
  • The End of A Season: 4 Years Of Podcasting
    May 7 2024

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    This is an episode where I'm giving you more vulnerability and behind-the-scenes than I typically do.

    I'm actually recording from the hotel room I have to myself in Palm Beach, Florida, where I came to take a break after the hardest, most intense year of my life.

    I'm at one of those points where I need to really prioritize my and my family's well-being.

    And while I'm more grateful now than ever for the business I've built and the kind, supportive clients I work with — something that does have to change (for now) is the podcast.

    So we're going to conclude this season and Yoga Boss Podcast will take a pause.

    I'm going to spend the Summer pouring into myself, my family and my clients — and I will come back refreshed and ready to deliver you more quality episodes later on.

    Please enjoy listening to or revisiting the 215 episodes we've accumulated for you over the past four years in the meantime!

    And if you're eager to get continued guidance and support, check out the links below because The Business of Yoga Course and Membership will be going strong.


    • How "consistency in your business" is important and can look a lot of different ways
    • How I've come to these decisions and what's been easy (and hard) about it
    • The skill of gracefully saying No to things that aren't meant for you anymore
    • What mature business owners need to focus on, to make hard decisions and handle tough times
    • A question I'm using - that you can pose to yourself - to make a decision you trust in moments like these

    Get more!

    • Make sure you follow @thebusinessofyoga on Instagram - where I will still be posting!
    • If you want weekly Coaching, join The Business of Yoga Course and Membership. Master the business skills you weren't taught in teacher training. Join here.
    • If you're a Yoga Business Owner with consistent $8-10k months, looking to go to $30/40/50k months, submit your application for the Grow Mastermind.
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    16 m
  • 3 Types of Media
    Apr 9 2024

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    Marketing is a skill you can learn and master over time. And one you need to!

    Because most of us don't leave Teacher Training with the skill of Marketing in our back pockets.

    Here's a great analogy to distinguish marketing from the different media types we'll break down in today's episode:

    • Marketing is your message. You build and work on crafting it over time. It's like the water you serve people.
    • Media are the tools you use to deliver that message. Like the many different glasses you can serve the water in.

    When you know how to master your marketing, and you know the different media you can use to deliver it, you can effectively get your message out there, make more sales, and grow your business!


    • What Earned Media is and how to generate it
    • What Owned Media is and why it's so valuable
    • What Paid Media is and how to know when it's time for you to use it

    Get more!

    • Grab your Free Ticket for the next masterclass on April 22: How to Grow Your Yoga Business on Instagram
    • Follow @thebusinessofyoga on Instagram
    • The Business of Yoga Course and Membership is open now. Master the business skills you weren't taught in teacher training. Join here.
    • If you're a Yoga Business Owner with consistent $8-10k months, looking to go to $30/40/50k months, submit your application for the Grow Mastermind.
    Más Menos
    17 m
  • The Truth Of Business
    Apr 2 2024

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    So many of the Yoga Boss Podcast episodes give you massive information in the form of actions to take and strategies to employ.

    In fact, in one of my most popular masterclasses (How to Grow Your Yoga Business on Instagram), I give you step-by-step guide for exactly what to do in your IG Stories, what to post, etc. Grab your Free Ticket for the next masterclass on April 15!

    Today, I want to convey the MOST important thing when it comes to creating results in your business. Because it's not just actions you take.

    The limitations you face in your business will be predominantly created in your mind. The wins you experience will be too!

    Your mind is like a projector. The thoughts you're thinking will project out onto reality.

    Today, we're diving into how to understand your thoughts, how to best respond to 6 common limiting fears, and how to build a mindset that will set you up to create AND experience success in your business.

    Thinking like a business owner is a business skill that you have to acquire.

    This is the first step!


    • What happens in your business when you truly understand your mind and your beliefs
    • The breakdown of where different thoughts come from in your brain
    • The 6 key fears to look out for as potential "oversensitive smoke alarm" thoughts
    • How to turn "I can't" into "How can I?"

