• Celebrating Kismit! Noticing Angel Synchronicities In Your Life As A Beautiful Gift Acknowledging Your Strength, Courage, & Divine Feminine Spiritual Progress
    Jul 29 2024

    I had some fun synchronicities pop into my life this past week so I decided to do another episode focused on honoring the unexpected coincidences that we experience. Whether it's seeing your name somewhere surprising or running into someone in an unusual place, there truly are no REAL coincidences and many of these events are orchestrated by our angels and guides to offer us confirmation that we are on our path!

    On this Divine Feminine solo episode I share about my most recent surprising synchronicity and my inspired thoughts around it. Realizing that these events appear to be a Divine confirmation that we are moving in the right direction yet also recognition from our angels of the work we are doing and strength we have shown. It can be difficult when it feels like we are in this alone with no real support or anyone to understand us. It may be a good time to check in to see if that feels true or if maybe there have been signs that perhaps you are not alone at all.

    Nature’s Whispers Oracle Cards, https://blueangelonline.com/shop/card-decks/oracle-cards/natures-whispers/

    Join the Women Waken Community on Instagram Here: https://tinyurl.com/522duz2c

    Feel free to reach out to me to see how we can work together and send your questions, feedback, and requests for future solo episodes here:
    Whitney Walker, LMFT
    License # 107082
    IG: @Womenwaken
    Youtube: @womenwaken

    Más Menos
    38 m
  • Where Are You Sacrificing Your Inner Child To Get Your Codependent Needs Met? Connecting With Your Divine Feminine Nature to Nurture & Protect Yourself & End The Cycle Of Self Harming
    Jul 26 2024

    I'm recording today from my fabulous new home for the next 3 months; a cabin on a farm! Very excited to be in this beautiful, healing space to enjoy life with my furry little girl. After getting back from my 3 week road trip to Chicago, I jumped on a call with the wonderful healer I've been working with, Jolyn Starling. After updating her on life she guided me through an inner child exercise that really shocked me so I just had to share the experience with you all and offer the insights I gained.

    On this Identify & Heal solo episode I share the visual I had during an inner child meditation that left me stunned and deeply sad. It also left me asking the question; how often am I sacrificing my inner child to meet my own codependent needs? I explain further what I mean by this and offer ways to begin identifying WHICH situations tend to jeopardize your loyalty and regard for yourself and how to begin shifting into a more protective and loving Divine Feminine energy for yourself and your inner child.

    Join the Women Waken Community on Instagram Here: https://tinyurl.com/522duz2c

    Feel free to reach out to me to see how we can work together and send your questions, feedback, and requests for future solo episodes here:
    Whitney Walker, LMFT
    License # 107082
    IG: @Womenwaken
    Youtube: @womenwaken

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • Learning To Love Dating & Find True Love; How To Heal From Your Past So You Can Step Into Your Unfathomable Divine Feminine Future
    Jul 24 2024

    Dating, love, and relationships are always some of my favorite topics to dive into. Especially for Women, the journey of dating can reveal so much about our wounding, healing, and desires. So I figure having a regular dating coach on the show could be a fabulous addition! My guest this week, Lilli Bewley, is a Dating Coach for Finding Love with over 10 years of experience in personal development. She, herself, went from just surviving in life to thriving in love and purpose. She has beautiful insights, wisdom, and guidance to share with Women looking to find love even if they've been discouraged by it in the past.

    On this guest episode Lily and I get into the daunting journey that is dating for Women. Having the courage to put ourselves out there and have faith and trust that real love is possible regardless of our age or previous experiences. Lily shares her story of finding her Divine partner and how she was able to move past limiting beliefs & patterns when it comes to love. Lily also offers the advice and guidance she gives to her clients in healing emotional trauma, understanding attachment styles, and really developing self love. She also shares some common dating myths even stating that she thinks dating apps can be a good think! Which we have a fun time getting into and sharing stories about.

