
  • Isn’t it about time we dealt with the mid-life crisis?
    Oct 27 2023

    Isn’t it about time we dealt with the mid-life crisis? And this doesn’t mean taking the Harley back to the shop or cancelling the cruise – it’s about turning the concept on its head.

    What if, instead of meeting the impasse head-on, we challenge it? Reconceptualise it and use it as a springboard into greater things?

    It’s the key to unlocking what’s next and what’s new.

    What if we were to call it a breakthrough? What a difference that would make for individuals, families, communities and the world at large.

    In Marianne’s tenth episode of Unlock More, she talks to Charles McLachlan, founder of FuturePerfect and the Portfolio Executive Growth Academy about the fears and deeply held dreams that cause people to take the leap at this pivotal moment.

    They talk about:

    • How the world of work is changing and careers are different to the way they were years ago. Those in their 40s and 50s are now reconsidering their future. Whether it’s because of an empty nest or an empty feeling towards their career, they’re choosing to move on and dare to find what fulfils them.

    • The two forces at work: either moving from pain or moving towards pleasure – or varying amounts of both. What matters is that these forces are seen for what they are: catalysts of change.

    • What’s possible when someone allows a coach to cast the vision for them. There are people out there ready to help with the radical and more delicate shifts needed for success.

    To take advantage of Charles’ Future Work Prospect Score, click here: https://quiz.futureperfect.company/

    To learn more about Charles’ offerings click here:  https://futureperfect.company/

    Check out Marianne’s website here: https://mariannewelshcoaching.com/ 

    And drop her a line at: marianne@mariannewelshcoaching.com

    Catch up with her regular snippets of encouragement on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mariannewelsh/ 

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • The Hidden Harm Your Less-than Career Could be Doing to your Health
    Sep 20 2023

    It’s official – finding your more is good for your health.

    Having gone through burnout myself, I feel like I’ve become a bit of a broken record on this. Now my message is backed up by an expert as I talk to nutritional therapist Clare Backhouse about what stress does to the body and why we need to apply the brakes long before burnout takes hold.

    This episode gets down to the nitty-gritty of why it’s important – right down to how overwork and misalignment can affect your body’s hormonal balance, digestive health and even bone density.

    We all know that living with stress isn’t a good idea but what defines too much stress, when does it become harmful, what are the symptoms and what can we do about it? A few things we dip into:

    • 13.7 million working days a year are lost to stress, anxiety and depression – so we need to shift our thinking on health and wellbeing in relation to work.

    • Clare shares what she learned from her own story when she willingly disappeared down the wrong career rabbit hole until her body told her it was time to stop and reconsider.

    • Our bodies are designed for healing and their natural inclination is to protect us. Sometimes these systems over or under operate when they’re overloaded with little relief.

    • How cortisol dysregulation can rob us of our sleep, sending us into an exhausting downward spiral that’s difficult to escape.

    • Why we refuse to stop, the pressures we have on us to keep going and how our culture feeds our strange addiction to stress.

    • The impact that external forces have on our ability to cope and the importance of understanding that everyone is different.

    • How more isn’t always more. Letting a few balls drop could be uncomfortable in the short term but our long-term health will thank us for it.

    Don’t wait, don’t put it off. Create an air of urgency - do it now.

    Clare ends by saying that instead of talking in terms of holding back the tide, we should be turning from the shore and running to find peace in the mountains. I really like this.

    Find Clare’s website with more tips and info here: https://www.transformationnutrition.org/

    And regular updates here: https://www.instagram.com/transformationnutritionuk/

    Check out Marianne’s website here: https://mariannewelshcoaching.com/ 

    And drop her a line at: marianne@mariannewelshcoaching.com

    Catch up with her regular snippets of encouragement on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mariannewelsh/ 

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • From Frazzled to Fulfilled: How One Exec Stepped Back to Find Her More
    Aug 22 2023

    Hannah was at the top of her game. In just a few years she and her husband had built multimillion-dollar businesses between them. She was then an executive coach with high profile agency, Marshall Goldsmith.

    Then motherhood happened.

    In this episode of Unlock More I interview Hannah Biggs about her incredible journey from high-flying exec to a fulfilling, chosen role as a full-time parent. She knew something had to give in her stressful life but by facing down guilt and uncertainty, she was able to change her life in an uncompromising, brave and purposeful way.

    We reflect on our work together and what drove her progress. We look at:

    • The negative impact of being one person with full-time two jobs – it’s not something we’re built to do.

    • Our dreams and how they’re not always what we think they are.