    Get more!

    • Grab your Free Ticket for the next masterclass on April 15: How to Grow Your Yoga Business on Instagram
    • Follow @thebusinessofyoga on Instagram
    • The Business of Yoga Course and Membership is open now. Master the business skills you weren't taught in teacher training. Join here.
    • If you're a Yoga Business Owner with consistent $8-10k months, looking to go to $30/40/50k months, submit your application for the Grow Mastermind.
    Más Menos
    32 m
  • Make Your After Class Announcement Effective
    Mar 19 2024

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    In Episode 213, I teach you exactly what you should be doing in your after class announcements.

    This will apply to you, whether you're teaching group Asana classes, a Meditation Teacher or a Studio Owner.

    Here's why I'm so passionate about this: In my first year teaching yoga full-time, I drove 40,000 miles in one city, teaching class after class — and that year, I only made $15k.

    Why? Because I didn't have the business skills I needed to make sure the time I spent teaching turned into more revenue.

    I didn't have anyone telling me "You need marketing and selling skills, and you need to create an irresistible offer."

    I was just hoping my after class announcement would make people want to do a Private Session with me, or join a Retreat with me.

    But just saying the logistics of your next offer out loud will not generate revenue.

    When you do these announcements right, your students will rave about their experience at your studio or in your class, they'll refer more people to you, and your sales will increase!


    • How to differentiate delivering from selling
    • What most Yoga businesses do wrong here
    • Why the Bystander Effect keeps people from jumping on your after class announcement
    • Exactly what you need to make a clear, well-crafted offer
    • How many logistics to include in your announcement (hint: zero)

    Get more!

    • Follow @thebusinessofyoga on Instagram
    • The Business of Yoga Course and Membership is open now. Master the business skills you weren't taught in teacher training. Join here.
    • If you're a Yoga Business Owner with consistent $8-10k months, looking to go to $30/40/50k months, submit your application for the Grow Mastermind.
    Más Menos
    17 m
  • Q&A Episode: Managing Money, Sleeping, Staying Focused and Never Being Pushy
    Mar 12 2024

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    If you don't follow me on Instagram yet, make sure you do now! @thebusinessofyoga

    From time to time, I'll ask you to let me know what questions you have, and create an entire podcast episode around the answers - which is exactly what we're doing today.

    These episodes give me chance to share more behind-the-scenes info about who I am and how I run my business.

    And you get answers to the specific questions on your mind!

    Question 1: "P+L / Good finance standards to follow?"

    Question 2: "Tell us about your relationship with sleep"

    Question 3: "Where's the balance between being bold and being pushy when having an initial conversation with leads"

    Question 4: "Do you get distracted? What do you do to pull back into consistency, focus and what matters?"


    • Finance standards for your Yoga Business, what to track, and how to evaluate it
    • My personal approach to and mindset around sleep
    • How to talk to potential clients without being pushy
    • How I use planning to stay focused in my business while still staying open to new ideas, and how I decide what matters most
    • My strategy for staying focused throughout each day (and what I do when I get distracted!)

    Get more!

    • Get the free "How to Grow your Yoga Business on Instagram" Masterclass
    • Follow @thebusinessofyoga on Instagram
    • The Business of Yoga Course and Membership is open now. Join here.
    • If you're a Yoga Business Owner with consistent $8-10k months, looking to go to $30/40/50k months, message me on IG to learn about the Grow Mastermind: @thebusinessofyoga
    Más Menos
    19 m
  • 5 ways to grow your yoga business without social media
    Mar 5 2024

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    If you want to grow your Yoga Business but don't want to use social media, I'm here to tell you it's possible.

    In this episode, I'm giving you five different ways to grow your business that will work online and offline!

    PS, if you do want to use the tool of social media to grow your business - I say, let's do it.

    I want you to know you don't have to hate or dread posting, or forever struggle to figure out what to say.

