
  • Activist Special! Youth Take Over the HRC!
    Jun 7 2024

    Ever wanted to learn more about advocating at the UN for human rights as a young person? Curious about getting involved with the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) but no idea what it's about or where to start?

    Then look no further activist angels! In this Advocacy Special episode CHOICE's Advocacy Team sits down to spill the tea on all things HRC and being a youth activist at the UN in Geneva!

    Acronyms used:

    • SRHR = Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
    • CSE = Comprehensive Sexuality Education
    • MIYP = Meaningful and Inclusive Youth Participation
    • SGBV = Sexual and Gender Based Violence

    CHOICE's info:

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    Podcast theme music by Transistor.fm

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Activist Special! What's the Tea with the ICPD?
    Mar 12 2024

    Curious about how to get involved with the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), but no idea where to start? Or interest to learn about why it's important for youth activists to be in such advocacy spaces? Or Love SRHR???

    Then look no further activist angels! In this Advocacy Special episode CHOICE's Youth Advocates sits down to spill the tea on all things ICPD and how youth activists can get involved in this huge international moment of change!

    For our youth-friendly ICPD engagement resources, check out this link: https://www.nairobisummiticpd.org/publication/youth

    Acronyms used:

    • SRHR = Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
    • CSE = Comprehensive Sexuality Education
    • MIYP = Meaningful and Inclusive Youth Participation
    • SGBV = Sexual and Gender Based Violence

    CHOICE's info:

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    Podcast theme music by Transistor.fm

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • Activist Special! Why do we care about the CSW?
    Feb 27 2024

    Ever wanted to learn more about advocating at the UN for gender equality? Curious about getting involved with the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) but no idea what it's about or where to start?

    Then look no further activist angels! In this Advocacy Special episode CHOICE's Advocacy Team sits down to spill the tea on all things CSW and being a youth activist at the UN in New York!

    Acronyms used:

    • SRHR = Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
    • CSE = Comprehensive Sexuality Education
    • MIYP = Meaningful and Inclusive Youth Participation
    • SGBV = Sexual and Gender Based Violence

    CHOICE's info:

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    Podcast theme music by Transistor.fm

    Más Menos
    39 m
  • Young and Powerful & Finding Power in Menstrual Health Literacy
    Jan 11 2024

    In this episode CHOICE is joined by Sanjina Gupta, the founder and CEO of Rangeen Khidki Foundation in India. Rangeen Khidki works on sexual and reproductive health and rights, bodily autonomy, and menstrual health literacy. Sanjina and Poppy (CHOICE host) dive into menstrual health myths and taboos, why body literacy is so crucial for young people and much more!!

    Trigger Warning:
    Mention of sexual harassment and abuse, please take care and be kind to yourself when listening to this episode if these are triggers for you.

    Acronyms used:

    • SRHR = Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
    • CSE = Comprehensive Sexuality Education
    • MIYP = Meaningful and Inclusive Youth Participation
    • SGBV = Sexual and Gender Based Violence

    Rangeen Khidki info:

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    Podcast theme music by Transistor.fm

    Más Menos
    1 h y 5 m
  • Young and Powerful & Understanding Pleasure and SRHR with Riju Dhakal
    Dec 19 2023

    In this episode CHOICE is joined by Riju Dhakal, a young activist working on the pleasure-positive approach for SRHR. Riju is an Advocacy Officer at ARROW and a fellow of the Pleasure Project. Riju and Poppy (CHOICE host) discuss youth activism for SRHR, what the pleasure-positive approach entails and much more!!

    Acronyms used:

    • SRHR = Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
    • CSE = Comprehensive Sexuality Education
    • MIYP = Meaningful and Inclusive Youth Participation
    • SGBV = Sexual and Gender Based Violence

    Pleasure Project Fellowship

    CHOICE's info:

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    Podcast theme music by Transistor.fm

    Más Menos
    1 h y 11 m
  • Young and Powerful & De Tweede Kamerverkiezingen
    Nov 10 2023

    This special Parliamentary Elections Edition is in Dutch and is hosted by CHOICE's very own Executive Director Jannemiek Evelo!

