
  • Marketing Strategies for Business Growth with Lisa Larter
    Jun 29 2023

    Lisa Larter loves helping entrepreneurs and small business owners create clear and simple strategies that help them reach those big lofty business goals that feel out of reach. Whether it is quadrupling the size of their business, hitting 7 figures for the first time, or scaling and then selling those businesses, Lisa has done it all. She focuses on a value-based approach that puts the needs of prospective clients first.

    Lisa talks about the mistake most small business owners make when it comes to marketing that prevents them from achieving their full potential, a simple way to think about marketing that changes everything, and why reading every single day can transform your life and business.

    In this episode, of the Unbottleneck Your Business Podcast:

    • Marketing strategies to help build your business
    • How a stop-and-start marketing strategy can kill your business
    • The importance of consistency in marketing
    • Valued-based marketing and its effect on your business
    • Why it’s important to keep your marketing materials up to date
    • How systems play a role in your marketing
    • Tips for building your pipeline
    • How books can help you fast-track your business growth
    • How to find the time to add reading to your day

    Resources Shared in Episode:



    She Talks Business Podcast

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    16 m
  • Key Factors You Should Know About Your Business Finances with Susanne Mariga
    May 4 2023

    Finances are an important part of a business; however, many entrepreneurs don’t pay attention to them as closely as they should. Oftentimes, bookkeeping is an afterthought until it’s tax time. There’s more to your company’s finances than the revenue that it generates each year. Your business’s books hold the key to the health of your business and whether or not it will sustain itself for the long haul.

    Susanne Mariga is a CPA, CEO, and Fractional CFO of the Mariga Group. She helps seven and eight-figure entrepreneurs leverage high net-worth strategies within the Profit First system. Susanne is also the author of Profit First for Minority Business Enterprises and is committed to eradicating entrepreneur poverty while helping them create the businesses that they love.

    Susanne speaks with Tonya about the Profit First system and how it can help small business owners create profitable businesses that allow them to live the lifestyles they want.

    In this episode, of the Unbottleneck Your Business Podcast:

    • How undercharging can hurt your bottomline
    • Why it’s important to ensure that you are creating a real profit for your business
    • Why more money doesn’t equal more profit
    • How the Profit First System works
    • How to create long-term wealth through the Profit First System

    Resources Shared In Episode

    Profit First for Minority Business Enterprises



    Más Menos
    20 m
  • 4 Simple Ways to Unbottleneck Your Business for Growth
    Apr 6 2023

    There are many things that can bottleneck a business, so as a business owner, you have a lot of things to keep an eye on to make sure that your business continues on a path of growth. Making sure that you devote the right amount of attention to all facets of your company is important, but it’s also equally important to know what those areas are that need your time and attention.

    In this episode, I will share with you the four areas of your business to pay close attention to ensure that you don’t bottleneck your


    Today on the Unbottleneck Your Business Podcast:

    • What does it mean to bottleneck your business
    • The impact that bottlenecking can have on your overall business
    • Four key areas to focus on for continued success


    Visit www.teamdelegate.com/downloads

    for tools and additional information to help you on your delegation journey.

    Join our Facebook group, Successful Delegation Strategies

    for more tips, strategies, and live sessions with me.

    Leave us a review!

    If you’ve been enjoying the show, let us know by leaving a

    review. We’d love to hear from you and how the episodes have helped you in your

    business. Visit Apple Podcasts to post your review.

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    12 m
  • I’m Ready to Delegate, Now What?
    Mar 16 2023

    You need help and you need it now! This can be the theme when you’ve reached your wits end and you’re feeling overwhelmed in your business. You’ve reached the point where you know that you need support in your business and you’re ready to hire your first assistant to help relieve you of the stress of trying to do it all. This can be both an exciting and scary time, because you may not know what to delegate, and as a result, you delegate too much too soon which can lead to more chaos.

    In this episode, I will share with you the importance of balance when it comes to delegating.

    Today on the Unbottleneck Your Business Podcast:

    • How to bring order to chaos·       
    • Develop a plan of action·       
    • How to delegate strategically  


    Visit www.teamdelegate.com/downloads

    for tools and additional information to help you on your delegation journey.

    Join our Facebook group, Successful Delegation Strategies

    for more tips, strategies, and live sessions with me.

    Leave us a review!

