
  • A Full Heart with TCDSB Director of Education Brendan Browne
    Jun 8 2021

    At the end of a very difficult year I went into this conversation with TCDSB Director of Education Brendan Browne looking for something: I was looking for the heart in what he would say. I knew there would be limits to how much I could ask my boss (on air!), but that's not what I wanted to hear.

    As you listen, I encourage you to ask yourself this question: are you heartened by the work of education this year? You’ll hear Director Browne talk about his desire to build trust in the community, to work towards equity and, as the largest Catholic school board in the world, to show that we follow Christ by our love.  And then you can decide if these beliefs are grounded in some kind of distant principles or if at the heart of the board, is a deep value for people.

    This is our last episode until the fall. I want to thank you again for tuning in. It has been my deep and genuine pleasure.


    NEW EPISODES EVERY OTHER WEEK! Be sure to follow or subscribe so you get them first thing Tuesday mornings!

    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/wholehearted-teaching-with-adrian-del-monte/id1538305754

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    Google: https://podcasts.google.com/search/wholehearted%20teaching

    Find ALL our episodes here:  https://wholeheartedteaching.buzzsprout.com/

    Más Menos
    48 m
  • A Year of Grief and a Year of Joy with my Wife, Amy Del Monte
    May 25 2021
    In this week's conversation, my wife Amy and I sit down to discuss what was an extraordinary year. We hope that our story might  help other parents and teachers process theirs.

    We reflect on the joys of the year-- our neighbourhood coming back to life, sharing laughter around the dinner table and becoming a reading family-- as well as the challenges-- wrestling with our own privilege, trying to support our sons in French Immersion, and watching so many of our friends leave the city.

    Amy helps me remember that we  must "sit" in both the joy and the grief. That is how we have the most complete human experience. I was so glad that we could process our year together in this way.

    Amy is not on any social media but feel free to let us know what insights the episode offered you by reaching out on twitter @podcastforheart

    NEW EPISODES EVERY OTHER WEEK! Be sure to follow or subscribe so you get them first thing Tuesday mornings!

    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/wholehearted-teaching-with-adrian-del-monte/id1538305754

     Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1v39FRoSHRYfOThic1MZQL?si=-b0U_cJLQ9aAmBb8zWIsXw

    Google: https://podcasts.google.com/search/wholehearted%20teaching

    Find ALL our episodes here:  https://wholeheartedteaching.buzzsprout.com/

    Más Menos
    40 m
  • How Marriage Shapes Our Teaching with Educators and Spouses Dan and Rachel Vigliatore
    May 11 2021

    If you're a teacher who is a parent or a spouse, this is a wonderful conversation for you!

    Today's guests are Dan and Rachel Vigliatore, a wholehearted husband and wife who both teach in the Toronto Catholic District School Board. Dan is an elementary PHE teacher and Rachel is a secondary Guidance Department Head. They are also the parents to two lovely girls.

    Together, we talk about the many many parallels between teaching and parenting and even marriage. This conversation shows just how much our parenting and our spouses shapes our teaching and how much our teaching shapes our families.

    At the end of the conversation, I pose an exercise that would I would suggest for all of you: to create a family mission statement. It's a powerful exercise that can become a real map for both your family and, I would say, your own classroom teaching.

    You can connect with Dan and Rachel on Twitter!


    NEW EPISODES EVERY OTHER WEEK! Be sure to follow or subscribe so you get them first thing Tuesday mornings!

    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/wholehearted-teaching-with-adrian-del-monte/id1538305754

     Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1v39FRoSHRYfOThic1MZQL?si=-b0U_cJLQ9aAmBb8zWIsXw

    Google: https://podcasts.google.com/search/wholehearted%20teaching

    Find ALL our episodes here:  https://wholeheartedteaching.buzzsprout.com/

    Más Menos
    58 m
  • Building to Last with Educator, Champion and Advocate Skye Bowen
    Apr 27 2021

    In this week’s conversation I’m talking to one of the most wholehearted educators I’ve ever met: Skye Bowen. Skye is an activist, a community builder, a champion, and is working actively to dismantle systems that oppress racialized students. 

