
  • Finding Peace with Roberta Hughes
    Dec 16 2022

    We often hear about self-care and it is definitely a buzzword right now. But there are many misconceptions about what self-care really is. Ultimately, self-care is a thing, even the small things, that bring you peace and joy. That’s why Roberta Hughes joins us today because the work she does with her clients is all about finding moments of peace and joy in their life so they can feel value and purpose.

    Roberta Hughes is the Founder and lead instructor at PeaceFull Living, a boutique hybrid studio that conveys a delicate and personalized Peaceful Living instruction through customized Pilates, Meditation, and Yoga classes. Peaceful Living grants clients a way to filter out life’s pressures through a delicate and highly personalized approach. Its nurturing and customized approach guides clients who desire to change their relationship with stress.

    In our conversation today, we discuss how to declutter our thoughts, how to find the meaningful things that bring us peace and joy, and we even talk about social media’s role in not being able to find that peace. Roberta shares her personal journey and how she was able to find her own way to living peacefully. Her tips and strategies help you build your own toolbox of self-care practices.

    Show Notes:
    • [2:07] - Welcome to the show, Roberta! Roberta shares how she started on this path as a young mother and military wife.
    • [3:31] - We learn ways to manage stress, but life pulls us out of being peaceful often.
    • [4:39] - Once we become adults, we often put ourselves at the bottom of our list.
    • [6:30] - Roberta’s clients start with the problem of not having enough time for themselves.
    • [7:44] - Creating “white space” in your schedule is the first step to making time for yourself.
    • [9:01] - Self-care does not have to be a day at the spa.
    • [10:15] - What are some of Roberta’s self-care routines?
    • [13:17] - Stimulating the nervous system is a surprising way to practice self-care.
    • [15:40] - Roberta shares a hard decision she had to make that changed a lot of her thinking.
    • [17:07] - When she saw what was possible with attention and love, Roberta’s passion developed.
    • [19:22] - Find practices that you can rely on and build your toolbox when the risk is low.
    • [20:43] - Be intentional about what triggers you.
    • [21:51] - Healthy boundaries are highly recommended and vary per individual person.
    • [23:26] - The idea of putting ourselves first does not come naturally and you may need a support system.
    Links and Resources:
    • Peacefull Living Website
    • Roberta Hughes on Facebook
    • Roberta Hughes on Instagram


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    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Tuning Into Your Energy with Rebecca Ahmed
    Nov 18 2022

    Energy is a broad term, isn’t it? Sometimes something so broad can be hard to understand. So, today’s episode is all about tuning into your energy with guest Rebecca Ahmed.

    Rebecca Ahmed is an award-winning speaker, business consultant, and an Energy Leadership Index™ Master Practitioner (ELI-MP), which is an exclusive training in human energy and how we can experience, express, and expand it in ourselves and others. Rebecca is also a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coaching Federation (ICF), and published writer. Her work has been featured in Forbes, National Association of Colleges and Employers, Talent Management & HR, Recruiting Daily, and Talent Culture. Under her direct supervision, Allegiant Airlines won Glassdoor’s “Best Places to Interview” award. Caesars Entertainment, the largest casino-entertainment company in the U.S. retained Rebecca as their new “Chief Energy Officer” in 2021.

    With all these credentials, Rebecca is an expert on this topic of energy. In our conversation today, she beautifully defines what energy really is. It’s all around us! There’s personal, mental, physical, and environmental energy. There are different levels and principles. There’s a lot we can learn, and for something this important, where do we even start?

    With Rebecca’s help, we’ll learn how to be aware of our energy, how to use it for motivation, and even how to know our worth and value.

