
  • The Power of Nonprofits: What They Are and Why You Should Volunteer
    Jul 12 2024
    In this episode of "Wake Up With Patti Katter," we dive into the world of nonprofits! Discover what a nonprofit organization is, why volunteering with them can be incredibly fulfilling, and the good and bad points of starting your own nonprofit sharing both the pros and cons. Join Patti as she shares her personal experiences and insights on the value of giving back to the community. Whether you're interested in volunteering, starting a nonprofit, or just curious about how these organizations work, this episode is packed with valuable information and inspiration. Tune in to learn how you can make a difference. Thank you for listening to this episode of "Wake Up With Patti Katter." This summer, we're dedicating our episodes to empowering you with essential tips and advice in business, nonprofit, and leadership. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, our series is designed to equip you with practical strategies and insights to enhance your skills and achieve your goals. From mastering time management and strategic planning to effective communication and personal growth, each episode will provide you with the tools and knowledge to navigate challenges and seize opportunities. Join us this summer as we help you build a strong foundation to propel you into the fall with confidence and success. Tune in for an inspiring journey of growth and empowerment! --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wakeupwithpattikatter/support
    Más Menos
    22 m
  • The Power of Events: Making Connections and Finding Balance
    Jul 5 2024
    In this episode of "Wake Up with Patti Katter," host Patti Katter explores the transformative power of attending events. Discover how you can make meaningful connections and hear Patti's personal story of meeting lifelong friends at an event last year. Patti shares practical tips on finding friends, emphasizes the importance of having a supportive social circle and highlights the value of downtime and self-discovery. Tune in to learn how to balance socializing with self-care and become your own best friend while building a strong, supportive community. Thank you for listening to this episode of "Wake Up With Patti Katter." This summer, we're dedicating our episodes to empowering you with essential tips and advice in business, nonprofit, and leadership. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, our series is designed to equip you with practical strategies and insights to enhance your skills and achieve your goals. From mastering time management and strategic planning to effective communication and personal growth, each episode will provide you with the tools and knowledge to navigate challenges and seize opportunities. Join us this summer as we help you build a strong foundation to propel you into the fall with confidence and success. Tune in for an inspiring journey of growth and empowerment! --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wakeupwithpattikatter/support
    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Celebrating Independence: The Story, Traditions, and Fun Facts of the 4th of July with Patti Katter
    Jun 26 2024

    Celebrate Independence Day with Patti Katter as she talks about the rich history, traditions, and fun facts of the 4th of July! Discover the origins of this iconic American holiday, from the adoption of the Declaration of Independence to the first celebrations in 1777. Learn about the traditions that make this day special, from fireworks and parades to family gatherings and patriotic music. Plus, explore some weird and wonderful facts about the 4th of July, including notable birthdays and deaths. Join Patti for a festive and informative episode that will get you ready to enjoy America's birthday in style!

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wakeupwithpattikatter/support
    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Clean Eating: What I Learned in Eastern Europe About Food Ingredients and Additives
    Jun 21 2024

    In this episode of “Wake Up with Patti Katter,” we dive into the world of clean eating and explore the stark contrasts between food ingredients in the United States and Eastern Europe. During my recent travels through Eastern Europe, I noticed the food tasted fresher and had fewer additives. This experience highlighted the significant differences in food standards between these regions.

    Discovering Clean Eating in Eastern Europe:

    • European foods often use fewer and more natural ingredients compared to American foods.
    • Stricter regulations in Europe limit the use of artificial additives and preservatives, resulting in cleaner and more wholesome foods.

    Common Additives in American Foods and Their Effects:

    • Artificial Colors: Used to enhance the appearance of food but linked to hyperactivity and potential carcinogenic effects. Banned in many European countries.
    • High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS): A cheap sweetener associated with obesity and diabetes, less prevalent in Europe where sugar is often used instead.
    • Partially Hydrogenated Oils (Trans Fats): Improve texture and shelf life but increase the risk of heart disease. Many countries have banned their use, though they are still found in some US products.
    • Preservatives like BHA and BHT: Prevent oxidation but have been linked to cancer. Restricted or banned in Europe, yet common in US foods.
    • Sodium Nitrate and Nitrite: Used in processed meats but linked to cancer risks. Strictly limited in Europe.

    Why Clean Eating Matters:

    • Health Benefits: Reduces exposure to harmful chemicals and supports overall health. Clean eating helps with weight management and lowers the risk of chronic diseases.
    • Better Taste and Quality: Foods made with natural ingredients have a richer, more authentic flavor and are typically higher in quality.
    • Environmental Impact: Supports sustainable farming practices that are better for the environment and reduces reliance on harmful industrial methods.

