
  • Episode #34: Being true to yourself is the inner revolution that changes everything.
    Jan 30 2023

    Alicia died while giving birth to her only son, and was brought back to life. At the time, she thought the ordeal was over with. Little did she know, everything in her life was about to change - for the better.

    Even though Alicia has endured a multitude of chronic illnesses since, she's learned and gained so much.

    Alicia and I talked about how she had to learn how to slow down and take care of herself. She knew if she didn't, someone else would have to do it for her. She didn't want to place that burden on anyone else.  

    Alicia learned to ask a vital question of her body whenever she faced a decision, "What do you want me to know?” The body is incapable of lying.

    This helped Alicia go from living life on autopilot, to living from her true authentic self. She encourages her clients to also slow down and listen within. This is one of the best gifts you can give to yourself when faced with tough choices or important decisions about anything and everything.

    Alicia Morrow is a Master Coach. Gifted Intuitive. Speaker. Writer. Mother. Artist. Alchemist. Queen. Creatrix. She knows first-hand what it takes to navigate and transcend difficult circumstances. She’s faced incredible challenges head on and knows what it takes to rebuild, celebrate and trust life in the aftermath of it all.

    Alicia Morrow’s Web-Site: https://aliciamorrow.com

    Deborah Brown-Volkman’s web-site: https://www.SurpassYourDreams.com

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • Episode #33: Your customers work inside your company as well.
    Jan 30 2023

    Sybil Stershic is a believer in internal marketing to engage employees and customers as explained in her quote: “The way your employees feel is the way your customers will feel. And if your employees don’t feel valued, neither will your customers.” Employees need to be considered "internal" customers who deserve as much attention as actual "external" customers.

    She has a point. During our conversation, Sybil spoke to me about the earlier years of her career when she watched her employer wait until the last moment to let co-workers know about new initiatives. It never made sense to her why the people who needed to know the most were told the least and often last. She considered it a lack of respect for employees.

    This led Sybil to start Quality Service Marketing, an internal marketing company she has owned for 35 years. As her business evolved, a connection framework to address this problem emerged.

    • Connect employees to the organization - to know where they fit in and what's expected of them.
    • Connect employees to the customer - the more they know about their customers, the better they can take care of them.
    • Connect employees to other employees - to better understand how their work is interrelated and how together they impact the bottom line.

    Simple to grasp. Easy to overlook.

    Sybil Stershic’s Web-Site: http://www.qualityservicemarketing.com

    Sybil Stershic’s LinkedIn Page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sybilstershic

    Deborah Brown-Volkman’s web-site: https://www.SurpassYourDreams.com

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    24 m
  • Episode #32: It is NOT OK to check in and touch base.
    Jan 24 2023

    “I can’t do this job.” Adrian was a mom with 2 young children who needed flexibility at a time when there was no work from home. So, she started a business. She knew she was good at sales. 34 years later, the rest is history.

    Adrian is a believer in building relationships. In the beginning of her career, she had people call her to “check-in.” She didn’t know what they meant. Thus, she didn’t know what to say. Those conversations were awkward.

    She said to herself: there has to be a better way to interact with people. Thus, a formula was born: The 3 I’s.

    The first I: Introductions. Take the time to introduce people with similar synergies to each other. You don’t know where it will end up, but the introduction will be appreciated.

    The second I: Invitations. We all get invited to something. Spread the word and invite someone else who you think would also be interested.

    The third I: Information. Did a web-site link or newsletter grab your attention? Send it to someone who you think could benefit.

    My interview with Adrian was interesting. Her approach is high touch with low pressure. When you listen, you will learn ways to build relationships that you don’t usually hear of. Or, think of.

    Adrian Miller is the President of Adrian Miller Sales Training, a sales training and consulting agency with a very simple goal, to help you accomplish, exceed, and then blow-away your sales objectives. They provide customized sales training solutions, one-to-one coaching and group sessions to impart tips, techniques and tactics that generate sales results, sales consulting that will help to create sales processes and materials that will drive your sales endeavors, and sales management for ongoing sales direction and leadership.

