
  • Episode 183 - Your Next Thing is Your Best Yes
    Jun 16 2023

    In this episode podcast original co-host Diane Bradley returns to join Chris to discuss the challenges of building a legacy in your everyday life when God is calling you to a “new thing.”

    Show Notes & Links (Click' em, they're live)

    -The heart of Women Finishing Well’s calling: Romans 12:1-2

    -God has called us to run a race with others and pass our faith to others in the race (Heb. 12:1-2, 12-13)

    -Review of the legacy seasons:

    Spring: women ages 25-40

    Summer: women ages 40-54

    Fall: women ages 55-75

    Winter: women over 75

    -Our circle of influence can change in various seasons. Be open to the people God puts in your life as you get older.

    -Moving into a new season can bring a sense of urgency and anxiety. But God will show you the next thing as you follow Him in trust.

    Scriptures about trusting God in a new season : 2 Peter 1: 13-15, Isaiah 43: 18-19

    - When you want to take on something new, you need to put something down. How do we choose what to give up when God calls us to something new? Diane calls it “finding your best yes.”

    -Our stories: what we are moving on to.

    -When God does something new, it’s exciting!

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  • Episode 182 - Creating a Plan For Your Legacy of Faith - The Legacy Inventory
    Jun 3 2023

    Welcome to the last lesson (lesson four) in the online Bible study, The Four Seasons of Legacy Building. In this lesson you’ll discover how you are uniquely and wonderfully made by God to build a legacy of faith that lasts for generations.

    Show Notes & Links

    Where we’re going in this lesson:

    • You’ll discover the unique purpose God has for you using our Legacy Inventory online tool.
    • Clarify the definition of “building a legacy of faith in your everyday life.”
    • Introduction to the Legacy Inventory: How are you wonderfully made?
      • Step One: Who Am I?
      • Step Two: Where Have I Been?
      • Step Three: Where Am I Now?
      • Step Four: Who Has God Put in My Life?
      • Step Five: Putting it All Together

    As you access the online inventory, be sure you have all your tools ready (journal, Bible) and start each step by watching the video. Be ready to take notes on the video in your journal! After you watch the video, go through all the instructions and exercises for that step in the inventory. Warning: Life-changing information ahead!

    Scriptures for this lesson (New Living Translation, unless noted):

    • Romans 12:1, The Message
    • Jeremiah 29:11
    • Php. 1:6
    • Deuteronomy 11:18-21

    Links (click ‘em, they’re live):

    Click here to access the Legacy Inventory on our website.

    Click here to access a pdf of the first two chapters of Building a Legacy of Faith if you don’t have a copy.

    Click here to get your copy of Building a Legacy of Faith on sale on Amazon. Both digital and print versions are on sale.

    Click here to access our Facebook community. Join us and share your legacy!

    Be sure and email us if you have any questions or just want to say “hi.” Email chris@womenfinishingwell.com

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  • Episode 181- The Seasonal Challenges of Building a Legacy - Lesson 3
    May 21 2023

    What does building a legacy of faith look like in the different seasons of life? In this episode, some of our former podcast guests will share their current legacy-building challenges.

    Scriptures, Show Notes & Links:

    Scriptures we use in this podcast:

    1 Cor. 9:26-27

    Ps. 1:1-3

    2 Pet. 1:12-15

    Jer. 29:11

    John 15:4

    Show Notes:

    -Review of the four season of legacy building; their ages and characteristics.

    -The Challenges:

    Spring: time for parenting, friends, finding a place/time to serve.

    Summer: Change in parenting styles from the spring season because of kids' ages--giving them more freedom; job changes and trying to advance careers; finding the time and place to serve; few leadership opportunities for women this age; making time for friends.

    Fall: Identifying the next step in family and job transition; hard to let go and pass the baton to youngers, hard to connect with younger women and older women—too young for some, too old for some. Changing family status (children leaving, grandchildren arriving)

    Winter: How to ignite my stored energy to influence youngers; difficulty finding a place to serve; shifting of priorities and health challenges. The biggest challenge is the church's perceived irrelevance of women at this age.


    Click here to download the Four Seasons of Legacy Building study guide.

    Click here to check out Jean Fleming's book, Pursue the Intentional Life.

