
  • Let There Be Characters!
    Apr 21 2022

    A 365-day film challenge by a volunteer ‘Cast Crew’ of never-before-filmmakers from a group of WholeLife Church members in Orlando, Florida. Led by Stanley Pomianowski they will attempt to complete a film project from concept to completion by December 31st, 2022.

    This Episode!

    • Review/Rebecca's Pitch (Possible Collaboration of Ideas)
    • Collab=fuller story
    • Settle Genre
    • Identify characters with 'room to grow'
    • What the crisis?
    • Non-linear (in style of The Book of Boba Fett with switches from current to past and back for resolution/back story).


    • Personal Issues (kids, money, jobs....)
    • Self inflicted?
    • Does God punish for sins angle?
    • Why am I being punished?
    • Kids - sin consequences of parents to the 3rd/4th generations?
    • Ending - Happy/Sad
    • Pastor/PK angle or instead intertwined?
    • Self comparison/Social Media/Career/???
    • Oscar's 'The Slap BREAKDOWN' - Thanks Rob! :)
    • Why me?
    • Why not me?
    • Life, purpose, struggle, just normal?
    • Ending a decision to take action?
    • "Good Angel" - 'I told you 10 years ago...and you didn't listen!'
    • I should have been a _____, I KNEW IT!!


    • Main character is Female
    • 40's
    • Career Cross Road
    • Savannah
    • Islander/Strong personality
    • Doctor/Nurse/Teach/Psychiatrist
    • Psychologist - Career, Patient, Family
    • Mental Health?
    • In Session
    • Bad Advice
    • Psychologist has 'voices', not the patient
    • Un-intentional bad advise causes crisis of conscience


    • Screen Play format
    • Outline SOLID by end of next meeting


    Más Menos
    1 h y 37 m
  • Let Ideas Become Pitches, And It Was So...
    Mar 16 2022

    A 365-day film challenge by a volunteer ‘CrewCast’ of never-before-filmmakers from a group of WholeLife Church members in Orlando, Florida. Led by Stanley Pomianowski they will attempt to complete a film project from concept to completion by December 31st, 2022.

    Episode 3: Led Ideas Become Pitches, And It Was So...

    This episode took place during the March 3 meeting of the 'CrewCast' Project. Stanley began the meetup with a review of what was has been covered so far and focused on:

    • Logline/Pitch Review
    • Irony/Conflict/Character With Room to Grow/Blossoms in Your Mind/No End Spoiler

    Rob led of with his first of two pitches which was a collaboration with his brother Chris.

    • 'Sycamore' featuring a story about Zaccheus, Mary, and Judas

    Corbin followed with 1st of 3 pitches.

    • 'The Last 6' - A few remaining Christians are all that are left....

    Rebecca was short a pitch but came with a great 'idea' for the crew to help bring to life.

    • 'Spiritual Warfare' - A dream sequence that features in some way the classic 'good' and 'bad' angels on our shoulders giving us advice

    Rob followed with Pitch 2.

    • 'A Pastor's Betrayal' - We aren't sure what the betrayal is yet but its probably big and the betrayed may never make it back to his church.

    Corbin pitched his second.

    • "Unlikely Friendship' - Wife loses husband and strikes up unlikely and unexpected friendship with non-believer.

    Stanley pitches!

    • 'No Dog Like Jehovah' - A dog with the power to heal...or does he?


    1. Sycamore - 2 votes
    2. The Last 6 - 4 votes
    3. Spiritual Warfare - 3 votes
    4. Pastor Betrayal - 3 votes
    5. Unlikely Friendship - 0 votes
    6. No Dog Like Jehovah - 3 votes

    Could 'Spiritual Warfare' and 'Betrayal' be combined into one superior project?

