
  • 56. Becky Malby - Universal Healthcare National Inquiry
    Jul 7 2024

    Becky Malby - (Bookend 1)

    I was delighted when Professor Becky Malby asked me to host a special series of podcasts in collaboration with London South Bank University and the Universal Healthcare network.

    We are keen to tell you more about the Universal HealthCare National Inquiry report, why universal healthcare is so important and to introduce you to some of the movers and shakers who are making it happen in different parts of the country.

    To start (and later finish) the series, we are recording a couple of ‘bookends’, chatting to the inimitable Becky herself to find out more.

    Becky Malby is a well-known mover and shaker in the world of health care, and I've been proud to work closely with her over the last 10 years or more as an associate of the London South Bank University Health Innovation Lab, and specifically working with each cohort of Darzi fellows using the Whose Shoes? approach to coproduction and helping future healthcare leaders understand more about working with people and finding out what's important to them.

    I've always been a bit blown away by the work that Becky does, the common sense approach to working out what sits behind problems in healthcare systems, of finding radical and innovative ways to create the best care for people across boundaries.

    There is BIG synergy between the goals and values of universal healthcare and Whose Shoes?, for example, the report stresses the importance of seeing things from different perspectives, flattening the hierarchy and bringing people together to have open, honest conversations, to make change across the system. Start small and most importantly, start somewhere. #JFDI #NoHierarchyJustPeople

    There is also big synergy with the aims of my podcast in terms of seeking out exciting people who are developing innovative healthcare solutions, and sharing them widely. So it's a win win, and we're all excited to be doing this.

    So over coming episodes, I'm going to be talking to (at least! – it is having a bit of a snowball effect already!) four more special guests who will give us practical examples of universal health care in action and the difference it's making in their communities.

    So what is universal health care?

    Why does it matter?

    Are we in danger of medicalising poverty?

    What can we do to make things fairer?

    Find out by listening to Becky Malby here!

    Lemon lightbulbs 🍋💡🍋
    Follow this series to learn ALL about Universal Healthcare - and why it matters!

    Universal HealthCare National Inquiry
    Easy Read Executive Summary
    10 Leaps Forward - Innovation in the pandemic
    Noreen Bukhari - supporting women from ‘BAME’ communities
    Gill's Universal Healthcare work with MPFT

    #coproduction #communities #funding #equity #healthinequalities #storytelling #passion #QI

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    please share your thoughts by leaving a review (Apple is easiest to leave a review) and comment on your favourite episodes.

    I tweet as @WhoseShoes and @WildCardWS and am on Instagram as @WildCardWS.

    Please recommend 'Wild Card - Whose Shoes' to others who enjoy hearing passionate people talk about their experiences of improving health care.

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • 55. Steven Russell - children in care deserve better
    Jun 16 2024
    When I originally set up the Wild Card - Whose Shoes podcast series, I wanted to provide a way of amplifying the voices of people who inspire me and who are making a difference. Steven Russell simply had to be a guest because his story is so important.

    Steven tells his own story of growing up as a child in care, the emotional trauma and insecurity that can result, but showing huge resilience and strength, surviving the system.

    Everyone who works with children or has children in their lives needs to hear it – such an eye-opener about trust, relationships, language, assumptions and so much more.

    Steven is now inspiring children and young people in similar circumstances to believe that they can be anything they want to be, and role modelling this in such a powerful way.

    Steven’s own childhood story is so powerful we focused on that and will record Part 2 to tell you more about this work. You can find out more in the links – Elements - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! #DripByDrip #DayByDay

    Huge synergy with the #MPFTWhoseShoes project we are doing with the Children and Families’ team of Midlands Partnership Foundation Trust, using Whose Shoes to explore different aspects of their service and how it can be improved. Our forthcoming module, to be launched on 15 July, explores the topic of helping children in care have happy, successful lives.

