
  • Jesus heals ten lepers
    Oct 6 2020
    Jesus heals a mixed group of ten lepers - both Jew and Samaritan - but only one Samaritan returns to thank Jesus. They were sent to show themselves to the priests in Jerusalem to prove their healing which would in turn point to Jesus as the healer.
    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Jesus teaches on the coming of the Kingdom
    Oct 6 2020
    In response to a question from Pharisees, Jesus teaches about the Kingdom of God. His first coming was the inauguration and his second coming would bring it to fulfilment.
    Más Menos
    31 m
  • The Parable of the Persistent Widow
    Oct 6 2020
    In the light of Jesus' teaching about his Second Coming, he gives this parable to encourage us to be persistent in prayer.
    Más Menos
    29 m
  • The Parable of the Pharisee & the Tax Collector
    Oct 6 2020
    Jesus uses two extremes in the Jewish religious culture to teach that God does not show mercy according to the works of the self-righteous but to the repentant heart of the sinner.
    Más Menos
    32 m
  • Marriage, divorce and singleness
    Oct 6 2020
    Jesus responds to two questions about divorce. He points to the creation of man and woman and does not uphold easy divorce. He sets a high standard of marriage for his disciples and supports singleness as an option.
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    32 m
  • Jesus and little children
    Oct 6 2020
    Jesus shows that children are important in the Kingdom and includes them in the same way he includes others on the fringes of society. Adults can learn from children.
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    30 m
  • Jesus & the rich young man
    Oct 6 2020
    The rich young ruler wanted to please God by following religious rules. Jesus shocked him by telling him to give away his wealth and follow him. He was not willing but for those who do - there will be reward in heaven.
    Más Menos
    30 m
  • The parable of the workers in the vineyard
    Oct 6 2020
    Jesus taught this parable to show God's graciousness to even those who do not deserve it. Whoever responds to His call, receives eternal life.
    Más Menos
    31 m