    Show Notes:
    • [2:25] - Rebecca shares her path to her current role as a Chief Energy Officer.
    • [3:46] - There are seven levels of energy and some serve you while others don’t.
    • [5:05] - You start with an energetic assessment. Rebecca explains what this assessment shows.
    • [7:06] - This is self-care, but the term “self-care” has a selfish feel to it. This isn’t something secondary. This is an energetic recharge.
    • [8:37] - Energy is very contagious and can be used positively or negatively.
    • [10:40] - Are women more in tune with energy? Rebecca explains the difference she’s noticed.
    • [12:13] - When you’re in a negative space, that’s okay. You can move through it when you’re ready, but exercise control.
    • [14:09] - Awareness is the first step.
    • [15:34] - Rebecca shares that she didn’t know how to communicate her worth. Energy shifts changed that. Go in with the right tools.
    • [17:39] - When you are clear in your values, you can use them as tools to communicate your worth without feeling like you are bragging.
    • [19:46] - When you lead with pleasure, you have a smile on your face.
    • [21:23] - How does Rebecca stay up to date on the current research?
    • [22:55] - The starting point is all about knowing your value.
    Links and Resources:

    Energetic Impact Website

    Rebecca Ahmed on LinkedIn


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    Más Menos
    25 m
  • Channeling Your Passion Into Writing with Annette Berkovits
    Nov 4 2022

    Inspiration can come from anywhere, but for today’s guest, her family has been the biggest inspiration of all, creating opportunities to channel her passion into writing. Author Annette Berkovits does just that with each and every one of her books and today she shares her journey.

    Annette Libeskind Berkovits was born in Kyrgyzstan and grew up in postwar Poland and the fledgling state of Israel before coming to the U.S. at age sixteen. Despite being uprooted from country to country, Berkovits has channeled her passions into language study and writing. 

    Her first memoir, In the Unlikeliest of Places: How Nachman Libeskind Survived the Nazis, Gulags and Soviet Communism, a story of her father’s remarkable survival, was published in 2014. She is also the author of a second memoir, Confessions of an Accidental Zoo Curator, a poetry book, Erythra Thalassa: Brain Disrupted, and a historical fiction novel, The Corset Maker. Aftermath: Coming of Age on Three Continents is her latest release and all have been inspired by the family that surrounds and supports her.

    Today, Annette not only discusses her books, but along the way she shares what was surprising during her writing process, what it was like to dive into her family’s history, and even what books she likes to read herself. Her advice is so valuable to everyone.

    Show Notes:
    • [2:29] - Annette’s father left her “buried treasure” which created a desire for her to share his story.
    • [4:02] - Her father wanted to share the stories even though they were hard. He was optimistic.
    • [5:29] - Through her writing, Annette was able to bring life to these stories.
    • [6:31] - Her father also painted and his work is on display in New York.
    • [8:15] - Annette tells the story of her father fleeing Nazi Germany during WWII.
    • [11:07] - Her first book, the memoir of her father, included years of research.
    • [12:05] - Annette shares about the types of writing she has done, including poetry.
    • [13:34] - Further inspired by her family’s history, Annette wrote a book called The Corset Maker.
    • [16:19] - You should write because you want to write, not just to be published.
    • [17:56] - Annette has also been inspired by the life of her son.
    • [20:32] - As a writer, you need to read, keep writing, and promote on social media. It takes time.
    • [21:37] - Annette shares some of her recent reads and why she reads across all genres.
    • [25:14] - Annette’s simple advice is, “It’s never too late.”
    Links and Resources:
    • Annette Berkovits Website
    • Facebook


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    Más Menos
    28 m
  • Establishing Brand Equity with Ari Kryzek
    Oct 21 2022

    Brand equity is a big buzzword in the business world. Brands like Apple are highly recognizable not just for what they sell but also for what they stand for. Today, all businesses strive to have that type of impact with their brands. My guest today is an expert at helping women transform their business visions through building brand equity. 

    Ari Kryzek, CEO & Head of Strategy at Chykalophia, is a certified brand strategist. She works with women-led firms to help them carve out their brands and build brand equity. She’s also the host of the Halo Femtech podcast honoring innovative female disrupters. 

    So how can you hone in on your brand equity while staying true to your principles? In our conversation today, Ari shares her journey, her advice for women-led brands, and the questions you need to ask to dig deeper into your own story to build a brand that will create far-reaching customer connection and loyalty. 

