
  • Jesus launches his preaching ministry
    Oct 3 2020
    Three different perspectives are given of Jesus in Galilee. Isaiah's prophecy, the Kingdom of God and the power of the Spirit are all given consideration.
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    29 m
  • Jesus heals a government official’s son
    Jan 11 2021
    Jesus returns to Cana in Galilee. A Jewish royal official seeks him out and asks for healing for his son. The first of many healing miracles. Faith in terms of earnestness and persistence is encouraged.
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    28 m
  • Jesus’ “Nazareth Manifesto”
    Oct 3 2020
    Jesus in his home, Nazareth, reads in the synagogue from Isaiah about the Servant of the Lord. This is Jesus' spiritual manifesto. The Spirit appointed him to preach, proclaim freedom from sin, heal, free the oppressed and declare God's favour. Mixed reception from his hearers.
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    28 m
  • Miracles in Capernaum
    Oct 3 2020
    Jesus has authority to heal the sick. Many are brought after the Sabbath ends. Jesus also has authority over demons. We are in a spiritual battle today.
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    26 m
  • Jesus starts touring Galilee
    Oct 3 2020
    Jesus spends time in solitary prayer. He travels around Galilee but many travel long distances to see him. Momentum is building and many are healed.
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    24 m
  • The formal calling of the first disciples
    Oct 3 2020
    Jesus calls fishermen to fish for men. They experience a miraculous catch of fish. Some are called to be more than followers - they are called to lead. Teamwork is important.
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    30 m
  • The man healed of leprosy
    Oct 3 2020
    A leper is cured and sent to the priests, following regulations that they must declare him cured. Leprosy has severe social consequences. Jesus again takes time to pray.
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    28 m
  • The healing of the paralysed man
    Oct 3 2020
    Jesus is investigated by religious leaders. A paralysed man is let down through the roof and healed. This healing demonstrates Jesus' power to forgive sins which only God can do. The title Son of Man from Daniel is introduced.
    Más Menos
    28 m