
  • Episode 7: Scandalist Night - Seeking Light in the Darkness
    Jul 25 2024

    Today we discussed one of the most important chapters in the Bible, John 3:1-16 when Jesus has an important conversation with Nicodemus, a religious ruler, regarding salvation and being born again spiritually. Stacey and I talked through the significance of seeing and entering the Kingdom of God by being born physically (by water) and then reborn (spiritually) by the Spirit of God.

    Jesus's teaching gives us a very important correlation between physical and spiritual birth and growth, and gives us access to the gospel of God's Kingdom. Check it out! LOOKING FORWARD: Next week, we will wrap up Jesus's conversation with Nicodemus and uncover another attempted scandal by the Jews between Jesus and Johnny B! You won't want to miss it. Don't forget to attend LIVE at www.waymakerz.org with us each Wednesday morning from 11:30am-12pm on your lunch break. Grab some lunch, a friend, and join us on your phone, tablet, or PC! ________________________________________________________________________________________________ BRINGING IT TO LIFE: If you have not taken the first step of salvation accepting Jesus and want to learn more about what Jesus is teaching Nicodemus, please reach out to us at info@waymakerz.org. If you have taken that first step, and are a born again believer of Jesus, then we want to challege you this week to share with us how you have been experiencing the kingdom of God in your life through the comments. Also, If you're struggling to experience the Kingdom of God as a believer, let's talk more and discover together what God is showing you. GETTING STRONGER: Engage in the comments or with our private FB Group (WayMakerz Ministries Community) and post a takeaway that was significant, or something you learned from this week's study. See you next week...same time, same place! Peace!

    Más Menos
    36 m
  • Episode 6 - "Clean Up My House"
    Jul 18 2024

    Today we jumped into a discussion of John 2:13-25 when Jesus goes to Passover in Jerusalem for the first time in the role of the Messiah. He first creates a scourge made from cords and flips over the money changers tables while running out the animals that were being sold for the festival sacrifices. We discussed why Jesus did this and what was the significance of this event foreshadowing. Jesus was not just protecting the Jewish people from being robbed by the money changers, He was also moving people away from the ritualistic OT religion of worship and animal sacrifice to a NT spiritual relationship that no longer required a central location for God's presence to reside. This was foreshadowed by Jesus's statement about His resurrection. LOOKING FORWARD: Next week, we will dive into one of the most important conversations Jesus has regarding salvation, and the kingdom of God with Nicodemus (a Jewish rabbi), you won't want to miss it! Don't forget to attend LIVE at www.waymakerz.org with us each Wednesday morning from 11:30am-12pm on your lunch break. Grab some lunch, a friend, and join us on your phone, tablet, or PC! ________________________________________________________________________________________________ BRINGING IT TO LIFE: This week's Life Application is: Remember the scenario of Jesus flipping over the tables of the money changers, and running out the livestock. Consider an area of your life that is keeping you from authentically approaching and experiencing God the way He desires. What tables would Jesus turn over in your life that are robbing you of time with Him. What things would Jesus run out of your life that are hindering you from worshiping God in spirit and truth? GETTING STRONGER: Engage in the comments or with our private FB Group (WayMakerz Ministries Community) and post a takeaway that was significant, or something you learned from this week's study. See you next week...same time, same place! Peace! If you'd like to support WayMakerz Ministries Inc financially, you can show us some tax-deductible donational superstarism by clicking this link: https://donate.stripe.com/5kA01N1as0Tk7eMaFa We appreciate your love and support!

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • Episode 5 - "Water Into Wine"
    Jul 16 2024