    If you’ve been enjoying the show, let us know by leaving a review. We’d love to hear from you and how the episodes have helped you in your business. Visit Apple Podcasts to post your review.

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    8 m
  • What to Do If Delegating Isn’t Working for You
    Mar 3 2023

    If you’re new to delegating it can be scary. You may not know where to start or what to give and what not to give. It can also be challenging knowing how to manage the Tasks/projects that you’ve given to your team member. If things aren’t getting off to a great start you may find yourself wondering if it’s you or them that’s causing the relationship to seem off-kilter.

    In this episode, I will share with you how to determine if you’re the reason why your delegating isn’t working.

    Today on the Unbottleneck Your Business Podcast:·       

    • How to self-evaluate·       
    • What to do to course correct       
    • Tips for long-term success


    Visit www.teamdelegate.com/downloads

    for tools and additional information to help you on your delegation journey.

    Join our Facebook group, Successful Delegation Strategies

    for more tips, strategies, and live sessions with me.

    Leave us a review!

    If you’ve been enjoying the show, let us know by leaving a

    review. We’d love to hear from you and how the episodes have helped you in your

    business. Visit Apple Podcasts to post your review.

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    9 m
  • 3 Reasons Why You Should Delegate Your Client Management
    Feb 3 2023

    A growing business usually means a growing client/customer list. While this is great, it also adds an additional aspect to your business – client/customer management. In order to maintain your list of clients/customers, you have to ensure that they receive great care once you engage in doing business with them. Client/customer management is something that you can handle yourself or you can delegate it.

    In this episode, I will share with you the benefits of delegating your client/customer management.

    Today on the Unbottleneck Your Business Podcast:

    • The importance of having a strong client management system
    • What aspects of client management you should delegate
    • Top three reasons why you should delegate this part of your business


    Visit www.teamdelegate.com/downloads for tools and additional information to help you on your delegation journey.

    Join our Facebook group, Successful Delegation Strategies for more tips, strategies, and live sessions with me.

    Leave us a review!

    If you’ve been enjoying the show, let us know by leaving a review. We’d love to hear from you and how the episodes have helped you in your business. Visit Apple Podcasts to post your review.

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    9 m
  • How to Use Consistency to Reach Your Business Goals
    Jan 19 2023

    If we want to be successful at anything it usually requires consistency. Any goal that we want to achieve involves taking action and doing it on a regular basis. The same is true when it comes to growing your business. There are key actions that you need to take on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis in order to accomplish your goal. However, if we’re not consistent with the little things to get us to our goal we won’t attain the outcome that we’re seeking.

    In this episode, I will share some important steps that you can take to ensure that you stay consistent with what it takes to reach your goals within your business.

    • How to create a solid foundation for achievement
    • What to keep and what to let go
    • How to develop your plan of action
    • Key tips to help you stay motivated


    Visit www.teamdelegate.com/downloads for tools and additional information to help you on your delegation journey.

    Leave us a review!

    If you’ve been enjoying the show, let us know by leaving a review. We’d love to hear from you and how the episodes have helped you in your business. Visit Apple Podcasts to post your review.

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    10 m
  • 4 Simple Ways to Avoid Burnout in Your Business
    Jan 5 2023

    Owning your own business can be a lot to handle, and as a result, you may find that you’re constantly working. There’s so much to do and you want to make sure that all is going well, hence the need to always work. If you’re not working on your business, you’re usually thinking about it, and if this is the case you may as well be working.

    If you find that you’re always on your phone and spending more time in email and not present to focus on other things in your life, this can most certainly lead to burnout. Getting burned out can wreak havoc on not only you, but your business as well because you won’t be able to give it 100%, which can lead to lower revenue, chaos on your team, etc.

    In this episode, I will share with you some simple things that you can do to avoid hitting burnout and help you ensure longevity and consistent productivity in your business.

    • An easy resolve to reduce your workday
    • How you can become more productive in a shorter amount of time
    • A compromise to working weekends
    • How you can structure and plan for time away from the office


    Visit www.teamdelegate.com/downloads for tools and additional information to help you on your delegation journey.

    Leave us a review!

    If you’ve been enjoying the show, let us know by leaving a review. We’d love to hear from you and how the episodes have helped you in your business. Visit Apple Podcasts to post your review.

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    8 m