    This conversation will give you confidence to engage in those conversations that can shift thinking and change systems. One by one, Skye addresses some common reactions and objections we hear when we really push for anti-racism classrooms:

    1. "You can't hire someone just because they're racialized" (17:30)
    2. "Like everything in education, there is always something new; we'll be on to the next thing soon" (20:45)
    3. "You don't need all BIPOC authors...you need representation" (24:00)
    4. "Should I say 'BIPOC' or 'racialized'?" (27:00)
    5. "You can't assume that all racialized students have struggled" (29:15)
    6. "Ok, ok...we get it...enough with the racism talk...." (31:30)

    We also discuss how Skye's faith informs her work. In particular, we talk about WWJD-- "what would Jesus do?"-- to challenge systems that oppress.

    Connect with Skye on Twitter at https://twitter.com/HealthyMsB1  or on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/skyebowen37/


    NEW EPISODES EVERY OTHER WEEK! Be sure to follow or subscribe so you get them first thing Tuesday mornings!

    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/wholehearted-teaching-with-adrian-del-monte/id1538305754

     Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1v39FRoSHRYfOThic1MZQL?si=-b0U_cJLQ9aAmBb8zWIsXw

    Google: https://podcasts.google.com/search/wholehearted%20teaching

    Find ALL our episodes here:  https://wholeheartedteaching.buzzsprout.com/

    Más Menos
    53 m
  • Empowering Students to Tell Their Stories with Best Selling Author Jael Richardson
    Apr 6 2021

    How often do we let our students (and our own children) just tell their story? That is the question I'm discussing today with Jael Richardson,  author and Executive Director for The Festival of Literary Diversity.

    So often as teachers and parents we have certain expectations of what "learning" ought to look like. I hope that today's conversation will help you see the power of letting go and letting our students free to find themselves in the stories they consume.

    In particular, we talk about the Educator's Guide to Gutter Child and how teacher's can use it to help students navigate the adolescent years. 

    Listen to the whole episode or jump to the parts that resonate with you most!

    4:45:     The original Old Testament Jael and her tent-peg for change
    8:50:     Using reading to help students find themselves
    12:30:  Finding opportunities for students to write about what matters
    15:30:  Convincing our students their stories are worth telling
    20:25:  What Gutter Child is all about
    21:55:  Stories as a form of resistance
    24:40:  Jael's hope for Gutter Child in our classrooms
    31:40:  Raising readers for a lifetime
    39:15:  The end goal of reading
    42:05:  What makes the Educator's Guide to Gutter Child so special
    46:00:  Make reading a priority for everyone (and getting involved in The FOLD)
    52:00:  Risk, vulnerability and change

    Some Links
    1. Jael's website
    2. The Gutter Child Educator's Guide
    3.  The Festival of Literary Diversity website

    NEW EPISODES EVERY WEEK! Be sure to follow or subscribe so you get them first thing Tuesday mornings!

    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/wholehearted-teaching-with-adrian-del-monte/id1538305754

     Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1v39FRoSHRYfOThic1MZQL?si=-b0U_cJLQ9aAmBb8zWIsXw

    Google: https://podcasts.google.com/search/wholehearted%20teaching

    Find ALL our episodes here:  https://wholeheartedteaching.buzzsprout.com/

    Más Menos
    59 m
  • Celebrating a Changing School Board with TCDSB Superintendent of Education Kimberly Dixon
    Mar 30 2021

    When I first reached out to Kimberly Dixon, Superintendent in the Toronto Catholic DSB, I was hoping we would talk about intersectionality for much of the conversation. I assumed that because Kimberly is only the second black, female superintendent in the TCDSB, her story would be full of examples of how she had to rise above obstacles in what has been called the "dinosaur" of education systems.  

    But this conversation turned into more than I expected.  

    Kimberly's story is one that celebrates diversity and richness in the TCDSB. She talks the wonderful people and communities she has worked with. She talks about the progress and innovation and pivoting she has seen in this board. She talks about the incredible anti-racist educators she sees. And, despite me asking more than once, she is very clear that no one doubted her abilities as she climbed to a position of leadership.