    Adrian Miller’s web-site: https://www.adrianmiller.com

    Adrian Miller’s LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amillersalestraining

    Deborah Brown-Volkman’s web-site: https://www.SurpassYourDreams.com

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    24 m
  • Episode #31: Move on.
    Jan 24 2023

    Andrea Pass is a PI for PR. (Private Investigator for Public Relations). She built her career around communications and is extremely passionate about her work and the work she does for her clients. But, it was not always like this.  

    After working for a bully boss, Andrea found the courage to switch companies. But deep inside, she felt that she was meant to be her own boss. She listened to her gut and took a leap of faith to start her own company.

    Andrea took that leap at age 56. A testament that you are not too old to make a career pivot.

    Andrea talked to me about how it’s OK to move on. But, you want to be smart about it. Do your research; then go into planning mode. Talk to people. Magic and valuable information is shared in conversations. And, learn something every day. These are the keys to a successful transition.

    Andrea Pass Public Relations creates and implements public relations campaigns in a wide range of categories including consumer products, lifestyle, business-to-business, education, health/wellness/fitness, beauty, food, authors, and non-profits.

    Andrea Pass’ web-site: https://www.andreapasspr.com

    Andrea Pass’ LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrea-pass

    Deborah Brown-Volkman’s web-site: https://www.SurpassYourDreams.com

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    24 m
  • Episode #30: Be independent.
    Dec 5 2022

    At age 40, Lynnaire had an epiphany, “I am going to be unemployable in the years ahead. I need to do something about it now.” After years of toxic work environments, she’d had enough. “I’ve got to get out of here. I will do something on my own.”

    Fast forward 20 years later, Lynnaire has accomplished her goal.

    She has become:

    • The #1 LinkedIn expert in her home country, New Zealand
    • A top 20 LinkedIn expert worldwide
    • The author of several books, including “Link∙Ability, 4 powerful strategies to maximise your LinkedIn success” AND “LinkedIn, Business Gold – Building Awareness, Authority and Advantage with LinkedIn Company Pages, co-authored with Michelle J Raymond”

    She has also:

    • Attracted international attention (and clients)
    • Guested on numerous podcasts (including this one)

    Lynnaire believes we all have a personal brand. Showcase yours and stay employable no matter what career or business you choose to be in.

    Lynnaire Johnston’s LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lynnairejohnston

    Lynnaire Johnston’s Link∙Ability membership site: https://www.wordwizard.co.nz/membership

    Lynnaire Johnston’s “77 Tips for Getting a Head Start with LinkedIn” https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7005302943901962240

    Deborah Brown-Volkman’s web-site: https://www.SurpassYourDreams.com

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Episode #29: Being in the wrong place keeps you from being happy.
    Dec 2 2022

    As a teenager, Nicole realized singing was her passion and it led to a career as an opera singer that spanned over two decades. Although performing made her happy, the lifestyle of a singer involving so-called “survival jobs” led her to be unhappy. There were many sacrifices to that life. Craft came first, self-care second. Ultimately, this led Nicole to ask the question: “Are my needs being met?” The answer was NO.

    After a journey of self-discovery and being around people who believed in and supported her, Nicole made her leap. She became a True Self Love coach. She teaches her clients the importance of being true to themselves and that includes self-forgiveness and self-compassion for past choices and mistakes.

    She told me that realizing her worth led to her career pivot. “I deserve more.” Her advice for you: If something is not working, be decisive. Look within, listen to your gut, and make a decision as soon as you can to change your current situation for the better.

    Nicole Guberman is the Founder & CEO of True Self Love™ Mindset & Transformational Coaching. After 20+ years in opera performance, 15+ years in private vocal instruction, and 10+ years of hands-on experience in the coaching industry, she officially formalized her coaching company. She is a mission-driven personal and professional development coach, board-certified alternative healing arts practitioner, and voice specialist. As a Self-Love Sorceress, she liberates corporate professionals, business owners, experts, coaches, consultants, speakers, leaders, and healers into fearless, confident speakers, on the stage, screen, and anywhere in between.

