
  • Intuitive Eating Part 2: How Do You Know You're Ready?
    May 29 2024

    Are you ready to ditch your slimming world membership and get some reall freedom with food? Part 2 of the Intuitive Eating in perimenopause series will help you to understand if you are truly ready to get started with healing from diet culture and having a healthy relationship with food.

    Have you got to a place where you've had enough of dieting? What is it you want from intuitive eating? In this episode I'm sharing the real signs you are ready to start exploring intuitive eating and giving you permission to steal my top tips for starting out so that it doesn't feel overwhelming.

    Trying to be the perfect intuitive eater will lead you down the rabbit hole of feeling like you've failed again and Intuitive eating is not about failing. You can't do intutive eating wrong, it's all about curiosity and compassion.

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    Intuitive Eating Book

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • Intuitive Eating Part 1: Myth Busting
    May 22 2024

    Have you seen intuitive eating being touted as a weight loss method? Perhaps you have avoided intuitive eating because you think you'll end up eating pizza and chocolate all day.

    There are a few myths around intuitive eating and in this episode of the Un-Diet Your Menopause podcast, I'm sharing my take on these myths so you can decide for yourself if its right for you in perimenopause.

    Will you lose weight or gain weight? What food will you end up eating once diet rules are out of the way? Will you end up never eating cake again? What happens to binge eating?

    In this episode you'll learn more about what intuitive eating is, what its not, who it's for and how it can support your health, especially in perimenopause.

    Books I recommend to help you get to grips with Intuitive Eating are

    Intuitive Eating Book - Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch

    IE Workbook

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    Más Menos
    32 m
  • Can We Really Wear the Shorts?
    May 15 2024

    This week I'm frustrated at yet another attempt at body positive marketing that has simply just left many of us out of the picture. If we can wear the shorts, could we please have some in our size?

    If you are heading in to summer and feeling all the body image issue churning up as you try and figure out what the heck you are going to wear and how to get past your fears of showing your body to the world after what feels like the longest winter, have no fear because I'm delivering the pep talk you need to not give a crap what anyone thinks this summer!

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    Más Menos
    19 m
  • Embracing Rage and Reclaiming Emotions
    May 8 2024

    Ironically, women are stereotyped as 'emotional', but in reality we are often only allowed to exhibit emotions we feel safe to express around other people.

    In perimenopause your fuse might be shorter than a stick of dynamite and you cant keep a lid on the boiling pot of emotion that bubbles inside of you

    Why? Why now in your 40's are you losing your cool in work, at home, with the kids, the husband, partner or even the dog?

    Because your good girl hormone has left the building! Yes our little friend Oestrogen is responsible for making sure you stick to the rules of being the nice one, but she's leaving you high and dry and you're left with some serious rage that seems to come from nowhere.

    This surge of emotions is not a fault; it's a compass guiding you towards the areas of your life that need attention.

    In this episode I'm going to explain how you can reclaim your emotions without guilt or shame and without feeling like you've hit self destruct button on your life!

    Plus get my latest blog post for simple ways you can support yourself through this phase, I use many natural remedies alongside unlearning the patriarchy! I'm sharing them here with you here

    Join the Facebook group here (please be aware this is a group I run with other experts who may or may not align with health at every size, I provide support and help for anyone in that group that wants to navigate menopause without diet culture and body shame but I am not in control of others and what they post or discuss)

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    Más Menos
    44 m
  • Menopause Weight Gain: Conquering Self-Loathing & Embracing Change
    May 1 2024

    gained 2 dress sizes and hate how you look? I've got you, owning a body that wont do what you want it to do sucks. But its not your body that's the problem is the beauty standards that tell you that you should be thin at all costs!

    But what is the cost? How is it taking you away from living your life? What could you be doing instead that would make you feel amazing if you could just let go of the desire to be smaller?

    This episode is some serious tough love to help you see that dieting and the desire to fit in to that smaller size is simply distracting you from having a life.