    Listen right to the end. Kimberly’s final message will be an encouragement if you work in Toronto Catholic, if your children attend her or if you know a teacher who does. 

    Connect with Kimberly on twitter at https://twitter.com/1wholeads

    NEW EPISODES EVERY WEEK! Be sure to follow or subscribe so you get them first thing Tuesday mornings!

    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/wholehearted-teaching-with-adrian-del-monte/id1538305754

     Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1v39FRoSHRYfOThic1MZQL?si=-b0U_cJLQ9aAmBb8zWIsXw

    Google: https://podcasts.google.com/search/wholehearted%20teaching

    Find ALL our episodes here:  https://wholeheartedteaching.buzzsprout.com/

    Más Menos
    43 m
  • What's in Your Heart of Hearts? with Vice-Principal and Documentary Filmmaker Anthony Perrotta
    Mar 16 2021

    Today's episode is the story of one teacher's journey to allyship.

    We speak with Anthony Perrotta, a Vice Principal and a documentary filmmaker.  Like many first or second generation European immigrants, Anthony grew up  up in a white, suburban neighborhood where, as he says, “white was normalized” Anthony was never really pushed to become self aware.

    But when he travelled to one of the most ethnically diverse neighbourhoods in Toronto he began to unlearn, learn  and then re-learn what he thought about education. He had to rumble with his own assumptions and, as you’ll see, began to rumble with his colleges as well.

    Anthony didn't stop with mere awareness, though. He became an active co-conspirator using his film making skills to give voice to his students. As you listen, ask yourself how you might do likewise.

    Connect with Anthony on Twitter at @aperrottatweets or through his website, https://aperrotta.com/

    NEW EPISODES EVERY WEEK! Be sure to follow or subscribe so you get them first thing Tuesday mornings!

    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/wholehearted-teaching-with-adrian-del-monte/id1538305754

     Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1v39FRoSHRYfOThic1MZQL?si=-b0U_cJLQ9aAmBb8zWIsXw

    Google: https://podcasts.google.com/search/wholehearted%20teaching

    Find ALL our episodes here:  https://wholeheartedteaching.buzzsprout.com/

    Más Menos
    58 m
  • Dear White Teachers: No One Said it Would Easy with Asante Haughton
    Mar 2 2021

    Today's episode is all about how hard it is to build anti-racist classroom. It's not just hard for our racialized students, but it's also hard for white teachers (myself included) doing the hard work of examining whatever biases we hold.

    But we have to do it.

    In this episode, Asante Haughton tells us his own story of becoming a father, a mental health advocate, a 2XTed Talk speaker and an inspirational human being.  Yet, as a poor, black man he had to endure more than many of us ever will.   He was not always able to be authentic to who he was, dealt with tokenism in his school community, and constantly had to work against the system. That was hard and yet through his resilience and courage, he excelled..

    You'll also hear about the hard work that white teachers must do to regularly and systematically challenge our own biases and assumptions. Asante argues that we can do this through the power of self-talk. By going through the HARD work of challenging those biases--each and every time they occur--we will begin to see differently, see the potential of each and every one of our students, regardless of what they look like or where they come from.

    This is hard work. If it was easy everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it good. (cue the Tom Hanks references)

    Asante's essay-- "Dear White People; Why Is Your Mental Health So White?"--is a wonderful piece of writing that you may want to read text.

    You can also learn more about Asante by watching either of his two Ted Talks: "The Power of Second Chances" and "An Common Story of Hope and Redemption".

    Please be sure to share this episode. It's one that could help you see your own students the way they were meant to be seen.

    NEW EPISODES EVERY WEEK! Be sure to follow or subscribe so you get them first thing Tuesday mornings!

    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/wholehearted-teaching-with-adrian-del-monte/id1538305754

     Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1v39FRoSHRYfOThic1MZQL?si=-b0U_cJLQ9aAmBb8zWIsXw

    Google: https://podcasts.google.com/search/wholehearted%20teaching

    Find ALL our episodes here:  https://wholeheartedteaching.buzzsprout.com/

    Más Menos
    48 m