    Show Notes:
    • [2:10] - Ari shares her foundational journey growing up in Bali.
    • [4:04] - The discovery that made Ari want to step into the role of helping women. 
    • [7:07] - The main ingredients needed for a rewarding growth journey in business. 
    • [8:46] - Ari explains brand equity, the perception we attach to brands, and how it builds over time.  
    • [10:10] - Brand equity begins with aligning your values with your brand.
    • [13:10] - Ari shares how to stay true to your principles when establishing your brand.
    • [15:31] - The most important questions to ask when creating an innovative brand. 
    • [16:33] - What is the one thing that only you can deliver?  
    • [18:23] - Ari shares how flexibility infuses her creativity, curiosity, and excitement and helps her thrive.  
    • [21:28] - Ari shares resources to help you hone in on your own powerful brand message.  
    • [22:57] - How Ari’s Halo Femtech podcast is helping women thrive in all areas of their health.
    • [25:01] - Why following your heart will lead you to the right thing to do every time.
    Links and Resources:
    • Ari Kryzek
    • Chykalophia 
    • Halo Femtech podcast
    • Ari on LinkedIn
    • Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller
    • The Brand Gap by Marty Neumeier   


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    Más Menos
    27 m
  • Getting More Women on Corporate Boards with Jocelyn Mangan
    Oct 7 2022

    It’s no secret that the corporate boardroom is still a “man’s world,” but we also know that diversity at every level of an organization is so impactful. And when it comes to getting more women on corporate boards, you won’t find many more passionate than today’s guest Jocelyn Mangan.

    Jocelyn is a co-founder of Him For Her, a social impact venture that aims at accelerating diversity on boards. Him For Her is building the boardroom of the future by making female candidates more visible. Prior to founding Him For Her, Jocelyn spent over 20 years in the tech field and in our conversation today, she describes her journey and the pivot she made into entrepreneurship.

    So what prevents women from getting their seat at the table? Jocelyn shares the interesting myths about being board ready and the new challenges brought to us in recent years, including the challenge of personal wellness in leadership.

    Show Notes:
    • [1:57] - Jocelyn spent 20+ years in tech but pivoted to entrepreneurship.
    • [4:22] - Although the job is demanding, the definition of readiness is broad.
    • [6:30] - What prevents women from being on corporate boards?
    • [7:32] - Board members are chosen based on similarities and create a lack of diversity.
    • [8:39] - Jocelyn explains the reason behind choosing the name Him For Her.
    • [10:05] - Age diversity is a real need.
    • [12:16] - Through Him For Her, Jocelyn felt a much deeper sense of purpose.
    • [13:32] - Although she uses a lot of skills she learned in previous roles, Jocelyn continues to learn new things as an entrepreneur.
    • [15:26] - Jocelyn shares the routines that keep her mind open and strengthen a growth mindset.
    • [18:20] - When it comes to effective leadership, sleep and wellness are crucial.
    • [21:09] - For Jocelyn, sleep and quality of sleep are top wellness priorities.
    • [22:34] - There are many ways to get into the boardroom. Jocelyn shares her tips.
    Links and Resources:
    • Him For Her Website
    • Jocelyn on LinkedIn


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    Más Menos
    24 m
  • Finding Your Baseline: Voice, Verbal Cues, and Non-Verbal Cues
    Sep 16 2022

    When it comes to communicating, there are a surprising number of elements that go into effectively speaking to others, whether that be in a professional setting or a personal one. And it all starts with knowing your baseline.

    In this episode, I explain what a baseline is and how the knowledge of your own baseline can impact the effectiveness of your communication.

    As you are thinking about your baseline, you have to consider things like the sound of your voice and body language. It is broken down into three parts: voice, verbal cues, and non-verbal cues. Listen on to find out more about each and the magical thing that happens when all three align.

    Show Notes:
    • [1:08] - Baseline communication is something we don’t often consider. What is the baseline?
    • [2:33] - The baseline is broken down into voice, verbal cues, and non-verbal cues.
    • [3:23] - Pitch is how you modulate your voice.
    • [4:01] - Upspeak is a lilt up at the end of a sentence and doesn’t help you come across as a thought leader.
    • [5:18] - The baseline and your voice has a lot to do with breathing.
    • [6:06] - Verbal fluency is the ability to think and grab the words you need.
    • [7:38] - Does your body language match what you are saying?
    • [8:42] - Your body helps tell the story.
    • [10:40] - Reach out to Deirdre to learn more about a baseline assessment.


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    11 m
  • Did You Get the Memo? with Yemi Penn
    Sep 2 2022

    Did you get the memo or do you feel like you missed something? Today’s guest admits that for a long time, she felt that she had totally missed the memo. But in reality, she just hadn’t made her own yet.