    What a great discussion of John 2:1-12. Today we recapped the discipleship model of Jesus with "Come and See" and "Follow Me". Then we talked about this important shift in Jesus' ministry being used by the Holy Spirit to reveal the Kingdom of Heaven. Turning water into wine was the first of only 2 miracles that the Holy Spirit does through Jesus' humanity in the first year of His ministry. This one act shows the co-laboring relationship of faith between us and God. He doesn't just do miracles in our lives, He invites us to take steps of faith to experience the kingdom of Heaven. He won't do our part, and we can't do His. Another major point was Jesus' trip to Capernaum with His family. I believe this trip sets up His transitional move with His family from Nazareth to Capernaum after the death of John the Baptist. (We'll dig more into this later!) Don't forget to attend LIVE at www.waymakerz.org with us each Wednesday morning from 11:30am-12pm on your lunch break. Grab some lunch, a friend, and join us on your phone, tablet, or PC! LOOKING FORWARD: Next week we will explore Jesus' first Passover celebration as the Messiah. Flipping tables, running out the money changers, and proclaiming the purpose of His Father's house, you won't want to miss it! ________________________________________________________________________________________________ BRINGING IT TO LIFE: This week's Life Application is: Consider an area of your life that needs transformed. What do you sense Jesus is inviting you to do in relation to the subject that requires your faith? Remember to filter any instruction through these questions as you learn to discern the voice of the Holy Spirit. 1) Does it violate God's character/nature as revealed in Scripture? (Yes? Not from God) 2) Does it produce the fruit of the Spirit? Galatians 5 (No? Not from God) 3) Do you see evidences of truth in your daily experience? In other words, do you see signs of alignment in the instruction within your life? (No? May not be the right time, or possibly not from God.) 4) Do you have confirmation of the direction in your faith community? Do other mature followers of Jesus affirm the direction? (No? May not be God.) Take into consideration wise counsel. GETTING STRONGER: Weekly Challenge (Make sure you keep a journal!) Journal any experiences you have this week of the Holy Spirit bringing breakthrough in your life. Describe your part and what He did as a result. Also, it would be awesome for you to hare this testimony in the comments of this video! Encouragement: Engage in the comments or with our private FB Group and post a takeaway that was significant, or something you learned from this week's study. See you next week...same time, same place! Peace! If you'd like to support WayMakerz Ministries Inc financially, you can show us some tax-deductible donational superstarism by clicking this link: https://donate.stripe.com/5kA01N1as0Tk7eMaFa We appreciate your love and support!

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • Episode 4: "Come & See"
    Jul 16 2024

    Wow! What a great time together in John 1:35-46. Today we explored the discipleship model of Jesus. Many churches teach the message and methods of Jesus, but neglect to teach the model of Jesus. This week we uncover how Jesus began His ministry strategically following the leading of the Holy Spirit and inviting 5 guys who are seeking to "Come and See". This is the first step in making disciples. Inviting people who are seeking answers into a friendship where you can explore them together. Step 2 the Jesus shows us is with the invitation to, "Follow Me". This is extremely important to understand in the context of discipleship, and it begins with building relationships with each other and doing life together seeking the kingdom of God in the context of community. You won't want to miss this video. Lots of good stuff to unpack. Remember ask questions, interact, and seek first the kingdom of God. Don't forget to attend LIVE at www.waymakerz.org with us each Wednesday morning from 11:30am-12pm on your lunch break. Grab some lunch, a friend, and join us on your phone, tablet, or PC! LOOKING FORWARD: Next week we will wrap up the beginning of Jesus's ministry and the invitation of the first 5 disciples. We will also discuss Jesus's journey back to the region of Galilee where He performs 1 of only 2 miracles in His first year of ministry, so you won't want to miss it! ________________________________________________________________________________________________ BRINGING IT TO LIFE: This week's Life Application is: Pray and ask God, who He has placed in your immediate relationships that are seeking answers to questions about their faith. We want to challenge you to step into a conversation and invite them to "Come and See". (Hint: Use the advice we give in the video to open the conversation) GETTING STRONGER: Weekly Challenge (Make sure you keep a journal!) Start each day this week with a prayer asking for the Holy Spirit to bring to mind those people around you who are seeking that He wants you to have a conversation with. Pay special attention to who He brings into your path. Journal the conversations and interactions you have this week with others as a result of your prayer time. Encouragement: Engage in the comments or with our private FB Group and post a takeaway that was significant, or something you learned from this week's study. See you next week...same time, same place! Peace! If you'd like to support WayMakerz Ministries Inc financially, you can show us some tax-deductible donational superstarism by clicking this link: https://donate.stripe.com/5kA01N1as0Tk7eMaFa We appreciate your love and support!

