
  • Women's Bean Project with Tamra Ryan, CEO
    Sep 8 2024
    The goal of Women’s Bean Project is Supporting and Inspiring women through Social Enterprise. The Women’s Bean Project provides job training and employment to women facing significant barriers to work, selling high-quality food products made by these women to support their mission. Women’s Bean Project is a nonprofit social enterprise. We have a food manufacturing business tied directly to our transitional employment program. One cannot exist without the other. We believe all women have the power to transform their lives through employment. So we hire women who are chronically unemployed and we teach them to work making nourishing products that we sell across the U.S. Through their work at Women’s Bean Project, women learn to stand tall, find their purpose and break the cycle of poverty. Because when you change a woman’s life, you change her family’s life. VISIT OUR WEBSITE: https://www.womensbeanproject.com/stories/
    Más Menos
    23 m
  • The Parable of the Rich Man & Lazarus – Luke 16
    Sep 1 2024
    This week we turn to the only parable ever offered by Jesus that names any of its characters. We find in Luke 16, a named beggar – poor and desperate, and an unnamed (and therefore representative) rich man. This story is interesting, even captivating as Jesus does not tell another story quite like this one. This parable has been used to draw conclusions about the afterlife, and salvation itself. But as we’ll see, this parable mostly has things to tell us about God and what He desires. So, what is this parable about? It defines compassion. It tells us what compassion ought to look like and indeed, feel like. Our God is a God of compassion, and as we see His heart, and remember what He has done, we will grow hearts of compassion as naturally as a plant growing new leaves. Join us this Sunday as we reflect on and remember our God of compassion! -Pastor Nate Roschen
    Más Menos
    27 m
  • Abundant Life
    Aug 25 2024
    The three main points of the sermon are: 1. This promise applies to believers in Christ, those that have trusted in His redemptive act on the cross, that rely on His sacrifice to pay for their sins. 2. This promise is fully available to those of us that meet the conditions of the first point, to those of us that are believers. 3. We willingly give up this promise on a regular basis. The basic premise is that Abundant Life looks like Galatians 5:22-25 and that we allow ourselves to be robbed of Abundant Life when we allow Galatians 5:19-21 to rob us of it. Benediction from Deuteronomy 30:11-20
    Más Menos
    28 m
  • Stories for the Road: The Parables of Jesus. The Parables Concerning the Cost of Discipleship – Luke 14
    Aug 18 2024
    Most things have a cost to them – burgers, gym memberships, a new car. We know that salvation does not have a price tag attached to it. Romans 6:23 tells us that eternal life with Jesus Christ is “the gift of God.” But what is the cost, is there a cost, to follow Christ? What should our expectations be? In Luke 14 – placed thoughtfully between a number of other parables that tell us of God’s kindness and compassion, is a section about the cost of discipleship. It’s here that we find two parables where Jesus is upfront with His disciples about the cost that comes with following His way. Join us this Sunday as we gather around these words of Christ, and appreciate together Jesus’ willingness to share what is required for those who choose to follow after Him. -Pastor Nate Roschen
    Más Menos
    31 m
  • Stories for the Road: The Parables of Jesus. The Parable of The Shrewd Manager
    Aug 11 2024
    If you’ve ever been to the zoo, then you’ve probably met a strange creature that I would call a “mopey zoo lion.” Mopey zoo lions are strange creatures because they are at the same time, the king of the jungle and a lazy and disinterested creature - an animal having an existential crisis. Mopey Zoo Lion Christianity ™ - a term I’m attempting to coin and get into widespread use, is a very real concern – so concerning that Christ addressed it 2,000 years ago. The parable we’ll be looking at this week, is called the parable of the shrewd manager. It is one of the most perplexing stories that Jesus ever tells – at least at first glance. But Jesus was concerned about His followers slipping into a sort of mopey zoo lion existence. Instead of being shrewd, cunning, and wise stewards – there is a real danger that followers of Christ can spend their time in complacency, sitting on fences, leading a lackadaisical life of “faith.” Join us this week as we look at what is perhaps Jesus’ most perplexing parable that is meant to move us to a creative, inspiring, and shrewd way of living. -Pastor Nate Roschen
    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Whispering Pines Church Community Sunday – 2024 - Redemption
    Aug 4 2024
    Have you ever wondered why Jesus does what He does? Join us this Sunday as we explore the common thread in all that Jesus does. Jesus’ intention in acts of kindness, in forgiveness, in his confrontations with various people, always seems to be the same. Come and join us as we look at passages from John 8, Luke 9, and Luke 19 to see the heart of Jesus and what it was that consistently led him to be “moved with compassion” toward people. This Sunday is Community Sunday, so please remember to reach out to someone that would benefit from being a part of our community, sharing in Christian fellowship, and learning about the heart of Jesus. -Pastor Nate Roschen
    Más Menos
    33 m
  • Stories for the Road: The Parables of Jesus. The Parable of The Workers in The Vineyard – Matthew 20
    Jul 28 2024
    This week we turn to another parable that at first glance seems to be a critique of you and I. In the parable of the workers in the vineyard, we find a grumbling and complaining workforce – representing us. They are upset about what is in their view, unfair treatment of the workers. Like the older brother in the parable of the prodigal son, they feel slighted – they’ve been working hard all day and deserve certain things from the landowner. But the main thrust of this passage is not our attitudes or our doing. The main point is about the landowner. Who is He? What is He like? What does He value most? When we learn the true heart of the landowner, we’ll understand why He does what seems at first glance to be unfair. Join us this Sunday as we take a look at one of my favorite parables! -Pastor Nate Roschen
    Más Menos
    28 m
  • Stories for the Road: The Parables of Jesus. The Parables of The Treasure & The Pearl – Matthew 13
    Jul 21 2024
    Many of Jesus’ parables are spoken out in the open air, to whatever crowd happened to be gathered there. This week’s parables are the first ones recorded of Jesus speaking only to His disciples, in a home. These two short parables are beautiful for their simplicity, but also because they teach us so clearly and directly about what we can expect from God. Far from a transactional, workplace-like relationship with a cosmic employer, God is presented here as a joy to find. A treasure that once discovered, changes everything. Join us this Sunday as we shift the paradigm, and remember anew what we have found in Christ! -Pastor Nate Roschen
    Más Menos
    31 m