    Clean Eating Beyond Food:

    • Cosmetics: Many products contain harmful chemicals absorbed through the skin. Choosing clean, natural cosmetics reduces exposure to substances linked to health issues.
    • Baby Products: American baby formulas often have additives like corn syrup solids. European formulas are known for stricter ingredient standards and fewer artificial additives.

    Making the Switch to Clean Products:

    • Read Labels: Check ingredients for simple, recognizable components and avoid long lists of chemicals.
    • Do Your Research: Learn about ingredient standards in other countries and choose products meeting higher standards.
    • Choose Natural: Opt for items with natural ingredients and avoid synthetic additives.
    • Start Small: Replace a few key items with cleaner alternatives and gradually make more changes.

    Clean eating involves choosing whole, natural foods and avoiding products with artificial additives. My travels in Eastern Europe underscored the benefits of consuming foods with high-quality ingredients. In the US, the widespread use of additives in processed foods is concerning, leading many to seek cleaner options from international sources. Clean eating also extends to products like cosmetics and baby formula, where choosing natural ingredients can reduce exposure to harmful chemicals. I encourage you to start reading labels, doing your research, and making small changes towards cleaner, healthier choices.

    For more content and resources on clean eating and living a healthier life, visit pattikatter.com. Thank you for joining me today. Until next time, stay healthy and make mindful choices for your well-being.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wakeupwithpattikatter/support
    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Digital Detox: Why It Matters and How to Start
    Jun 14 2024

    In this episode of “Wake Up with Patti Katter,” we dive into a crucial and timely topic: digital detox. In our tech-driven world, screens are an unavoidable part of daily life. We use them for work, staying in touch, entertainment, and even relaxation. But have you ever considered how much time you spend in front of a screen each day and the impact it has on your well-being?

    Key Takeaways: - What is Digital Detox? - Learn about the concept of digital detox and why reducing screen time is essential for mental and physical health. - Understand how taking intentional breaks from digital devices can lead to better focus, improved sleep, reduced stress, and deeper real-life connections. - The Role of Propaganda and Digital Influence: - Explore how constant digital connectivity can shape our perceptions and beliefs, often through subtle propaganda. - Discover the importance of disconnecting to reconnect with your own reality and values, free from the overwhelming influence of digital media. - Personal Insights on Digital Detox: - Patti shares her journey from starting with audio-only podcasting in 2007 to the challenges and rewards of video content. - Learn why she is now focusing more on audio content, despite the growing trend of video, and how this aligns with the principles of digital detox. - Why We Need Digital Detox: - Dive into the reasons why digital detox is necessary in today’s screen-dominated world. - Hear about the mental and physical impacts of excessive screen time, such as anxiety, eye strain, and disrupted sleep patterns. - Understand how reducing screen time can alleviate these issues and improve overall well-being. - Benefits of Digital Detox: - Discover the profound benefits of digital detox, including enhanced focus, better sleep, and stronger personal relationships. - Learn how taking breaks from screens can boost creativity, reduce stress, and encourage healthier lifestyle choices. - Practical Tips for Starting a Digital Detox: - Get actionable advice on how to start your digital detox journey. - Learn how to set clear boundaries, gradually reduce screen time, and engage in enriching offline activities. - Explore mindfulness practices that help foster a balanced life and reduce the urge to constantly check digital devices. - Maintaining a Healthy Digital Balance: - Find out how to create a sustainable routine that balances productive screen time with meaningful offline experiences. - Understand the importance of intentional digital use and setting goals for your digital detox journey. - Discover how community support can enhance your success in maintaining a healthy digital balance. Conclusion and Call to Action: - As we wrap up, Patti encourages listeners to evaluate their own digital habits and consider the benefits of starting a digital detox. - Share your experiences and thoughts on managing screen time and the positive changes you’ve noticed from reducing digital consumption. This episode is perfect for anyone feeling overwhelmed by constant screen time and looking to reclaim their focus, improve their well-being, and reconnect with their own reality. Tune in to discover how digital detox can transform your life and help you embrace a healthier, more balanced way of living.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wakeupwithpattikatter/support
    Más Menos
    19 m
  • Patti Katter: The Break, The Return, and What’s Ahead
    Jun 11 2024

    In this episode of "Wake Up with Patti Katter," I’m excited to reconnect with all of you after my recent hiatus. I dive into the reasons behind my break, the transformative experiences I had during my travels, and what’s coming next for the podcast.

    During this episode, I cover:

    Why I Took a Break:

    I share the personal and professional reasons that led to my recent pause from podcasting. This break allowed me to reflect and gain new perspectives on my journey and the podcast.