    Today’s guest is Yemi Penn, an engineer by profession, a fascinating and successful entrepreneur, author, speaker, and transformation mindset coach. In our conversation, Yemi helps us understand transformation and how we can make the necessary shifts to feeling empowered.

    Yemi uses the “memo” comparison to life because many of us feel or have felt at some point that we’re not living life the way we should. We might feel like we’re not on the right path or that it's too late to make a change. But as Yemi explains in this episode, it’s never too late to start trusting yourself.

    So did you get the memo? Don’t worry if you’ve missed it because it probably wasn’t for you anyway. Let’s get started writing your own memo.

    Show Notes:
    • [0:25] - This week’s episode is all about transformation and feeling empowered with Yemi Penn.
    • [2:11] - Welcome to the show, Yemi! She shares how she found herself as an engineer.
    • [4:15] - Yemi relocated and realized she “didn’t get the memo”.
    • [5:14] - There isn’t one memo for everybody. Take your power back and make your own.
    • [6:39] - It is never too late to make your memo.
    • [7:54] - Trauma plays a big role in the memo we’ve missed and the one we create.
    • [11:27] - Did I Choose My Trauma? is one of Yemi’s documentaries available on YouTube.
    • [12:18] - Yemi explains how to listen to your body and how to get radically honest with yourself.
    • [14:51] - Yemi’s book Did You Get the Memo? covers a lot of ground.
    • [17:18] - The readers of this book range in age, gender, and cultures.
    • [19:37] - Yemi believes many people live by other peoples’ memos.
    • [21:18] - What keeps Yemi motivated and moving forward?
    • [22:33] - Staying busy is one way people cope with trauma, but Yemi says to quiet the noise.
    • [24:00] - Bending the rules is okay and sometimes you need to outsource.
    • [25:01] - Trust yourself.
    Links and Resources:
    • YemiPenn.com
    • Yemi on Instagram


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    Más Menos
    27 m
  • The Power of Relationship Building with Mary D’Souza
    Aug 19 2022

    Today’s guest is proof that you can have it all and you don’t have to wait. Mary D’Souza has built a very successful career and focuses her efforts on living her best life. But what’s her secret?

    For Mary, it has always boiled down to relationship building. In her experiences in private credit, equity, real estate, and investment banking, Mary learned what it takes to build meaningful relationships when you want to move forward with an investment. And now as the Chief Investment Officer at Misha Investments, she continues to build relationships with team members and clients.

    Not only are relationships with clients important, but Mary also discusses the impact of a mentor/mentee relationship and the fostering of trust that goes into this kind of connection. She says that in order to build the best life ever, you have to surround yourself with the “best” people. To her, that means the people who share your values and people you can learn from.

    Mary is full of wonderful tips that are not only great for business, but for life in general. Like not letting the things you can’t control get you down. Or choosing to be happy now instead of waiting for something to happen. 

    So listen to this interview with Mary and learn about the connection between financial freedom, the value of time, and building relationships.

    And of course, as an expert in finance and investments, Mary shares some very valuable information about making investments on your journey to financial freedom.

    Show Notes:
    • [0:11] - Today’s episode is about time, relationships, and investments with Mary D’Souza.
    • [2:12] - Mary describes her background and the current roles she holds.
    • [4:27] - In order to be successful, you must know your audience.
    • [6:18] - Time is valuable. You have to have short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals.
    • [7:11] - What is the difference between a mentor and a sponsor?
    • [9:04] - Sometimes, you are adding value to another person when you say no.
    • [10:34] - Whatever you learn, you can use to move forward.
    • [12:35] - How is “The Great Resignation” an exciting time?
    • [14:03] - You don’t have to make the same mistakes you see others make.
    • [17:45] - There are always things out of our control.
    • [19:29] - You have to play the long game with the big picture in mind.
    • [20:27] - Don’t be too hard on yourself.
    • [22:00] - Mary advises investing early and gives basic tips on investing.
    • [23:29] - You can have it all. You don’t have to wait.
    Links and Resources:
    • Mary on LinkedIn
    • Abundance: The Future is Better Than You Think by Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler


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