    Más Menos
    37 m
  • Episode 3 - "Johnny B Testimony"
    Jul 16 2024

    Episode 3 Stacey and I dig into John 1:19-34 discussing the identity of John the Baptist, his testimony about Jesus, and his confirmation of Jesus as the Messiah. These foundational truths answer the question as to why John was baptizing to begin with, and setting the stage for Jesus being the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world! Don't forget to attend LIVE with us each Wednesday morning from 11:30am-12pm on your lunch break. Grab some lunch, a friend, and join us on your phone, tablet, or PC! LOOKING FORWARD: Next week we will dive into the beginning of Jesus's ministry and explore the discipleship framework that Jesus establishes and teaches the disciples. This framework is the basis for building relationships with people who may not know Jesus personally, and mentoring fellow disciples, so you won't want to miss it! ________________________________________________________________________________________________ BRINGING IT TO LIFE: This week's Life Application is: Reflect on your unique role in God's plan. Consider who God has placed in your path, and how you can prepare the way for others to encounter Jesus, just like John the Baptist did. GETTING STRONGER: Weekly Challenge (Make sure you keep a journal!) Focus on being aware to the Holy Spirit's guidance. Start each day with a prayer asking for the Spirit's direction and be mindful of His leading throughout your day. Pay special attention to who He brings into your path. Journal any promptings or insights you receive. Encouragement: Engage in the comments or with our private FB Group and post a takeaway that was significant, or something you learned from this week's study. See you next week...same time, same place! Peace! If you'd like to support WayMakerz Ministries Inc financially, you can show us some tax-deductible donational superstarism by clicking this link: https://donate.stripe.com/5kA01N1as0Tk7eMaFa We appreciate your love and support!

    Más Menos
    31 m
  • Episode 2 - "Jesus 100% God, 100% Man"
    Jul 16 2024

    Week 2 Stacey and I dig into John 1:6-18 discussing the witness of John the Baptist and the humanity of Jesus. The Word becoming flesh and dwelling among us has troubled me for years trying to understand how Jesus could be 100% God and 100% Man. I dive into this struggle as we discuss the reality of what John was trying to teach us through these Scriptures. Don't forget to attend LIVE with us each Wednesday morning from 11:30am-12pm on your lunch break. Grab some lunch, a friend, and join us on your phone, tablet, or PC! LOOKING FORWARD: Next week we will dive into the testimony of Johnny B, and the sigificance of his role in the life and ministry of Jesus, so you won't want to miss it! ________________________________________________________________________________________________ BRINGING IT TO LIFE: This week's Life Application is: Evaluate areas in your life where you can reflect the light of Christ more brightly. Ask God to reveal areas where you can grow in demonstrating His love and truth to others. GETTING STRONGER: Weekly Challenge (Make sure you keep a journal!) Reflect on John the Baptist's role as a witness to Jesus. Consider how you can boldly testify about Jesus in your sphere of influence. Journal your experiences and breakthroughs. Encouragement: Engage in the comments or with our private FB Group and post a takeaway that was significant, or something you learned from this week's study. See you next week...same time, same place! Peace! If you'd like to support WayMakerz financially, you can show us some tax-deductible donational superstarism by clicking this link: https://donate.stripe.com/5kA01N1as0Tk7eMaFa We appreciate your love and support!

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • Episode 1 - Gospel of John Introduction
    Jul 16 2024

    Wow! We made it through episode 1! After some crazy technical difficulties, and minor on camera blunders, we got it to work out! The learning curve is strong with this one, LOL. Grace people, grace! Stacey and I covered some great content on the historical context of the gospels and discussed the different forms of the greek word for "Word" (logos) in John 1:1-5. We also discussed a little about Jesus being both the Light and the Life, and how that corresponded to fear. (Which I thought was pretty cool!) LOOKING FORWARD: Next week we will dive a little deeper into the difference of Jesus being 100% God and 100% Man, and try to stay on point to jump into verses 6-13 with the testimony of Johnny B and the significance of being called children of God. Whoop! Whoop! ________________________________________________________________________________________________ BRINGING IT TO LIFE: This week's Life Application is: - Identify one area in your life where you can intentionally reflect the light of Jesus to someone else's darkness. This could be through acts of kindness, forgiveness, or simply sharing encouraging words. GETTING STRONGER: Weekly Challenge (Make sure you keep a journal!) Think about the significance of John 1:1-5 in your own life, and write down how the concepts of Jesus as the Word (Living Word) and the Light shining in the darkness, impact your understanding of who Jesus is. Encouragement: Engage in the comments or with our private FB Group and post a takeaway that was significant, or something you learned from this week's study. DON"T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YouTube CHANNEL to get updates on New streams and content coming out. See you next week...same time, same place! Peace! Register on our site for FREE access to the LIVE stream by clicking the crazy link below https://www.waymakerz.org/live-stream-biblestudy/ If you'd like to support the ministry, you can show us some tax-deductible donational superstarism by clicking this link: https://donate.stripe.com/5kA01N1as0Tk7eMaFa We appreciate your love and support!

    Más Menos
    32 m