
  • It’s A Wrap
    Mar 28 2024

    Episode Summary:

    In the season finale of "Unconventional CEOs," Gwen and Latrice reflect on their journey through the first season of their podcast. This episode is a heartwarming and candid look back at the experiences, challenges, and triumphs they've shared, highlighting the growth and insights gained along the way. As they bid farewell to season one, they also share exciting teasers for what's to come in season two, including the introduction of video elements and a community for neurodivergent CEOs. Gwen and Latrice's commitment to fostering a supportive community for neurodivergent entrepreneurs shines through, promising more enriching discussions, valuable insights, and laughter in the seasons to come.


    • Celebrating the Season Finale: Gwen and Latrice celebrate completing their first podcast season, sharing their excitement and gratitude for the journey.
    • Vulnerability and Connection: A favorite moment from the season was their discussion on vulnerability, which brought them closer and allowed for deep, meaningful conversations.
    • Self-Discovery Through Conversation: The podcast served as a platform for self-discovery, particularly in understanding ADHD and its impacts on their personal and professional lives.
    • The Importance of Community: Looking ahead, they announce plans to launch a community for neurodivergent entrepreneurs, aiming to share resources, experiences, and support.
    • Excitement for Season Two: With plans to introduce video content and possibly welcome guests, Gwen and Latrice express enthusiasm for the next season and its potential to enhance listener engagement.

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • ADHD and Work-Life Balance
    Mar 21 2024

    Episode Summary:

    In this episode, Gwen and Latrice dive into the complexities of maintaining a work-life balance while managing ADHD. They share candid insights into their personal struggles and triumphs in navigating business ownership, family responsibilities, and self-care. This conversation sheds light on the unique challenges faced by neurodivergent entrepreneurs and offers solidarity and strategies for those on a similar journey. Gwen and Latrice's dynamic conversation invites listeners to reconsider their own strategies for managing work-life balance and underscores the importance of self-acceptance and understanding in the quest for personal and professional fulfillment.


    • Work-Life Balance with ADHD: The hosts discuss the concept of balance, highlighting the particular challenges faced by entrepreneurs with ADHD in separating work from personal life.
    • Hyperfocus vs. Neglect: Gwen and Latrice explore the fine line between being deeply engrossed in work due to ADHD's hyperfocus and the potential neglect of personal relationships or self-care.
    • Children and Work: Both hosts share touching anecdotes about how their children adapt to their work schedules, seeking closeness by sharing space while they work.
    • The Struggle with Boundaries: They talk about the difficulty in establishing and maintaining boundaries for work hours and communication, especially when working from home.
    • The Reality of 'No Balance': Latrice asserts that for many neurodivergent individuals, achieving a traditional sense of balance might be unrealistic, proposing instead a more fluid approach to managing different aspects of life.
    • Dealing with Urgency: The conversation covers how everything can feel urgent when you have ADHD, complicating the prioritization of tasks.
    • The Importance of Boundaries for Self-Care: Both hosts stress the necessity of setting firm boundaries to avoid burnout and ensure they have time for self-care and family.

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • Overcommittment
    Mar 14 2024

    Episode Summary:

    In this illuminating episode of "Unconventional CEOs," Gwen and Latrice delve deep into the heart of overcommitment issues faced by entrepreneurs with ADHD. They share personal anecdotes, the allure of new opportunities, and strategies to avoid burnout. This episode is a candid exploration of the ADHD entrepreneur's mind, balancing excitement for new projects with the practicalities of capacity and energy. Gwen and Latrice not only shed light on the challenges but also offer hope and practical solutions to navigate the tricky waters of overcommitment without losing sight of one's passions and goals.


    • The Lure of New Opportunities: Both hosts discuss how the novelty of new projects triggers a dopamine rush, leading to overcommitment despite knowing the limits of their capacity and energy.
    • Impact of ADHD on Commitment Levels: They explore how ADHD contributes to a heightened enthusiasm for new ideas and projects, making it challenging to say no even when aware of existing obligations.
    • The Consequences of Overcommitment: Gwen and Latrice reflect on the burnout that follows overcommitment, emphasizing how recovery can be particularly long and challenging for individuals with ADHD.
    • Personal Stories of Overcommitment: Sharing personal experiences, the hosts illustrate how overcommitment has impacted their work-life balance and personal relationships, underlining the need for self-awareness and boundaries.
    • Strategies for Managing Commitments: The episode discusses practical strategies like delegation, building a supportive team, and leveraging tools like ClickUp to manage tasks efficiently.
    • The Importance of External Accountability: Highlighting the role of their teams in keeping them accountable, the hosts discuss how having trusted individuals to consult before taking on new commitments can serve as a crucial check against overcommitment.

