
  • UnOrganised NonConformity Works?
    Sep 14 2024

    What the heck? Unorganised? non-conformity? How can that be? It will be anarchy & chaos! well, not exactly. When I am responsible to the loving authority I serve, I have structure and don't need organization or conformity from myself or others. Wait....others too?! listen in and discover obeying the unenforceable in Tradition 9

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • I'm No Expert But....
    Sep 10 2024

    ahhh Tradition 8: the Ego & Pride always wants to run, more like ruin, the show. It wants to be the BIG SHOT, the GREAT I AM. I think I am the Expert and Professional in EVERYONE'S life. One Cup Ego, One Cup Pride equals a Baked Cake-tastrophe of disaster. How to Check the recipe of my motives to make sure i don't burn myself or others.

    Más Menos
    12 m
  • Let's Get Ready to ReCaaaap!
    Sep 5 2024

    it's the Tradition showdown hoedown here, folks. Recap smacking traditions 1-6 into a nice Packed Beneficial Burrito. Layers of tradition 1-6 all rolled into a nice under 3minute whole meal blanket. Spiritually Delish, Time nutritious, and emotionally edible on-the-go.

    and, hey, please SHARE this Tasty Poke Bowl of Podcast w/ all your family, friends, colleagues, gym buds, program pals....they'll thank you for it... or take it personally. LOLOL

    Más Menos
    2 m
  • Fill Your Own Cup Up
    Sep 3 2024

    7th Tradition is like the Spiritual Spanx in your life. It's your own self-supporting special hosiery for you mind, body, pocketbook, and soul that allows you to focus on creating a 401k plan of emotional stability & intelligence, mind-fullness and spiritual chutzpah; by filling our own cup of life up, we can outpour our generosity and support to others, and really make sure its not an ego-feeding and self-seeking proposition.

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • Keeping Right Sized, not Super Sized.
    Aug 30 2024

    Trad 6: Power, Money, Pride, Ego; Being the be all end all to everyone and everything; Big-shot-ism misses the target every time; The practice of being practically imperfect. Don't take a Raincheck your motives, rain on anyone's parade; Learning to Reign in opinions, ego, pride and Check, check, 1,2, 1,2 check, check, those motives.

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Shoe fits, wear it well. don't outwear it.
    Aug 26 2024

    Shoemakers don't make cakes. Be the shoemaker, not the 5 piece one man band. it's a shoe-in for disharmony; if the shoe doesn't fit, don't try to shoehorn your way in. Stick to your role and not sticky tape yourself to others. Tradition 5 teaches us to wear our own shoes and not be in someone else's.

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • Don't take yo'self so Seriously, seriously.
    Aug 22 2024

    ahh Tradition 4. One of my all time faves. I love it so much, I would get a tattoo. As We continue the momentum of the spiritual prowess of the Traditions, to help us create better relations with everything and everyone in our lives, Tradition 4 reminds us to lighten up. don't forget to share, subscribe, review & comment!

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • I Yam who I am
    Aug 18 2024

    who am i? who are you? who is this? what is this? this is tradition 3, folks. Where Harry meets Selfie. To Thine OWNself be true; so, I have to let others do the same. Welcome to tradition 3.

    don't forget to subscribe! Share, comment, review. My ownself thanks you mucho gusto.

    Más Menos
    9 m