    My Transformative Trip to Eastern Europe:

    I recount my journey to Eastern Europe, focusing on my visit to the Fight For Freedom orphanage in Romania. Meeting the Ukrainian orphans displaced by war was a deeply moving experience. I describe the conditions at the orphanage and the profound impact this visit had on me.

    What’s Next for the Podcast:

    I share exciting updates and plans for the future of "Wake Up with Patti Katter." Expect more in-depth discussions, inspiring stories, and engaging content. I also hint at potential guests and new topics that will be featured in upcoming episodes.

    Engaging with Our Community:

    I encourage listeners to share their thoughts, stories, and questions. Stay connected and engaged through my website and social media channels. I invite you to suggest topics or guests for future episodes.

    Links and Resources:

    Visit my website at [www.pattikatter.com](https://www.pattikatter.com) for more updates and content.

    Learn about the incredible work being done by the Black Feather Foundation at [theblackfeatherfoundation.org](https://www.theblackfeatherfoundation.org).

    Discover Ryan Hendrickson's efforts in landmine removal at [landmineremoval.org](https://www.landmineremoval.org) and his initiative Tip of the Spear Landmine Removal.

    Find out more about the Fight For Freedom orphanage in Romania at [https://www.fightforfreedom.ro/](https://www.fightforfreedom.ro/).

    Thank you for your continued support and for being part of this incredible community. I look forward to sharing more with you in the upcoming episodes. Let’s continue this journey together!

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wakeupwithpattikatter/support
    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Wake Up with Patti Katter: Healing Trauma in Law Enforcement with Glen Williams
    Apr 12 2024

    In this episode of "Wake Up with Patti Katter," host Patti Katter sits down with Glen Williams, an author, speaker, and communication coach, to explore the journey of overcoming trauma and finding healing.

    Glen shares his personal story of resilience and transformation, highlighting how he turned his own traumatic experiences into a catalyst for change. As they delve into the impact of trauma on individuals and communities, Glen provides insights into his work assisting public safety workers and trauma survivors in processing their experiences.

    From confronting PTSD to advocating for support systems within police departments and public agencies, Glen's mission is to prevent divorce and suicide among officers and staff. With transparency and empathy, he discusses the importance of open dialogue and support networks in healing from trauma.

    Join Patti Katter and Glen Williams in this insightful conversation as they shed light on the journey from trauma to triumph.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wakeupwithpattikatter/support
    Más Menos
    31 m
  • Shannon Book: From Battlefield to Ballads
    Apr 5 2024

    On this episode, Patti Katter sat down with Shannon Book, a retired Petty Officer First Class, musician, and survivor, whose life story encapsulates the resilience of the human spirit. Born and raised in Hazel Green, Kentucky, Shannon's musical journey began in a small town but took a dramatic turn as he served seventeen years in the United States Navy, a period that left him grappling with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and a traumatic brain injury (TBI).

    The episode, titled "Healing Through Harmony: Shannon Book's Musical Journey from Combat to Compassion," delves into Shannon's early love for music, his harrowing experiences in combat, and his remarkable path to healing through songwriting and performance. Patti and Shannon discuss the transformative power of music, not just as a form of self-expression, but as a means of connecting with others who have endured the horrors of war.

    Shannon's story is one of courage and creativity. Despite the challenges posed by his injuries, he has dedicated his post-military life to composing original songs that reflect his experiences, the struggles and triumphs of recovery, and the universal quest for peace. His album, "Deliberately Broken," is a testament to his journey and a source of inspiration for military families, civilians, and fellow veterans alike.

    Listeners of the podcast are treated to an intimate look at Shannon's creative process, his insights on living with PTSD and TBI, and his hopes for the impact of his music. He shares how his songs serve not only as a personal catharsis but also as a vehicle for education and healing, aiming to make a difference in the world by shedding light on the aftermath of war and the power of resilience.

    Shannon's music, available on all major platforms, resonates with a wide audience, offering solace and understanding to those who have shared similar experiences. This show is more than just an episode of a podcast; it's a beacon of hope and a call to action, encouraging listeners to embrace the healing power of music and to recognize the sacrifices made by those who serve.

    As Patti and Shannon conclude their conversation, it's clear that this episode of "Wake Up with Patti Katter" is not just about the struggles faced by veterans but about the incredible potential for healing and connection through the arts. Shannon Book's journey from the battlefields to the recording studio is a powerful reminder of the strength of the human spirit and the redemptive power of music.

    For anyone looking for inspiration, healing, or simply a deeper understanding of the sacrifices made by military personnel and the potential for creative expression to overcome adversity, "Healing Through Harmony" is a must-listen. Join Patti Katter and Shannon Book on this unforgettable journey through pain, resilience, and the unifying power of music.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wakeupwithpattikatter/support
    Más Menos
    41 m