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • Cultivating Connections
    Mar 7 2024

    Episode Summary:

    In episode 10, Gwen and Latrice delve into the importance of community and cultivating relationships, particularly from the perspective of women with ADHD. They explore the challenges of finding a sense of belonging and building friendships in adulthood, especially when balancing personal and professional lives from home. Through personal anecdotes and reflections, they address the complexities of connecting with others and the impact of past traumas on forming new relationships and share insights on navigating the nuances of friendship and community as adults. This episode offers listeners a heartfelt look at the struggles and strategies for finding one's tribe and the value of genuine connections.


    • The Challenge of Cultivating Community: Both hosts discuss the difficulties of building and finding a community, especially as adults with ADHD and as women.
    • Feeling Like an Outsider: Gwen and Latrice share personal experiences from high school to adulthood, where they felt like they could fit in everywhere but truly belonged nowhere.
    • The Role of Trauma in Relationship Building: They explore how past experiences and traumas influence their approach to new relationships, often leading to guardedness and high standards for friendship.
    • Guarded Openness to New People: While initially cautious, both hosts express a desire for clean-slate relationships, where past burdens don't overshadow new connections.
    • Intimacy Beyond Trauma: They differentiate between sharing personal histories and sharing current emotional states as forms of intimacy in friendships.
    • The Importance of Community for Emotional Support: Both emphasize how having even one or two close friends for support can significantly impact mental health and well-being.
    • Self-awareness and Expectation Management in Friendships: The episode highlights the importance of understanding oneself and managing expectations in friendships to avoid disappointment.
    • Tips for Building Community: Gwen and Latrice suggest being patient, following vibes, and being open to connections without forcing them.

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    25 m
  • Navigating Uncomfortable Conversations
    Feb 29 2024

    Episode Summary:

    In episode 9, Gwen and Latrice dive deep into navigating uncomfortable conversations, a particularly pertinent topic given their recent personal experience with one. They explore how these discussions are influenced by ADHD tendencies like overthinking, and how personal and professional relationships can be impacted. The hosts share insights into their strategies for managing these difficult dialogues, the importance of openness for growth, and how they strive to balance emotional responses with logical processing. This episode offers a candid look into the challenges and strategies involved in addressing uncomfortable topics, emphasizing the growth and understanding that can emerge from such conversations.


    Key Highlights:

    • The Challenge of Uncomfortable Conversations: Both hosts share their experiences with navigating difficult discussions, emphasizing the complexity added by ADHD traits like overthinking and pattern recognition.
    • Impact of Personal History: Gwen and Latrice discuss how past experiences and trauma can shape one's approach to trust and vulnerability in relationships, contributing to the fear of having uncomfortable conversations.
    • The Role of ADHD in Overthinking: The hosts explore how their ADHD influences their tendency to overanalyze situations, leading to increased anxiety around potential conflicts or misunderstandings.
    • Strategies for Handling Difficult Dialogues: The importance of preparing for uncomfortable conversations, allowing for emotional processing, and approaching discussions with openness and a willingness to grow is highlighted.
    • Balancing Emotional and Logical Responses: Latrice talks about balancing her emotional reactions with logical thinking to ensure that her communications are authentic and considerate.
    • Recognizing Growth Opportunities: Gwen points out that navigating through uncomfortable conversations is an opportunity for personal growth and deepening relationships.
    • Practical Tips for Effective Communication: Suggestions include having conversations sooner rather than later, utilizing emotional processing time, and being mindful of not letting anticipatory anxiety dictate the outcome.
    • Acknowledging the Human Aspect: The hosts remind listeners that being human involves making mistakes and learning from them, emphasizing the value of humility and empathy in all interactions.

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Everyday Is Unconventional
    Feb 22 2024

    Episode Summary:

    In episode 8 of the "Unconventional CEOs" podcast, hosts Gwen and Latrice dive into their daily routines, or more accurately, the lack thereof, due to the challenges posed by ADHD. They share insights into what a productive day looks like for them as entrepreneurs with ADHD, the strategies they employ to navigate their workdays, and the tools that help them stay organized and focused. From embracing technology to the importance of structuring their day around their most productive hours, Gwen and Latrice offer a candid look into their methods for managing tasks and overcoming the hurdles of maintaining a routine.