    Voor deze speciale verkiezingseditie van de Young & Powerful Podcast gaat CHOICE's directeur, Jannemiek Evelo, in gesprek met Lisa Philippo, secretaris van het CHOICE-bestuur. Samen bespreken ze hun zorgen en hoop voor de verkiezingen van 22 november, wat er op het spel staat voor seksuele en reproductieve gezondheid en rechten, en nog veel meer! Bovendien sluit er voor deze speciale editie een extra gast aan, Lyle Muns, die op nummer 37 staat op de kandidatenlijst van GroenLinks/PvdA. Hij zal met ons praten over hoe het is om als jongere verkiesbaar te zijn en waarom het zo belangrijk is dat jonge mensen gaan stemmen.

    - English -
    In this podcast episode of "Young & Powerful with CHOICE for Youth & Sexuality," Jannemiek Evelo, the Executive Director of CHOICE, and Lisa Philippo, the secretary of the board, take you on an exploration of the upcoming Dutch Parliamentary elections. These elections are crucial, not only for the political landscape but also for young people and their future. As this podcast is per exception in Dutch, we highlighted the key points in English below.

    We express concerns about the uncertainty of the election outcome and the hardening of the political climate. We emphasize the importance of these elections for the younger generation. We highlight two crucial themes: pressure on development cooperation and the debate on gender, sexuality, and reproductive health. The controversy surrounding sexual education in schools illustrates the increasing spread of misinformation.

    The politicized nature of sexuality is discussed, and we discuss current debates around the importance of removing abortion from the Penal Code. The podcast also covers the regulation of sex work, and the call for free contraception for all. We then explain the importance of development cooperation and its impact on global inequality. We touch upon budget cuts and shifting funds toward the reception of asylum seekers.

    Lyle Muns, a candidate on the GroenLinks/PvdA list and an advocacy officer at the Aidsfonds, joins the discussion. He shares his motivation for running, the importance of youth representation, and highlights topics that deserve more media attention.

    We encourage young people to explore political stances using the "Politieke Sekswijzer" a tool to help find the party that best aligns with their views on sexual and reproductive health and rights.

    Links mentioned

    • Aritkel Correspondent over budget voor ontwikkelingssamenwerking
    • De Politieke Sekswijzer
    • Opiniestuk Parool van Lyle Muns over de Anti-Rechtenbeweging in Nederland

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    Podcast theme music by Transistor.fm

    Más Menos
    50 m
  • Young and Powerful & Le Leadership des Jeunes au Sénégal
    Nov 3 2023

    -The following podcast is recorded in French-

    Dans cet épisode, Jamila de l’équipe de CHOICE nous parle depuis la Connector Week 2023 avec comme invitée, Awa Niasse, assistante de programme au Sénégal pour la ANJ. Au fil du podcast, elles discutent de leadership de la jeunesse et du renforcement du PSIJ (participation significative et inclusive des jeunes) dans le contexte du Sénégal, ou Awa a grandi.

    Awa détaille son expérience avec les jeunes notamment avec Ousmane, sous le programme Power to Youth, au niveau du Sénégal. Renforcement de capacités, communauté, stratégies de plaidoyer, leadership, Awa soutient les jeunes et les poussent à évoluer sur le long terme, et nous partage son envie et sa motivation de faire bouger les choses et inclure la jeunesse dans les processus politiques, au Sénégal.

    ANJ's info:

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    Podcast theme music by Transistor.fm

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • Young and Powerful & Bridging Climate Justice with SRHR
    Oct 6 2023

    In this episode CHOICE is joined by Joy Hayley Munthali, a young activist working on climate justice and reproductive justice in Malawi. Joy is the Founder and Director of Green Girls Platform, whose work focuses on advocacy addressing the climate crisis and how it intersects with issues of sexual and reproductuve health. Joy and Poppy (CHOICE host) discuss how these issues intersects, why it is so important for girls and young women to be involved in decision-making on the climate crisis, and why climate justice requires an intersectional lens, and more!!

    Trigger Warning:
    Mention of sexual harassment, please take care and be kind to yourself when listening to this episode if these are triggers for you.

    Acronyms used:

    • SRHR = Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
    • CSE = Comprehensive Sexuality Education
    • MIYP = Meaningful and Inclusive Youth Participation
    • SGBV = Sexual and Gender Based Violence

    Green Girls Platform info:

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    CHOICE's info:

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    Podcast theme music by Transistor.fm

    Más Menos
    1 h y 6 m