    Nicole Guberman’s web-site: https://trueselflove.club

    Nicole Guberman’s LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicole-guberman

    Deborah Brown-Volkman’s web-site: https://www.SurpassYourDreams.com

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • Episode #28: They did the best they could.
    Nov 29 2022

    Triggers in the workplace. They get all of us at some time in our careers. But imagine not being triggered even when faced with a toxic boss? My guest Marnie Vincolisi shows people how to adapt and has made it her life work to teach you how to re-wire your response, so you no longer react. This doesn’t mean you don’t feel the pain of what’s happening. It’s that you have a way to neutralize the negativity so it does not define you or limit your ability to do your best work.

    “Compassion is key; for both you and your boss,” says Marnie. “Keep in mind that you are looking at their wounded inner child. Rather than being a sponge and absorbing their negativity, be the glass that lets their toxicity run right through you. They will stop pushing your buttons at a certain point because you no longer react, which disarms them.” In this podcast, you will gain knowledge of how it is done.

    Marnie Vincolisi, founder and CEO of Light Internal, has been an entrepreneur for her adult life, always changing and creating businesses that bring her joy and align with her spiritual focus. For the last three decades, she has devoted her time to developing a unique way of transforming people’s lives through past life regression, energy clearing, classes, meditations, and the authoring of books.

    She is an enthusiastic and well-informed speaker traveling internationally, conducting tours, seminars, and energy treatments. Marnie draws upon her business experience, extensive knowledge in the field of holistic health, and refined innate healing abilities to guide others to clearly understand how to balance their mental, physical, and spiritual presence. Marnie does not teach anyone anything they don’t already know; she merely awakens the inherent knowledge within them.

    Marnie Vincolisi’s web-site: https://www.lightinternal.com/

    Marnie Vincolisi’s LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marnievincolisi

    The book: “They did the best they could” https://www.amazon.com/They-Did-Best-Could-Discovering/dp/0982373244

    Marnie Vincolisi’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@marnievincolisi5976/videos

    Deborah Brown-Volkman’s web-site: https://www.SurpassYourDreams.com

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • Episode #27: It's ok to have boundaries.
    Nov 23 2022

    After working and being available to her clients 24/7 for years, Shelly drew a line in the sand. “I’ve had enough. Working all the time has to stop.”  She put boundaries in place. At first, she was afraid she would lose clients. But, the opposite occurred. They respected her more.

    Strong  boundaries helped Shelly give guilt-free time to both her kids and clients. Making clear boundaries allowed Shelly to be present with her kids when it was time to be a mom and present with her clients when it was time to get work done.

    “Stand strong when you set your boundaries,” Shelly says. “And, don’t get wishy-washy.”

    Shelly Slocum is a retired 21 year real-estate broker, author, speaker and mom. She wrote a book "Love  and Inspiration from Mom" which came as a result of Shelly loving her daughter back to health after living through a traumatic experience. When her daughter got strong enough to go back to work, Shelly would text her an inspirational quote every morning and add a couple of tips on how she could apply that in her day, and ended each text with "Love  Mom" It worked! 

    After months of sending her quotes and "love mom's," her daughter got better and stronger than she was before.  She encouraged  Shelly to put this into a book to help others who might be going through a tough time or who want more positivity in their life.  Shelly's book gives daily tips on how to turn life's lemons into lemonade.

    Shelly Slocum’s web-site: https://loveandinspiration.org

    Love and Inspiration from Mom Paperback book: https://www.amazon.com/Love-Inspiration-Mom-Shelly-Slocum/dp/B0B1L622RS

    Deborah Brown-Volkman’s web-site: https://www.SurpassYourDreams.com

    Más Menos
    19 m