    • Struggle with Routine: Both hosts discuss their difficulty in sticking to a traditional daily routine due to ADHD, highlighting the need for flexibility and adaptability in their schedules.
    • Productive Windows: Identifying and leveraging their most productive times of the day is crucial for both Gwen and Latrice. For Gwen, it's between 9 am and 3 pm, while Latrice finds her peak productivity between 10 am and 2 pm.
    • Importance of Early Start: Gwen emphasizes the importance of starting her day early and engaging in physical activity to set a positive tone for the day.
    • Task Management Tools: Both hosts share the tools and platforms they use to organize their tasks and ensure they stay on track, including Trello, ChatGPT for organizing daily tasks, and the use of a specialized ADHD-friendly planner.
    • Meeting Management: Gwen and Latrice discuss the mental exhaustion that comes from back-to-back meetings and how they allocate time to recover and maintain productivity.
    • Embracing Technology: The hosts talk about utilizing technology and platforms to better manage their tasks and reduce the overwhelming feeling of task overload.
    • Transition Time Between Tasks: Latrice mentions the need for a transition period between tasks to mentally prepare for the next activity, highlighting the challenge of shifting focus with ADHD.
    • Nighttime Routines: Both hosts struggle with establishing a consistent nighttime routine, underlining the ADHD-related challenge of sticking to routines but stress the importance of medication management.

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • Imposter Syndrome
    Feb 15 2024

    Episode Summary:

    In this episode, Gwen and Latrice discuss the challenges and experiences of dealing with imposter syndrome, particularly as women with ADHD and as leaders in the business world. They explore how imposter syndrome manifests in various aspects of life, not just in business, and share personal stories and strategies to overcome these feelings. The episode delves into the complexities of balancing self-doubt with the drive to succeed and the importance of self-validation and external validation in their journeys.


    • Prevalence of Imposter Syndrome: Both hosts frequently experience imposter syndrome, questioning their capabilities and achievements.
    • Beyond Business: They acknowledge that imposter syndrome affects not just their professional lives but personal aspects like parenthood.
    • External Validation: Seeking certifications and external approvals are common ways they cope with imposter syndrome.
    • Dealing with Negative Experiences: Both hosts discuss how bad experiences, especially with clients, can intensify imposter syndrome.
    • Importance of Self-Compassion: They highlight the need for self-compassion and understanding one's worth and capabilities.
    • Fear of Regret: A significant driving force for them is the fear of regret, which often outweighs the fear of failure.
    • Creating a Positive Reference Bank: They suggest keeping a collection of positive feedback and affirmations as a way to combat imposter syndrome.
    • Ongoing Struggle: Both acknowledge that imposter syndrome is likely a lifelong challenge but stress the importance of self-awareness and growth.

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • The Role of Vulnerability in Leadership
    Feb 8 2024

    Episode Summary:

    In episode 6, titled "The Role of Vulnerability in Leadership," Gwen and Latrice explore the concept of vulnerability, especially in the context of leadership and personal growth. They discuss their initial perceptions of vulnerability as a weakness and how their views evolved to see it as a strength. The conversation delves into personal stories, challenges, and how their experiences shaped their leadership styles and relationships.


    • Initial Perceptions of Vulnerability: Both hosts initially viewed vulnerability as weakness, associating it with being open to attack.
    • Growth in Understanding Vulnerability: They discuss how they've come to see vulnerability as a source of strength and an essential aspect of personal growth.
    • Vulnerability in Leadership: The conversation highlights the importance of vulnerability in building trust and relationships in a leadership role.
    • Personal Stories and Struggles: They share personal experiences, including Gwen's difficult upbringing and Latrice's loss of her parents.
    • Impact on Business Leadership: The hosts talk about how their past experiences influenced their approach to business and team management.
    • The Power of Sharing Personal Stories: They emphasize the impact of sharing personal struggles in creating connections and inspiring others.
    • Vulnerability and Self-Compassion: The discussion highlights how being vulnerable leads to self-compassion and understanding others better.
    • Challenging the Notion of Perfection: They critique the portrayal of perfection, advocating for authenticity and vulnerability instead.

    Más Menos
    21 m