    Lilli is on a mission to educate people on how dating can be fun again after a divorce, even in their 30s & 40s & 50s, & even if they've been single for forever. We have the ability to create magnetic energy in our dating lives even if we have to perform & be high achievers in other parts of our lives. Her signature Quiz, The Feminine Dating Archetype Quiz, will show women their blocks to love & help them find their true love match.st surviving in life to thriving in love & purpose. Currently, she is helping single & successful women love dating & find true love.

    Learn more about Lilly & her work here:

    IG @ lillibewley

    Más Menos
    49 m
  • Nurturing Your Garden Of Emotional Experiences; Allowing For Both Loving & Nurturing As Well As Upsetting & Traumatic Experiences To Be Tended To As A Sacred Aspect Of Your Divine Feminine Life
    Jul 22 2024

    As we begin to regard our lives as a sacred opportunity to experience all the glorious aspects of the Divine, we begin to see that there truly is no such thing as a negative event. I know...that sounds ignorant or unrealistic yet if you take some time to sit with it, in your soul you may feel that it is true. Every single thing you go through allows you to understand yourself and the Divine in a new unique way and to comprehend a deeper part of the human experience. It may not always be pleasant yet even the most undesirable events provide for rich wisdom and growth.

    On this Divine Feminine solo episode, I explore about this concept of tending to and nurturing each experience of your life in order to allow them to be embraced and integrated into your Divine self. I share a bit of my own experience of doing so and how it can allow for greater peace and acceptance of yourself and your life story rather than feeling fear and regret about your past and who you are.

    Join the Women Waken Community on Instagram Here: https://tinyurl.com/522duz2c

    Feel free to reach out to me to see how we can work together and send your questions, feedback, and requests for future solo episodes here:
    Whitney Walker, LMFT
    License # 107082
    IG: @Womenwaken
    Youtube: @womenwaken

    Más Menos
    31 m
  • Why We Accept Divine Breadcrumbs In Love, Relationships, & Other Situations & How To Give Ourselves Divine Feminine Grace For It
    Jul 19 2024

    When you're lost in the desert, even the tiniest sip of water will feel like the most glorious gift from the heavens. Why? Because you're deprived. You have a deep need and desire for something that you haven't had any of for a long period. This yearning can be experienced emotionally as well as physically. When we long for connection, acceptance, approval, belonging, love, praise, or other soul-based needs it is because there has been a deficit of them in our lives. Therefore, we will often accept a situation that offers even the slightest bit of these needs and rush in regardless of whether they are truly best for us.

    On this Identify & Heal episode I'm sharing about what I've coined as "Divine Breadcrumbs." The tiny morsels we accept in our lives in relationships, friendships, love, professional opportunities, and beyond because we've been deprived of them for so long. We then hang on to the bread crumbing source because we fear that we are are not going to experience them in a consistent and fully nourishing way. This can lead us to staying in unhealthy situations, starving, and subsisting only on this crumbs. Which is so much less than we truly deserve. So it's time to identify where this might be occurring in your life and address the underlying cause of the deprivation so that you may break free and find an abundant, nourishing source instead.

    Join the Women Waken Community on Instagram Here: https://tinyurl.com/522duz2c

    Feel free to reach out to me to see how we can work together and send your questions, feedback, and requests for future solo episodes here:
    Whitney Walker, LMFT
    License # 107082
    IG: @Womenwaken
    Youtube: @womenwaken

    Más Menos
    52 m
  • Let's Talk About Sex Magic, Baby! How To Use Your Divine Feminine Sexual Energy To Manifest Your Dreams
    Jul 17 2024

    Combine the words "Sex" & "Magic" and you're going to get people's attention. Sex Magic! What a fantastic phrases! Yet...what exactly does it mean? My guest this week, Liz Peterson, joins me this week to clarify what this fabulous thing called Sex Magic is all about and how we can begin to work with it. Liz is a trained Intuitive Energy Healer, Reiki Master, Spiritual Coach, Psychic Oracle, and certified Yoni Shakti Yoga/Yoga Nidra practitioner. A seer, seeker, and spiritual explorer, Liz Peterson uses her journey of healing, transformation, and empowerment in service.
    She is also the host of the popular show ‘Raise the Vibe with Liz Podcast’ on the power of healing that I had the pleasure of being a guest on!

