, regular hosts Daniel Bobinski and Josh Gibbons are joined by Stephanie Zimmerman and Mila Wood, founders of Idahoans for Local Education. 

    On Feb. 7, Education researcher Corey DeAngelis gave a presentation in Boise (hosted by the Idaho Freedom Foundation) called "Fund Students, Not Systems."  The push in this movement is for money to follow students and allow students to spend that money at a school of their choice. 

    Zimmerman and Wood pointed out that nothing has been presented to the legislature so we don't know what will be in the bill, but the concern came up that follows the standard goverment practice that "with shekels come shackles." In other words, if a school takes a student who is using a voucher or coupon for "government" money, will the school be required to follow federal standards, such as Common Core?

    When School Choice legislation does comes up on the docket, parents should be sure to connect with their legislators to ensure a freedom to choose one's school does not eliminate the freedom to choose curriculum. 

    Other education topics include the recent resignation of the Nampa Superintendent. Assistant Superintendent Greg Russell is filling the position through the rest of the year. It should be noted that several seats on the Nampa School Board were won by conservative citizens. 

    Also, reports say that Idaho will need 100 new schools before the year 2030. With Idaho being the fastest growing state in the nation, this will be needed. However. Mila Wood suggested that to preclude established residents having to foot the bill for building new schools, growth should pay for itself. For examples, impact fees will need to be re-examined, and urban renewal zones should be minimized, as they eat up resources. 

    Establishment Lies About Christy Zito 

    Legislators get lots of calls about grocery tax repeal and property tax reduction, but the grocery tax repeal bill got stuffed into a drawer in the house while they passed a somewhat laughable $75 income tax break. Zito tried to get grocery tax repeal added as an amendment to the income tax bill, but Senate leadership lied and smeared Zito, saying she was trying to cancel the income tax relief bill. That was not true, yet Senate leadership doubled down and silenced her when she tried to explain the situtation on the Senate floor. 

    Brad Little

    Brad Little has regularly followed the recommendations of the National Governor's Association instead of looking out for the rights of Idahoans. The NGA has agreements with the World Economic Forum, which was founded by Klaus Schwab, author of The Great Reset. Idahoans deserve a governor who looks out for their interests, not the interestes of globalists who are sucking up power and tax dollars while everyday Americans get sidelined. 

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    30 m