First episode of the *The VM *.
It is in Spanish but do not worry, there will be plenty of English ones coming soon. (maybe even another language, who knows).
Este capítulo es uno de los consejos para esos periodos "de transición* que todos vivimos como parte de la vida.
De cómo es normal ser alguien que las emociones le pesan/bloquean y de cómo todo visto en relativo tiene el poder de transformar una situación.
Esta nota de voz es para ti. Con mucho amor y ganas de completar tu persona- Bea O.
This is my First chapter.
It is the so needed voice message when you were in those life transition periods ( relations, work, country).. and all at once (or even mixed).
It is about acknowledging those moments when excess of emotions block you and it is about taking full ownership of it.
Because sometimes we just have to put everything on its right perspective,