
  • E17 - Finding the Right Financial Advisor
    Mar 10 2024

    In this episode, Mike shares with you some key things to consider when hiring a financial advisor. He’ll break this down into three areas.

    1. Why would you need an advisor?

    2. He’ll explore some of the popular types of advisors and their credentials that give them the skill-sets and knowledge that could help you.

    3. He’ll also share some key questions to ask an advisor should you be on the market for one.

    Whether you are a do-it-yourselfer with your finances, or you are completely lost and looking for help, it’s never a bad idea to get another opinion from a professional financial advisor about your finances to give you confirmation on what and how you are doing, or get you on track, and/or to help you reach your goals, to get some stress relief about your finances and ultimately to achieve financial peace.

    If you have ideas you'd like to share with Mike for a future episode, or any other recommendations, you can reach him at: mike@fettermanfinancialsolutions.com

    For a free coaching session with Mike, you can go to: https://fettermanfinancialsolutions.com/schedule-an-appointment/

    Click here to access the episode on risk and return that he talked about today at his website E6-Risk and Return along with his other episodes at: https://fettermanfinancialsolutions.com/blog/

    If you would like to support Mike with his podcasting expenses and help him grow this podcast, you can buy him a virtual cup of coffee. How cool is that? Just
    click on the “Support the Show” link below. Thank you for considering to help him help others.

    Guiding you to win with money and live with financial peace.

    Have a great day!

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    17 m
  • E16 - Making a Financial Plan
    Mar 4 2024

    In this episode, Mike shares with you how to make a financial plan, the steps to develop a plan, key areas of a plan and some tips for keeping it current and relevant. He also adds a worksheet that you can download of the key components of a viable personal financial plan.

    Your personal financial plan is a comprehensive statement of an individual or couple’s objectives for security and well-being. It has a detailed savings and investing strategy that includes your net worth, cash flow, emergency funding, insurance, tax reduction, college funding, healthcare, retirement, long term care, an estate plan and more based on your situation. It has a lot of moving parts. It should be evolving and dynamic with regular updates based on the changes in your life and your goals.

    Financial plans can be developed with the help of an advisor or by yourself. You can do this.

    If you have ideas you'd like to share with Mike for a future episode, or any other recommendations, you can reach him at: mike@fettermanfinancialsolutions.com

    For a free coaching session, you can go to: https://fettermanfinancialsolutions.com/schedule-an-appointment/

    To download the free Major Components of a Healthy Financial Plan, click here:


    Click here to access prior episodes he spoke about in this episode on E3-Financial Scams, E6-Risk and Return, E12-Resolutions and Goals, E13-Building an Emergency Fund and E14-Budgeting 101). Here they are: https://fettermanfinancialsolutions.com/blog/

    If you would like to support Mike with his podcasting expenses and help him grow this podcast, just
    click on the link below. Thank you for considering to help him help others!

    Guiding you to win with money and live with financial peace.

    Have a great day!

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    12 m
  • E15 - From Financial Stress to Financial Fitness
    Feb 25 2024

    In this episode, Mike talks about getting beyond financial stress to financial fitness. He shares some tough facts about how American households are entering a debt trap. We all have experienced financial stress and it can have a negative impact on our lives. There is a way out and it’s by taking actions towards financial fitness. He highlights seven ways to get back on track and reduce the stress. These are things you might already know. Here they are: 1. Living below your means and understanding the debt cycle. 2. Having an emergency fund. 3. Having no high-interest debt. 4. Having savings and investments that are growing. 5. Having SMART goals. 6. Having a written and evolving financial plan. 7. Using money as a tool rather than a source of stress.

    Financial fitness leads to a better well-being. It takes discipline, planning and some financial savvy. He makes it clear that this is all worth it and you can do this. Also, don’t forget to take time out for yourself to relax, go for a walk if you can, reach out to friends and family. Have some quiet prayer or meditation time. Self-care is so important.

    If you have ideas you'd like to share with Mike for a future episode, or any other recommendations, you can reach him at: mike@fettermanfinancialsolutions.com

    For a free coaching session, you can go to: www.fettermanfinancialsolutions.com

    at the “Schedule an Appointment” page and go to the “Resources” page to see some of his favorite personal finance tools including a sample customizable budget with Excel and websites of some of his favorite personal finance podcasters.

    If you would like to support Mike with his podcasting expenses and help him grow this podcast, just click on the link below. Thank you for considering to help him help others!
    Guiding you to win with money and live with financial peace.