    Lemon lightbulbs 🍋💡🍋

    • You have to find your own path; no-one can do it for you
    • Commit your goals to paper; make it real
    • Start small and build - drip by drip, day by day
    • We all need someone to believe in us
    • Looking back at a turbulent childhood through adult eyes brings new understanding
    • You can't force trust - you have to grow relationships
    • Care records need to be written with sensitivity for the grown-up child to read one day
    • Loads of different adults telling you different things is confusing and traumatic
    • Learning about your past while still navigating the care system can be overwhelming
    • The organismic self - the itch inside you that makes you YOU, desite everything
    • Nature versus nurture - fascinating!
    • Living in care made Steven super adaptable
    • Stories resonate because all human beings connect!

    Elements - Steven's brilliant work!
    I'm just a teacher
    Steven's video about his Mum
    Gill's podcast episode with Rachel Tomlinson, a progressive headteacher

    We would love you to share your learning in the comments or by leaving a review.

    We LOVE it when you leave a review!
    If you enjoy my podcast and find these conversations useful
    please share your thoughts by leaving a review (Apple is easiest to leave a review) and comment on your favourite episodes.

    I tweet as @WhoseShoes and @WildCardWS and am on Instagram as @WildCardWS.

    Please recommend 'Wild Card - Whose Shoes' to others who enjoy hearing passionate people talk about their experiences of improving health care.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 3 m
  • 54. Mary Salama - connecting across boundaries
    May 5 2024
    I’m so excited to be talking to my good friend Mary Salama, a wonderful consultant paediatrician in Birmingham.

    Mary is one of my absolute faves - a lovely, warm person, who makes extraordinary things happen, rather than just talking about what needs to change.

    And to do that for children and young people, has to be the very best thing!

    Driven by frustration and a deep understanding of the need to improve healthcare systems, Mary focuses on human factors and connecting across boundaries.

    Mary is leading the way with coproduction and empowering young people, including enabling them to present community research to clinicians at the Royal College of Paediatrics and Clinical Health.

    Lemon lightbulbs 🍋💡🍋

    • Be curious and furious about bringing real action
    • Children with clinically complex needs need to go home rather than staying in hospital, if non-medical factors are holding them back – find a way to make it happen
    • Listen deeply, learning the language and drivers people are using
    • The Canal and Powering Up projects are EXCELLENT examples of coproduction - enabling young people to share their ideas about the future of health care
    • Coproduction must be authentic, starting with relationship building and creating the conditions for people to feel safe to discuss difficult topics
    • Learning from Excellence is powerful
    • Networking leads to meaningful connections and potential solutions to share challenges
    • Witnessing positive connections can give people hope and inspire ripples and action, way beyond the original conversations
    • Use all platforms to amplify the best ideas within the NHS and save people from re-inventing the wheel
    • Break out of tribal silos!
    • Use creativity to make your voice heard - pink hats, lemons or whatever it takes! #JFDI and don’t forget to have fun!
    • Lyse Edwards talks about a Harry Potter version of Whose Shoes; Mary talks of a Mary Poppins toolkit!
    • Hold an #IntentionalCoffee with someone who inspires you ☕☕️

    We LOVE it when you leave a review!
    If you enjoy my podcast and find these conversations useful
    please share your thoughts by leaving a review (Apple is easiest to leave a review) and comment on your favourite episodes.

    I tweet as @WhoseShoes and @WildCardWS and am on Instagram as @WildCardWS.

    Please recommend 'Wild Card - Whose Shoes' to others who enjoy hearing passionate people talk about their experiences of improving health care.

    Más Menos
    52 m
  • 53. Angela Catley - When I Get Old
    Apr 7 2024

    I first met Angela Catley in the very early days of Whose Shoes?, so back in about 2009, when she did a very lively and slightly bonkers presentation at a conference.

    I remember how Angela used her slides as just a very rough guide, while telling wonderful stories, and occasionally flicking on from one slide to the next as she went. I found it refreshing!

    It was full of energy, and she spoke common sense which really resonated with me. She despaired about bureaucracy and talked about HR type functions as the ‘Stuff department’ - often stuff getting in the way of organisations, and particularly good small providers, trying to get on and run a quality service.

    You can feel the synergy to my #WhoseShoes work!

    Angela was working for Community Catalysts, enabling everyday people to develop brilliant, quirky, creative, life-enhancing solutions to their own challenges. I loved it!

