
  • Are We Witnessing the Fall of "Fiat Science"? A Conversation with Kevin McKernan
    Jul 11 2024

    What is "fiat science"? It's what you get when the state creates a lot of money out of thin air, then hands out bunches of it to scientific establishments, where decisions are made not on the basis of market forces, but on the basis of political ones.

    I speak with genetics expert and founder and CSO of Medicinal Genomics, Kevin McKernan, about why fiat science is a problem, the utter failure of the regulatory state, what needs to change – and what is starting to change.

    If you're still saying "peer-reviewed" like it's a good thing, you might want to take a listen.

    Our previous conversations about the problems with medical research and peer review in particular, are here and here.

    Kevin's Substack is here.

    ...and the post where he discusses Rebekah Barnett's FOIA reporting, and showcases Dr. Paul Offit's lies, is here.

    The UNITAID/Andrew Hill story can be found here and here.

    You can find Kevin on Twitter, here.

    Kevin's NCI (National Citizens Inquiry) Testimony is here.

    And you can learn about CannMed here.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 24 m
  • State Intervention Promotes a Culture of Greed and Selfishness - not "Capitalism." An Interview with Dr. Guido Hulsmann
    Jun 27 2024

    “Unfettered capitalism” creates a “dog-eat-dog” world in which the strong profit at the expense of the weak, everyone only looks out for their own interests, and society becomes selfish, atomized, and less human, with its members caring only about making money, not about each other.

    So goes the standard mainstream view of a free society, and free markets. If you went to a government school, you heard some version of this.

    Economist Guido Hulsmann has a new book out that tears this caricature to shreds. In Abundance, Generosity, and the State: An Inquiry into Economic Principles, Dr. Hulsmann systematically demonstrates the ways in which people naturally tend to help each other and to produce goods and services that do not directly benefit them in any material way.

    He then shows us how government intervention works to stifle and even squash much of this activity – from government control in money and banking encouraging irresponsible financial behavior and discouraging voluntary donations (if you take nothing else from this interview, be sure to take note of the “saturation mechanism” and what happens to it in an interventionist system), to the tragic outcomes of the welfare state.

    Dr. Hulsmann turns the standard caricature on its head, and shows us in painstaking detail, how it is not freedom, but coercive interventions in the lives of free people that work to create a society of self-centered and atomized individuals.

    Dr Hülsmann is a professor of economics at the University of Angers in France. He is also a Senior Fellow of the Mises Institute and a corresponding member of the Pontifical Academy for Life.

    His website is here.

    And his book, Abundance, Generosity, and the State: An Inquiry into Economic Principles, is here.

    The book he mentions, The Welfare State We’re In, by James Bartholomew, can be found here.

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    1 h y 4 m
  • Holding Doctors & Nurses Accountable for Medical Murder: There's an App for That!
    May 29 2024

    Rebecca Charles' daughter Danielle had a slight cough, fever and pulse-ox reading of 88 when she walked into the hospital on August 27th, 2021. Hospital staff then spent 40 days administering hospital protocols that Rebecca says resulted in her death, at 28 years of age.

    Danielle had special needs, and had had someone with her at all times during her life. In the hospital, she was isolated, forcibly restrained, deprived of food, and prohibited from seeing her mother.

    Rebecca has filed a malpractice and negligence suit against the hospital staff, in Nassau Supreme Court, NY, and we discuss that in this episode. (She was unable to file a wrongful death suit because the deadline for doing so had expired.) You can read her summons and complaint, here.

    You can support Rebecca's legal battle here.

    We also talk about Rebecca's bigger mission: To hold accountable all medical practitioners who were - and are - complicit in the wrongful deaths of countless victims of Covid-19 protocols. Protocols for which hospitals receive generous financial payouts from the federal government.

    Rebecca has created a website, deathbyhospitalprotocol.com, where others can post accounts of what was done to their loved ones by hospitals, and to publicly name and shame the doctors and nurses who they believe were complicit in their deaths.

    She has also created an app, where "users can share their stories, advocate for change, and demand accountability for the treatment of their loved ones." You can find that app here, and on the App Store (search "DPHP" or "death by hospital protocol.")

    Danielle's tragedy is not an isolated one. It is horrifying, and perhaps hard to believe, that individuals working in hospitals are quite literally killing patients for money. And yet that is what many many accounts from the past few years are telling us. In Danielle's case at least, the medical records back this up.

    It is unfortunate that we need to create our own tools and solutions to protect ourselves from these people, but we do. Rebecca's website and app can be very powerful tools in this effort, and I urge everyone to check them out and to help spread the word.

    You can listen to more in-depth interviews with Rebecca about the details of Danielle's hospitalization here and here.

    Rebecca's Substack is here.

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    34 m
  • Is Christianity Anti-Woman? A Conversation with Kaeley Triller
    May 29 2024

    Does God want women to be silent and submissive? Kaeley Triller, author of the Substack, "Honest to Goodness", has a lot to say on the topic.