    Click here to get your copy of Building a Legacy of Faith (book by Chris Syme).

    You can email Chris at chris@womenfinishingwell.com.

    The Tree of Seasons:

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  • Episode 180 - Digging Deeper With the Study Guide
    May 5 2023

    Welcome to lesson two of our online study, The Four Seasons of Legacy Building. This episode is dedicated to helping you get started with the study guide and lead you into an immersive experience with the study material. You'll get the most out of this episode if you download the study guide first here and follow along as you go through the podcast:


    Don't be in a hurry to work through this lesson. I recommend starting with 10-15 minutes/day with your journal. Pray that God will open the eyes of your heart as you listen and journal through the guide (Ps. 119:18).

    Show Notes & Links:

    -God is the Orchestrator of all our seasons.

    -List of scriptures from the study guide. You may want to do a short study taking one scripture passage per day. We'll cover the basics of the SOAP method of study in this lesson in the Digging Deeper section. It's very user-friendly and will help you get more out of your Bible reading.

    • Psalm 1:1-3

    • Psalm 78:2-4

    • Psalm 145:4-6

    • Exodus 20:4-6

    • Colossians 3: 1-2

    • Hebrews 12:12-13

    -Be sure and use your journal to take notes as you are going through the lesson.


    Send me an email with any questions or just let me know how you're doing. You can email me at chris@womenfinishingwell.com.

    If you don't have a copy of the Tree of Seasons, you can save (right-click) the image below:

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  • Episode 179 - The Four Seasons of Legacy Building - Lesson 1
    Apr 23 2023

    Get out your journal and get ready for lesson four in our Bible study, The Tale of Two Legacies. In this episode we’ll start the process of identifying what “season” of life we’re in and how we can craft the narratives that will help us build a legacy of faith in this season.

    Show Notes:

    What 2 Listen 4 in this lesson:

    In this lesson we’re going to learn the basics about the four seasons of legacy building and discover the stories (narratives) of your season. Before you start, download the image of the tree of seasons in the show notes or right click on the image below. We will refer to it in the podcast.

    • Discover the season of life that defines where you’re at right now.
    • Each season has unique narratives that help us build a legacy during that season. More on the how-to in lesson five.
    • The seasons:
      • Spring: ages 25-40*. New, exuberant life. These are the leaves on the far left of our tree of seasons.
      • Summer: ages 41-54*. The season of strength and growth. The leaves are green and sturdy.
      • Fall: ages 55-75*. This season is normally a season of transition and change– the one with the most vibrant colors of life.
      • Winter: ages 76-plus*. This is a strong season of stored energy essential for the regeneration of seasons in the spring. The most challenging season of legacy building.

    *seasonal ages can vary a few years on either side

    • Scripture verses in this lesson (all scripture is from the New Living Translation unless otherwise noted)
    • Psalm 1:1-3
    • Psalm 78:2-4
    • Psalm 145:4-6
    • Exodus 20:4-6
    • Colossians 3: 1-2
    • Hebrews 12:12-13

    Links and downloads:

    You can download your copy of the “tree of seasons” and your lesson four study guide under the lesson four resources HERE.

    Download your Lesson 1 study guide here.

    You can email Chris at chris@womenfinishingwell.com with any questions or resources you need to access.

    CLICK to visit our Facebook page and join the community of women learning to build a legacy of faith.

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  • Episode 178 - How to Make the Most of Your Summer
    Apr 10 2023

    In this episode, we're introducing a new 4-lesson online study that will help you build a legacy of faith no matter what season of life you're in.

    Notes & Links:

    -When God wants us to step out, sometimes He leads us through some challenges. No worries--He's just getting you ready for what's next.

    -Join our new online study starting the week of April 24: The Four Seasons of Legacy Building where we will explore what it takes to build a legacy of faith in every season of your life. No matter what your age or season of life, we've got you covered.

    -This study is great for grandparents and moms who have kids out of school in the summer.

    Click here to join our Facebook community

    Click here to subscribe to our newsletter and get episodes early and chances to win free books.

    The Four Seasons of Building a Legacy Tree:

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  • Episode 177 - You've Got Questions
    Jan 31 2023

    In this episode of our new series, Help For The Hurting, we'll talk about the three kinds of questions to ask God when we are faced with a season of hurt. God wants us to bring him into our troubles. He knows the way through.