    • How sometimes someone else has to tell you to stop – often at a time when we feel we’re least able to.

    • Why trust is so important as it allows you the freedom to boldly follow the breadcrumb trail.

    • Why negative feelings can stand in our way and how to shed (or at least minimise) them.

    • The power that’s unleashed when you finally find your tribe.

    • The importance of having a clear game plan in your ability to adapt to life’s challenges.

    • Why taking stock at regular intervals helps to guard against regret further down the line.

    Hannah made a massive leap and it’s not the choice that everyone would have made. We’re surrounded by stories about what we should be doing and why – but in the end, we must pick what makes sense to us because otherwise, we’ll be living someone else’s life.

    And what a waste that would be.

    Know someone on the cusp of unlocking more right now who could do with a little encouragement to take the first step? Why not hit the share button and make sure you follow to pick up new episodes as they land.

    Check out Marianne’s website here: https://mariannewelshcoaching.com/ 

    And drop her a line at: marianne@mariannewelshcoaching.com

    Catch up with her regular snippets of encouragement on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mariannewelsh/

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • How a Little Niggle Led to Great Things
    Jul 13 2023

    This episode is set to turn what you know about risk aversion, abundance and wealth on its head. Marianne interviews Steph Brobby about her transition from private wealth lawyer to wealth industry disrupter and the surprising truths she learned.

    Key takeaways:

    • If you have a niggle that your principles and values don’t tally with where you’ve found yourself in your career, don’t just ask, ‘What’s next for me?’ get excited about it.

    • Put joy and purpose first, and the money is more likely to happen.

    • Financial security is important to everyone, but is it what we think it is, or can it be a perception?

    • When you’re launching into something new, what’s the worst that could happen? Maybe you’ll have to reach out for help. Is that so bad?

    • If it’s not working, fix it. Just because things have always been done a certain way, does not mean you cannot use your skills, experience and conscience to find an alternative.

    Know someone on the cusp of unlocking more right now who could do with a little encouragement to take the first step? Why not hit the share button and make sure you follow to pick up new episodes as they land.

    Check out Marianne’s website here: https://mariannewelshcoaching.com/ 

    And drop her a line at: marianne@mariannewelshcoaching.com

    Catch up with her regular snippets of encouragement on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mariannewelsh/

    Más Menos
    46 m
  • What if your career despair is an escape route in disguise?
    Jun 13 2023

    What can make a respected academic, philosopher and author feel like a waste? In this episode, I talk to Dr Stephen Backhouse about the paralysing effects of despair. On the wrong course, he found himself working within a system he had unreconcilable issues with. This led him into a sad place, one that he had no idea how to escape from.

    But this is a story of hope and eventual success beyond his imagination.

    It’s a story about the power of changing your story.

    We look at how hopelessness can be a driver for change so that we:

    • Put our energy and focus in the right place.

    • Change direction so that we’re working in line with what we believe, what we value and what we enjoy.

    • Quit chasing unattainable goals and get real about what we really want.

    We then turn our attention to the ladder out of the ravine and how coaching can help you to feel:

    • Listened to and validated.

    • A sense of what’s possible.

    • Able to flush out the old words and inner monologue that no longer serve you.

    • Empowered to change your narrative.

    • Relaxed enough to see the dead ends for what they are – opportunities for learning.

    Finally, we lift the conversation further and talk about the value of:

    • Getting a second pair of eyes on the matter: when someone else holds the mirror we’re able to see ourselves more clearly.

    • Seeing things anew: is the problem at hand really a problem or an escape route in disguise?

    • Coaching is not just about an investment in an outcome, it’s about the rewarding and enriching nature of the journey.

    ‘If you’re driving fast you can’t change direction immediately,’ Stephen says, ‘you have to slow down first. When you have a controlled slow down, you’re able to turn and start again.’

    I can’t say it better than that. I hope you enjoy the conversation as much as I did.

    For more on Stephen, check out his LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephen-backhouse-59223ba/

    For Stephen's podcasts: https://tent-talks.simplecast.com/ and https://jewishlivinglab.com/hyphen/

    Check out Marianne’s website here: https://mariannewelshcoaching.com/ 

    And drop her a line at: marianne@mariannewelshcoaching.com

    Catch up with her regular snippets of encouragement on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mariannewelsh/

    Más Menos
    38 m
  • The liberating links between money, careers and unlocking more
    May 4 2023

    Being in debt can be utterly overwhelming. When we’re finally able to face facts, the numbers don’t lie and it can make us feel like running away.