    Fast forward … in this episode, we talk about the ‘When I Get Old’ campaign.

    We link up with other social movements that celebrate and support people’s strengths rather than their weaknesses, and focus on what matters to people.

    How we can all get the best out of systems to live – and carry on living – our best lives?
    Even when we get old.

    Many of us have banged the drum for our parents, trying to get the best for them. But we can only pick from available choices, and often we know that this is NOT what they wanted.

    Have YOU got a clear plan as to what you would like to happen … or are you going ‘La, la, la, la …. Ooooh heck!

    Lemon lightbulbs 🍋💡🍋

    • Be curious and furious - Furiosity! (shoutout to Mark Adam Smith!)
    • There are SO many splendid, creative people - connect with them!
    • Discover your shared passions - have conversations!
    • Ageing - plan ahead - we can switch from ‘Us’ to ‘Them’ in seconds
    • Care Land. Stuff. … keep it real for real people
    • Collaborate - join up with like-minded movements. #StrongerTogether
    • Head in the sand leads to … La, La,La, La,La ….. oooooh heck!
    • Life is a lottery. We can’t all be David Attenborough in the ageing stakes
    • Will the options you would choose even exist?
    • Crisis … is never a good time to make decisions
    • Creativity can help unlock imaginative solutions
    • The power of the self-funding pound. Own your paying power!
    • Get involved in the #WhenIGetOld campaign!
    • Personal choice is specific - not just wine or beer
    • Think differently - chat to your friends to see what emerges
    • Some great solutions are potentially right there - in your community!
    • Don’t let services - eg befriending services - get in the way of friendship
    • Relationships matter! Cultivate them and defend them … with furiosity!

    Some links you will enjoy:

    Join the #WhenIGetOld campaign !

    Angela's 'Ta ra' blog when she left Community Catalysts

    A pioneer of #WhenIGetOld type thinking : the late, great Dorothy Runnicles

    We LOVE it when you leave a review!
    If you enjoy my podcast and find these conversations useful
    please share your thoughts by leaving a review (Apple is easiest to leave a review) and comment on your favourite episodes.

    I tweet as @WhoseShoes and @WildCardWS and am on Instagram as @WildCardWS.

    Please recommend 'Wild Card - Whose Shoes' to others who enjoy hearing passionate people talk about their experiences of improving health care.

    Más Menos
    57 m
  • 52. Dr. Matt Hill - creating the conditions for healthcare teams to flourish
    Mar 3 2024

    Today, I invite you to meet Dr Matt Hill – I hope you enjoy the warmth and wisdom he brings to this podcast series as much as I do!

    I heard Matt speaking at the online NNAP conference, the National Neonatal Audit Programme, which showcased best practice in neonatal care.

    Matt is the Clinical Adviser on Safety Culture for NHS England and was one of the keynote speakers.

    He was talking about creating the conditions for a perinatal team to flourish – but it became clear to me that what he said would help ANY healthcare team to flourish.

    There were so many practical examples of what makes a good team, and how is leads to well-being and a positive safety culture.

    There was an emphasis on collaboration, inclusion, empathy and relationships.

    There is huge synergy with our ‘Whose Shoes’ work, particularly around our core principle that you have to create the conditions for meaningful conversations, coproduction and teamwork!

    Lemon lightbulbs 🍋💡🍋

    • Health care in its broadest sense is about people - people caring for each other.
    • Be curious about people; nurture and invest in them; share personal stories
    • Look for those moments of human interaction
    • Create space to get to know people as human beings and build trust among colleagues
    • Learn about and recognise the value and unique contribution each individual brings
    • Kindness and compassion helps good team dynamics, and improves culture and safety
    • Create a welcoming environment for new staff members
    • Introduce yourself as a person, rather than solely by job title, to foster a more inclusive and connected environment
    • Flattening the hierarchy in workplace conversations makes it easier for junior members to share their thoughts and feelings with more senior colleagues
    • Recognise and value diverse perspectives in healthcare, rather than prioritising a narrow view
    • Understand patient experiences and preferences - ask what matters to each person to provide effective care
    • Small gestures matter, such as using people’s preferred names, in building trust and psychological safety
    • People may have different interpretations of the same words or actions
    • Establishing positive relationships improves care outcomes, especially for the most vulnerable people
    • Focus on doing things differently, rather than just measuring what we do!
    If you have enjoyed this episode, you'll also love:

    Episode 32. Dr. Bob Klaber - kindness matters!

