
  • Episode 14
    Oct 27 2014

    Rob sees his father for the last time. Rob and Charis marry and set up home in a small flat, while taking over the running of the bookshop from Doris and Hector.

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • Episode 13
    Oct 27 2014

    Rob has never seen anything like what happens to them during the church service.  People from Charis' past welcome her but Rob does not learn why these people and event sare significant. Rob moves back home and has to redefine boundaries with his mother. Charis explains her past and the legacy that drove her to get involved with Gracie.

    Más Menos
    45 m
  • Episode 12
    Oct 27 2014

    Stuart takes control of the funeral arrangements, taking credit for the eulogy that he delivered but that Rob wrote. Charis takes Rob on a journey into her past as they attend church together. 

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Episode 11
    Oct 27 2014

    Hope for Bevan's recovery fades.  Rob and Charis are reconciled. The family gathers at Bevan's bedside - apart from Chris, who has cracked under the pressure and can't be found.  Rob and Charis eventually track him down and bring him to the hospital.  Bevan passes away.

    Más Menos
    51 m
  • Episode 10
    Oct 27 2014

    Bevan and Vicki get married in hospital.  Rob's Mum and Phil see each other for the first time since their divorce hearing in court. The wedding goes off as well as could be expected, but raw nerves are just below the surface.

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • Episode 9
    Oct 27 2014

    The impact of Charis' actions put strain on her relationship with Rob. Chris' behaviour becomes more and more inappropriate as the stress of Bevan's poor health impacts him. The news that none of Bevan's full siblings are suitable donors places more pressure on the family. Bevan and Vicki decide to get married, but the issue of Phil's attendance sparks more arguments.

    Más Menos
    49 m
  • Episode 8
    Oct 27 2014

    The news on the progress of Bevan's illness is not good.  The stress puts pressure on the family and the Chris and Vicki axis explodes first. Charis takes matters into her own hands and approaches Grace directly about her children being tested as potential donors for Bevan. Grace is furious,and issues an ultimatum to Rob.

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • Episode 7
    Oct 27 2014

    Rob's flatmates, Benny and Jude, breakup at Christmas time.  Charis' family becomes involved in Bevan's illness, while Rob thinks about family funerals he has attended. There is an ominous undertone to Stuart's departure.  Rob's Mum finds out that Rob has been in contact with her ex-husband, and she is very upset - although her curiosity soon bubbles to the surface,

    Más Menos
    35 m