    Have a great day!

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    11 m
  • E14 - Budgeting 101
    Feb 22 2024

    In this episode, Mike talks about the basics of budgeting, what it is, the purpose of budgeting and how to create one for your use. He provides tips on how you can get started on your budget to get control of your finances. Budgeting helps you to see what’s coming in – income; and what’s going out – spending. He provides examples of ways to set up your budget. He also emphasizes that a budget is a tool if used regularly, can pinpoint ways to help you save for goals, get out of debt, establish an emergency fund and help you live below your means. It may reveal that you’re spending more in certain categories that are taking away from other categories more important to you.

    If you have ideas you'd like to share with Mike for a future episode, or any other recommendations, you can reach him at: mike@fettermanfinancialsolutions.com

    For a free coaching session, you can go to: www.fettermanfinancialsolutions.com

    at the “Schedule an Appointment” page and go to the “Resources” page to see some of his favorite personal finance tools including a sample customizable budget with Excel and websites of some of his favorite personal finance podcasters.

    If you would like to support Mike with his podcasting expenses and help him grow this podcast, just click on the link below. Thank you for considering to help him help others!

    Guiding you to win with money and live with financial peace.

    Have a great day!

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    12 m
  • E13 - Building an Emergency Fund
    Feb 7 2024

    In this episode, Mike talks about building an emergency fund. He shares some statistics about the struggles people are having with every day expenses. The increasing costs of every day items are making it challenging for many people to juggle being able to buy what they need when experiencing an unexpected emergency that impacts their finances. He shares ideas on how to handle those situations by having a plan in place with an emergency fund. He talks about what that is, how to start one and how it helps you when things get out of control when an unexpected car breakdown, an appliance goes kaput, or any other event that can change things when Murphy comes knocking on your door.

    If you have ideas you'd like to share with Mike for a future episode, or any other recommendations, you can reach him at: mike@fettermanfinancialsolutions.com

    For a free coaching session, you can go to: www.fettermanfinancialsolutions.com
    at the Schedule an Appointment page.

    Guiding you to win with money and live with financial peace.

    Have a great day!

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    8 m
  • E12 - Resolutions and Goals
    Feb 7 2024

    In this episode, Mike talks about resolutions and goals. As we start a new year, we sometimes look at the change of the calendar to a new year as a clean slate to improve our current situation and become a better person. Resolutions are good but sometimes they're not sustainable for a myriad of reasons. He emphasizes the importance of having a plan with SMART goals to ensure that you have a purpose and a way forward for your unique situation. SMART stands for Specific - Measurable - Achievable - Relevant - Time-bound.

    If you have ideas you'd like to share with Mike for a future episode, or any other recommendations, you can reach him at: mike@fettermanfinancialsolutions.com

    For a free coaching session, you can go to: www.fettermanfinancialsolutions.com
    at the Schedule an Appointment page.

    Guiding you to win with money and live with financial peace.

    Have a great day!

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    7 m
  • E11 - Thinking about Retirement
    Aug 9 2022

    In this episode, Mike talks about the typical stages of retirement, lifestyle and behavioral considerations to think about and the financial hurdles to overcome to have a stress free dream retirement. He emphasizes the importance of having a plan with SMART goals to ensure that you have a purpose and a way forward for your unique situation. Retirement is different for everybody. This is a primer about retirement. In future episodes, he plans to talk about various aspects and planning for a wonderful retired life.

    If you have any show topic ideas you'd like to share with Mike or any recommendations in general, you can reach him at: mike@fettermanfinancialsolutions.com

    For a free coaching consultation, you can schedule an appointment at:

    Have a great day!

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    11 m
  • E10 - Winning with Money Moment - Tackling Inflation as an Investor
    Feb 10 2022

    In this episode, I delve into some ways we as investors can try to keep pace with and even get ahead of inflation. I talk about five areas to consider for your portfolio such as:

    1. Commodities using Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)
    2. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
    3. Staying with Stock Mutual Funds and ETFs for the long term
    4. Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS)
    5. International Bond Funds

    Thanks for listening and I hope you enjoyed my show.

    If you could use some coaching help with your financial situation or are interested in a second opinion with your finances, you can send me an email at:


    and you can check me out at my website and schedule an appointment with me at:


    I wish YOU a great day!

    Mike Fetterman,
    Ramsey Solutions Financial Coach

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    9 m