    We LOVE it when you leave a review!
    If you enjoy my podcast and find these conversations useful
    please share your thoughts by leaving a review (Apple is easiest to leave a review) and comment on your favourite episodes.

    I tweet as @WhoseShoes and @WildCardWS and am on Instagram as @WildCardWS.

    Please recommend 'Wild Card - Whose Shoes' to others who enjoy hearing passionate people talk about their experiences of improving health care.

    Más Menos
    40 m
  • 51. Sam Jackman - co-founder of Boost Innovations
    Feb 4 2024

    Hey, it’s great to be back! 🍋🍋🍋

    So, for all those who enjoy the ‘Wild Card - Whose Shoes?’ podcast, welcome to Season 2!

    It has been lovely to hear from so many of you, saying that you are missing the podcast and asking when it is coming back. Well, here it is!

    At the beginning of last year, 2023, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. And not for the first time.

    Being quite a private person, but also quite out there, in terms of Whose Shoes events, social media, hosting a podcast and so on, I found it hard to know how to handle that. As you may imagine.

    I was trying to manage my illness and treatment alongside deadlines from my ‘real’ work, so when I reached episode 50 I decided that made a very neat if rather long, Season 1!

    But I have been raring to go with Season 2 and wondered how best to re-launch.

    I found the perfect podcast guest – and today is the perfect day to post our conversation – 4 February 2024, World Cancer Day!

    Sam Jackman is an inspirational woman - a multi-award winning entrepreneur and a disruptor. Sam offers a breath of fresh air (literally!) to women who have had a mastectomy due to breast cancer. She is rocking the world of conventional prostheses through her innovative Boost products.

    Boost products are 100% inspired and designed by women for women.
    We need to make sure that women hear about them!

    It is an extraordinary story

    • the lived experience of Sam’s Mum
    • finding a huge gap in the market - and doing something about it!
    • courageous entrepreneurship
    • rocking the world of conventional solutions
    • putting women first

    And all from the deepest reaches of rural Cornwall.

    Sam is highly entertaining. We are joined briefly by Blue, Sam’s emotional therapy dog!

    It is a story with a difference, making a difference and I am very proud to support ‘We Wear Boost’ innovations, who have made a BIG difference to me personally. Thank you, Sam!

    Key link
    Breast Forms | Lightweight Breast Forms UK | We Wear Boost
    Daughter creates design after mum's mastectomy - BBC News

    Lemon lightbulbs 🍋💡🍋

    • If you want something amazing to happen, you may have to do it yourself!
    • Don't listen to the naysayers
    • We need to bridge the 'us and them' divide between clinicians and patients
    • Co-design with the people using the product will NOT fail
    • Be inspired. Achieving this from Cornwall was NOT easy!
    • Men in suits are not the experts on breast forms and nipples! ;-)

    We LOVE it when you leave a review!
    If you enjoy my podcast and find these conversations useful
    please share your thoughts by leaving a review (Apple is easiest to leave a review) and comment on your favourite episodes.

    I tweet as @WhoseShoes and @WildCardWS and am on Instagram as @WildCardWS.

    Please recommend 'Wild Card - Whose Shoes' to others who enjoy hearing passionate people talk about their experiences of improving health care.

    Más Menos
    52 m
  • 50. Kate Pound - nobody is 'hard to reach'
    May 28 2023

    A blaze of ‘lemon lightbulbs’ today talking to Kate Pound, a fabulous nurse focusing on ‘JUST DO IT’ actions that make a big difference.

    Kate grew up in a hostel for fishermen and that rich and varied experience gave her a deep understanding of people and the imagination to find alternative ways of reaching the so-called ‘hard to reach’. She is a great storyteller and you will pick up LOTS of practical tips.