    Más Menos
    1 h y 22 m
  • There Were Acts I & II and III & IV...The Fourth Day
    Mar 16 2022

    A 365-day film challenge by a volunteer ‘CrewCast’ of never-before-filmmakers from a group of WholeLife Church members in Orlando, Florida. Led by Stanley Pomianowski they will attempt to complete a film project from concept to completion by December 31st, 2022.

    Episode 4: There Were Acts I & II and III & IV...The Fourth Day

    This episode took place during the March 10 meeting of the 'CrewCast' Project. Stanley began the meetup with a review of what was has been covered so far and focused on:

    • Review Story Structure
    • 15 Points of a Hollywood Blockbuster

    WATCH: "Happy Birthday Jesus" - A Stanley 'Short' .

    ACT 1:

    • Opening Image
    • Setup
    • Theme Stated
    • Catalyst
    • Debate

    ACT 2:

    • Break into Act 2
    • B-plot
    • Fun 'n Games
    • Mid point
    • Bad Guys Close In/Something Bad Happens

    ACT 3:

    • Break into Act 3
    • Climax
    • Resolution
    • Closing Image


    • Stanley - 'No Dog Like Jehovah'
    • Rob - 'Betrayal' (Counseling Session, Change of Disposition/Less Happy, Redemption or No for Pastor?)
    • Corbin - 'Last 6' (Post apocalyptic setting, Someone wants to meet Christ doesn't know how)
    • Rebecca - 'Spiritual Warfare' (more in depth with Bad Angel vs Good Angel)

    B R E A K

    All Pitches go through '3 Act' breakdown.

    • Rebecca - "Spiritual Warfare'
    • Alexy - 'A Pastor's Betrayal'
    • Rob - 'A Pastor's Betrayal'
    • Corbin - "Last 6'
    • Stanley - 'No Dog Like Jehovah'


    1. Spiritual Warfare/Wrestling With Faith - 4 votes
    2. Pastor Betrayal - .5 votes
    3. Last 6 - 0 votes
    4. No Dog Like Jehovah - 1 votes


    • FOCUS ON 'Wrestling With Faith as our Pitch to WLC
    • Screen Play!

    Más Menos
    1 h y 16 m
  • Let There Be Loglines!
    Feb 15 2022

    A 365-day film challenge by a volunteer ‘Cast Crew’ of never-before-filmmakers from a group of WholeLife Church members in Orlando, Florida. Led by Stanley Pomianowski they will attempt to complete a film project from concept to completion by December 31st, 2022.

    • Script is the foundation
    • Stanley's 'Shorts' and background
    • Loglines
    • Brainstorm
    • Guess the Movie from the Logline
    • Rookie mistakes
    • Save the Cat - https://www.amazon.com/Save-Last-Book-Screenwriting-Youll/dp/1932907009/ref=sr_1_1?crid=BXQVTCPC32M6&keywords=save+the+cat+book&qid=1644956962&sprefix=save+the+cat+book%2Caps%2C99&sr=8-1
    • The Hook
    • Suspend Criticism
    • Ideas - quantity > quality
    • Bad ideas can be good ideas
    • Idea blocks
    • REVIEW
    • PREVIEW NEXT MEETUP - Story Structure
    • Check the #ScreenWriting TAB on Discord
    • HOMEWORK - IDEAS and PITCH (Logline MUST have 5 components)

    Más Menos
    1 h y 13 m
  • In the Beginning
    Jan 28 2022

    The first meeting and episode in a 365-day film challenge by a volunteer 'Cast Crew' of never-before-filmmakers from a group of WholeLife Church members in Orlando, Florida. Led by Stanley Pomianowski they will attempt to complete a film project from concept to completion by December 31st, 2022.

    • Ground rules
    • Be leaders and be kind
    • Introductions
    • Future Schedule/Workshops
    • Finished Script by Spring - Shooting Wrapped by Summer - Post Production by late Fall
    • UP NEXT
    • Loglines
    • Save the Cat (Book)
    • Homework - All Ideas Good or Bad in 2 weeks (February 10)

    Más Menos
    1 h y 8 m