    We talk about Kaeley's changing relationship with the church, and with God, about scripture, and about how to discern truth in spiritual matters. We dig at the roots of the battle of the sexes, and ask what happens "when you sideline half of God's army."

    Kaeley stresses that she is not a Biblical scholar, but points her readers to a few scholars such as Ben Witherington, Craig Keener, N.T. Wright, and Philip Barton Payne, who support her views on what the Bible has to say on the question of sexual egalitarianism.

    Kaeley's Substack is here.

    This is one of her recent articles that addresses much of what we talk about in this interview.

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    44 m
  • Making "Safe Blood" Available for Emergencies - with Sierra Hamm
    May 2 2024

    I’ve posted before about efforts to create “safe” blood supplies and networks, for those of us who don’t want to risk being exposed to the mRNA product in the event that we may need a blood transfusion.

    The missing piece – until now – has been that none of these networks are able to provide blood in cases of emergency, when it is needed immediately. That is about to change.

    In this episode, I speak with fellow Kentuckian, nurse, and founder of WeAreTheControlGroup, Sierra Hamm, about a new project that will create a “safe” blood supply that can be used even in emergencies.

    We also speak about forgiveness, and about creating solutions that help everyone, not only those in our “camp”.

    For those who want to help make sure that these efforts succeed, Sierra has a call to action: Join one (or more) of the existing safe-blood organizations, listed here, to begin with, and start donating now. Even before the emergency system is in place, the more people who donate blood that is not tainted with the mRNA product, the higher everyone’s chances are of receiving mRNA-free blood should they need a transfusion.

    Here are those organizations:

    Safe Blood

    Blessed by His Blood

    Pure Blood Registry


    And Sierra’s project can be found here.

    Más Menos
    59 m
  • Turbo Cancer: An Intimate Story
    Apr 11 2024

    When I discovered Kristi Yapp's Substack, "On This Day, Last Year – Six Months of Turbo Cancer", my reaction was something along the lines of "finally! Now we have our Solzhenitsyn!"

    Kristi is too modest to accept the comparison, but I think it is apt. We've had mountains of reporting on the effects of the experimental gene therapy for Covid-19, we've seen the excess death numbers, the myocarditis studies, the increased cancer rates. But while all of these facts and numbers tell an important story, they don't touch us in the same way that the intimate details of one person's life do. The statistics don't move us as stories about the suffering, the love, and the spirit, of a single individual do.

    "On This Day, Last Year" chronicles the last six months of the life of Kristi's mother, who developed turbo cancer after taking the Covid-19 vaccine. But her account is about much more than the effects of the vaccine. It is a painstakingly detailed accounting – and indictiment – of the inhumanity of institutionalized healthcare. And I believe that it is the kind of writing that is needed now more than ever.

    In this interview, I speak with Kristi about her life before her mother's cancer diagnosis, including getting fired from her job because she declined the Covid vaccine. We talk about how she came to write her account; about her mother's powerful spirit, even in her last days; and about how we overcome this inhuman system.

    Kristi's Substack, "On This Day, Last Year – Six Months of Turbo Cancer" can be found here.

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    56 m
  • Fostering Virtue in Boys: A Tale of Ethics, Technology, and Publishing with Samuel Bornman
    Mar 2 2024

    I speak with Samuel Bornman, author of "Of Wizards and Warriors", the first in a fantasy adventure series written from a Christian perspective, with boys in mind. We talk about what boys need from fiction that they're not getting, some of the problems with modern children's literature, transhumanism and our relationship with technology, and why Samuel has had trouble getting his book into Christian bookstores.

    You can find "Of Wizards and Warriors" on Amazon.

    Samuel writes on Substack, here.

    And if you sign up for his newsletter, here, Samuel will send you a free short story that he has written!

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    54 m
  • Are Libertarians Wrong to Favor Open Immigration?
    Jan 30 2024

    Like most libertarians, The Brownstone Institute's Jeff Tucker has long been a proponent of open borders. So have I. But we both feel that events of the past few years require a more thoughtful response than the standard anti-state-border rhetoric. Including, perhaps, admissions that we've been wrong all along.

    Have we?

    Jeff and I explore some of the complexities of the current crisis along the southern border of the US, the Texas standoff, and immigration more generally. What's happening at the border goes well beyond what we generally think of as "immigration", and Jeff and I talk about what's behind that, and the ways in which immigrants are being used to further political agendas and disrupt the democratic process. We also talk about ways in which the post-9-11 tightening of immigration restrictions have exacerbated the problem.

    I talk a little about my experience living in Japan – a country with strict immigration controls, and a strong, cohesive culture that I don't think many Americans can relate to. And as much as government management of immigration has created problems and allowed for immigration to be weaponized, it's not entirely clear that a stateless society would have the ability to produce or protect cultural cohesion in this way. (Although, to be fair, in most of the world, the state fails at this too.)

    SPOILER: We don't come away with any answers. But we both agree that these are questions that need to be wrestled with, and we will continue to wrestle.

    Related: My recent conversation with Bob Murphy has some insights on the stateless society that are relevant to this conversation.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 7 m