    Kate is a trustee of the Fishermen’s Mission and we would love you to learn more about them – and appreciate fishermen beyond the occasional Fish and Chips supper!

    Lemon lightbulbs 🍋💡🍋

    • Dentistry on the harbour and other fishy stories – using IMAGINATION to reach people
    • Growing up in ‘different’ circumstances can build empathy and the will to address health inequalities
    • Don’t make assumptions about people and what they enjoy – we’re all human and unique
    • Harness the power and resources of community to make health care accessible
    • Covid vaccinations for rough sleepers and others not registered with a GP
    • The 'Just Do It' form - not letting bureaucracy get in the way! Shoutout to Tim Guyler!
    • Hospital porters are your eyes and ears - which ward would they NOT want to be on, as a patient?
    • Keeping people warm before surgery improves recovery times
    • Patients speak honestly when they feel SAFE and healthcare professionals LISTEN
    • It is about RELATIONSHIPS
    • Bring your whole self to work – staff enjoy using their skills and talents
    • Smiling builds trust and the ability to speak up
    • Patient safety and patient experience go together
    • Things ARE changing. NHS listening more to people with lived experience
    • Shoutout to Nottingham University Hospitals and their excellent 'Whose Shoes' work around home birth
    • A coproduction Guinness World Record?
      Youngest person at a Whose Shoes workshop: 4 days old; eldest: 101 years
    • 'Stay kind, be curious' - shoutout to Newbold Hope, Episode 13
    • 'Parallel' - 'Start together, finish whenever' - let's make ALL events accessible
    • Find new ways to ensure people feel involved ... then the magic happens.
    • Everyone needs a 'Project of Joy' at work
    • The 'Jar of Joy' - shoutout to Liz O'Riordan
    • Making a difference to NHS staff wellbeing will help keep them in the NHS
    • Let's bring these more human elements in right from the start - student nurses!

    What are YOU passionate about?

    Some links

    1. Home - Fishermen's Mission (fishermensmission.org.uk)

    2. SeaFit - Fishermen's Mission (fishermensmission.org.uk)

    3. Parallel Lifestyle

    4. Jar of Joy

    5. Enjoy earlier episodes about health inequalities – eg Dr Farzana Hussain

    We LOVE it when you leave a review!
    If you enjoy my podcast and find these conversations useful
    please share your thoughts by leaving a review (Apple is easiest to leave a review) and comment on your favourite episodes.

    I tweet as @WhoseShoes and @WildCardWS and am on Instagram as @WildCardWS.

    Please recommend 'Wild Card - Whose Shoes' to others who enjoy hearing passionate people talk about their experiences of improving health care.

    Más Menos
    48 m
  • 49. Behind the scenes of our 'Whose Shoes' work with children and families
    Apr 30 2023

    Building on the theme of storytelling and creativity.

    How do we get people to come along to our events?
    What is Whose Shoes anyway?

    Today I am talking to Lyse Edwards and Rachel Crook from the Children and Families team at Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust as we prepare for our forthcoming Whose Shoes events in May - looking to make care more holistic for children and families and to improve perinatal mental health.

    We talk about some of the more creative methods we are using to draw people in and ensure this is TRUE coproduction.


    • Whose News - our monthly newsletter to keep everyone in the loop
    • MPFT podcast
    • Yvonne Newbold’s TEDxNHS Talk
    • Yvonne Newbold’s podcast (episode 13)
    • Rachel Crook's podcast (episode 34)
    • Film clip of MatExp the Musical
    • Liberating Structures

    Lemon lightbulbs 🍋💡🍋
    I still need to squeeze the lemons for this episode

    We LOVE it when you leave a review!
    If you enjoy my podcast and find these conversations useful
    please share your thoughts by leaving a review (Apple is easiest to leave a review) and comment on your favourite episodes.

    I tweet as @WhoseShoes and @WildCardWS and am on Instagram as @WildCardWS.

    Please recommend 'Wild Card - Whose Shoes' to others who enjoy hearing passionate people talk about their experiences of improving health care.

    Más Menos
    42 m