
  • 9 - Pure Intelligence and Discerning Wisdom: Precious Tools in Spiritual Life | Swami Tattwamayananda
    May 10 2019
    Verses: 16, 18, 51, 375, 424, 472, 517, 518

    -The most significant problem in spiritual life is the lack of a discerning mind.
    -Dispassion and spiritual awareness are essential in spiritual life, just as two wings are necessary for a bird to fly in the air.
    -The problem of spiritual slumber and the need for spiritual awakening
    -The need to develop a natural capacity to instinctively avoid wrong associations
    -Re-capitulation of the seven questions (verse: 51, class 3)
    -Going beyond desire, egotism and mind-functions
    -‘Krtartha’(कृतार्थता) and ‘Krtakrtyata’ (कृतकृत्यता) in life
    -The disciple's final salutations to the teacher
    Más Menos
    1 h y 23 m
  • 8 - Maya: Concealment and False Projection | Swami Tattwamayananda
    May 10 2019
    Verses: 145, 142, 143, 138

    - King Parikshit's story
    - Unexpected traps in spiritual life
    - The ocean of worldliness: birth, disease and death
    - Controlling the mind and the clear perception of the intellect
    - How the supreme realization can be attained through disciplining the mind and purification of the intellect
    - Direct realization is the goal of life
    Más Menos
    1 h y 24 m
  • 7 - The Spiritual Journey from Concept/Idea to Experience | Swami Tattwamayananda
    May 10 2019
    Verses: 320, 325, 326

    -Evolution from idea/faith/concept to real experience
    -How all delusions vanish with the dawn of Advaitic experience
    -Need for constant vigilance and alertness in spiritual life
    -The great statement ('Mahavakya'): 'TATTVAMASI' ( तत्त्वमसि) explained
    -Analysis of the two 'padarthas' (पदार्थ) : 'tat' (तत्) and 'tvam' (त्वम्)
    -Reference to 'Nimi-Navayogi-Samvada (the dialogue between the philosopher king Nimi and Nine Sages from the Bhagavata Purana)
    Más Menos
    1 h y 27 m
  • 6 - Maya: "How Does It Function?"
    May 10 2019
    Verses: 143, 145, 138, 129, etc.

    Questions 1, 2, and 3: "What is bondage?" - Its mystery
    -The mystery of Maya. How does it work in our life?
    Answer: Concealment of our true nature and false projection.
    -The way out of Maya: sadhana-chatushtaya (साधनचतुष्टप, the four spiritual disciplines: Ref: class:2), ‘shravana’ (श्रवण), `manana’ (मनन), `nididhyasana’ (निदिध्यासन) & devotion (bhakti), and eventually, through Moksha.
    -Atman, the non-participating witness
    -Turning the flashlight into our own mind, being a witness of our own life, our own emotions, thoughts, impulses, attitudes and feelings
    -Linking ourselves to the transcendental
    -`Satipatthana sutta’ Buddha's discourse on mindfulness
    Más Menos
    1 h y 23 m
  • 5 - Paramatman, the Witness of the Waking, Dreaming and Deep Sleep States | Swami Tattwamayananda
    May 10 2019
    Verses: 126, 127, 128, Q&A verses: 125, 134

    The 6th question: `What is Paramatman?'
    Answer: 11 verses beginning with the 127th
    -I, the witness of the three states of consciousness is distinct from the five sheaths. ('panchakoshavilakshana' (पञ्चकोशविकलक्षण))
    -Atman is the illuminator of all objects - the light of all lights – ‘Jyotisham jyoti’ (ज्योतिषम् ज्योति) (Jyotirbrahmanam - Brhadaranyaka Upanishad)
    -The purpose of all spiritual practices, the teacher, the scriptures, etc. is only to remove the obstacles that stand in the way of our spiritual liberation.
    -Atman is self-evident.
    -Advaita does not reject or deny other paths.
    Más Menos
    1 h y 28 m
  • 4 - Decoding the Mystery of 'Maya' | Swami Tattwamayananda
    May 10 2019
    Verses: 110, 111, 113.

    The 5th question: What is anatman?
    Answer to the 5th question continues:
    - Analysis of the Non Self (anatman):
    - Karana-sharira
    - Maya: the beginningless and the indescribable
    - Maya: beyond description
    - The mystery of creation: the Advaitic perspective:
    - The nature of the world and its origin.
    Avidya, Sakti, composed of three gunas: sattva, rajas and tamas.
    Negative theology (Via Negativa) of Advaita Vedanta
    The three powers in Maya:
    - The power of false projection (vikshepa-sakti (विक्षेपशक्ती))
    - The power of concealing the true nature of the reality (avarana-sakti (आवरणशक्ती)).
    - Jnana reflected in the sattva-guna, one of the three constituents of Maya.
    Más Menos
    1 h y 36 m
  • 3 - Seven Questions: From Bondage to Freedom | Swami Tattwamayananda
    May 10 2019
    Verses: 51, 71, 89, 98, 99

    The 4th question: 'How shall I be liberated?'
    Answer: The means to attain spiritual liberation:
    - Detachment and withdrawal from all the impermanent things.
    - `shama’ (शम), dama (दम), titiksha (तितिक्षा), giving up of all karmas, etc.
    The 5th question: What is anatman?
    Answer: Elaborate Analysis of the Non-Self (anatman):
    -Descriptions of sthula-sharira (gross body) & sukshma-sharira (subtle body).
    -The journey of life does not end with death.
    -Death is only a transition point in the journey of life.
    -The quest for Truth is a unique spiritual privilege.
    Más Menos
    1 h y 30 m
  • 2 - Stepping into Spiritual Life | Swami Tattwamayananda
    May 10 2019
    Verses: 16, 17, 19-30, 34, 35

    - The qualifications and disciplines for spiritual seekers are: `sadhana-chatushtaya’ (साधनचतुष्टप) (four) & `shravana’ (श्रवण), `manana’ (मनन), and `nididhyasana’ (निदिध्यासन) (three).
    -The importance of a strong desire for spiritual liberation (`mumukshutvam’ (मुमुक्षुत्वम्))
    -The importance of dispassion and renunciation (`vairagya’ (वैराग्य )) and an intense desire for enlightenment and spiritual liberation.
    -Definitions of Bhakti
    -The ideal Guru and the ideal disciple
    -How can we develop a pure and refined intellect?
    -The importance of developing the spiritual sensitivity to accept what is good for us and reject what is not good.
    -The importance of developing a divine discontentment.
    Más Menos
    1 h y 19 m