    Need help with this stuff? Come and have a chat with me and see how I can support you in your menopause without diet culture getting in the way! Let's have a coffee and a chat

    I would love for you to come and find me on Instagram, It's where I spend most of my time and I love connecting with listeners over there.

    and don't forget you can grab your free Un-Diet Your Menopause guide right here http://subscribepage.io/WhucUS

    Connect with Tamsin:





    Más Menos
    32 m
  • Perimenopause Sleep Secrets You Can't Ignore
    Apr 24 2024

    This week I'm sharing my secrets to a better nights sleep and some of them might surprise you!

    Perimenopause brings with it a new level of sleep deprivation, and I for one wasn't prepared for it at all. I know that you are probably suffering just as much as me.

    When you don't get the sleep you need, it can make your perimenopause symptoms worse, and the declining hormones impacts your ability to sleep - it's a vicious cycle.

    But instead of sharing with you the usual advice standard advice you might expect to hear, I'm actually going to drill down into some of the real reasons none of the usual advice works for you and some of it might surprise you!

    In this episode I want you to see how diet culture and the pressure to be everything to everyone is impacting your ability to sleep, as well as some tough love on one thing you probably haven't addressed.

    Dive in to this weeks episode and let's get some sleep!

    I would love for you to come and find me on Instagram and don't forget you can grab your free Un-Diet Your Menopause guide here http://subscribepage.io/WhucUS

    Ready to join the May 2024 cohort for MenoThrive 2024 and change the your perimenopause journey into your most confident era? You can find all the details here website

    Connect with Tamsin:





    Más Menos
    37 m
  • Body Image and Challenging Societal Beauty Standards
    Apr 17 2024

    Body image and how it impacts our ability to have peace in our body is one topic I get so fired up about. This week I am lifting the lid on the societal pressure to conform to thinness and youthfulness that is fed to us from a young age. Where does it come from? Do we really have a preference for a thin body or is it really about keeping us conforming to an unattainable beauty standard?

    This episode will help you see the reality behind your desire to be thin, how it affects you in perimenopause and help you take the steps towards unlearning ingrained messaging and finding health and peace outside of the weight loss paradigm.

    Book link: Fearing the Black Body

    by Sabrina Strings

    Reference: Global Weight loss Market Size

    Come and find me on Instagram and don't forget you can my Free Un-Diet guide when you subscribe to my weekly newsletter here http://subscribepage.io/WhucUS

    Ready to join the May 2024 cohort for MenoThrive 2024? You can find all the details and sign up on my website

    Connect with Tamsin:





    Más Menos
    31 m
  • Am I in Perimenopause or Losing My Mind?
    Apr 10 2024

    What if you are not really sure if what you are experiencing is just you failing at life or experiencing perimenopause?

    This weeks episode is all about what to expect in perimenopause, how to recognise the symptoms and know when you to seek support.

    So many of us, myself included, simply struggle through hoping it will go away. It won't disappear overnight but the good news is there are amazing things you can do to support yourself even if you are not sure if you are 'there' yet.

    Dive in to this weeks episode to explore perimenopause a little deeper and understand what's going on with your body, knowledge is power and it will save you from thinking you are broken or trying to fix things with another round of dieting.

    Here's the highlights:

    • Menopause, diet culture, and self-care. 0:03
    • Perimenopause symptoms and support. 4:11
    • Menopause, perimenopause, and mental health. 9:16
    • Common symptoms of menopause and self-care strategies. 14:28
    • Menopause, symptoms, and self-care. 17:42
    • Menopause, body image, and seeking help. 22:46

    Connect and work with me:

    Come and find me on Instagram and don't forget you can my Free Un-Diet guide when you subscribe to my weekly newsletter here http://subscribepage.io/WhucUS

    Ready to join the May 2024 cohort for MenoThrive 2024? You can find all the details and sign up on my website

    Más Menos
    28 m