    (As a member of The Business of Yoga Membership, you get an email every single week with four Reel Prompts, including trending audio, the "hook" language, and text for your caption and call to action. You also get forty-four more ways to grow your business! Get in on this right now!)


    • Look at your reasons for not wanting to use social media (and make sure they're really aligned for your business)
    • Become a person of influence in your field
    • Intentionally build a referral-based business
    • "Be a host" (and why)
    • Collaborate with other business owners
    • Nail your email marketing

    Get more!

    • Follow @thebusinessofyoga on Instagram
    • The Business of Yoga Course and Membership is open now. Join here.
    • If you're a Yoga Business Owner with consistent $8-10k months, looking to go to $30/40/50k months, message me on IG to learn about the Grow Mastermind: @thebusinessofyoga
    Más Menos
    16 m
  • When your students say, "I'll just do this on my own..."
    Feb 28 2024

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    Today we're exploring a common objection we all encounter in sales: "I'll just do this on my own."

    This often sounds like, "I'll do this on YouTube; I'll do it on my own for free; I don't need to pay for yoga."

    And as a service provider, you want to know how to handle it!

    To clarify, handling this objection does not mean "push someone into buying" or "force them to be a Yes."

    What it does mean is holding space for people to see they're having a thought that's in their way of them achieving the result they want.

    This thought is holding them back from saying Yes to themselves.

    When you're able to handle this objection, you're better equipped to help someone get proprioception in their body, understand mindfulness in their body, and master what they want to learn (with someone there to help them) - things they can't get from watching a YouTube video "on their own"!


    • How to let someone know you're on the same team as them (aka not be confrontational or pushy)
    • How to help them see what the mental, physical and energetic costs of "doing it on their own" can be
    • The one question to ask someone (and why) when you're having this conversation
    • The crucial reminder people need to hear: that learning about yoga is not the same as actually having the skill to do it on your own

    Get more!

    • If you're a Yoga Business Owner with consistent $8-10k months, looking to go to $30/40/50k months, the Grow Mastermind is for you! Message me @thebusinessofyoga on IG
    • Follow @thebusinessofyoga on Instagram
    • In The Business of Yoga Course, you'll learn how to have a sales conversation and talk through different objections: Join here!
    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Action Takers Are Money Makers
    Feb 20 2024

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    Ready to work less in your business AND make more money?

    Keep listening.

    Because I know you didn't start your business to be burnt out and overwhelmed.

    You started it because it's something you're truly passionate about. And you want that passion to help you build a life you love - not take away from it!

    What's going to make the difference for you is getting into BIG action. And not staying stuck in inaction.

    This means not waiting for the "perfect circumstances" until you take action like showing up in social media or talking to people about your course.

    And not getting stuck in the "idea phase" of deciding your offer, your pricing, your niche.

    Inaction keeps you from serving the students you're meant to serve.

    But it's not your fault if you feel stuck. Doing the same things you've always done (i.e. never risking failure) feels like it'll keep you safe - at least to the primitive part of your brain!

    Your job is to bring awareness to what's going on here. And to intentionally choose what you want to create.

    You have to be willing to get out of your comfort zone and take Big Action to put yourself in the right position for the opportunities to grow your business when they come.

    Wealth loves speed.

    So go take Big Action. And watch your wealth grow!


    • Why taking more action is going to make you more money
    • How to stop doing work "in your head" and start doing it out in the world
    • How to organize your schedule using Free Days, Implementation Days and Delivery Days
    • What we're doing in the Grow Mastermind In-Person Retreat that demonstrates big action perfectly!

    Get more!

    • Find out if the Grow Mastermind is the right fit for you: Message me @thebusinessofyoga on IG
    • Register for The Grow Challenge (Feb 19-23rd 2024) to learn how to make more in your Yoga Business and keep more profit!
    • Follow @thebusinessofyoga on Instagram
    • The Business of Yoga Course and Membership is open now. Join here.
    • Private Business Coaching Available: Apply here
    Más Menos
    18 m