    In this month’s episode of Unlock More, Marianne interviews LA financial lifestyle coach Michelle Tascoe who not only climbed out of this hole but used the lessons learned to liberate her potential and that of thousands of others.

    Having been featured in Vanity Fair and on the Dr Phil Show, Michelle is well known for her compassionate but get-real approach to facing money worries and then embracing the abundance mindset needed to flourish.

    Not shying away from the uncomfortable issues they talk about:

    • What can lead us into debt and how defeating it feels?

    • The power we unleash when our mess becomes our message.

    • How her failures became her accolades in helping others.

    • Being unsure about what we want, who we are and where we’re going is rooted in a lack of self-trust and this can get us into serious trouble.

    • The blueprint we all have and how when we live by it, we make it easier to achieve our ambitions.

    • How it’s not a perfect journey but nothing happens without self-forgiveness.

    • Generosity begins with giving to yourself.

    • How denial keeps us stuck but by creating full visibility, we discover we’re still alive and the world hasn’t come crashing down.

    • The power of knowing that we’re hard-wired to trust ourselves.

    • How ownership leads to stewardship and then to self-leadership.

    • When we become our own best friend, there is no room for shame or condemnation.

    This is the first episode in a series of interviews between Marianne and Michelle. With so much more to unlock, stay tuned.

    Find out more about Michelle, click here: https://michelletascoe.com/ 

    The book we mentioned featuring Michelle: The Science of Getting Rich for Women

    Check out Marianne’s website here: https://mariannewelshcoaching.com/ 

    And drop her a line at: marianne@mariannewelshcoaching.com

    Catch up with her regular snippets of encouragement on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mariannewelsh/ 

    Más Menos
    35 m
  • Turning Fear into Flow: Why Coaching Works and Why You Should Try It
    Apr 11 2023

    How does someone go from being a musician with a role in church leadership to a career in cutting-edge tech marketing?

    In this episode, Marianne speaks to a former client about what helped him to unlock more. It’s a relaxed conversation packed with insight about what holds us back and how coaching isn’t so much about giving us the answers as lending guidance so we can bravely find our own.

    Key takeaways:

    • Self-knowledge and clarity aren’t always the same thing. What happens when you’re aware of what you’re good at and the skills you have but have no idea how they fit together?
    • Sometimes life feels like a collection of unfinished puzzles. Coaching allows you to spread the pieces to make sense of them and put them back together to make one cohesive picture.
    • When you’re feeling rushed into a career decision, this is the very point at which you need to stand back and consider your options.
    • Learning how to fail is a key part of the learning process.
    • Digging deep and finding your hidden talents and your more obvious ones is worth the effort. What raw materials are you underusing?
    • When you find your fit and flow, that’s when opportunities open. It’s not so much about having everything in place before you make the jump, rather than knowing you’re working with purpose doing what you love using your own unique talents.
    • You have to start somewhere, but often, the first step is the hardest. You’re more likely to take it if you have a coach beside you.
    • You find traction when you’re in your lane.

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, check out episode 3 – Marianne’s powerful conversation with leadership coach Grant Phyphers on why it’s not just an option to find out what we’ve come here to do and then go do it, it’s our responsibility.

    Check out Marianne’s website here: https://mariannewelshcoaching.com/

    And drop her a line at: marianne@mariannewelshcoaching.com

    Catch up with her regular snippets of encouragement on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mariannewelsh/

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • The Art of Living a Bolder Life
    Mar 8 2023

    In this energetic episode, Marianne talks to leadership coach Grant Phyphers about the value of helping others, how life has a habit of bringing you full circle and the rewards of living a bolder life.

    In this episode, find out about:

    • How curiosity opens the door to honesty.
    • Why it’s not just an option but a responsibility to find out what it is we have come here to do – and then go do it.
    • The immeasurable impact we can have on the people around us for good (and not so good).
    • By giving ourselves permission to be different, we liberate our creativity and vitality.
    • How honesty opens the door for change.
    • We can’t move forward until we’ve named what’s holding us back, involving a deep level of awareness.
    • How to reach a point where change no longer scares you, it excites you.
    • The role fascination should play in your daily life.

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, check out the previous episodes on the cost of staying safe and the dos and don’ts of getting your confidence back.

    Learn more about Grant Phyphers here: https://www.thelionleadership.com/ or connect to him via Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/grant-phypers-thelionleadership/

    Check out Marianne’s website here: https://mariannewelshcoaching.com/

    And drop her a line at: marianne@mariannewelshcoaching.com

    Catch up with her regular snippets of encouragement on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mariannewelsh/

    Más Menos
    33 m