    On this guest episode I have a grand ol' time talking all things sex & magic with the lovely Liz. She helps us to understand Sex Magic by explaining the definition, practices, and its significance in various spiritual traditions and contemporary contexts. She shares how to unleash your inner magician, what manifestation and its power is, how you can manifest your desires & unlock your inner energy to enhance sex magic, what your energetic system and its main components are, & what role grounding plays in your sex life. We also talk tantric and astral sex. It's a fun & wild ride, so enjoy!

    Liz recently launched Amazon’s top-ranked book ‘Sex Magic: How to Use Sexual Energy to Manifest Your Dreams’ about sexual energy and manifestation. She is also the author of another Amazon top-ranked book ‘Mom Died Last Night: My Shared Death Experience' on how to deal with grief. With love and compassion, it’s Liz's mission to assist others on their spiritual journey of inner awakening, healing, and self-empowerment.

    Learn more about Liz and her work here:


    New book ‘Sex Magic: How to Use Sexual Energy to Manifest Your Dreams’



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    54 m
  • 3 Steps For Creating A Daily Divine Feminine Practice To Cultivate & Build Self Worth & Knowing Of Intrinsic Value
    Jul 15 2024

    I've been speaking for a few episodes now about the importance of putting your focus on knowing and honoring your worth. I share quite a bit about about my own struggles with being able to do so. I've spend a few decades working to develop a stronger sense of self worth and value and it has not always been an easy or linear process. It can feel incredible frustrating to try and love & regard yourself if it has been a life long battle to do so. Yet every single being on this planet deserves to know inner peace, love, & acceptance for themselves. Which is why I want to offer and insight & guidance that I can.

    On this Divine Feminine solo episode I offer 3 steps for creating a daily practice to build self worth. Again, there is no simple formula to it yet allowing yourself to explore what's KEEPING you from believing that you are worthy and valuable is a great place to start. Once that is determined it can help to develop daily practices to work your self esteem muscles, focusing on what is wonderful & incredible about you. And from there bringing it to a spiritual level of connecting with your higher, infinite, innate worth. It's not a guarantee yet if there's a chance it can help, it's worth a try!

    Join the Women Waken Community on Instagram Here: https://tinyurl.com/522duz2c

    Feel free to reach out to me to see how we can work together and send your questions, feedback, and requests for future solo episodes here:
    Whitney Walker, LMFT
    License # 107082
    IG: @Womenwaken
    Youtube: @womenwaken

    Más Menos
    43 m
  • Do You Compromise Your Worth For Others? How To Break Free From Self Defeating Tendencies To Reclaim Your Divine Feminine Sense Of Infinite Value & Worthiness
    Jul 12 2024

    "Life gives you what you believe you're worth, not what you want."

    Every single human being on this planet is imbued with an innate sense of worth, value, & esteem. It is only through the experiences we have and beliefs we develop that cause us to think otherwise. And once we believe otherwise life can become an exhausting and devastating battle to prove our worth. When we develop our self-concept as someone who doesn't deserve the most loving, respectful, kind, and considerate treatment and regard from others, be it romantic partners, friends, family members, or colleagues, then we will never receive the high quality connection that we deserve.

    On this Identify & Heal solo episode, I share some examples of how Women often compromise their worth to keep people or situations in their lives. The problem with this is that doing so devalues ourselves and strengthens the belief that who we are is someone who isn't inherently worthy enough to be loved, accepted, heard, or seen as they are. It's time to flip the script on that! I share a recent experience of a friend gifting me the old hit book, Why Men Love Bitches, after I shared with her about my past dating experiences. It inspired me to focus this episode on why Women need to establish & know their worth & value so fundamentally that they are never willing to compromise it.

    Join the Women Waken Community on Instagram Here: https://tinyurl.com/522duz2c

    Feel free to reach out to me to see how we can work together and send your questions, feedback, and requests for future solo episodes here:
    Whitney Walker, LMFT
    License # 107082
    IG: @Womenwaken
    Youtube: @womenwaken

    Más Menos
    44 m