    Show Notes & Links:

    There are some common challenges we face and questions we ask in a season of hurt:

    Common challenges:

    • The misplaced "shame" of questioning God.
    • The two truths we need to establish when trouble shows up.

    Three kinds of questions we face when we hurt:

    • The questions we ask God (who, what, when, where, why)
    • The questions the world asks us: if you really are a child of God, then why did God let this happen? Did God really say?
    • The questions Jesus is asking us.

    The 5 W's: The questions and the scriptures. I encourage you to take some time and study these questions and answers to help you connect with God in a season of hurt. Today we'll talk about the first four: who, what, when, and where. We talked about the why in last week's blog post. You can read that here: https://womenfinishingwell.com/why-god-why/

    • Who is involved in the hurt—how far did it reach? Is it just me? Are there others? What is God’s take? It’s time to bring God alongside—He is the biggest “who” in the equation of every hurt. All things come through Him (not, "are caused by Him"—there is a difference. Read Romans 11:36). Are you protecting me in this? (Ps. 73:25-26, Rom 11:36, Ps. 23:7, Ps. 138: 7-8)
    • What? What just happened here, God? Am I discerning the cause, the effect? Is this important? What attacks of the enemy do I need to guard against in light of what happened? Show me what is the truth and what is a lie or a conclusion fueled by my emotions? What do you want me to see? Are you protecting me? (2 Thes. 3:3, Is. 54:17, Psalm 59, Ps. 23:5, Rom. 12:2)
    • When? How long will this last God? We need prayers for endurance, wisdom, and strength of heart and mind. When will I (my friend, these people) be restored? How can I keep connected to you in this trouble? How can I let go of this? Ask God to help you walk through the process of grieving/making amends, or whatever needs to be done in His perfect timing. (Php. 4:13, Php 4:5-7, Ps. 29:11, 2 Chron. 6:19, James 1:5, Mt. 11:28-30, John 16:33)
    • Where? Where are you, Lord? Are you here with me? Help me to see your healing hand in all this. Where can I turn? What friends, scriptures, and wisdom should I seek in this situation? It feels like You have abandoned me. (Heb. 13:5-6, Ps. 73:23-26, Ps. 37:24-26)

    Links: click 'em, they're live:

    • Listen to the kickoff episode of our new series here.
    • Sign up for our newsletter to get new episodes delivered to your Inbox and chances to win fun prizes! Click here and be sure and check your email inbox for a confirmation after you sign up.
    • Join our Facebook community. Meet other women finishing well.
    • You can email me at chris@womenfinishingwell.com
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  • Trusting God in the Season of Grief
    Jan 23 2023

    In this episode, we start a new series called Help For the Hurting. You'll want to hear this kick-off episode with writer and speaker Melanie Davis Porter as she shares how God brought her family through a season of grief, and how He used that grief to inspire Melanie to reach out to help others through her writing and everyday life.

    Show Notes & Links:

    • Defining grief as a season and how God brings balance to our seasons.
    • How the enemy of your heart can complicate your grief.
    • Defining your season of mourning and its purpose for the healing journey.
    • How to share your grief with others.
    • How looking back at God’s faithfulness helps us deal with our present hurt.
    • Why you should keep an inventory (journal) on how God shows up in your grief.
    • Andrew Murray prayer for troubled times:

      “In time of trouble, say, First, He brought me here. It is by His will I am in this strait place; in that I will rest. Next, He will keep me here in his love, and give me grace in this trial to behave as his child. Then say, He will make the trial a blessing, teaching me lessons he intends me to learn, and working in me the grace he means to bestow. And last, say, In his good time he can bring me out again. How and when, he knows. Therefore, say, I am here (1) by God’s appointment, (2) in His keeping, (3) under His training, (4) for His time.”

    Where to find Melanie…(clickable links)
    • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MelanieDavisPorter/
    • Twitter & Instagram: @melaniedavisporter
    • Blog & website: https://melaniedavisporter.com/

    *Start our podcast Bible study, The Journey Back to Your Heart, here: https://womenfinishingwell.com/episode161/

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